1,339 research outputs found

    Violencia doméstica y venta de cosa ajena

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    Traballo fin de grao (UDC.DER). Grao en Dereito. Curso 2016/201

    Angel Zúñiga: "Tenim el mal costum de morir-nos"

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    William Forsythe, el coreógrafo atípico

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    William Forsythe, el coreògraf atípic

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    Cardiovascular Adaptations Controlling Changes in V02max and VO2 Kinetics with Endurance Training in Older and Young Men and Women

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    A reduced maximal O2uptake (V02max) and a slower rate ofadjustment for V02during the exercise on-transient have been demonstrated in older individuals compared to their younger counterparts. Endurance-exercise training elicits cardiovascular adaptations in older individuals, resulting in age-dependent limitations being reduced. The mechanisms explaining the improvements in cardiorespiratory fitness have been proposed to be sex- related. However, there is a gap of information in terms of the mechanisms and time- course of changes occurring in response to short-term endurance training. Additionally, there are few studies directly comparing physiological responses to endurance training in older and young men and women. This thesis examined the mechanisms explaining the changes in VC^max and the VO2 time constant (xV02) occurring in older compared with young men and women in response to a 12-week endurance training program. The main findings were that: 1) a short-term training program with progressive increases in exercise intensity resulted in significant increases in VC^max in older and young men and women; 2) the time-course of increases in VC^max in response to a 12- week endurance training program was similar in older men and young men and women with changes in both maximal cardiac output and arterial-venous O2 difference explaining the increases in VC\u3e2max; however, older women showed a plateau-like response in VC^max during the last 3 weeks of training and marked reliance on peripheral changes related to increased O2 extraction throughout the training program; 3) the decrease in pulmonary tVC\u3e2 (tV0 2p) in older and young men and women occurred within the first 3 weeks of training with no subsequent changes observed thereafter; 4) microvascular O2 delivery to the active muscle sites o f O2 utilization seems to be an important constraint for the initial in slower rate of adjustment in tV02Pin older and in young men and women and, although the fundamental control of VC^p kinetics may take place intracellularly, by factors that were not measured in these studies, O2 delivery appears to be a major constraint in participants with “slow” VO2 kinetics. In conclusion, an increase in V02max and speeding of V02kinetics in older adults can be achieved with a short-term exercise training program

    Inventario comparativo de falsos cognados kinésicos en la cultura turca y española

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    The purpose of this paper is to present a comparative inventory of false kinesic cognates prevalent both in Turkish and Spanish cultures. As a result of video-interviews based on 151 linguistic functions, which were recorded in Istanbul with 54 informants, 10 gestures were identified as false cognates. The article begins by referring to the importance of non-verbal communication in the interactive communicative action. Following this, the kinesic system and the various signs that it consists of are reviewed, with particular attention to gestures, and more specifically, to emblems. Finally, a cross section of the Spanish and Turkish gestures of the bicultural repertoire is provided.El propósito de este artículo es presentar un inventario comparativo de los falsos cognados kinésicos existentes en la cultura turca y española. Los resultados de las vídeo-entrevistas basadas en 151 funciones de la lengua y grabadas en Estambul con 54 informantes revelan la existencia de 10 falsos cognados kinésicos. En un primer apartado introductorio se hace referencia a la relevancia de la comunicación no verbal en el acto comunicativo interactivo. A continuación, tratamos el sistema kinésico y los diferentes signos que lo integran prestando especial atención a los gestos, y más concretamente, a los emblemas. Presentamos, finalmente, los gestos españoles y turcos que forman parte del repertorio bicultural

    The physiology of ventilation

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    The diffusion of gases brings the partial pressures of O2 and CO2 in blood and alveolar gas to an equilibrium at the pulmonary blood-gas barrier. Alveolar PCO2 (PACO2) dependson the balance between the amount of CO2 being added by pulmonary blood and the amount being eliminated by alveolar ventilation (V\u2d9 A). In steady-state conditions, CO2 output equals CO2 elimination, but during nonsteadystate conditions, phase issues and impaired tissue CO2 clearance make CO2 output less predictable. Lung heterogeneity creates regional differences in CO2 concentration, and sequential emptying raises the alveolar plateau and steepens the expired CO2 slope in expiratory capnograms. Lung areas that are ventilated but not perfused form part of the dead space. Alveolar dead space is potentially large in pulmonary embolism, COPD, and all forms of ARDS. When PEEP recruits collapsed lung units, resulting in improved oxygenation, alveolar dead space may decrease; however, when PEEP induces overdistention, alveolar dead space tends to increase. Measuring physiologic dead space and alveolar ejection volume at admission or examining the trend during mechanical ventilation might provide useful information on outcomes of critically ill patients with ARDS

    Heterogeneidad de los efectos de la crisis española en los mercados laborales urbanos

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    Este artículo estudia la heterogeneidad espacial en las consecuencias de la crisis económica de España, al analizar su impacto en diferentes mercados laborales urbanos. Utilizando datos relacionados con los municipios urbanos más grandes de España, se identifican cuatro grupos en función del impacto de la crisis en las tasas de desempleo. Los resultados muestran una importante división norte/sureste en la evolución de los mercados laborales locales en España durante el periodo 2006-2013. Los factores clave de la resiliencia en los mercados laborales urbanos fueron el nivel de estudios de la población, la estructura industrial y, en menor medida, el grado de urbanizaciónIn this paper, spatial heterogeneity as a consequence of Spain’s economic crisis is discussed, and its impact across different urban labour market is analyzed. Using data relating to Spain’s largest urban municipalities, we identify four categories of local responses for the rise in unemployment. The results show an important north/south-east divide in the evolution of local labour markets in Spain during the period 2006-2013. The key determinants of resilience in the urban labour markets were the population’s skills, the industrial structure and, albeit to a lesser extent, the degree of urbanisationS

    El Proyecto Added Value of Teaching in a Virtual World (AVATAR) (Valor añadido de la enseñanza en un mundo virtual) y el papel de la UNED en su desarrollo

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    En las escuelas europeas se ha observado, en líneas generales, un uso deficitario de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC). Existe una necesidad clara de formar a profesores en el uso de herramientas virtuales, especialmente en mundos virtuales, que les faciliten la docencia. En este marco, se ha desarrollado el Proyecto Added Value of Teaching in a Virtual World (AVATAR) (Valor añadido de la enseñanza en un mundo virtual), que se encuentra actualmente en desarrollo, hasta 2011, financiado por la Comisión Europea y cuyos destinatarios son las instituciones de educación secundaria. El objetivo principal del proyecto es aumentar el uso de las TIC en la educación y proporcionar a los profesores nuevas herramientas pedagógicas y metodológicas. Los socios participantes son: Consorzio FOR.COM (Italia), FH Joanneum University of Applied Sciences (Austria), Burgas Free University (Bulgaria), University of Southern Denmark (Dinamarca), Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España), University of Hertfordshire Higher Education Corporation (Reino Unido) y SOPHia In Action Consulting (Italia).European schools has usually a deficient use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). There is a clear need to train teachers in the use of virtual tools, especially in virtual worlds, to facilitate their teaching. In this framework it has been developed the Added Value of Teaching in a Virtual World Project (AVATAR). It's currently in development, until 2011 funded by the European Commission and the target groups are institutions of secondary education. The project main objective is to increase the use of ICT in education and provide teachers with new teaching tools and methodologies. The partners are: Consorzio FOR.COM (Italy), FH Joanneum University of Applied Sciences (Austria), Burgas Free University (Bulgaria), University of Southern Denmark (Denmark), Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (Spain), University of Hertfordshire Higher Education Corporation (UK) y SOPHia In Action Consulting (Italy