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    ABSTRAKTelah dilakukan penelitian tentang pengaruh pasang surut terhadap ruaya ikan di sungai Krueng Aceh. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis ikan yang melakukan ruaya pada saat proses pasang, pasang, proses surut dan surut.Penelitian ini dilaksanakan selama selama 10 hari, 5 hari di bulan purnama (tanggal 29 Januari 2018/12 Jumadil Awal 1439 H sampai 3 Februari 2018/17 Jumadil Awal 1439 H) dan 5 hari di bulan gelap (tanggal 12 Februari 2018/26 Jumadil Awal 1439 H sampai 17 Februari 2018/01 Jumadil Akhir 1439 H) di sungai Krueng Aceh Kota Banda Aceh. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimental fishing. Metode eksperimental fishing dilakukan dengan pemasagan jaring gill netdan pemancingan pada 4 stasiun di sungai Krueng Aceh. Stasiun I (Kampung Jawa), stasiun II (Peunayong), stasiun III (Kuta Alam), dan stasiun IV (Pante Riek). Gillnetyang digunakan berukuran panjang 50 m dengan mesh size 2-3 inch, dipasang sejajar arus. Pancing yang digunakan berukuran benang 10 dan mata pancing no 20. Waktu pengamatan hasil tangkapan dilakukan 3 jam sekali (pukul 09.00, 12.00, 15.00, 18.00 dan pukul 21.00 WIB). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jenis ikan laut yang melakukan ruaya ke sungai Krueng Aceh yaitu ikan belanak (Mugil.sp), kitang (Scatophagus.sp), seriding (Ambasi.sp), bulan-bulan (Megalops.sp), kakap (Lutjanus.sp), petek (Leiognathus.sp), baronang (Siganus.sp), kwee (Caranx.sp) dan ikan manyung (Arius.sp). Jenis ikan air tawar yang beruaya antara lain ikan tawes (Puntius javanicus), ikan lele dumbo (Clarias.sp), dan ikan nila (Tilapia.sp).Kata kunci : Pasang surut, Ruaya Ikan, Krueng Aceh, Banda Ace

    Principal Support of Inclusive Educational Practices: A Multi-Case Study

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    There are numerous pieces of legislation in the United States that mandate all students (e.g. English as a Second or Other Language/ESOL students, special education students, gifted students, and 504 Accommodation Plan students) are included in the general education classroom as much as is appropriate based on each student’s strengths and needs. Legislation such as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Lau v. Nichols (1974), and the Every Student Succeeds Act and their impact on the equity for all students in general education classrooms are discussed. According to available research, principal and teacher training programs are not adequately preparing these personnel to create inclusive educational environments. Using the appreciative inquiry framework, the aim of this study was to determine the perceived supports that two South Carolina high school principals provide to general education teachers in meeting the needs of all students within their classrooms. I conducted individual interviews with three general education teachers, an ESOL teacher, a special education teacher, a 504 coordinator, a gifted teacher, and the principal at each school site. I found that both principals engaged in many instructional leadership practices, but that these practices alone did not create an inclusive environment. Staff at the two high schools reported that principals provided support by creating a vision of inclusion, sharing resources, providing professional development opportunities related to meeting the needs of various learners, and creating structures in the school that allowed for collaboration

    Wo und wann sind wir glücklich? Topologie des Alltäglichen zwischen Verheissung, Strategie und Enttäuschung

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    Glück wird gegenwärtig inflationär erforscht, in populären Ratgebern behandelt und gleichzeitig als wissenschaftlich unbrauchbare Kategorie wieder verworfen. Glück verweist jedoch, so die Thesen im folgenden Artikel, auf spezifische gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen, die über eine konsumsoziologische und philosophische Perspektive hinaus als gesellschaftliche Ordnung des Glücks bezeichnet werden können. Die Wertigkeit und das Erleben von Glück sind heterogen und individuell verschieden. Strategien der Vermittlung und Voraussetzungen des Vollzugs von Glückserfahrun-gen im Alltag jedoch sind eng verknüpft mit strukturellen Bedingungen und kol-lektiven Mustern des Erlebens. Sie sind eingebettet in raumrelevante Umwertungs-prozesse und in dramaturgisch aufbereitete Kulissen des Glücks sowie in die zeitli-che Verfasstheit unseres Alltags. Sie hängen mit milieuspezifischen Voraussetzungen zusammen, sich im weiten Feld der Massen- und Konsumkultur zu orientieren und das Projekt des «Schönen Lebens» erfolgreich zu inszenieren. Eine Einbettung der Glücksforschung in Perspektiven der Stadtforschung und Kulturanalyse ermöglicht es daher, den postulierten Differenzierungs- und Exklusionsprozessen nachzugehen und Glück als wissenschaftliche Kategorie zu vertiefen

    Professor Love, Feedback Love

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    Golkar mendapat kekuasaan penuh dalam pemerintahan Orde Baru dengan kemenangan Golkar secara berturut-turut pada pemilu era Orde Baru. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa, tujuan Golkar dalam berpolitik telah tercapai, karena memperoleh kekuasaan merupakan suatu tujuan dalam kehidupan politik. Sejak Golkar ikut dalam pemilu era Orde Baru, perolehan suara Golkar selalu meningkat dan tidak pernah kalah, namun di pemilu 1992 perolehan suara Golkar mengalami penurunan sebanyak 5,06%. Penurunan suara yang dialami oleh Golkar ini terjadi di seluruh daerah di Indonesia, termasuk juga di Kabupaten Gresik. Berdasarkan latar belakang masalah tersebut, rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah, 1) Bagaimana Kondisi Politik di Kabupaten Gresik Era Orde Baru? 2) Bagaimana Strategi DPD Golkar Kabupaten Gresik dalam Pemilu 1977 - 1997? 3) Mengapa perolehan suara DPD Golkar Kabupaten Gresik dalam Pemilu 1992 dan 1997 mengalami fluktuasi? Metode penelitian yang dipakai adalah metode penelitian sejarah. Langkah pertama yang dilakukan adalah heuristic, data diperoleh berupa arsip atau dokumen, koran sejaman dan data hasil-hasil penelitian terdahulu selain itu juga terdapat data wawancara. Langkah kedua adalah kritik yaitu untuk menguji kredibilitas sumber. Ketiga yakni interpretasi, yaitu menganalisis sumber dari sumber primer dan sekunder yang telah dilakukan kritik sehingga dapat menghasilkan sebuah fakta sejarah.. Keempat yaitu histiografi, pada tahap ini merupakan tahap akhir dari proses penyusunan penulisan skripsi yaitu menyusun fakta-fakta sejarah secara kronologis/historis. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh adalah sebagai berikut, kondisi politik di kabupaten Gresik pada masa orde baru mengalami kemunduran dengan tidak konduksifnya situasi saat pemilu tahun 1971 dan pemilu 1977. Pada pemilu tersebut Babinsa diterjunkan di setiap Tempat Pemungutan Suara (TPS) untuk mengawal jalannya pemilu dan bertugas memenangkan Golkar dengan cara mengintimidasi para pemilih. Strategi yang dilaksanakan DPD Golkar dalam pemilu 1997 dapat dikatakan berhasil yakni dengan pembentukan Badan Pengendali dan Pemenangan Pemilu 1997, Kaderisasi dan Konsolidasi, Sosialisasi, Memobilisasi Elit Lokal, Kampanye dan Operasi Daftar Masyarakat yang Tergalang. Perolehan suara DPD Golkar Kabupaten Gresik mengalami fluktuasi pada pemilu 1987-1997. Faktor penyebab terjadinya fluktuasi adalah munculnya Khittah NU 1926 pada tahun 1984, perekrutan elit politik oleh Soerjadi dari golongan ABRI, tionghoa,dan putra putri Soekarno,  dan adanya konflik internal di tubuh PDI.   KATA KUNCI: DPD Golkar, Pemilu, Strategi, Kabupaten Gresik

    Simulation, design and tests of a diagnostic calorimeter for the spider experiment

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    One of the most critical issues for fusion reactors, to be studied in ITER (the prototype that has to prove the feasibility of production of electric energy by fusion), is the generation of sufficient energy to the sustainment of fusion reactions as well as to the injection on the electric transmission network. As ohmic heating, produced by the current flowing in the plasma, is not sufficient for the operation in fusion conditions, it is necessary to use additional heating systems. One of these methods, to be evaluated during ITER operations, is the additional heating of the plasma by means of neutral particle beams injected into the core plasma. At Consorzio RFX, in the research area of the C.N.R. of Padua, the design of the project PRIMA-MITICA-SPIDER (PMS) is ongoing and construction of the building has already started. The PMS project includes two experiments: MITICA is the full-size prototype of ITER injector and SPIDER, whose operations will start before MITICA, is realized with the aim of optimising the production of the negative ions composing the beam. To this scope a detailed knowledge of the parameters of the plasma inside the source and of the beam features is fundamental, obtained with diagnostic systems foreseen on SPIDER; one of them is the diagnostic calorimeter STRIKE, developed in the present PhD work. During the thesis the requirements of the calorimeter have been defined and the design has been concluded. Verifications of some design solutions have been performed by designing and realizing dedicated prototypes. CFC, a unidirectional carbon fibre composite with a carbon matrix, is the main component of the calorimeter. Several samples of 1D CFC have been purchased from different suppliers, to characterise their thermal properties by a power laser and by high-energy particle beam tests. A prototype of the whole system has been realized, including the thermal camera, and was used in the BATMAN ion source at IPP-Garching (Germany) with the aim of evaluating the diagnostic capabilities in conditions similar to those expected in SPIDER. Non linear transient finite element thermal analyses and electrostatic simulations have been developed for the design phase as well as the test phase. Moreover, the planning of the activities for the calorimeter together with the preparation and writing of the whole documentation have been supervised. The small and flexible NIO1 source, under development as a collaboration between Consorzio RFX and INFN-LNL, will soon be ready to study the negative ion source behaviour. Preliminary studies for the use of CFC prototypes to characterise the NIO1 beam, carried out during the PhD, are also presented. The conclusion of this work is that STRIKE should prove a very valuable diagnostic of the SPIDER beam characteristics and should allow to assess the compliance of the SPIDER beam with the ITER requirement

    Industrial feasibility study for the use of barite as a permanent well barrier element

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    As more and more wells reach the end of their production life, the focus on permanent plug and abandonment has increased in interest. Cost-efficient abandonment of wells with ceased production is an important economic goal for the oil and gas industry. A dominant part of the plug and abandonment operation is the removal of steel tubular and casing to establish a rock-to-rock cross-sectional barrier in the well. This process is aggravated by settled barite and other mud solids accumulated at the bottom of the casing annulus, increasing over-pull and resulting in several cut and pull runs. If the settled barite, which is already in place behind the casing, could function as a part of a barrier envelope, it could significantly reduce such operations. This thesis’s primary objective is to investigate if industrial field data support the utilization of settled barite as a feasible annulus barrier element. A total of 307 wellbores were analysed for cut and pull operations, where attempts to circulate settled barite out of the annulus were performed. A three-layered model was suggested using theories of barite segregation and settling regimes in drilling mud. The model was used to calculate the hydrostatic pressure of an annulus column of drilling mud settlements to accurately predict the differential pressure excreted through the settled barite plug. Twenty-two of the investigated wellbores showed potential for further analysis, and four wells displayed plugs of settled barite that would prevent fluids from a re-pressurised reservoir to flow unintentionally to the surface or other formations


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    Kosakata atau perbendaharaan kata adalah semua kata yang terdapat dalam suatu bahasa. Anak usia 5-6 tahun masih berfikir secara simbolis (berupa gambaran), dengan memanfaatkan media flanelgraf ini dapat memperlancar pemahaman dan memperkuat ingatan anak, serta dapat menumbuhkan minat anak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah 1. Untuk mengetahui proses pemanfaatan media flanelgraf pada anak kelompok B di TK Dharma Pertiwi Surabaya. 2. Untuk mengetahui apakah dengan memanfaatkan media flanelgraf dapat meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata pada anak kelompok B di TK Dharma Pertiwi Surabaya. Metode pembelajaran yang digunakan adalah metode bercakap-cakap. Tujuannya adalah mengembangkan kecakapan dan keberanian anak dalam memberikan pendapatnya, memberi kesempatan kepada anak untuk berekspresi mengembangkan pola pikir anak, memperbaiki lafal dan ucapan, serta menambah pembendaharaan kata. Pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi guru dan tes kepada anak. Data hasil analisis observasi guru, didapatkan rata-rata 79,17% termasuk kategori baik. Data hasil analisis rata-rata nilai posttest kelas eksperimen (nilai 80) dan kelas kontrol (nilai 71,33), menunjukkan bahwa media flanelgraf lebih membantu dalam proses pembelajaran dengan perbandingan harga t kritik ts 0,05 = 2,05 dan pada ts 0,01 = 2,77. Maka, 2,05 < 2,16 < 2,77 (signifikan). Sehingga memanfaatkan media flanelgraf dapat meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata anak. Kata Kunci : Pemanfaatan, Tujuan Pemanfaatan, Media flanelgraf, Kosakata   Abstract Vocabularies are all the words contained in a language. Children aged 5-6 years still think symbolically (in the form of picture), to take advantage of this flanelgraph media can facilitate the understanding and strengthen the child's memory, as well as to foster the interests of children. Based on research is, 1. For the purpose of this research was to know the process media utilization on children flanelgraph group B in Dharma Pertiwi kindergarten Surabaya. 2. To know whether the use of the media flanelgraph can increase the children's vocabularies in kindergarten group B Dharma Pertiwi Surabaya. Learning methods is a method of conversation. The aim was to develop children's skills and courage in giving their opinions, it has provided opportunities for children to express themselves develop the mindset of children, improve pronunciation and speech, and increase vocabulary. The data was collected by using teacher observation and tests to students. Data analysis of the results of observations by the teacher, the average was 79.17% included in good category. While the results of the analysis of data the average value of post test experimental class (value 80) and a control class (value 71.33), indicating that the media flanelgraph more help in the learning process with a price comparison t critic ts  0:05 = 2.05 and at ts 0.01 = 2.77. Then, 2.05 <2.16 <2.77 (significant). So the take advantage of this flanelgraph media including child can increase vocabulary. Keywords: Utilization,Utilization Goals, Flanelgraph Media, Vocabular
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