1,025 research outputs found

    Indigenous Rarámuris as University Students: Challenges for Information Literacy

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    Our article describes the experience developing programs for Mexican indigenous students to support their admission and retention as university students. We present an analysis of national perspectives, focusing specifically on the efforts made by The Autonomous University of Chihuahua (UACH), Mexico, with indigenous Rarámuris local project through the Support Program for Indigenous Students (PAEI). In addition to providing benefits related to economics, sport activities, and physical, nutritional and psychological health, PAEI employees concrete actions linked to information literacy, such as academic support, extracurricular advising, tutoring, use of information technology, study techniques, and reading, writing, and learning models. Statistics presented not only document the progress achieved through PAEI, they identify the challenges to be faced

    Minería metalífera multinacional en Argentina: su costo de oportunidad económico-estatal y escenarios alternativos

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    Large-scale metal mining in Argentina has been developing led by a neo-extractivist, private and multinational criterion which has created substantial direct and indirect benefits for the State and simultaneously high economic, social and environmental opportunity costs. Now, how high has the economic opportunity cost been for the state? And which key issues need to be discussed in order to overcome the neo-extractivist logic? This study presents three visions or possible scenarios. The first is based on 17 large mining projects and calculates the economic opportunity cost incurred by the state in the period 1997-2012 in which it lost a mining net income worth almost USD 6,000 million and is putting at stake in the near future another USD 25,000 million (nominal values). The second scenario, like the third, is descriptive, qualitative, based on literature and analyses the key issues of a state which increases its control over mining activities and its stake in mining-generated incomes though it still faces socio-environmental costs. The latter are the focus of the third scenario in which the state seeks to reduce such costs by increasing public participation, strategic planning and evaluates technology alternatives, some complementary to large-scale mining, including the recycling of metals.La gran minería metalífera en Argentina viene desarrollándose regida por un criterio neo-extractivista, privado y multinacional que ha generado significativos beneficios directos e indirectos para el Estado a la vez que costos de oportunidad económicos, sociales y ambientales altos. Ahora bien ¿cuán alto ha sido el costo de oportunidad económico del Estado y se pronostica que pueda ser? Por otra parte, ¿qué aspectos centrales deben ser discutidos para superar la lógica neo-extractivista? Este trabajo presenta tres escenarios o visiones posibles. El primero, basado en 17 proyectos mineros, calcula el costo de oportunidad económico incurrido por el Estado el cual arroja que éste, en el período 1997- 2012, dejó de ganar ingresos por casi US6.000millonesyponeenjuegocercadeUS 6.000 millones y pone en juego cerca de US 25.000 millones (valores nominales). El segundo escenario, al igual que el tercero, es descriptivo-cualitativo, se basa en bibliografía y analiza los aspectos centrales de un Estado que aumenta su control de la actividad y se apropia de mayor parte de la renta minera aunque continúa incurriendo en costos socio-ambientales. Éstos últimos son el foco del tercer escenario donde el Estado busca reducirlos aumentando la participación ciudadana, la planificación estratégica y evaluando tecnologías alternativas y complementarias a la gran minería, incluido el reciclaje de metales

    Giordano Bruno and the recovery of the Heraclitus’ proposal

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    El texto muestra que Giordano Bruno, al retomar la visión filosófica de Heráclito, desarrolla junto con él una perspectiva compleja de la naturaleza, es decir, el reconocimiento de la integración de los elementos que la conforman, sin negar su divergencia y oposición. A través de la revisión de la unidad de los contrarios y de la concepción de la naturaleza como una y múltiple, se expone el paralelismo entre Heráclito y Bruno con su propuesta sobre la importancia de que la razón se asemeje al modo de ser de la naturaleza en la búsqueda de la integración de lo diverso.The author shows that when Giordano Bruno takes up again the Heraclitus’ philosophical vision, develops along with him a complex perspective of nature. That is to say, he recognizes the unity or integration of the diversity of elements that conforms it, without denying its divergence and opposition. Through the revision of the unity of opposites and the conception of nature as one and multiple, it is shown the proposal of Heraclitus and Bruno: that the reason resembles the mode of being of the nature, in the search for the integration of the diverse

    Epistemología Social y democracia deliberativa

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    ResumenCon el objetivo de reflexionar en torno a temáticas centrales para la Epistemología Social derivadas de la tensión que existe en las sociedades contemporáneas entre la desigual distribución del conocimiento y el reclamo democrático de equidad, el texto delinea cómo han descrito los autores que defienden la democracia deliberativa sus características y virtudes epistémicas. Después se exponen las objeciones que han elaborado sus críticos relacionadas con la ignorancia pública, así como los problemas derivados de las inequidades deliberativas y las injusticias epistémicas, para finalmente plantear que si bien reconocer y abordar los obstáculos que suponen estas últimas para la democracia, eliminarlas no implica afirmar que todos los ciudadanos debieran tener igual influencia en la deliberación y la toma de decisiones.AbstractContemporary societies face tensions related with the unequal distribution of knowledge and simultaneous demands for democratic equality that are central to Social Epistemology´s inquiry. This article describes how the defenders of deliberative democracy explain their characteristics and epistemological virtues; the objections placed by their critics related to public igno- rance, and describes issues related to deliberative inequalities and epistemic injustices. It finally proposes that tackling democracy´s epistemic obstacles does not entail that all citizens should have equal influence in deliberations and decisions

    Antecedent-Gap relations and locality in verbal ellipsis

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    This paper investigates the different locality restrictions that apply to some verbal ellipsis constructions in English; namely, Verb Phrase Ellipsis (VPE), Pseudogapping and Gapping. It is proposed that locality restrictions can be given a natural ans-wer from the processing domain. Locality is analyzed as the result of the interaction of different factors: (i) tense presence/absence (Fodor 1985), (ii) low initial -attachment of coordinates, and (iii) Spell-Out operations which render syntactic structure unavailable (Uriagereka 1999)

    “Mainly, José de Acosta deserves to be read and recommended”: the apropriation of the idea of the mission by the Dutch reformed theologian Johannes Hoornbeeck

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    The article discusses the relation between the Spanish Jesuit José de Acosta (1540-1600) and the Dutch Reformed theologian Johannes Hoornbeeck (1617-1666). Distant for the time they lived, for the spaces where they developed their action and for the very creed they professed, these two religious achieved an important reflection on the role of the Christian mission in territories of barbarians and pagans. In a period of strong political and religious disputes between Catholics and Protestants, the analysis of Hoornbeeck’s main text allows us to better understand a delicate process of appropriation and re-elaboration of the idea of mission within the parameters of the Dutch reformed dogma carried out from the Peruvian problematic by the Jesuit Acosta.O artigo discute a relação entre o jesuíta espanhol José de Acosta (1540-1600) e o teólogo holandês reformado Johannes Hoornbeeck (1617-1666). Distantes pelo tempo em que viveram, pelos espaços onde desenvolveram suas ações e pelo próprio credo que professavam, esses dois religiosos realizaram uma importante reflexão sobre o papel da missão cristã em territórios de “bárbaros” e “pagãos”. Em um período de fortes disputas políticas e religiosas entre católicos e protestantes, a análise do principal texto de Hoornbeeck permite entender melhor um delicado processo de apropriação e reelaboração da ideia de missão dentro dos parâmetros do dogma holandês reformado, realizada a partir da problemática peruana pelo jesuíta Acosta