14 research outputs found

    Agricultural practices impact on soil quality and health : case study of slovenian irrigated or organic orchards

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    Underestimation of soil properties and poor understanding of soil conditions can have many negative consequences, which results in quality or quantity of yield, soil degradation or even environmental pollution. According to importance of agricultural practices, our study focused on their impact on soil quality and health. The research took place from November 2003 to October 2007 in apple orchards in north-eastern Slovenia where two frequent agricultural practices were investigated: (i) drip irrigation on Calcaric Cambisol and its effects on structural stability and microbial biomass at GaÄŤnik experimental station and (ii) combination of organic fertiliser (Campo guano) and liming in organic farming to enhance microbial biomass and nitrogen nutrition at Pohorshi dvor on Dystric Cambisol. The presence of faecal pathogens in the soil due to irrigation or organic fertilizer was also investigated. Water potential was measured during two seasons in both locations. Structural stability according Bartoli method, organic mater characteristics (including grain size organic matter fractionation and isotopic signature of organic carbon origin), and microbiological parameters were analysed as potential indicators of soil quality in irrigation practice comparing an irrigated (IR) to a non-irrigated (NIR) row. In organic farming, mainly pH and microbiological parameters were followed according treatments on an experimental blocks comparison. According to hilly terrain and land levelling in GaÄŤnik, we were dealing with two groups of soil differing in thickness, organic matter, and calcium carbonate contents: one at upslope and another at mid and downslope. Considering soil characteristics, slope effect was more expressed than irrigation effect. According to slope, water gravimetric content (W), organic matter (OM), microbial biomass (MB), and respiration (R) increased towards downslope while total carbonates (Ca) and structural stability (SS) decreased. According to irrigation, W, OM, and SS contents decreased, while MB and R increased from NIR to IR rows. No difference was observed for Ca between treatments. According to slope, higher carbonate content was as an important factor for higher structural stability as organic matter pool. According to irrigation, lower W in IRR row could be explained by modification in root distribution due to drip irrigation. Irrigation leads to an increase of soil microbial biomass and its activity (as a short-time effect) and decrease of OM (as a long-term effect); moreover, a decrease of OM originating from the marl bedrock was observed in IRR row and attributed to microbial mineralization. Lower SS of IRR row is related to the OM reduction. Seasonal variations of structural stability show complex trends resulting from the combination of climatic conditions and biological activity. In organic fertilising study, the interaction of Compo guano and lime together was not clear, but in long term this is probably the best solution because it had positive consequences on both soil pH and available nitrogen, while preserving fair levels of MB and labile organic matter (LOM). Irrigation water and Compo guano were considered as eventual sources of faecal coliforms which remains in soils. From our study it was concluded that OM, MB, R and faecal coliforms can be treated as general useful indicators in assessing soil quality. According to agricultural practice, SS should be emphasized as an important quality indicator in irrigation practice and pH in organic farming

    Influence de différentes pratiques agricoles sur la qualité et la santé des sols : étude de cas sur des vergers slovènes irrigués ou en agriculture biologique

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    Underestimation of soil properties and poor understanding of soil conditions can have many negative consequences, which results in quality or quantity of yield, soil degradation or even environmental pollution. According to importance of agricultural practices, our study focused on their impact on soil quality and health. The research took place from November 2003 to October 2007 in apple orchards in north-eastern Slovenia where two frequent agricultural practices were investigated: (i) drip irrigation on Calcaric Cambisol and its effects on structural stability and microbial biomass at Gačnik experimental station and (ii) combination of organic fertiliser (Campo guano) and liming in organic farming to enhance microbial biomass and nitrogen nutrition at Pohorshi dvor on Dystric Cambisol. The presence of faecal pathogens in the soil due to irrigation or organic fertilizer was also investigated. Water potential was measured during two seasons in both locations. Structural stability according Bartoli method, organic mater characteristics (including grain size organic matter fractionation and isotopic signature of organic carbon origin), and microbiological parameters were analysed as potential indicators of soil quality in irrigation practice comparing an irrigated (IR) to a non-irrigated (NIR) row. In organic farming, mainly pH and microbiological parameters were followed according treatments on an experimental blocks comparison. According to hilly terrain and land levelling in Gačnik, we were dealing with two groups of soil differing in thickness, organic matter, and calcium carbonate contents: one at upslope and another at mid and downslope. Considering soil characteristics, slope effect was more expressed than irrigation effect. According to slope, water gravimetric content (W), organic matter (OM), microbial biomass (MB), and respiration (R) increased towards downslope while total carbonates (Ca) and structural stability (SS) decreased. According to irrigation, W, OM, and SS contents decreased, while MB and R increased from NIR to IR rows. No difference was observed for Ca between treatments. According to slope, higher carbonate content was as an important factor for higher structural stability as organic matter pool. According to irrigation, lower W in IRR row could be explained by modification in root distribution due to drip irrigation. Irrigation leads to an increase of soil microbial biomass and its activity (as a short-time effect) and decrease of OM (as a long-term effect); moreover, a decrease of OM originating from the marl bedrock was observed in IRR row and attributed to microbial mineralization. Lower SS of IRR row is related to the OM reduction. Seasonal variations of structural stability show complex trends resulting from the combination of climatic conditions and biological activity. In organic fertilising study, the interaction of Compo guano and lime together was not clear, but in long term this is probably the best solution because it had positive consequences on both soil pH and available nitrogen, while preserving fair levels of MB and labile organic matter (LOM). Irrigation water and Compo guano were considered as eventual sources of faecal coliforms which remains in soils. From our study it was concluded that OM, MB, R and faecal coliforms can be treated as general useful indicators in assessing soil quality. According to agricultural practice, SS should be emphasized as an important quality indicator in irrigation practice and pH in organic farming.Une mauvaise connaissance des propriétés des sols et de leur fonctionnement peut avoir de nombreuses conséquences néfastes sur le rendement et la qualité des récoltes, sur la dégradation des sols et sur une pollution de l’environnement. En raison de l’importance des pratiques agricoles, notre étude s’est focalisée sur leur impact sur la qualité et la santé des sols. La recherche s’est effectuée de novembre 2003 à octobre 2007 sur des vergers de pommiers implantés sur des collines dans le nord-est de la Slovénie. Deux pratiques agricoles fréquentes dans cette région ont été suivies : (i) une irrigation localisée au goutte à goutte sur des Calcaric Cambisol (CALCOSOL) développés sur marnes, et ses effets sur la stabilité structurale des sols et leur biomasse microbienne à la Station expérimentale de Gačnik et (ii) la combinaison d’un engrais organique (Compo guano) et d’un amendement calcaire dans un verger conduit en agriculture biologique à Pohorski dvor sur un District Cambisol (ALOCRISOL) développé sur schistes. La présence de microbes pathogènes fécaux dans le sol, dus à l’irrigation ou à l’apport d’engrais organiques animaux a aussi été recherchée sur les deux sites. Le régime hydrique du sol a été suivi durant deux étés par des relevés tensiométriques hebdomadaires sur les deux sites. A la station expérimentale de Gačnik, un rang irrigué a été comparé à un rang non irrigué. La teneur en matière organique totale, son fractionnement granulométrique et la signature isotopique des différentes fractions permettant de discuter de leur origine et leur turn over ont été mesurés. La biomasse microbienne et son activité ont été caractérisées au printemps et à l’automne en 2004 et 2005. La stabilité structurale a été mesurée selon la méthode de Bartoli à l’automne 2004 et au printemps 2005. Sur le verger conduit en agriculture biologique à Pohorski dvor seul le pH et les paramètres microbiologiques ont été suivis selon la même périodicité en comparant les différents traitements dans une expérimentation par blocs. Enfin, sur les deux sites, une quantification des champignons, des bactéries (aérobies, anaérobies, coliformes fécaux) et des virus présents dans le sol a été réalisée. Incidence de l’irrigation par goutte à goutte sur la qualité du sol sur le site de Gačnik sur la qualité physique du sol- Les sols de ce verger, argilo-limoneux et carbonatés, varient fortement de l’amont à l’aval de la parcelle située sur une pente de 15%. le sol est peu épais à l’amont, la marne altérée apparaissant dès 60 cm tandis qu’à mi-pente et à l’aval le sol est épais >1 m et la marne plus fortement altérée. L’observation des profils pédologiques et l’historique de la parcelle montrent que le sol a été fortement remanié sur les 60 premiers centimètres préalablement à la plantation du verger. Le passage d’une plantation en terrasses à une plantation dans le sens de la pente a conduit à l’effacement des terrasses suivi d’un labour profond dont en voit encore la trace à 60 cm de profondeur à l’aval de la parcelle (Fig. 3.3 & Tab. 3.9). Un échantillonnage systématique de la teneur en carbone organique de l’horizon de surface, selon un pas de 6 m, montre un accroissement selon la pente suivant une forme en zig-zag reflétant la trace des anciennes terrasses (Fig. 3.19). Dans les 30 premiers centimètres la teneur en matières organiques, le rapport C/N et la capacité d’échange cationique augmentent de l’amont vers l’aval tandis la teneur en carbonates de calcium décroît (Fig. 3.15). Le pH reste stable entre 8 et 8, 4. A la surface du sol dans les rangs de plantation traités par désherbage chimique, une croûte alguaire se forme sur le côté ombragé du rang..

    Agricultural practices impact on soil quality and health (case study of slovenian irrigated or organic orchards)

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    Une mauvaise connaissance des propriétés des sols et de leur fonctionnement peut avoir de nombreuses conséquences néfastes sur le rendement et la qualité des récoltes, sur la dégradation des sols et sur une pollution de l environnement. En raison de l importance des pratiques agricoles, notre étude s est focalisée sur leur impact sur la qualité et la santé des sols. La recherche s est effectuée de novembre 2003 à octobre 2007 sur des vergers de pommiers implantés sur des collines dans le nord-est de la Slovénie. Deux pratiques agricoles fréquentes dans cette région ont été suivies : (i) une irrigation localisée au goutte à goutte sur des Calcaric Cambisol (CALCOSOL) développés sur marnes, et ses effets sur la stabilité structurale des sols et leur biomasse microbienne à la Station expérimentale de Gačnik et (ii) la combinaison d un engrais organique (Compo guano) et d un amendement calcaire dans un verger conduit en agriculture biologique à Pohorski dvor sur un District Cambisol (ALOCRISOL) développé sur schistes. La présence de microbes pathogènes fécaux dans le sol, dus à l irrigation ou à l apport d engrais organiques animaux a aussi été recherchée sur les deux sites. Le régime hydrique du sol a été suivi durant deux étés par des relevés tensiométriques hebdomadaires sur les deux sites. A la station expérimentale de Gačnik, un rang irrigué a été comparé à un rang non irrigué. La teneur en matière organique totale, son fractionnement granulométrique et la signature isotopique des différentes fractions permettant de discuter de leur origine et leur turn over ont été mesurés. La biomasse microbienne et son activité ont été caractérisées au printemps et à l automne en 2004 et 2005. La stabilité structurale a été mesurée selon la méthode de Bartoli à l automne 2004 et au printemps 2005. Sur le verger conduit en agriculture biologique à Pohorski dvor seul le pH et les paramètres microbiologiques ont été suivis selon la même périodicité en comparant les différents traitements dans une expérimentation par blocs. Enfin, sur les deux sites, une quantification des champignons, des bactéries (aérobies, anaérobies, coliformes fécaux) et des virus présents dans le sol a été réalisée. Incidence de l irrigation par goutte à goutte sur la qualité du sol sur le site de Gačnik sur la qualité physique du sol- Les sols de ce verger, argilo-limoneux et carbonatés, varient fortement de l amont à l aval de la parcelle située sur une pente de 15%. le sol est peu épais à l amont, la marne altérée apparaissant dès 60 cm tandis qu à mi-pente et à l aval le sol est épais >1 m et la marne plus fortement altérée. L observation des profils pédologiques et l historique de la parcelle montrent que le sol a été fortement remanié sur les 60 premiers centimètres préalablement à la plantation du verger. Le passage d une plantation en terrasses à une plantation dans le sens de la pente a conduit à l effacement des terrasses suivi d un labour profond dont en voit encore la trace à 60 cm de profondeur à l aval de la parcelle (Fig. 3.3 & Tab. 3.9). Un échantillonnage systématique de la teneur en carbone organique de l horizon de surface, selon un pas de 6 m, montre un accroissement selon la pente suivant une forme en zig-zag reflétant la trace des anciennes terrasses (Fig. 3.19). Dans les 30 premiers centimètres la teneur en matières organiques, le rapport C/N et la capacité d échange cationique augmentent de l amont vers l aval tandis la teneur en carbonates de calcium décroît (Fig. 3.15). Le pH reste stable entre 8 et 8, 4. A la surface du sol dans les rangs de plantation traités par désherbage chimique, une croûte alguaire se forme sur le côté ombragé du rang...Underestimation of soil properties and poor understanding of soil conditions can have many negative consequences, which results in quality or quantity of yield, soil degradation or even environmental pollution. According to importance of agricultural practices, our study focused on their impact on soil quality and health. The research took place from November 2003 to October 2007 in apple orchards in north-eastern Slovenia where two frequent agricultural practices were investigated: (i) drip irrigation on Calcaric Cambisol and its effects on structural stability and microbial biomass at Gačnik experimental station and (ii) combination of organic fertiliser (Campo guano) and liming in organic farming to enhance microbial biomass and nitrogen nutrition at Pohorshi dvor on Dystric Cambisol. The presence of faecal pathogens in the soil due to irrigation or organic fertilizer was also investigated. Water potential was measured during two seasons in both locations. Structural stability according Bartoli method, organic mater characteristics (including grain size organic matter fractionation and isotopic signature of organic carbon origin), and microbiological parameters were analysed as potential indicators of soil quality in irrigation practice comparing an irrigated (IR) to a non-irrigated (NIR) row. In organic farming, mainly pH and microbiological parameters were followed according treatments on an experimental blocks comparison. According to hilly terrain and land levelling in Gačnik, we were dealing with two groups of soil differing in thickness, organic matter, and calcium carbonate contents: one at upslope and another at mid and downslope. Considering soil characteristics, slope effect was more expressed than irrigation effect. According to slope, water gravimetric content (W), organic matter (OM), microbial biomass (MB), and respiration (R) increased towards downslope while total carbonates (Ca) and structural stability (SS) decreased. According to irrigation, W, OM, and SS contents decreased, while MB and R increased from NIR to IR rows. No difference was observed for Ca between treatments. According to slope, higher carbonate content was as an important factor for higher structural stability as organic matter pool. According to irrigation, lower W in IRR row could be explained by modification in root distribution due to drip irrigation. Irrigation leads to an increase of soil microbial biomass and its activity (as a short-time effect) and decrease of OM (as a long-term effect); moreover, a decrease of OM originating from the marl bedrock was observed in IRR row and attributed to microbial mineralization. Lower SS of IRR row is related to the OM reduction. Seasonal variations of structural stability show complex trends resulting from the combination of climatic conditions and biological activity. In organic fertilising study, the interaction of Compo guano and lime together was not clear, but in long term this is probably the best solution because it had positive consequences on both soil pH and available nitrogen, while preserving fair levels of MB and labile organic matter (LOM). Irrigation water and Compo guano were considered as eventual sources of faecal coliforms which remains in soils. From our study it was concluded that OM, MB, R and faecal coliforms can be treated as general useful indicators in assessing soil quality. According to agricultural practice, SS should be emphasized as an important quality indicator in irrigation practice and pH in organic farming.DIJON-BU Doc.électronique (212319901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Trošenja vremena i goriva za korištenje raznih strojeva za pripremu zemljišta

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    A field test was performed to compare the presowing soil cultivation formerly and today. Three agricultural implements (soil preparation machine, disk harrow and circular self-cleaning harrow) were used in four repetitions. The test was aimed at proving that time and fuel and, consequently, money can be saved, if new agricultural machinery is used. The surface area of the field was 19530 m2 and it was divided into twelve plots of 1627,5 m2 each. Statistical data processing showed that the most economical implement was the circular self-cleaning harrow.Proveli smo eksperiment u kojem smo usporedili predsetveno obradu zemlje u prošlosti i sadašnjosti. U pokusu smo koristili tri različite priključke (predsetvenik, diskasta drljača i rotacijska drljača) sa četiri ponavljanja. Htjeli smo dokazati da je moguće uštedjeti vrijeme i gorivo, a time i novca, koristeći suvremene poljoprivredne mehanizacije. Površina polja je bila 19530 m2, polje je bilo podijeljeno na dvanaest parcela, područje svake parcele je imalo 1627,5 m2. Prema statističkim podacima, utvrdili smo da je najisplativija i najekonomičnija rotacijska drljača