3,373 research outputs found

    Calidad del servicio en instituciones educativas privadas. Una revisión sistemática de la literatura científica en los últimos 16 años

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    La presente es una investigación sobre una revisión sistemática de las diferentes dimensiones que incluye la calidad del servicio en instituciones educativas privadas tanto en el Perú como fuera de su fronteras fueron publicadas entre los años 2000 y 2016. La búsqueda se realizó a través del buscador Dialnet, SciELO, World Wide Science, Google Scholar y Scholarpedia. La búsqueda se realizó a partir de términos de lenguaje libre "Calidad del servicio", en su combinación con "Instituciones educativas". Este estudio tiene como fin identificar si dichas publicaciones revisadas cumplen con presentar la información detallada respecto del diseño de investigación, instrumentos de medición, procedimiento de recolección de datos y análisis. Es importante señalar que estos estudios forman parte de un conjunto mayor de publicaciones científicas que han sido validadas y que cuentan con resultados que son significativos. Sin embargo para efectos de la presente revisión se considero a un total de 32 estudios que se desarrollaron en relación con el tema de la calidad del servicio en el sector educación. Uno de los objetivos de la presente revisión sistemática de las publicaciones fue determinar las dimensiones con las cuales los autoresidentifican a la calidad del servicio educativo y de esta forma compararlos entre sí para describir cuales son las más resaltantes y como se miden estadísticamente Finalmente se deja constancia que la revisión bibliográfica solo es en parte de todas las publicaciones y por tanto sus resultados están direccionados a los objetos de estudio en los cuales se realizaron

    Diverging Paths: Case Study of Spanish Bilingual Schools and the Related Latino Community in a Large Western Canadian City

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    This research is an attempt to study some puzzles that present themselves around the Spanish/English bilingual schools in Alberta. These schools are the most in demand of the bilingual school offerings in Alberta at the present time but they are poorly attended by the children of the large Latino community presently in the major urban centres where these schools are located. In order to understand why this is, the commentaries of a number of the Latino parents who did send their children to these schools as well as those who chose not to were analyzed and discussed. Parallel to this a number of the teachers and administrators of these schools were also asked to comment on the puzzling phenomenon of low Latino involvement in these schools. The demographics are not known with precision, but it is clear from the commentary of the principals of the schools in question that at least ten percent of the enrolees are of Latino origin. The population of Latinos in Alberta is presently between censuses but the previous census lists their numbers as roughly the fifth largest minority group. This research is a case study of the circumstances in a single large Alberta urban centre that involves these parents, teachers and administrators. Discourse analysis was applied to the recorded commentaries of these Latino parents, teachers and administrators. The results of the study were three fold: first there were a number of systemic barriers to more Latino children’s participation, such as the lack of free school buses and the fact that the programs are designed entirely for speakers of English in order to learn a second language; secondly not all of the parents felt that it was crucial to maintain the Latino versions of Spanish language and culture and emphasized rather that they wanted their children to master English as they could always get Spanish at home anyway; and third the Latino community was not as well organized nor as willing to participate as some of the other communities in Alberta such as for example the Ukrainian or German ones who also have bilingual schools and where the language and culture and the participation of the parents was seen as crucial to their success. It also became clear from the commentaries that the Latino culture was not central to the approach to Spanish in the schools and that Spanish was essentially just used as a translation from the standard English programs in all Alberta schools. Although there were some U.S. studies of Spanish-English bilingual schools the situation in the United States is sufficiently different from the Canadian context so that it is not helpful

    Control training loads through perceived exertion. Prediction of heart rate

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    Objective: Using the perceived exertion to control training loads and to predict of indirect form the heart rate without the need for monitoring the player. Methods: Nine futsal Spanish players were included in the study. All were monitored for a minimum of 25 sessions during the season. Subjective perception of exertion was assessed daily using Borg's RPE scale. Results: The mean heart rate was 138 beats per minute (bpm), with a minimum value of 75.2% of the maximum heart rate, which is equivalent to 15 ("hard") on the RPE scale and to a mean value of perceived exertion of 15.06±2.01. Individual values indicate that there are players whose perceived exertion is above, below or consistent with their heart rate. The results obtained differentiate four training session groups according to the players' heart rate values and perceived exertion. We used these results to develop a formula for predicting heart rate without monitoring the player. Conclusion: Player's perceived exertion is not always consistent with their cardiovascular response. This demonstrates that training loads are not only perceived from the physiological perspective, but also from a psychological point of view. Objetivo: Usar el esfuerzo percibido para controlar las cargas de entrenamiento y para predecir de forma indirecta el ritmo cardíaco sin la necesidad de supervisar el jugador. Métodos: Nueve jugadores españoles de fútbol sala fueron incluidos en el estudio. Todos fueron monitoreados durante un mínimo de 25 sesiones durante la temporada. La percepción subjetiva de esfuerzo fue evaluada diariamente utilizando la escala RPE de Borg. Resultados: La frecuencia cardíaca media fue de 138 latidos por minuto (lpm), con un valor mínimo de 75,2% de la frecuencia cardiaca máxima, lo que equivale a 15 ("duro") en la escala RPE y para un valor medio de esfuerzo percibido de 15,06 ± 2,01. Los valores individuales indican que hay jugadores que percibe el esfuerzo está por encima, por debajo o en consonancia con su ritmo cardíaco. Los resultados obtenidos se diferencian cuatro tipos de sesión de entrenamiento de acuerdo a los valores de la frecuencia cardíaca de los jugadores y el esfuerzo percibido. Utilizamos estos resultados para desarrollar una fórmula para predecir la frecuencia cardiaca sin la supervisión del jugador. Conclusión: El esfuerzo percibido del jugador no siempre es coherente con su respuesta cardiovascular. Esto demuestra que las cargas de entrenamiento no sólo se perciben desde la perspectiva fisiológica, sino también desde un punto de vista psicológico

    Ecosystem Services Linked to Water and Plant Diversity in the Igualata Paramo of Hualcanga Region

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    The present investigation proposes to study the ecosystem services linked to water and floristic diversity in the Igualata paramo of the Hualcanga region; 5 sampling plots of 25 m2 were installed, with 4 subplots of 1 m2. 30 samples of terrestrial vascular plants were obtained, identifying 17 botanical families, 26 genera, and 27 species, and 1 lichen and 1 moss of unidentified family and genus. It was determined that the species that stands out with the highest importance value index was Lachemilia orgiculata with 44.06%, because the species was found in 4 of the 5 study plots. In second place we have Calamagrostis intermedia species with 8.21%, while the species Vicea sp. was the species with the lowest importance value index of 0.50%, being the species with the lowest number of individuals. The Rosaceae family presented the highest index with 39.61%. The Poaceae and Asteraceae families also present dominance in this ecosystem with values of 9.63% and 5.79%, respectively. According to the Shannon index, plots P2 and P4 were those with high diversity, which corroborates with what was obtained in the Simpson index; the Sorensen index showed us that plots P4 and P5 are very similar, plots P1 and P3 are fairly similar, and the remaining plots are dissimilar, which indicated that vegetation can be found in certain areas of the investigation. The water flow supplying the resident families of the region was found to be 8.12 L/s, and its ecological flow is of 0.83 L/s, having a flow that satisfies the needs of the inhabitants. Keywords: caudal, ecological flow, ecosystem paramo, ecosystem services, floristic diverity, indices of diversity. Resumen La presente investigación propone: estudiar los servicios ecosistémicos ligados al agua y diversidad florística en el páramo del Igualata regional Hualcanga; se instalaron cinco parcelas de muestreo de 25 m2 con 4 sub parcelas de 1 m2, se obtuvo 30 muestras de plantas vasculares terrestres, identificando 17 familias botánicas, 26 géneros y 27 especies, además se colectó 1 liquen y 1 musgo de familia, género y especie no identificado. Se determinó que la especie que sobresale con mayor índice de valor de importancia fue Lachemilia orgiculata con un 44,06%, esto se debe a que la especie se encontraba en 4 de las 5 parcelas de estudio, en segundo lugar, tenemos a Calamagrostis intermedia especie con 8,21%, mientras que la especie Vicea sp. fue la que menor índice de valor de importancia presentó con un 0,50% esto se debe a que fue la especie con menor cantidad de individuos. La familia Rosaceae presentó el mayor índice con 39,61%, las familias Poaceae, y Asteraceae presentan una dominancia en este ecosistema con valores de 9,63% 5,79%, respectivamente. De acuerdo al índice de Shannon las parcelas 2 y 4 son las que poseen diversidad alta que se corrobora con lo obtenido en el índice de Simpson; en el índice de Sorensen nos muestra que las parcelas P4 vs P5 son muy similares las parcelas P1 y P3 son medianamente similares y las parcelas restantes son disimiles lo que indica que la vegetación se puede encontrar en ciertas zonas de la investigación. El caudal que posee la Regional es de 8,12 L/s, abasteciendo a las familias y su caudal ecológico es de 0,83 L/s teniendo un caudal que satisface las necesidades de los pobladores. Palabras clave: caudal, caudal ecológico, diversidad florística, ecosistema páramo, índices de diversidad, servicios ecosistémicos.&nbsp

    Use and effectiveness of fly goalkeepers in european futsal

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    Using a fly goalkeeper (FG) is one of futsal´s most specific offensive strategy and gives leverage over the opponent to change the game''s final result. This study will analyze the goals obtained from the use of a FG and relate them to the score momentum variable and others in order to offer a better understanding and to establish if there are differences between main European futsal leagues. Sample made from all offensive situations that lead to a goal while using FG scheme (n=673) during 2014-2015 Spanish, Russian and Italian pro futsal leagues. Observational, nomothetic and multidimensional study. Statistical analysis using the SPSS vr 22 for inferential and descriptive statistics. Chi-square relation for cathegorical variables and Spearman''s Rho to establish non parametrical bi-varial correlations for ordinary variables, establishing significant differences p <0.05. FG strategy obtains 15.33% of the total goals. The league''s behaviour very similar, except in the Italian league, which scores more goals with their attack than against its defence, making differences between goals scored as local and visitor both in attack and defence

    Comparación entre las cargas planificadas y ejecutadas en el entrenamiento de fútbol sala: la doble escala

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    El objeto de este estudio es la relación de la percepción de la intensidad del entrenamiento de los jugadores con la carga planificada por el cuerpo técnico (doble escala). Participaron 12 jugadores profesionales de fútbol sala español durante toda una temporada de 40 semanas. Para la recogida de datos se utilizó la Escala de Percepción Subjetiva del Esfuerzo creada por Borg. Los valores medios presentaron una diferencia entre la intensidad percibida (14.75±0.47) y la carga planificada (14.40±0.58) de 0.35 puntos, un valor no significativo considerando el rango de 15 puntos de la escala. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron una correlación significativa de r=0.74 entre ambas percepciones. Las correlaciones encontradas en los microciclos de mantenimiento de r=0.87 y en los descendentes de r=0.85 fueron significativas, lo que indica que la intensidad percibida por los jugadores era la que previamente habían planteado los entrenadores. Se ha encontrado una correlación significativa en el método aeróbico (r=0.91), anaeróbico (r=0.83), aláctico (r=0.82), mixto (r=0.80) y específico (r=0.63). Los resultados muestran que la doble escala permite comprobar y establecer la desviación entre la percepción del jugador y del cuerpo técnico y establecer cómo va asimilando las cargas el jugador posibilitando reajustar la misma según la información recibida

    Phylogeography of Chelonus insularis (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and Campoletis sonorensis (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), Two Primary Neotropical Parasitoids of the Fall Armyworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)

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    In a previous study, we observed no spatial genetic structure in Mexican populations of the parasitoids Chelonus insularis Cresson (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and Campoletis sonorensis Cameron (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) by using microsatellite markers. In the current study, we investigated whether for these important parasitoids of the fall armyworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) there is any genetic structure at a larger scale. Insects of both species were collected across the American continent and their phylogeography was investigated using both nuclear and mitochondrial markers. Our results suggest an ancient north-south migration of C. insularis, whereas no clear pattern could be determined for C. sonorensis. Nonetheless, the resulting topology indicated the existence of a cryptic taxon within this later species: a few Canadian specimens determined as C. sonorensis branch outside a clade composed of the Argentinean Chelonus grioti Blanchard, the Brazilian Chelonus flavicincta Ashmead, and the rest of the C. sonorensis individuals. The individuals revealing the cryptic taxon were collected from Trichoplusia ni (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on tomato (Lycopersicon spp.) and may represent a biotype that has adapted to the early season phenology of its host. Overall, the loosely defined spatial genetic structure previously shown at a local fine scale also was found at the larger scale, for both species. Dispersal of these insects may be partly driven by wind as suggested by genetic similarities between individuals coming from very distant location

    Crisis de reputación empresarial en el entorno digital

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    La empresa en el ámbito digital se enfrenta a un escrutinio público de su actuación a nivel global, lo que ha generado en diversos casos, crisis de reputación empresarial, debido a opiniones negativas de determinados grupos de interés, con incidencia en la rentabilidad y credibilidad. El objetivo propuesto fue identificar las aproximaciones teóricas respecto a la crisis de reputación empresarial en el entorno digital, para contribuir con una síntesis teórica que aporte a la identificación de las estrategias adecuadas a implementar en los medios sociales para preservar la reputación