109 research outputs found


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    In today's modern era communication really needs to be used, because as the times progress the better communication needs to be applied. Interpersonal communication needs to be used in organizations, interpersonal communication is divided into 2 types, namely formal and non-formal communication. Formal communication is used at official events or during teaching and learning activities on campus. Non-formal communication is usually used when we communicate with peers. According to Adler and Elmhorst, (1996) explaining communication can also be interpreted as one of the most important skills that greatly influences a person's performance. And the method used in this research is by collecting respondents to find out how they communicate with their environment, so this research is aimed at finding out whether in the modern era like today people are able to communicate well in the community and in the organizational environment. The purpose of this research is to find out how well people understand how to communicate well

    ICT and Women's Empowerment: A Review from Development Communications Perspective

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    Abstract: Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is growingrapidly in Indonesia, especially the internet. Data Association of IndonesianInternet Network Providers (APJII) revealed that 132.7 million Indonesianshave used the internet. This data shows almost all circles using the internet. Notonly in the city, but also in the countryside and in the coastal areas, manyresidents use the Internet by using a smartphone. Data also shows that theinternet user is still dominated by men. Women are considered incapable andless capable in utilizing ICT. However, many research results emphasize thatinformation technology or the Internet can help spread in improving social andeconomic processes. This paper examines about how ICTs and women'sempowerment are in the perspective of development communication. This isbecause development should not be gender biased and there is an activeparticipation of women in order to avoid discrimination. A case from IndramayuDistrict of West Java province becomes a sample for this study. It revealed thatthere is a gender biased and women are willing to be empowered throughutilizing ICT

    Identifikasi Sebaran Panasbumi Menggunakan Metode Geolistrik Hambatan Jenis di Desa Wani Tiga, Kabupaten Donggala

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk untuk mengidentifikasi sebaran panasbumi yang terdapat di Desa Wani Tiga, Kecamatan Tanantovea Kabupaten Donggala Propinsi Sulawesi Tengah. Pengukuran dilakukan dengan metode Automatic Array Scanning (AAS) menggunakan Konfigurasi Wenner-Schlumberger. Pengolahan data menggunakan program inversi Earthmarger2D. Lapisan dengan Nilai resistivitas yang berkisar antara ±1 Ωm-10 Ωm ditunjukkan dengan warna biru diduga merupakan pasir lempung, dimana lapisan ini diduga sebagai lapisan yang berisikan airpanas (hydrothermal). Sebaran air panas menebal ke arah utara pada kedalaman ± 8 m hingga kedalaman yang tidak terdeteksi

    Leadership Types in Support of Creativity and Innovation Within Video Game Studios in Indonesia

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    This study explores the leadership type most impacting organizational climate, creativity, and innovation in game studios. This study also addresses a gap in previous studies: organizational creativity's role in producing innovative products. This quantitative study of 68 respondents consisting of managers/owners and employees of game studios in Indonesia analyzes the type of leadership that affects organizational climate, creativity, and, ultimately, corporate innovation using an electronic survey during the COVID-19 pandemic. The respondents were acquired by invitations dispersed with the help of managing members of Asosiasi Game Indonesia and game developer social networks. The survey results were analyzed using the structural equation modeling partial least squares technique (PLS-SEM) using SmartPLS 3 software. This study shows that transformational leadership is the dominant leadership type and positively impacts a supportive organizational climate; such a climate also impacts organizational creativity. Transformational leadership also affects the kind of innovation in game studios. Understanding the factors of producing creative and innovative products in creative teams should improve the growth of video game producers. Keywords: creative industry, indonesia, leadership style, organizational innovation, video game developmen

    Determining Students’ Conceptual Understanding Level of Thermodynamics

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    Science students find heat, temperature, enthalpy and energy in chemical reactions to be some of the most difficult subjects. It is crucial to define their conceptual understanding level in these subjects so that educators can build upon this knowledge and introduce new thermodynamics concepts. This paper reports conceptual understanding levels of high school students of common thermodynamics subjects such as heat, temperature, enthalpy and energy changes in chemical reactions. The sample of the study was composed of 418 randomly selected students from 11 different high schools. A cross sectional survey model was employed in this study. Data were collected through the Conceptual Understanding Test (CUT), which consists of 16 questions. Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient for the test was 0.72. Besides, interviews were conducted with 10 students to get qualitative data about their beliefs on the subject. The results of the study indicated that students’ level of conceptual understanding in thermodynamics concepts is very low. It was observed to be especially low for the concepts of (1) relationship between energy, enthalpy and bonds in chemical reactions, (2) energy and catalysts in chemical reactions, (3) changes in heat, temperature and enthalpy during change of state, and (4) the relationship between heat, temperature, mass and specific heat. Most of the students in this study do not fully understand common thermodynamics concepts although they have been studying these topics since primary school

    Awareness on Smoking Behaviour Among Students in Faculty of Quranic and Sunnah Studies, Islamic Science University of Malaysia (USIM)

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    Research has shown that smoking has bad implications on smokers and society as a whole. For that matter, the Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOHM) have taken various initiatives through information technology and social media to educate the public and students about the negative effects of smoking. The objective of this study is to identify the level of awareness among students on factors which lead to smoking behaviour and the negative effects it has on society. This study was conducted on 228 students at the Faculty of Quranic and Sunnah Studies, Islamic Science University of Malaysia. The research is quantitative in nature using questionnaire method. The quantitative data were then analysed descriptively in Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) to obtain the frequency and percentage. The finding of the study shows that the level of students’ awareness on factors leading to smoking habit is at a satisfactory level. The students are aware that peers are the main contributing factor towards smoking habit. The level of awareness on the harmful effects of smoking is also at a satisfactory level. The students’ awareness is influenced by their field of study which is Islamic studies as well as their modest purchasing power considering their average family income range from RM1000 to RM3000. The conclusion of the study is the importance to educate students on the harmful effects of smoking, as well as to maintain the level of awareness among them

    Relation of Epicardial Fat Thickness with Carotid Intima-Media Thickness in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

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    Aims. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship of echocardiographic epicardial fat thickness (EFT) with carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT), in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Methods and Results. A total of 139 patients with T2DM (mean age 54.3 ± 9.2 and 49.6% male) and 40 age and sex-matched control subjects were evaluated. Echocardiographic EFT and ultrasonographic CIMT were measured in all subjects. Patients with T2DM had significantly increased EFT and CIMT than those of the controls (6.0 ± 1.5 mm versus 4.42 ± 1.0 mm, P<0.001 and 0.76 ± 0.17 mm versus 0.57 ± 0.14 mm, P<0.001, resp.). EFT was correlated with CIMT, waist circumference, BMI, age, duration of T2DM, HbA1c in the type 2 diabetic patients. Linear regression analysis showed that CIMT (β=3.52, t=3.72, P<0.001) and waist circumference (β=0.36, t=2.26, P=0.03) were found to be independent predictors of EFT. A cutoff high risk EFT value of 6.3 mm showed a sensitivity and specificity of 72.5% and 71.7%, respectively, for the prediction of subclinical atherosclerosis. Conclusion. We found that echocardiographic EFT was significantly higher in patients with T2DM. Our study also showed that EFT was strongly correlated with waist circumference and CIMT as being independent of sex

    Pengenalan Bidang Kemaritiman Sejak Usia Dini melalui Pembelajaran Tematik Kelautan pada Siswa Taman Kanak Kanak

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    Indonesia yang terdiri atas ribuan pulau dengan keunggulan kompetitif di seluruh penjuru nusantara namun potensi tersebut  tidak tergarap dengan baik. Salah satu alasan mengapa potensi tersebut belum berkembang dan belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal adalah karena rendahnya pengetahuan dan minat masyarakat dalam pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan potensi laut. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan minat dan pemahaman bidang kemaritiman adalah dengan memasukkan pendidikan kebaharian dalam kurikulum pendidikan nasional pada semua level satuan pendidikan. Upaya ini merupakan langkah yang tepat dalam mengatasi rendahnya semangat dan jiwa bahari bangsa Indonesia. Anak anak sebagai generasi penerus bangsa merupakan agen penting dalam pembangunan kemaritiman. Oleh karena itu sangat penting untuk menumbuhkan minat dan semangat kebaharian pada mereka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya peningkatan pengetahuan bidang kemaritiman bagi anak anak siswa taman kanak kanak melalui pembelajaran tematik kelautan yang telah disusun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan metode pembelajaran yang digunakan yaitu dengan dengan bermain, bercakap-cakap, bercerita, demostrasi, proyek dan pemberian tugas mampu meningkatkan pemahaman dan minat anak anak tentang kemaritiman.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um017v22i22017p09

    Pengaruh Metode Pembelajaran Inquiry dan Motivasi Siswa terhadap Prestasi Belajar Sejarah pada Siswa Kelas X IIS di SMA N 6 Surakarta Tahun Pelajaran 2014/20151

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    The purpose of this research to study and to find out: 1) the influence of inquiry learning method and lecture to learning achievement of history; 2) the difference in effect between students who have a high learning motivation with students who have a low learning motivation to learning achivement of history; 3) The interaction effect of inquiry learning methods and student motivation toward learning achievement history.This research is descriptive quantitative research with the conclusion through statistical analysis. The population in this study were all students of class X SMA IIS 6 Surakarta academic year 2014/2015. Samples taken as many as 120 students. Samples were taken at random cluster sampling technique. Necessary data obtained through questionnaires and documentation. Data analysis techniques are used analysis of variance (ANOVA).The conclusion of the study as follows: 1) There is a significant difference between the use of methods of inquiry and discourse on the learning achievement of subjects with a history of Fcount = 16.132&gt; F table = 4.00. History lesson learning achievement in the group of students with learning methods inquity tend to be higher compared with subjects learning achievement of students with a history of group teaching methods lectures; 2) There is a significant difference between students who have learning motivation high and low on the learning achievement of subjects History class X SMA IIS 6 Surakarta first semester of 2014/2015 Fcount= 6.512&gt; F table = 4.00. History lesson learning achievement in the group of ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_______________________1 Ringkasan Penelitian Skripsi2 Mahasiswa Program Studi Penedidikan Sejarah Universitas Sebelas Maret3 Dosen dan Pembimbing pada Program Studi Pendidikan Sejarah, FKIP UNS, Surakartastudents who have a high level of learning motivation tends to be higher than the achievement of study subjects who had a history of a group of students learningmotivation level is low; 3) There is a significant interaction effect between the use of teaching methods and students' motivation towards learning achievement subjects with a history of values of Fcount = 4.408&gt; F table = 4.00. Thus, it can be seen that a more effective method of inquiry used in learning activities to improve achievement and motivation to learn subjects History of SMA Negeri 6 Surakarta
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