256 research outputs found

    A experiência de enfermeiras cuidando de famílias culturalmente diversas: uma meta-síntese qualitativa

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    Objective: to understand the experience of nurses in care delivery to culturally diverse families. Method: qualitative meta-synthesis. Exhaustive search in seven databases, three repositories and a manual search in references without time limit, in English, Spanish and Portuguese, resulting in 1609 potentially relevant studies. These were assessed based on the title, summary and full text, determining the final inclusion of 14 studies. Two independent reviewers used the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) to assess the quality. The interpretative synthesis implied permanent contrast and consensus among the authors, revealing four categories and one meta-theme. Results: "taking care of a culturally diverse family, the experience of crossing a tightrope". Conclusion: the experience of nurses in care delivery to culturally diverse families is demanding and challenging because it imprints a constant tension among barriers, cultural manifestations and the ethical responsibility of care, incipiently revealing elements of cultural competency. The omission of information in the participants' reports in the studies represents a limitation. The findings offer a baseline for professionals and organizations to focus their intervention efforts on the continuing barriers in care delivery to culturally diverse families and strengthens the need for cultural competency training for nurses.Objetivo: comprender la experiencia de enfermeras cuidando a familias culturalmente diversas. Método: metasíntesis cualitativa. Búsqueda exhaustiva en siete bases de datos, tres repositorios y búsqueda manual en referencias sin límite de tiempo en idioma inglés, español y portugués. 1609 estudios resultaron potencialmente relevantes. Éstos fueron evaluados en base a título, resumen y texto completo determinando la inclusión final de 14 estudios. Dos revisores independientes emplearon el Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) para valorar la calidad. La síntesis interpretativa implicó contraste permanente y consenso entre autores, arrojando cuatro categorías y un meta-tema. Resultados: "cuidar a la familia culturalmente diversa, la experiencia de cruzar una cuerda floja". Conclusión: la experiencia de enfermeras cuidando a familias culturalmente diversas es exigente y desafiante porque imprime una tensión constante entre barreras, manifestaciones culturales y la responsabilidad ética de cuidado, donde emergen elementos de la competencia cultural de manera incipiente. La omisión de información en el reporte de participantes en los estudios constituyó una limitación. Los hallazgos proporcionan una línea de base para que los profesionales y organizaciones concentren sus esfuerzos de intervención sobre las barreras persistentes en el cuidado a las familias culturalmente diversas y reafirman la necesidad de formación de enfermeros en competencia cultural.Objetivo: compreender a experiência de enfermeiras no cuidado a famílias culturalmente diversas. Método: meta-síntese qualitativa. Uma busca exaustiva foi realizada em sete bases de dados e três repositórios, além de uma busca manual em referências sem delimitação de tempo em inglês, espanhol e português. As buscas revelaram 1609 estudos potencialmente relevantes. Estes foram avaliados considerando-se o título, o resumo e o texto completo, o que levou à inclusão final de 14 estudos. Dois revisores independentes usaram o Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) para avaliar a qualidade. A síntese interpretativa implicou um contraste permanente e consenso entre os autores, mostrando quatro categorias e um meta-tema. Resultados: "cuidar da família culturalmente diversa, a experiência de atravessar uma corda bamba". Conclusão: a experiência de enfermeiras cuidando de famílias culturalmente diversas é exigente e desafiante porque traz uma tensão constante entre barreiras, manifestações culturais e a responsabilidade ética do cuidado, de onde emergem elementos da competência cultural de maneira incipiente. A omissão de informações nos relatos dos participantes nos estudos representa uma limitação. Os resultados proporcionam uma linha de base para que os profissionais e as organizações concentrem seus esforços de intervenção nas barreiras persistentes no cuidado às famílias culturalmente diversas e reafirmam a necessidade de formação de enfermeiros em competência cultural

    Object Location Memory Error in Virtual and Real Environments

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    We aim to further explore the transfer of spatial knowledge from virtual to real spaces. Based on previous research on spatial memory in immersive virtual reality (VR) we ran a study that looked at the effect of three locomotion techniques (joystick, pointing-and-teleporting and walking-in-place) on object location learning and recall. Participants were asked to learn the location of a virtual object in a virtual environment (VE). After a short period of time they were asked to recall the location by placing a real version of the object in the real-world equivalent environment. Results indicate that the average placement error, or distance between original and recalled object location, is approximately 20cm for all locomotion technique conditions. This result is similar to the outcome of a previous study on spatial memory in VEs that used real walking. We report this unexpected finding and suggest further work on spatial memory in VR by recommending the replication of this study in different environments and using objects with a wider diversity of properties, including varying sizes and shapes

    Alcohol drinking and low nutritional value food eating behavior of sports bettors in gambling advertisements

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    The prevalence of sports betting advertising has become a major concern for gambling regulators, particularly since the legalization of online gambling in many European jurisdictions. Although the composition of gambling advertisement narratives has received some limited attention, nothing is known regarding how betting advertisements (often referred to as “adverts” or “commercials”) might be associating gambling with other potentially risky behaviors. The present paper examines the representation of alcohol drinking and low nutritional value food eating in sports betting advertising. By means of a mixed-methods approach to content analysis, a sample of British and Spanish soccer betting adverts was analyzed (N = 135). The results suggest that betting advertising aligns drinking alcohol with sports culture and significantly associates emotionally charged sporting situations such as watching live games or celebrating goals with alcohol. Additionally, alcohol drinking is more frequent in betting adverts with a higher number of characters, linking friendship bonding and alcohol drinking (especially beer) in the context of sports gambling

    A Comparison of Virtual and Physical Training Transfer of Bimanual Assembly Tasks

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    As we explore the use of consumer virtual reality technology for training applications, there is a need to evaluate its validity compared to more traditional training formats. In this paper, we present a study that compares the effectiveness of virtual training and physical training for teaching a bimanual assembly task. In a between-subjects experiment, 60 participants were trained to solve three 3D burr puzzles in one of six conditions comprised of virtual and physical training elements. In the four physical conditions, training was delivered via paper- and video-based instructions, with or without the physical puzzles to practice with. In the two virtual conditions, participants learnt to assemble the puzzles in an interactive virtual environment, with or without 3D animations showing the assembly process. After training, we conducted immediate tests in which participants were asked to solve a physical version of the puzzles. We measured performance through success rates and assembly completion testing times. We also measured training times as well as subjective ratings on several aspects of the experience. Our results show that the performance of virtually trained participants was promising. A statistically significant difference was not found between virtual training with animated instructions and the best performing physical condition (in which physical blocks were available during training) for the last and most complex puzzle in terms of success rates and testing times. Performance in retention tests two weeks after training was generally not as good as expected for all experimental conditions. We discuss the implications of the results and highlight the validity of virtual reality systems in training

    Munc13-1 is a Ca2+-phospholipid-dependent vesicle priming hub that shapes synaptic short-term plasticity and enables sustained neurotransmission

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    During ongoing presynaptic action potential (AP) firing, transmitter release is limited by the availability of release-ready synaptic vesicles (SVs). The rate of SV recruitment (SVR) to release sites is strongly upregu- lated at high AP frequencies to balance SV consumption. We show that Munc13-1—an essential SV priming protein—regulates SVR via a Ca2+-phospholipid-dependent mechanism. Using knockin mouse lines with point mutations in the Ca2+-phospholipid-binding C2B domain of Munc13-1, we demonstrate that abolishing Ca2+-phospholipid binding increases synaptic depression, slows recovery of synaptic strength after SV pool depletion, and reduces temporal fidelity of synaptic transmission, while increased Ca2+-phospholipid binding has the opposite effects. Thus, Ca2+-phospholipid binding to the Munc13-1-C2B domain accelerates SVR, reduces short-term synaptic depression, and increases the endurance and temporal fidelity of neurotrans- mission, demonstrating that Munc13-1 is a core vesicle priming hub that adjusts SV re-supply to demand

    Nuevos estilos de liderazgo en la organización

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    A lo largo del tiempo se aborda el liderazgo desde las posturas propias del comportamiento organizacional y la gestión humana. Desde un principio se basaba el liderazgo como un sujeto (líder), más adelante se tuvo en cuenta la parte situacional, es decir cómo afecta el entorno a la empresa y por último, es de principal interés el liderazgo organizacional. Dicho esto,en el contexto actual, un mundo globalizado y en que el mercado se vuelve más exigente, las organizaciones deben adaptarse y adecuarse rápidamente a los nuevos requerimientos para sobrevivir (Chiavenato, 2002) . Esta investigación tiene como fin explorar reconocer y demostrar como el mundo de los negocios es dinámico y exige cambiar para mejorar e incursionar estrategias que garanticen la perdurabilidad de una empresa, debido a esto se analizan diferentes empresas exitosas y perdurables en el tiempo ubicadas en la ciudad de Nueva York ,el cómo y porque la gestión humana, su talento humano en una organización debe ser valorado como personas dotadas de capacidades y habilidades que trabajan en conjunto por un bien común y así mismo ,la relación y el impacto que tiene con los diferentes estilos de liderazgos, por lo tanto ,si una compañía desea mostrarse y ser exitosa en el mercado, primeramente debe estar bien estructurada y fuerte por dentro , es decir, la relación directa con su talento humano.Over time the leadership is approached from the own positions of organizational behavior and human resource management. In the beginning was based leadership as a subject (leader) later took into account the situational part, that is how the environment affects the company and finally, is of primary interest organizational leadership. That said, in the current context, a globalized world and the market becomes more demanding, organizations must adapt and quickly adapt to the new requirements to survive (Chiavenato, 2002) This research aims to explore recognize and demonstrate how the business world is dynamic and requires change for the better and venture strategies to ensure the sustainability of a company, because of this different successful and enduring companies are analyzed in time located in the city New York, the how and why human resource management, human talent in an organization should be valued as persons endowed with skills and abilities working together for a common good and also, the relationship and the impact of the different styles of leadership, therefore, if a company wants to show and be successful in the market, must first be well structured and strong inside, the relationship with its human talent

    Análisis comparativo entre el sistema de transporte público masivo de la ciudad de Bogotá frente a la ciudad de New York

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    Trabajo de síntesis aplicadaLa presente investigación tiene como propósito realizar una comparación entre las políticas públicas de transporte de la ciudad Bogotá frente a las de la ciudad de Nueva York, y con esto evaluar la eficiencia de la gestión pública, tomando como variables el costo de la tarifa aplicada a los usuarios y la tarifa técnica.1. PLANTEAMIENTO DE PROBLEMA 2. PREGUNTA PROBLEMA 3. OBJETIVO 4. DESARROLLO 5. METODOLOGÍA 6. RESULTADOS 7. CONCLUSIONES 8. BIBLIOGRAFÍAPregradoEconomist

    O valor da Terapia Comunitária Integrativa (TCI) no Brasil e no mundo: possibilidades, impactos e perspectivas

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    Esse dossiê tem a honra de divulgar reflexões, saberes e conhecimentos acadêmicos, sobre a Terapia Comunitária Integrativa no Brasil e no exterior. Seu criador Prof. D.r Adalberto de Paula Barreto, de Fortaleza-CE, psiquiatra, antropólogo e teólogo sensibilizado pelas Dores da Alma, preocupado com a medicalização excessiva sem muitas mudanças e crente na força da comunidade, cria uma metodologia particular com estrutura simples e profunda, fortalecedora de vínculos afetivos e promotora do alivio de sofrimentos, onde inclui bases teóricas do pensamento sistêmico, da antropologia cultural, da teoria da comunicação humana, da pedagogia de Paulo Freire, da resiliência, dos elementos culturais e o saber popular. A TCI é genuinamente brasileira, considerada uma abordagem psicossocial avançada pelo Ministério da Saúde, uma prática terapêutica coletiva que envolve os membros da comunidade numa atividade de construção de redes sociais solidárias, construção de vínculos e promoção de qualidade de vida