1,377 research outputs found
Impact of the Bogota river on the microbiological quality of the water of the Magdalena river, municipality of Flandes (Tolima)
La cuenca del río Bogotá está considerada como la más contaminada de Colombia, producto de la descarga de aguas residuales de una población superior a 7 millones de habitantes; aguas que al desembocar en la margen derecha del río Magdalena ―principal arteria fluvial nacional― deterioran su calidad y ponen en potencial riesgo la salud de una vasta población de la región central del país que se abastece de esta fuente hídrica para consumo humano, riego y contacto primario. En esta investigación se evaluó la incidencia del río Bogotá en la contaminación microbiológica del río Magdalena que sirve de fuente de abastecimiento del acueducto urbano del municipio de Flandes, departamento del Tolima, durante la ocurrencia del fenómeno de El Niño entre 2015-2016. Se realizaron muestreos en 4 puntos estratégicos a partir de ensayos microbiológicos efectuados en el tramo del río Magdalena, comprendido desde antes de la desembocadura del río Bogotá hasta la captación del acueducto urbano de Flandes, durante dos temporadas diferentes: la seca en el mes de febrero de 2016 y de lluvia en abril de 2016. Se concluyó que es una fuente de abastecimiento muy deficiente para consumo humano a partir de la contaminación microbiológica que le incorpora el río Bogotá, en especial en temporada seca, incidiendo en la calidad del agua captada por el acueducto de Flandes que puede llegar a implicar riesgo a la salud, requiriéndose a corto plazo la incorporación de nuevos procesos en su sistema de tratamiento para garantizar la remoción de la carga microbiológica.The basin of the Bogotá River is considered the most polluted basin in Colombia due to the discharge of wastewater from a population of over 7 million inhabitants. These waters that flow into the right bank of the Magdalena River -the main national fluvial artery- deteriorate their quality and potential putting at risk the health of a vast population of the central region of the country that is supplied with this water source for human consumption, irrigation and primary contact. This research evaluated the impact of the Bogotá River in the microbiological contamination of the Magdalena River that serves as a source of supply for the urban aqueduct in the municipality of Flandes, Department of Tolima, during the occurrence of El Niño phenomenon between 2015 and 2016. Samplings were completed at 4 strategic points from microbiological tests carried out in the Magdalena River section containing the area before the mouth of the Bogota River to the catchment of the urban aqueduct of Flandes during two different seasons, the dry season in the month of February 2016, and the rainy season in April 2016. It was concluded that it is a very poor source of supply for human consumption based on the microbiological contamination that the Bogota River adds especially in the dry season, affecting the quality of the water collected by the aqueduct of Flandes that may imply a health risk, requiring the incorporation of new processes in its treatment system in a short-term to guarantee the removal of the microbiological load
The Use of Silica Microparticles to Improve the Efficiency of Optical Hyperthermia (OH)
Although optical hyperthermia could be a promising anticancer therapy, the need for high concentrations of light-absorbing metal nanoparticles and high-intensity lasers, or large exposure times, could discourage its use due to the toxicity that they could imply. In this article, we explore a possible role of silica microparticles that have high biocompatibility and that scatter light, when used in combination with conventional nanoparticles, to reduce those high concentrations of particles and/or those intense laser beams, in order to improve the biocompatibility of the overall procedure. Our underlying hypothesis is that the scattering of light caused by the microparticles would increase the optical density of the irradiated volume due to the production of multiple reflections of the incident light: the nanoparticles present in the same volume would absorb more energy from the laser than without the presence of silica particles, resulting either in higher heat production or in the need for less laser power or absorbing particles for the same required temperature rise. Testing this new optical hyperthermia procedure, based on the use of a mixture of silica and metallic particles, we have measured cell mortality in vitro experiments with murine glioma (CT-2A) and mouse osteoblastic (MC3T3-E1) cell lines. We have used gold nanorods (GNRs) that absorb light with a wavelength of 808 nm, which are conventional in optical hyperthermia, and silica microparticles spheres (hereinafter referred to as SMSs) with a diameter size to scatter the light of this wavelength. The obtained results confirm our initial hypothesis, because a high mortality rate is achieved with reduced concentrations of GNR. We found a difference in mortality between CT2A cancer cells and cells considered non-cancer MC3T3, maintaining the same conditions, which gives indications that this technique possibly improves the efficiency in the cell survival. This might be related with differences in the proliferation rate. Since the experiments were carried out in the 2D dimensions of the Petri dishes, due to sedimentation of the silica particles at the bottom, whilst light scattering is a 3D phenomenon, a large amount of the energy provided by the laser escapes outside the medium. Therefore, better results might be expected when applying this methodology in tissues, which are 3D structures, where the multiple reflections of light we believe will produce higher optical density in comparison to the conventional case of no using scattering particles. Accordingly, further studies deserve to be carried out in this line of work in order to improve the optical hyperthermia technique.This study was partially supported by CIBER-BBN (Spain) and the NEUROCENTRO-CM (B2017/BMD-3760) Consortium. Characterization of the MNPs was performed by the ICTS ‘NANBIOSIS’, Unit 15, Functional Characterization of Magnetic Nanoparticles of the CIBER in Bioengineering, Biomaterials & Nanomedicine (CIBER-BBN) at the Center for Biomedical Technology (CTB) of the ‘Universidad Politécnica de Madrid’ (UPM). This work was carried out as a part of Project PGC2018-097531-B-I00, funded by the Ministry of Science of Spain
Propuesta estratégica de mejora en la implementación de los estándares mínimos del Sistema de Gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo (SG-SST) en la empresa Castilla Cosecha S.A: para el año 2020
El presente trabajo nos da oportunidad de exponer la investigación realizada a la empresa Castilla Cosecha S.A., conocer como ha venido implementando los cambios necesarios para complementar un Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo, acorde con la normatividad vigente, como por ejemplo la resolución 0312 del 13 de febrero del 2019, en aras de observar en qué estado se encuentra actualmente la empresa en cuanto al cumplimiento de esta norma y otras que la anteceden, con el propósito de mejorar los estándares mínimos de SG-SST para dar cumplimiento a esta resolución.This work gives us the opportunity to present the research carried out to the company Castilla Cosecha SA, to learn how it has been implementing the necessary changes to complement a Management System for Safety and Health at Work, in accordance with current regulations, such as the Resolution 0312 of February 13, 2019, in order to observe what state the company is currently in regarding compliance with this standard and others that precede it, in order to improve the minimum standards of SG-SST to comply with this resolution
Suppressive Antibiotic Therapy in Prosthetic Joint Infections: A Multicentre Cohort Study
Objectives: The aim was to describe the effectiveness of suppressive antibiotic treatment (SAT) in routine clinical practice when used in situations in which removal of a prosthetic implant is considered essential for the eradication of an infection, and it cannot be performed.
Methods: This was a descriptive retrospective and multicentre cohort study of prosthetic joint infection (PJI) cases managed with SAT. SAT was considered to have failed if a fistula appeared or persisted, if debridement was necessary, if the prosthesis was removed due to persistence of the infection or if uncontrolled symptoms were present.
Results: In total, 302 patients were analysed. Two hundred and three of these patients (67.2%) received monotherapy. The most commonly used drugs were tetracyclines (39.7% of patients) (120/302) and cotrimoxazole (35.4% of patients) (107/302). SAT was considered successful in 58.6% (177/302) of the patients (median time administered, 36.5 months; IQR 20.75-59.25). Infection was controlled in 50% of patients at 5 years according to Kaplan-Meier analysis. Resistance development was documented in 15 of 65 (23.1%) of the microbiologically documented cases. SAT failure was associated with age <70 years (sub-hazard ratio (SHR) 1.61, 95% CI 1.1-2.33), aetiology other than Gram-positive cocci (SHR 1.56, 95% CI 1.09-2.27) and location of the prosthesis in the upper limb (SHR 2.4, 95% CI 1.5-3.84). SAT suspension was necessary due to adverse effects in 17 of 302 patients (5.6%).
Conclusions: SAT offers acceptable results for patients with PJI when surgical treatment is not performed or when it fails to eradicate the infection
Implementación de estrategias pedagógicas y tecnológicas para fomentar la conciencia ambiental
El presente documento es el resultado del proceso de investigación que tuvo como objetivo general, articular el área de Tecnología e informática mediante estrategias pedagógicas para contribuir en la conservación del medio ambiente a través de la creación de un ambiente virtual de aprendizaje (AVA) por medio del cual los niños y niñas del Liceo Mayor de Soacha “Bienestar para todos”, específicamente de los grados 8 y 9, fortalecieran sus hábitos frente al cuidado de su entorno. Tras la implementación del AVA con una muestra aleatoria con 30 estudiantes, se logró comprobar que el uso de herramientas virtuales genera alta recordación e interés en el desarrollo de los contenidos, por tanto es mucho más efectivo para trabajar con este grupo específico de edades, haciendo uso de sus centros de interés y de esta manera propiciar el compartir de conocimientos e iniciativas
Análisis de frecuencias alélicas, genotípicas y haplotípicas HLA -A, HLA-B, HLA-DRB1 en población colombiana
Introduction: The high polymorphism of the HLA system allows its typification to be used as valuable tool in establishing
association to various illnesses, immune and genetic profiles; it also provides a guide to identifying compatibility among
donors and receptors of organs transplants.
Objective: To establish HLA-A, HLA-B, and HLA.DRB1 allele, genotype and haplotype frequencies among patients
treated at Clinica Colsanitas SA.
Methods: 561 patients coming from different regions in Colombia, who were attended in 8 centers of the clinical
laboratory of the Clinica Colsanitas in different cities of the country from January 2004 to August 2008, were included in this
study. All were HLA-A,-B, and -DRB1 typified via SSP PCR. Allele, genotype and haplotype frequencies were estimated
with STATA Software Version 9.0 and the GENEPOP genetic analysis package.
Results: 19, 28, and 15 different alleles were identified for loci HLA-A,-B and -DRB1, respectively. Alleles found most
frequently were A*24 (26.2%), A*02 (26%), B*35(22.7%), and DRB1*04 (24%). The most frequent genotypes were
A*02,24 (14.2%), B*07,35 (5.5%), DRB1*01,04, and DRB1*04,04 (6.9%); while most the frequent haplotypes were HLA
A*24, B*35 (9.2%), A*24, DRB1*04 (8.1%); B*35, DRB1*04 (7.8%), A*2 DRB1*04 (7.4%).
Conclusion: The results obtained provide a useful reference framework for the population studied, allowing compatibility
probability calculations to be performed for organ transplants. Introducción: El alto polimorfismo del sistema HLA, hace que su tipificación sea una herramienta de gran valor al
establecer asociación con diferentes enfermedades, patrones inmunológicos, antropogenéticos, así como para establecer
probabilidades de encontrar donantes compatibles con receptores de diferentes tipos de trasplante de órganos.
Objetivo: Establecer las frecuencias alélicas, genotípicas y haplotípicas en pacientes atendidos en la Clínica Colsanitas
Metodología: Se incluyeron un total de 561 pacientes atendidos en el Laboratorio Clínico de La Clínica Colsanitas SA,
en 8 sedes en diferentes ciudades del Colombia, durante el período comprendido entre enero de 2004 a agosto de 2008. Se
realizó tipificación de HLA -A,-B,-DRB1 por PCR SSP. Las frecuencias alélicas, genotípicas y haplotípicas fueron estimadas mediante el paquete estadístico Stata y el paquete de análisis
genético Genepop.
Resultados: Fue posible la identificación de 19, 28 y 15
alelos de los loci HLA A-B-DRB1 respectivamente, de los
cuales los más frecuentes fueron A*24 (26.2%), A*02 (26%),
B*35 (22.7%), DRB1*04 (24%). Los genotipos más frecuentes
encontrados fueron A*02,24 (14.2%), B*07,35
(5.5%), DRB1*01,04 y DRB1*04,04 (6.9%). Los haplotipos
más frecuentes fueron: HLA A*24, B*35 (9.2%), A*24,
DRB1*04 (8.1%); B* 35, DRB1*04 (7.8%), A*2 DRB1*04
Conclusión: Los resultados obtenidos permiten tener
referencia para aplicaciones en la población estudiada, así
como para establecer probabilidades de compatibilidad en la
creciente área de trasplante de órganos
Alcaloides aporfínicos con actividad antituberculosa aislados de Ocotea discolor Kunth (Lauraceae)
La tuberculosis causa miles de muertes a nivel mundial y que, actualmente, los fármacos usados no son suficientes y en ocasiones son obsoletos para su tratamiento, se hace necesaria la búsqueda de nuevos compuestos que ayuden a combatirla. Por tanto, se evaluó la actividad antituberculosis de los alcaloides ocoxilonina (1), ocoteina (2), dicentrina (3) y 1,2-metilendioxi-3, 10,11-trimetoxiaporfina (4), aislados de la madera de Ocotea discolor. Las estructuras fueron identificadas por medio del análisis de los datos espectroscópicos de resonancia magnética nuclear (NMR 1D – 1H, 13C, 2D – COSY, HSQC y HMBC), espectros de masas y comparación con datos de la literatura. Todos los compuestos aislados demostraron actividad antituberculosa, con un rango de variación en la concentración mínima inhibitoria entre 140 y 310 μM, siendo la ocoteina (2) la más activo contra la cepa virulenta de Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv.Tuberculosis disease causes thousands of deaths worldwide and, currently, the used drugs are either not enough or obsolete for its treatment. Therefore, new compounds that combat this disease are been seek. Thus, the antituberculosis activity of the alkaloids ocoxilonine (1), ocoteine (2), dicentrine (3) and 1,2-methylenedioxy-3,10,11-trimethoxyaporphine (4), isolated from Ocotea discolor wood was evaluated. Their structures were identified by analysis of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic data (NMR 1D – 1H, 13C, 2D – COSY, HSQC and HMBC), mass spectra, and comparison with literature data. All the isolated compounds demonstrated antituberculosis activity, with ocoteine (2) being the most active compound, with a minimum inhibitory concentration value of 140 μM against the virulent strain Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv. All the isolated compounds showed antituberculosis activity, with a variation range in the minimum inhibitory concentration between 140 to 310 μM, being ocoteine (2) the most active compound against the virulent strain Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv
TLR4-Mediated Placental Pathology and Pregnancy Outcome in Experimental Malaria
Malaria-associate pregnancy has a significant impact on infant morbidity and mortality. The detrimental effects of malaria infection during pregnancy have been shown to correlate with immune activation in the placental tissue. Herein we sought to evaluate the effect of Toll-like receptors (TLRs) activation on placental malaria (PM) development by using the Plasmodium berghei NK65(GFP) infection model. We observed that activation of the innate immune system by parasites leads to PM due to local inflammation. We identified TLR4 activation as the main pathway involved in the inflammatory process in the placental tissue since the absence of functional TLR4 in mice leads to a decrease in the pro-inflammatory responses, which resulted in an improved pregnancy outcome. Additionally, a similar result was obtained when infected pregnant mice were treated with IAXO-101, a TLR4/CD14 blocker. Together, this study illustrates the importance of TLR4 signalling for the generation of the severe inflammatory response involved in PM pathogenesis. Therefore, our results implicate that TLR4 blockage could be a potential candidate for therapeutic interventions to reduce malaria-induced pathology both in the mother and the fetus.Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo - FAPESPCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPESConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPqUniv Fed São Paulo, Dept Ciencias Biol, Diadema, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Inst Ciencias Biomed, Dept Parasitol, São Paulo, BrazilHosp Israelita Albert Einstein, São Paulo, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Inst Ciencias Biomed, Dept Biol Celular & Desenvolvimento, São Paulo, BrazilUniv Estadual Campinas, Dept Genet Evolucao & Bioagentes, Inst Biol, Campinas, SP, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Inst Ciencias Biomed, Dept Imunol, São Paulo, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Dept Analises Clin & Toxicol, Fac Ciencias Farmaceut, São Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed São Paulo, Dept Ciencias Biol, Diadema, BrazilFAPESP: 2009/53889-0FAPESP: 2014/09964-5FAPESP: 2014/20451-0FAPESP: 2012/16525-2FAPESP: 2011/17880-8FAPESP: 2013/16417-8FAPESP: 2011/19048-8FAPESP: 2013/00981-1FAPESP: 2015/06106-0]CAPES: AUX-PE-PNPD 2751/2010CNPq: 475771/2009-5Web of Scienc
Resumen ejecutivo de tratamiento de las infecciones de prótesis articulares. Guia clínica práctica de la Sociedad Española de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiologia Clínica
[EN] The incidence of prosthetic joint infection (PJI) is expected to increase in the coming years. PJI has serious consequences for patients, and high costs for the health system. The complexity of these infections makes it necessary to organize the vast quantity of information published in the last several years. The indications for the choice of a given surgical strategy and the corresponding antimicrobial therapy are specifically reviewed.
The authors selected clinically relevant questions and then reviewed the available literature in order to give recommendations according to a pre-determined level of scientific evidence. The more controversial aspects were debated, and the final composition was agreed at an ad hoc meeting. Before its final publication, the manuscript was made available online in order that all SEIMC members were able to read it and make comments and suggestions.[ES] Se prevé un incremento de la incidencia de infección de las prótesis articulares (IPA) en los próximos años. Las IPA plantean graves consecuencias para los pacientes y un alto coste el sistema sanitario. La complejidad de estas infecciones hace que sea necesario organizar la inmensa cantidad de información publicada en los últimos años. En estas guías se revisan específicamente las indicaciones para la elección de una estrategia quirúrgica dada y el tratamiento antimicrobiano correspondiente.
Los autores seleccionaron las preguntas clínicamente relevantes y revisaron la literatura disponible con el fin de proporcionar recomendaciones de acuerdo con un grado de evidencia científica predeterminada. Los aspectos más controvertidos fueron debatidos y la redacción final se acordó en una reunión ad hoc. Antes de su publicación, el manuscrito estuvo abierto a comentarios y sugerencias de los miembros de la Sociedad Española de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica.Peer reviewe
Systematics and diversification of the Ichthyomyini (Cricetidae, Sigmodontinae) revisited: evidence from molecular, morphological, and combined approaches
Ichthyomyini, a morphologically distinctive group of Neotropical cricetid rodents, lacks an integrative study of its systematics and biogeography. Since this tribe is a crucial element of the Sigmodontinae, the most speciose subfamily of the Cricetidae, we conducted a study that includes most of its recognized diversity (five genera and 19 species distributed from southern Mexico to northern Bolivia). For this report we analyzed a combined matrix composed of four molecular markers (RBP3, GHR, RAG1, Cytb) and 56 morphological traits, the latter including 15 external, 14 cranial, 19 dental, five soft-anatomical and three postcranial features. A variety of results were obtained, some of which are inconsistent with the currently accepted classification and understanding of the tribe. Ichthyomyini is retrieved as monophyletic, and it is divided into two main clades that are here recognized as subtribes: one to contain the genus Anotomys and the other composed by the remaining genera. Neusticomys (as currently recognized) was found to consist of two well supported clades, one of which corresponds to the original concept of Daptomys. Accordingly, we propose the resurrection of the latter as a valid genus to include several species from low to middle elevations and restrict Neusticomys to several highland forms. Numerous other revisions are necessary to reconcile the alpha taxonomy of ichthyomyines with our phylogenetic results, including placement of the Cajas Plateau water rat (formerly Chibchanomys orcesi) in the genus Neusticomys (sensu stricto), and the recognition of at least two new species (one in Neusticomys, one in Daptomys). Additional work is necessary to confirm other unanticipated results, such as the non-monophyletic nature of Rheomys and the presence of a possible new genus and species from Peru. Our results also suggest that ichthyomyines are one of the main Andean radiations of sigmodontine cricetids, with an evolutionary history dating to the Late Miocene and subsequent cladogenesis during the Pleistocene
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