17 research outputs found

    Compliance to the recommended use of folic acid supplements for women in Sweden is higher among those under treatment for infertility than among fertile controls and is also related to socioeconomic status and lifestyle

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    Background: Folate has been discussed in relation to fertility among women, but studies on women under treatment for infertility are lacking. Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate folic acid supplement use and folate status among women under treatment for infertility (hereafter infertile) and fertile women also in regard to socioeconomic and lifestyle factors. Design: Lifestyle and dietary habits, and use of dietary supplements were assessed using a questionnaire. Blood samples were obtained for analysis of folate status. 24-hour recall interviews were also performed. Results: Highly educated, employed and infertile women were most prone to using folic acid supplements. The infertile women had a significantly better folate status than the fertile women. Folate status did not correlate with socioeconomic or lifestyle factors. The infertile women were physically more active, smoked less and were employed. Our questionnaire data had only fair agreement with the data from 24-hour recalls, but the folate status data was clearly correlated to our questionnaire results. Conclusions: Infertile women were most prone to using folic acid supplements and had better folate status than the controls. High educational and employment status were found to be key factors for high compliance to the recommended use folic acid supplements.Peer reviewe

    Folate, Hormones and Infertility : Different factors affecting IVF pregnancy outcome

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    Various hormones have been studied as regards prediction of pregnancy outcome after infertility treatment, but no ideal candidate has been found. Folate and genetic variations in folate metabolism have also been associated with infertility, but it remains unclear how these factors affect IVF pregnancy outcome. It is known that infertility is associated with active folic acid supplement use, but the effect of socioeconomic and lifestyle factors on folic acid supplement use in infertile women has not been well investigated. The overall aim of this work was to obtain information on the prediction of live birth, and to study factors affecting the role of folate and folic acid intake in relation to IVF pregnancy outcome. Infertile women with various infertility diagnoses were studied. Healthy, fertile non-pregnant women were used as controls in three of the studies. Blood samples were taken for assay of eight different hormones, folate and homocysteine, and for genomic DNA extraction. A questionnaire was used to assess background data and use of folic acid supplements. Twenty-four-hour recall interviews were performed for validation of the questionnaire. The studied hormones were not good predictors of live birth. The best predictor was age of the women, together with ovulatory menstrual cycles, and thyroid-stimulating hormone and anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) status. Well-educated women, high-status employed women, and married and infertile women used the most folic acid supplements. Infertile women had better folate status than fertile women. However, pregnancy outcome after infertility treatment was not dependent on folic acid intake, folate status, genetic variation of 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase or socioeconomic status. In conclusion, AMH levels vary less than those of other hormones during the menstrual cycle, and AMH could be used as a predictive marker of live birth together with age and ovulation. Folate might play a minor role in IVF pregnancy outcome, but the importance of folate as regards other health perspectives should not be forgotten

    Folate, Hormones and Infertility : Different factors affecting IVF pregnancy outcome

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    Various hormones have been studied as regards prediction of pregnancy outcome after infertility treatment, but no ideal candidate has been found. Folate and genetic variations in folate metabolism have also been associated with infertility, but it remains unclear how these factors affect IVF pregnancy outcome. It is known that infertility is associated with active folic acid supplement use, but the effect of socioeconomic and lifestyle factors on folic acid supplement use in infertile women has not been well investigated. The overall aim of this work was to obtain information on the prediction of live birth, and to study factors affecting the role of folate and folic acid intake in relation to IVF pregnancy outcome. Infertile women with various infertility diagnoses were studied. Healthy, fertile non-pregnant women were used as controls in three of the studies. Blood samples were taken for assay of eight different hormones, folate and homocysteine, and for genomic DNA extraction. A questionnaire was used to assess background data and use of folic acid supplements. Twenty-four-hour recall interviews were performed for validation of the questionnaire. The studied hormones were not good predictors of live birth. The best predictor was age of the women, together with ovulatory menstrual cycles, and thyroid-stimulating hormone and anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) status. Well-educated women, high-status employed women, and married and infertile women used the most folic acid supplements. Infertile women had better folate status than fertile women. However, pregnancy outcome after infertility treatment was not dependent on folic acid intake, folate status, genetic variation of 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase or socioeconomic status. In conclusion, AMH levels vary less than those of other hormones during the menstrual cycle, and AMH could be used as a predictive marker of live birth together with age and ovulation. Folate might play a minor role in IVF pregnancy outcome, but the importance of folate as regards other health perspectives should not be forgotten

    Folate, Hormones and Infertility : Different factors affecting IVF pregnancy outcome

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    Various hormones have been studied as regards prediction of pregnancy outcome after infertility treatment, but no ideal candidate has been found. Folate and genetic variations in folate metabolism have also been associated with infertility, but it remains unclear how these factors affect IVF pregnancy outcome. It is known that infertility is associated with active folic acid supplement use, but the effect of socioeconomic and lifestyle factors on folic acid supplement use in infertile women has not been well investigated. The overall aim of this work was to obtain information on the prediction of live birth, and to study factors affecting the role of folate and folic acid intake in relation to IVF pregnancy outcome. Infertile women with various infertility diagnoses were studied. Healthy, fertile non-pregnant women were used as controls in three of the studies. Blood samples were taken for assay of eight different hormones, folate and homocysteine, and for genomic DNA extraction. A questionnaire was used to assess background data and use of folic acid supplements. Twenty-four-hour recall interviews were performed for validation of the questionnaire. The studied hormones were not good predictors of live birth. The best predictor was age of the women, together with ovulatory menstrual cycles, and thyroid-stimulating hormone and anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) status. Well-educated women, high-status employed women, and married and infertile women used the most folic acid supplements. Infertile women had better folate status than fertile women. However, pregnancy outcome after infertility treatment was not dependent on folic acid intake, folate status, genetic variation of 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase or socioeconomic status. In conclusion, AMH levels vary less than those of other hormones during the menstrual cycle, and AMH could be used as a predictive marker of live birth together with age and ovulation. Folate might play a minor role in IVF pregnancy outcome, but the importance of folate as regards other health perspectives should not be forgotten

    Mobiilisovellus ammattilaisten avuksi lähisuhdeväkivallan tunnistamiseen ja ennaltaehkäisyyn

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    Lähisuhdeväkivalta on tilastojen mukaan kasvanut huolestuttavasti viime vuosina niin Suomessa kuin maailmallakin. Lähisuhdeväkivaltaa kokeneilla henkilöillä on usein vakavia ja pitkäkestoisia fyysisiä, psyykkisiä ja sosiaalisia seurauksia, joiden hoitaminen maksaa koko yhteiskunnalle suuria summia

    Odotuksena hyvä synnytys

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    Yhtenä terveydenhuollon laatukriteerinä painotetaan entistä enemmän potilaan toiveiden huomioimista, mikä pätee myös synnytysten hoitoon. Synnyttäjien odotukset kätilöiden työskentelylle ja itsenäiselle päätöksenteolle ovat kuitenkin hyvin vaihtelevia

    Mobiilisovellus lähisuhdeväkivallan tunnistamiseen ja ennaltaehkäisyyn

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    Lähisuhdeväkivallasta ei kysytä eikä sitä tunnisteta sosiaali- ja terveysalan ammattilaisten osaamisen puutteen vuoksi. DOMINO mobiilisovellus auttaa puheeksi otossa

    Tunteet kätilötyössä

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    Tunteet ovat osa kaikkien jokapäiväistä elämää, eikä niiltä voi välttyä työelämässäkään. Terveydenhuoltoalalla, erityisesti kätilön työssä tunteiden kirjo on enemmän läsnä kuin millään muulla alalla