9 research outputs found


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    Creation of marshmallow with natural dyes is impossible without investigation of properties of products and estimation of its quality. Our objects of investigation were organoleptic, physico-chemical and antioxidant properties of the products at storage for 30 days. The six of marshmallow samples were the objects of our research. They differed in the type of structuring agent - gelatin or gelatin with solubilized substances and the type of dye – water or water-alcohol extract of cryopowder from Sudanese rose or water-alcohol extract of cryopowder from вlack chokeberry. Necessary indexes of quality are supplied for the new types of marshmallow with natural dyes. Moisture content (19.0 ... 21.5 %), total acidity (3.5 °Brix), density (0.51 ... 0.67 g/cm3), reducing substances content (not more than 13.6 %) were determined by standard methods. Use of natural anthocyanin dyes let us to increase antioxidant properties of the ready product. Value of antioxidant capacity of the new samples, determined with use of galvanostatic coulometry method, is in 2 ... 2.5 times more than the same results for samples, made without the dyes. It was established that short time storage (up to 2 days) of marshmallow with natural anthocyanin dyes at temperature (15...18)°С and relative air humidity 60...75 % is possible without packing materials. Storage of the products in hermetically polyethylene wrap and cardboard box provides high indexes of quality, stability of colour in long time (up to 30 days). It was shown that antioxidant properties of marshmallow with water-alcohol extracts of cryopowder from Sudanese rose and black chokeberry remain stable. The new developed types of marshmallow with natural anthocyanin dyes makes wide market of confectionery and can be used for correction of feeding of a man

    Evaluation of the Oxidative Stability of Emulsifiers of an Acylglicerol Origin

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    Obtaining new environmentally friendly emulsifiers of an acylglycerol origin based on sunflower oil with unsaturated fatty acids that are harmless to human health is relevant. The authors of this study obtained such emulsifiers under mild conditions (35–40 °C) by the transesterification reaction of triacylglycerols obtained from sunflower oil. Changes in the UV spectra of 0.02% solutions in isooctane were studied in the range from 200 to 285 nm depending on the storage duration and storage temperature of the emulsifiers and oils. The results showed that, in the process of storage, the new emulsifiers showed a higher resistance to oxidation compared to oil

    Determination of Functional Properties of Acylglycerol Emulsifier Obtained under Mild Conditions

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    Mono- and diacylglycerols of fatty acids are widely used as lipophilic nonionic emulsifiers and emulsion stabilizers in the production of food products. The identified deficiencies in the composition and properties of existing additives in this group created prerequisites for new developments. An acylglycerol emulsifier with essential unsaturated fatty acids based on sunflower oil was obtained under mild conditions (35–40 °C) that are harmless to human health and the environment. The evaluation of its surface-active properties was carried out using the ring tear-off and the laying drop methods. The aggregative stability of the emulsion and the number of hydrophilic-lipophilic balances were evaluated by the lifetime of individual drops of the emulsion near the interfacial surface. The results of determining the functional properties of the additive allowed us to establish its technological usage as an effective emulsifier for food systems

    Technology of a dietary supplement “SoleVit Mg” based on Salicornia Europaea L. for use in food technologies

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    On the basis of the above-ground part of the plant samples of Salicornia Europaea, technologies of the dietary supplement “SoleVit Mg” and frozen semi-finished products for use in food technologies have been developed. It has been experimentally confirmed that they contain all groups of basic nutrients – proteins, fats and carbohydrates, are a source of valuable vitamins (choline, nicotinic acid, vitamin C, β-carotene, etc.) and mineral elements, have an increased content of sodium chloride, have antioxidant activity. Sodium – 3460 mg, potassium – 1155 mg, magnesium – 770 mg, calcium – 580 mg, phosphorus – 650 mg, silicon – 80 mg, zinc – 11.5 mg, iron – 9.6 mg, manganese – 2.9 mg. Microbiological studies have confirmed the compliance of the safety indicators of the developed additive with current requirements and sanitary standards Using frozen semi-finished products from Salicornia, the technology of salted curd masses with high organoleptic characteristics has been developed. Promising areas of application of Salicornia in food technologies have been formulated. It is proposed to use a dietary supplement to create food products and optimize the diet of the population in order to enrich with substances of plant origin, mineral elements, biologically active substances, to prevent and maintain the functional activity of the human body

    Застосування поля надвисоких частот в технології желейної продукції

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    The object of research is the agar-based chocolate-jelly cake technology. Due to the annual decrease in the production of natural jelly-forming agents and their high price, the possibilities of improving the qualitative change in their functional properties are being studied. In this connection, various methods of modification by gelling agents, both chemical and physical, are proposed. It is proposed to use the field of ultra-high frequencies (UHF) during the preparation of agar-sugar-treacle syrup in the "Chocolate-jelly" cake technology, as a result of which the consumption of gelling agents is reduced to 40 %. Microwave processing of the swollen gelling substance allows to reduce its consumption without introducing other components into the product formulation and without significant changes in the production process. It is shown that microwave treatment of a 1 % agar solution leads to an increase in the strength of the formed jellies by 40 %. It was found that microwave treatment leads to an increase in the melting temperature of the jelly in comparison with the untreated sample. It was revealed that hysteresis is observed at solidification and melting temperatures, the value of which ranges from 10 to 30 °C. Microwave treatment of a polysaccharide solution in a microwave field reduces the critical concentration of the transition of the molecular structure of the gel to the supramolecular one. Comparison of the enthalpies of melting of agar jelly after microwave treatment and jelly without finishing indicates that a larger number of hydrogen bonds are involved in the formation of a single node of the structure network. The improved technology of the "Chocolate-jelly" cake based on agar differs from the traditional one in that the dissolution by gelling agents is carried out under the action of a microwave field, which makes it possible to reduce the prescription amount of agar. The proposed method of processing a 1 % agar solution with an ultrahigh frequency field leads to the strengthening of the jelly structure, and due to this, the costs of gelling agents in the production of jelly products are reduced and leads to a decrease in its cost. The implementation of the plan will expand the range of jelly products and create competitive products in the confectionery market.Объектом исследования является технология торта «Шоколадно-желейный» на основе агара. В связи с ежегодным уменьшением производства природных студнеобразователей и их высокой ценой, изучаются возможности повышения качественного изменения их функциональных свойств. В связи с этим предлагаются различные способы модификации студнеобразователей, как химические, так и физические. Предложено использование поля сверхвысоких частот (СВЧ) во время приготовления агаро-сахарно-паточного сиропа в технологии торта «Шоколадно-желейный», в результате чего расход студнеобразователя уменьшается до 40 %. СВЧ-обработка набухшего студнеобразователя позволяет уменьшить его расход без введения в рецептуру изделий других компонентов и без существенных изменений в технологическом процессе производства. Показано, что СВЧ-обработка 1 %-го раствора агара приводит к увеличению прочности образованных студней на 40 %. Установлено, что СВЧ-обработка приводит к повышению температуры плавления студня по сравнению с необработанным образцом. Выявлено, что наблюдается гистерезис при температурах застывания и плавления, величина которых составляет от 10 до 30 °С. СВЧ-обработка раствора полисахарида в поле СВЧ снижает критическую концентрацию перехода молекулярной структуры студня в надмолекулярную. Сравнение величины энтальпий плавления студней агара после СВЧ-обработки и без обработки свидетельствует, что в образовании единичного узла сетки структуры участвует уже большее число водородных связей. Усовершенствованная технология торта «Шоколадно-желейный» на основе агара отличается от традиционной тем, что растворение студнеобразователя проводят под действием поля СВЧ, что позволяет снизить рецептурное количество агара. Предложенный метод обработки 1 % -го раствора агара полем сверхвысокой частоты приводит к укреплению структуры студня, а благодаря этому происходит снижение затрат студнеобразователя при производстве желейной продукции и ведет к уменьшению ее себестоимости. Реализация замысла позволит расширить ассортимент желейной продукции и создать конкурентоспособную продукцию на рынке кондитерских изделий.Об’єктом дослідження є технологія торта «Шоколадно-желейний» на основі агару. У зв’язку з щорічним зменшенням виробництва природних драглеутворювачів та їх високою ціною, вивчаються можливості підвищення якісної зміни їх функціональних властивостей. У зв’язку із цим пропонуються різні способи модифікації драглеутворювачів, як хімічні, так і фізичні. Запропоновано використання поля надвисоких частот (НВЧ) під час приготування агаро-цукрово-патокового сиропу в технології торта «Шоколадно-желейний», в результаті чого витрата драглеутворювача зменшується до 40 %. НВЧ-обробка набряклого драглеутворююча дозволяє зменшити його витрату без введення до рецептури виробів інших компонентів та без суттєвих змін у технологічному процесі виробництва. Показано, що НВЧ-обробка 1 %-го розчину агару приводить до збільшення міцності утворених драглів на 40 %. Встановлено, що НВЧ-обробка призводить до підвищення температури плавлення драглів у порівнянні з необробленим зразком. Виявлено, що спостерігається гістерезіс у температурах застигання та плавлення, величина якого складає від 10 до 30 °С. НВЧ-обробка розчину полісахариду у полі НВЧ знижує критичну концентрацію переходу молекулярної структури гелю у надмолекулярну. Порівняння величини ентальпій плавлення драглів агару після НВЧ-обробки та драглів без обробки свідчить, що в утворенні одиничного вузла сітки структури бере участь вже більше число водневих зв’язків. Удосконалена технологія торта «Шоколадно-желейний» на основі агару відрізняється від традиційної тим, що розчинення драглеутворювача проводять під дією поля НВЧ, що дозволяє знизити рецептурну кількість агару. Запропонований метод обробки 1 %-го розчину агару полем надвисокої частоти призводить до зміцнення структури драглів, а завдяки цьому відбувається зниження витрат драглеутворювача при виробництві желейної продукції та веде до зменшення її собівартості. Реалізація задуму дозволить розширити асортимент желейної продукції та створити конкурентоспроможну продукцію на ринку кондитерських виробів

    Дослідження властивостей маршмелоу з натуральними антоціановими барвниками під час зберігання

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    An actual problem of the development of marshmallow with natural anthocyanin dyes was solved. The object of the investigation was organoleptic, physicochemical, antioxidant properties of the products during storage for 30 days. The subject of the investigation was 6 samples of marshmallow. They differed in the type of a structuring agent gelatin or gelatin with solubilized substances and the type of a dye a water or water-alcohol extract of Sudanese rose сryopowder or water-alcohol extract of black chokeberry сryopowder.For the new types of marshmallow with natural anthocyanin dyes, the quality indexes necessary for the product were provided. Moisture content is within 19.0...21.5 %, density is 0.51...0.67 gcm3, reducing substances content does not exceed 13.6 %, total acidity is 3.5 degrees.The use of natural anthocyanin dyes allows increasing the antioxidant properties of the finished product. The value of the antioxidant capacity for all of the developed samples is 2...2.5 times more than that of the samples, made without the dyes.It was found that short-term (up to 2 days) storage of marshmallow with natural anthocyanin dyes at a temperature of (15...18)°C and relative air humidity of 60…75 % is possible without packaging.Storage of the products hermetically packed in polyethylene wrap and a cardboard box provides high indexes of quality, preservation of colour intensity within a long time (up to 30 days). It was shown that antioxidant properties of marshmallow with water-alcohol extract of Sudanese rose and black chokeberry сryopowders remain stable and do not depend on the type of packaging.The developed new types of marshmallow with natural anthocyanin dyes expand the range of confectionery and can be used for correction of the human dietПриводятся результаты исследований свойств маршмеллоу с натуральными антоциановыми красителями из суданской розы и черноплодной рябины при хранении в течение 30 суток. Показано, что герметичная упаковка изделий в полиэтиленовую пленку и картон обеспечивает необходимые для данного вида изделий органолептические, физико-химические показатели качества, сохранность антиоксидантных свойств и интенсивности цвета в течение срока храненияНаводяться результати досліджень властивостей маршмелоу з натуральними антоціановими барвниками із суданської троянди та чорноплідної горобини під час зберігання упродовж 30 діб. Показано, що герметична упаковка виробів у поліетиленову плівку та картон забезпечує необхідні для даного виду виробів органолептичні, фізико-хімічні показники якості, збереження антиоксидантних властивостей та інтенсивності кольору упродовж терміну зберіганн


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    Creation of marshmallow with natural dyes is impossible without investigation of properties of products and estimation of its quality. Our objects of investigation were organoleptic, physico-chemical and antioxidant properties of the products at storage for 30 days. The six of marshmallow samples were the objects of our research. They differed in the type of structuring agent - gelatin or gelatin with solubilized substances and the type of dye – water or water-alcohol extract of cryopowder from Sudanese rose or water-alcohol extract of cryopowder from вlack chokeberry.Necessary indexes of quality are supplied for the new types of marshmallow with natural dyes. Moisture content (19.0 ... 21.5 %), total acidity (3.5 °Brix), density (0.51 ... 0.67 g/cm3), reducing substances content (not more than 13.6 %) were determined by standard methods. Use of natural anthocyanin dyes let us to increase antioxidant properties of the ready product. Value of antioxidant capacity of the new samples, determined with use of galvanostatic coulometry method, is in 2 ... 2.5 times more than the same results for samples, made without the dyes.It was established that short time storage (up to 2 days) of marshmallow with natural anthocyanin dyes at temperature (15...18)°С and relative air humidity 60...75 % is possible without packing materials. Storage of the products in hermetically polyethylene wrap and cardboard box provides high indexes of quality, stability of colour in long time (up to 30 days). It was shown that antioxidant properties of marshmallow with water-alcohol extracts of cryopowder from Sudanese rose and black chokeberry remain stable.The new developed types of marshmallow with natural anthocyanin dyes makes wide market of confectionery and can be used for correction of feeding of a man

    A Study of Properties of Marshmallow with Natural Anthocyanin Dyes During Storage

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    An actual problem of the development of marshmallow with natural anthocyanin dyes was solved. The object of the investigation was organoleptic, physicochemical, antioxidant properties of the products during storage for 30 days. The subject of the investigation was 6 samples of marshmallow. They differed in the type of a structuring agent gelatin or gelatin with solubilized substances and the type of a dye a water or water-alcohol extract of Sudanese rose сryopowder or water-alcohol extract of black chokeberry сryopowder.For the new types of marshmallow with natural anthocyanin dyes, the quality indexes necessary for the product were provided. Moisture content is within 19.0...21.5 %, density is 0.51...0.67 gcm3, reducing substances content does not exceed 13.6 %, total acidity is 3.5 degrees.The use of natural anthocyanin dyes allows increasing the antioxidant properties of the finished product. The value of the antioxidant capacity for all of the developed samples is 2...2.5 times more than that of the samples, made without the dyes.It was found that short-term (up to 2 days) storage of marshmallow with natural anthocyanin dyes at a temperature of (15...18)°C and relative air humidity of 60…75 % is possible without packaging.Storage of the products hermetically packed in polyethylene wrap and a cardboard box provides high indexes of quality, preservation of colour intensity within a long time (up to 30 days). It was shown that antioxidant properties of marshmallow with water-alcohol extract of Sudanese rose and black chokeberry сryopowders remain stable and do not depend on the type of packaging.The developed new types of marshmallow with natural anthocyanin dyes expand the range of confectionery and can be used for correction of the human die