25 research outputs found

    Influence of change of regulation on the goals achieved in futsal

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    Este artículo analiza la hipótesis de que los cambios introducidos en la normativa del fútbol sala modifican su lógica interna disminuyendo los goles totales y modificando su forma de ejecución. El objetivo de estudio es analizar los goles y manera de realizarlos en una temporada anterior y posterior al cambio de reglamentación para establecer cuantitativamente cómo el cambio de reglas del 2.006 afecta al juego. Se analizaron 3.126 goles en 442 partidos, 1.771 goles en 232 partidos en la temporada 2.002-2.003 y 1.355 goles en 210 partidos en la temporada 2.013-2.014. El método utilizado fue la metodología observacional, se utilizó el programa Lince vl.2.1. Los resultados muestran una reducción estadísticamente significativa en el número de goles de una temporada a otra. En la temporada 2.002-2.003 se lograron 1.927 goles con un promedio por equipo de 120,38 ± 28,58, y en la temporada 2.013-2.014 1.355 goles con un promedio de 90,40 ± 27,72This article analyses the hypothesis that the changes introduced in the regulation of futsal modify the inner logic of the game, what turns into a reduction of total goals and a significant variation in the form of execution. Therefore, it is set out as aim of study to analyze the goals and the way to achieve them in a previous season and in one subsequent to the change of regulation in order to establish quantitatively how the 2006 rules change has affected the game. Totally, 3126 goals were analyzed, scored in 442 matches, distributed in 1771 goals in 232 matches in season 2002-2003 and 1355 goals in 210 matches in season 2103-2014. The method used in this study was observational methodology. For the observational process, it has been used the observational software Lince vl.2.1. It has been carried out using the IBM SPSS 19.0.0 program. The results show a statistically significant reduction in the number of goals from one season to another. In season 2002-2003, 1927 goals were achieved with an average by team of 120.38±28.58, by 1355 goals in season 2013-2014 of 90.40±27.7

    The mediating role of goal orientation (Task) in the relationship between engagement and academic self-concept in students

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    Some students many not possess the necessary strategies and skills to meet the demands of academic life and develop negative attitudes, physical and mental exhaustion, and other attitudes that will undermine their personal and academic development. This study analyses the relationship and possible role of goal orientation as a mediator between engagement and academic self-concept. Methods: The study concerned a population of 1756 subjects from 12 secondary schools (ESO). The instruments used included the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale—Student (UWES-S), the Perception of Success Questionnaire (POSQ), and the Academic Self-Concept Scale (ASCS). Results: The results revealed significant correlations between academic engagement, task-oriented goal orientation, and academic self-concept. In addition, task orientation was found to play a positive mediating role between academic engagement and academic self-concept, leading to adaptive models in secondary school students. Conclusion: These results highlight the need to promote goal orientation in order to stimulate self-determined behaviours in the school environment and improved levels of academic self-concept, which in turn will facilitate the psychological and personal development of the student and increase the chances of academic success

    Observational analysis of the goals the two seasons of the Spanish Professional Futsal League

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    Este estudio analiza las acciones ofensivas que terminan en gol a lo largo de las temporadas 2.012-2.013 y 2.013-2.014 en la liga de fútbol sala profesional español determinando las relaciones entre las variables anteriores que están involucrados en estas acciones. Los goles totales analizados han sido 2.449. El método utilizado fue una metodología observacional a través del programa Lince vl.2. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó el programa IBM SPSS 19.0.0 para determinar la asociación o independencia entre las variables zona de tirosuperficie de contacto-tipo de tiro y tipo de acción-número de pases-jugadores involucrados. Los resultados muestran que la mayoría de los goles en fútbol sala se producen en jugadas rápidas de 1-2 pases con 1-2 jugadores participantes y que con defensas organizadas se requiere un mayor número de pases y la participación de 3 jugadores para encontrar líneas de pase antes de disparar con opciones de hacer golThis article analyse the offensive actions ending goal along the seasons 2.012- 2.013 and 2.013-2.014 of the Spanish professional futsal league and determine the relationships between the previous variables which are involved in these actions and influence goal. The total goals analyzed have been 2.449. The method used in this study was observational methodology. For the observational process, it has been used the observational software Lince vl.2.1. It has been carried out using the IBM SPSS 19.0.0 program to determine the association or independence between variables zone from which the shot is taken-contact surface-type of shot and type of play-number of passes-players involved. The results show with organized defenses, a bigger number of passes and the participation of 3 players touching the ball to find passing lanes before shooting with goal options are required and most of the goals in actual futsal occur in fast moves of 1-2 passes with 1 or 2 players involved in i

    Use and effectiveness of fly goalkeepers in european futsal

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    Using a fly goalkeeper (FG) is one of futsal´s most specific offensive strategy and gives leverage over the opponent to change the game''s final result. This study will analyze the goals obtained from the use of a FG and relate them to the score momentum variable and others in order to offer a better understanding and to establish if there are differences between main European futsal leagues. Sample made from all offensive situations that lead to a goal while using FG scheme (n=673) during 2014-2015 Spanish, Russian and Italian pro futsal leagues. Observational, nomothetic and multidimensional study. Statistical analysis using the SPSS vr 22 for inferential and descriptive statistics. Chi-square relation for cathegorical variables and Spearman''s Rho to establish non parametrical bi-varial correlations for ordinary variables, establishing significant differences p <0.05. FG strategy obtains 15.33% of the total goals. The league''s behaviour very similar, except in the Italian league, which scores more goals with their attack than against its defence, making differences between goals scored as local and visitor both in attack and defence

    Exercise addiction and satisfaction of fitness center users as precursors to the intention of continuing to engage in physical activity

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    Exercise addiction occurs when a person engages in excessive physical activity until they lose control. Among individuals attending fitness centers, the risk of developing exercise addiction has been estimated to be close to 10%. The objective of this study was to determine whether exercise addiction may be an antecedent of satisfaction with the service received and/or of the intention of continuing to partake in leisure-time physical activity at fitness centers in a direct or indirect manner. A total of 361 individuals (29.05 ± 11.40 years old) who were physically active at Spanish fitness centers were asked to respond to a questionnaire on exercise addiction, satisfaction with the sports service, and their intention to continue to engage in physical activity. A multi-group analysis was conducted to check for differences in relationships by sex. The results show the relationships between addiction, satisfaction, and intention to continue physical activity. The standardized values display differences between men and women, with women exhibiting the highest values for the relationships between addiction and the rest of the constructs. Satisfaction with the sports service is a mediator in the relationship between exercise addiction and intention to engage in leisure-time physical activity

    Assessing blood pressure in basketball youth players during astrand testing using percentiles [Évaluer la pression artérielle des jeunes joueurs de basket-ball lors d'un test astringent à l'aide de percentiles]

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    1. Case itself Arterial hypertension (HBP) is a major cardiovascular risk factor that affects a high percentage of the adult population [1]. In the last decades, an increase in blood pressure (BP) has been observed in children and adolescents, which supports the recommendation that BP should be measured in children during clinical examinations [2]. HBP is also a cardiovascular risk factor in children and adolescents and may lead to the development of HBP in adulthood [2]. Therefore, HBP in childhood should be prevented to reduce cardiovascular risk in adulthood. Then, it is necessary to define the parameters that identify the children at high cardiovascular risk [3]. In Aragon–a northern province of Spain–sports medical exams (SME) are massively performed on schoolchildren following a protocol that includes measurement of blood pressure at rest and after submaximal exercise testing (Astrand Step Test). The aim of sports medical exams is to promote early detection through screening and determine the subject's suitability for physical activity. Although the SME report includes the measurement of exercise blood pressure (EBP), there are no reference values for BP levels in children and adolescents. The only reference values available are for healthy adults and adults with cardiovascular disease..

    Efectividad de los jugadores de futsal según sus posiciones

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    Introducción: La lógica interna del futbol sala está formada por ataque y defensa que implican continuas transiciones ofensivas y defensivas y ocasiones de gol. Esta gran movilidad en ataque tiene como finalidad provocar y aprovechar un desequilibrio en el esquema táctico defensivo contrario, creando así un efecto sorpresa de incertidumbre que genere una opción clara de finalización y así poder anotar gol. Existen estudios que explican cómo, cuándo se consiguen los goles pero no existe ninguno que diga quién los consigue. El objetivo de este trabajo es saber cómo se distribuyen los goles entre los diferentes tipos de jugadores en las mejores ligas europeas de fútbol sala. Método: Estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo. La muestra asciende a 110 partidos en la liga italiana (11 equipos), 240 en la liga española (16 equipos) y 273 en la liga rusa (14 equipos), lo que supone un total de 623 partidos de los que se han podido analizar 619 y una muestra (n) alcanzada de 4716 goles de la temporada 2.014-2.015. Para la recogida de datos se han utilizado las actas de los partidos. Datos descriptivos dados en frecuencias, medias y porcentajes y estadística inferencial utilizando Chi-cuadrado para establecer la relación entre variables. Resultados y conclusiones: Los resultados establecen que existe una relación directa entre las posiciones de partida y la consecución de goles. Así, el pívot obtiene un 40, 37% de los goles, seguido por los alas con un 37, 24%, los cierres con un 19, 64%. Introduction: The internal logic of futsal consists of attack and defense involving continuous offensive and defensive transitions and goal chances. This great mobility in attack aims to provoke and take advantage of an imbalance in the opposing defensive tactical scheme, creating a surprise uncertainty effect that generates clear chances of finishing and thus scoring goals. There exist studies explaining how, or when, goals are achieved; however, none discusses who gets them. The objective of this paper is to assess how goals are distributed among the different types of players in the best European futsal leagues. Method: Quantitative, descriptive study. The sample consists of 110 matches in the Italian league (11 teams), 240 in the Spanish league (16 teams), and 273 in the Russian league (14 teams), with a total of 619 matches analyzed on a total of 623 available, and a sample (n) of 4, 716 goals scored during the season 2014-2015. For the collection of data, match minutes were used. Descriptive data was presented in frequencies, means and percentages, whilst inferential statistics were run using Chi-square to establish the relationship between variables. Results and conclusions: The results establish that there is a direct relationship between starting positions and achievement of goals. Pivots get 40.37% of the total goals, followed by wings with 37.24%, and closures with 19.64%

    Validación de la Escala del Proceso Enseñanza de la Técnica Deportiva por Pares en la educación superior (ETEPES)

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    Las directrices del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior indican que la enseñanza debe favorecer la adquisición de competencias y su transferencia posterior. Para ello es necesario diseñar modelos de enseñanza participativos que favorezcan el aprendizaje autónomo y reflexivo por parte de los alumnos. Se necesita construir herramientas para evaluar dicho proceso. El objetivo de esta investigación es validar una escala que permita reflexionar sobre el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje por pares de la técnica deportiva en el Grado de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte. Los participantes en este estudio fueron un total de 276 alumnos. Se hizo análisis descriptivo de los ítems, análisis factorial exploratorio, análisis factorial confirmatorio, cálculo de la invarianza factorial y pruebas de validez. El resultado final fue un instrumento válido y fiable, con 6 dimensiones y 21 ítems que permiten obtener información sobre el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje por pares de los modelos técnico-tácticos de los deportes. The guidelines of the European Higher Education Area indicate that education should favor the acquisition of skills and their subsequent transfer. For this it is necessary to teach participatory teaching models that favor autonomous and reflective learning. You need to build tools to evaluate that process. The objective of this research is to validate a scale that allows reflecting on the process of teaching-learning by peers of the sports technique in the Degree of Science of Physical Activity and Sports. The participants in this study were a total of 276 students. A descriptive analysis of the items was made, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, factorial invariance calculation and validity tests. The final result was a valid and reliable instrument, with 6 dimensions and 21 items that allowed obtaining information about the teaching-learning process by pairs of the technical-tactical models of sports

    Relación entre motivación, compromiso y autoconcepto en adolescentes: estudio con futbolistas

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar las relaciones entre motivación, compromiso deportivo y autoconcepto físico en futbolistas adolescentes de la provincia de Zaragoza en categorías Cadete (14-16 años) y Juvenil (16-18 años) así como atender a posibles diferencias entre las divisiones que las componen, más o menos competitivas. Para ello, se utilizó una muestra de 512 sujetos pertenecientes a 37 equipos de 12 clubes de la ciudad (M=16,00; DT: 1,465) a quienes se suministró la Sport Motivation Scale (Pelletier et al.,1995) validada y traducida al español por Núñez, Martín-Albo, Navarro y González (2006), Sport Commitment Questionnaire (SCQ), desarrollado por Scanlan, Simons, Carpenter, Schmidt y Keeler (1993), en una versión traducida y validada al castellano por Sousa, Torregrosa, Viladrich, Villamarín y Cruz (2007) y Physical Self-Questionnaire (C-PSQ) de Fox y Corbin (1999) utilizando una versión traducida al castellano de Moreno, Cervelló, Vera y Ruiz (2007) orientada hacia jóvenes. Los resultados mostraron diferencias significativas entre los diferentes niveles de competición así como dos perfiles conductuales; el primero caracterizado por comportamientos más autodeterminados (motivaciones intrínsecas, compromiso adquirido, diversión deportiva, oportunidades de implicación, competencia percibida, autoconfianza…) y otro, de conductas menos adaptativas (motivaciones extrínsecas, amotivación, coacciones sociales, atractivo físico…). The aim of this research was toanalyse the relationships between motivation, sport commitment and physical self-concept among adolescent footballers in the province of Zaragoza in the categories of Juniors I (14-16 years) and Juniors II (16-18 years) as well as exploring possible differences between the more or less competitive divisions. In order to carry this out, a sample of 512 subjects belonging to 37 teams of 12 clubs around the city were involved(M=16,00; SD: 1,465) and who were provided with the Sport Motivation Scale (Pelletier et al., 1995) translated into Spanish by Núñez, Martín-Albo, Navarro y González (2006), the Sport Commitment Questionnaire (SCQ), elaborated by Scanlan, Simons, Carpenter, Schmidt y Keeler (1993), in a version translated into Spanish bySousa, Torregrosa, Viladrich, Villamarín y Cruz (2007), and Fox and Corbin''s (1999) Physical Self-Questionnaire (C-PSQ), using the version of Moreno, Cervelló, Vera y Ruiz (2007) aimed at young people and translated into Spanish. The results showed significant differences among the distinct levels of competitiveness as well as two behavioural profiles: the first one characterised by more selfdetermined behaviour (intrinsic motivation, sport commitment, sport enjoyment, involvement opportunities, competence, self-confidence...) and the second one distinguished by less adaptive behaviour (extrinsic motivation, amotivation, social constraints, attractive body...)

    Assessment of Volleyball Technical Learning Using Peer Observational Methodology in University Students

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    The European Higher Education Area defends training methodologies so that students learn to learn. The objective of the study is to know the assessment of the students about the teaching-learning process of the volleyball sports technique through the observational methodology by pairs. 215 students of the Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences participated in the second-year subject “Collaborative-opposition collective sports” during the four years between 2015 and 2019. The students of each course are divided into di fferent practice groups presenting a diversi fied initial training in the field of volleyball, although the same intervention was carried out with all of them in the thematic block of volleyball during the first trimester. A descriptive study has been carried out in which the central tendency and dispersion have been calculated. The groups were compared using MANOVA tests. The validated scale (Álvarez et al., 2020) has been used to evaluate the process of Teaching Sports Technique by Peers in Higher Education. The students value the teaching-learning process very positively, obtaining averages between 4.00 and 4.50 out of 5.00. The intervention had effects on the evaluation of the students, obtaining significant differences in total scale and factors: design, phases, methodology and observation, allowing teachers to improve the teaching-learning process of volleyball sports technique. © 2022, Universidad Catolica San Antonio Murcia. All rights reserved