182 research outputs found

    Autonomous control of a reconfigurable constellation of satellites on geostationary orbit with artificial potential fields

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    This paper presents a method of controlling a constellation of small satellites in Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) such that the constellation is able to reconfigure - changing the angular position of its members relative to the Earth’s surface in order to cluster them above particular target longitudes. This is enabled through the use of an artificial potential function whose minimum value corresponds to a state where the phase angle between each satellite and its intended target is minimised. By linking the tangential low-thrust acceleration of each satellite to this artificial potential function, the altitude of each satellite relative to the nominal GEO altitude is manipulated in order to achieve the required drift rate. A demonstration of the efficacy of the method is given through a simple test case in which a constellation of 90 satellites converge upon 3 equatorial targets, with each target requiring the attention of a varying number of spacecraft from the constellation. The constellation performance is analysed in terms of the time taken for the satellites to converge over their targeted longitudes and the Dv required to actuate the phasing maneuvers. This analysis is performed across a parameter space by varying the number of satellites in the constellation, the number of targeted longitudes, and a parameter representing the maximum acceleration of the thruster

    Self-organising satellite constellation in geostationary Earth orbit

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    This paper presents a novel solution to the problem of autonomous task allocation for a self-organizing satellite constellation in Earth orbit. The method allows satellites to cluster themselves above targets on the Earth’s surface. This is achieved using Coupled Selection Equations (CSE) - a dynamical systems approach to combinatorial optimization whose solution tends asymptotically towards a Boolean matrix describing the pairings of satellites and targets which solves the relevant assignment problems. Satellite manoeuvers are actuated by an Artificial Potential Field method which incorporates the CSE output. Three demonstrations of the method’s efficacy are given - first with equal numbers of satellites and targets, then with a satellite surplus, including agent failures, and finally with a fractionated constellation. Finally, a large constellation of 100 satellites is simulated to demonstrate the utility of the method in future swarm mission scenarios. The method provides efficient solutions with quick convergence, is robust to satellite failures, and hence appears suitable for distributed, on-board autonomy

    Autonomous satellite constellation for enhanced Earth coverage using coupled selection equations

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    This paper presents a novel solution to the problem of autonomous task allocation for a self-organising constellation of small satellites in Earth orbit. The method allows the constellation members to plan manoeuvres to cluster themselves above particular target longitudes on the Earth’s surface. This is enabled through the use of Coupled Selection Equations, which represent a dynamical systems approach to combinatorial optimisation problems, and whose solution tends towards a Boolean matrix which describes pairings of the satellites and targets which solves the relevant assignment problems. Satellite manoeuvres are actuated using a simple control law which incorporates the results of the Coupled Selection Equations. Three demonstrations of the efficacy of the method are given in order of increasing complexity - first with an equal number of satellites and targets, then with a surplus of satellites, including agent failure events, and finally with a constellation of two different satellite types. The method is shown to provide efficient solutions, whilst being computationally non-intensive, quick to converge and robust to satellite failures. Proposals to extend the method for on-board processing on a distributed architecture are discussed

    An enquiry into the effects produced on the national currency and rates of exchange, by the Bank Restriction Bill, explaining the cause of the high price of bullion, with plans for maintaining the national coins in a state of uniformity and perfection

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    Hollander 2543: Several uncut pages.Hollander 2543: Unread inscription at top of title-page.Hollander 2542: "J.H. Hollander" inscribed at top of title-page.Price from imprint: "Price 4s"Edition statement appears before author information on title-page.Includes bibliographical references.Mode of access: Internet

    Landscape genetics reveal broad and fine‐scale population structure due to landscape features and climate history in the northern leopard frog (Rana pipiens) in North Dakota

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    Prehistoric climate and landscape features play large roles structuring wildlife populations. The amphibians of the northern Great Plains of North America present an opportunity to investigate how these factors affect colonization, migration, and current population genetic structure. This study used 11 microsatellite loci to genotype 1,230 northern leopard frogs (Rana pipiens) from 41 wetlands (30 samples/wetland) across North Dakota. Genetic structure of the sampled frogs was evaluated using Bayesian and multivariate clustering methods. All analyses produced concordant results, identifying a major east–west split between two R. pipiens population clusters separated by the Missouri River. Substructuring within the two major identified population clusters was also found. Spatial principal component analysis (sPCA) and variance partitioning analysis identified distance, river basins, and the Missouri River as the most important landscape factors differentiating R. pipiens populations across the state. Bayesian reconstruction of coalescence times suggested the major east– west split occurred ~13–18 kya during a period of glacial retreat in the northern Great Plains and substructuring largely occurred ~5–11 kya during a period of extreme drought cycles. A range‐wide species distribution model (SDM) for R. pipiens was developed and applied to prehistoric climate conditions during the Last Glacial Maximum (21 kya) and the mid‐Holocene (6 kya) from the CCSM4 climate model to identify potential refugia. The SDM indicated potential refugia existed in South Dakota or further south in Nebraska. The ancestral populations of R. pipiens in North Dakota may have inhabited these refugia, but more sampling outside the state is needed to reconstruct the route of colonization. Using microsatellite genotype data, this study determined that colonization from glacial refugia, drought dynamics in the northern Great Plains, and major rivers acting as barriers to gene flow were the defining forces shaping the regional population structure of R. pipiens in North Dakota

    Influence of Agriculture on Aquatic Invertebrate Communities of Temporary Wetlands in the Prairie Pothole Region of North Dakota, USA

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    We evaluated the influence of intensive agriculture on invertebrate communities of temporary wetlands as indicated by aquatic invertebrate resting eggs, shells, and cases remaining after wetlands dried. To facilitate the comparison, we sampled 19 wetlands within cropland areas and 19 wetlands within grassland areas. We found resting eggs, shells, and cases of significantly more taxa and greater numbers of cladoceran resting eggs (ephippia), planorbid and physid snail shells, and ostracod shells in wetlands within grasslands than in croplands. We also successfully incubated greater numbers of cladocerans and ostracods from soil samples collected from grassland sites. We were unable to detect differences in the viability of cladoceran ephippia between grassland and cropland wetlands, but our sample size was small due to an absence of ephippia in most cropland wetlands sampled; 74% of the cropland wetlands were devoid of cladoceran ephippia whereas ephippia were well represented in nearly all of our grassland sites. Our results corroborate findings of other investigators that prairie pothole wetlands have been negatively impacted by human activities. Our study demonstrates that aquatic invertebrates of temporary wetlands have been negatively impacted by intensive agriculture and suggests that future studies need to assess the influence of agricultural practices on wetland-dependant wildlife

    Influence of Agriculture on Aquatic Invertebrate Communities of Temporary Wetlands in the Prairie Pothole Region of North Dakota, USA

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    We evaluated the influence of intensive agriculture on invertebrate communities of temporary wetlands as indicated by aquatic invertebrate resting eggs, shells, and cases remaining after wetlands dried. To facilitate the comparison, we sampled 19 wetlands within cropland areas and 19 wetlands within grassland areas. We found resting eggs, shells, and cases of significantly more taxa and greater numbers of cladoceran resting eggs (ephippia), planorbid and physid snail shells, and ostracod shells in wetlands within grasslands than in croplands. We also successfully incubated greater numbers of cladocerans and ostracods from soil samples collected from grassland sites. We were unable to detect differences in the viability of cladoceran ephippia between grassland and cropland wetlands, but our sample size was small due to an absence of ephippia in most cropland wetlands sampled; 74% of the cropland wetlands were devoid of cladoceran ephippia whereas ephippia were well represented in nearly all of our grassland sites. Our results corroborate findings of other investigators that prairie pothole wetlands have been negatively impacted by human activities. Our study demonstrates that aquatic invertebrates of temporary wetlands have been negatively impacted by intensive agriculture and suggests that future studies need to assess the influence of agricultural practices on wetland-dependant wildlife