616 research outputs found

    A Neural Approach to Ordinal Regression for the Preventive Assessment of Developmental Dyslexia

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    Developmental Dyslexia (DD) is a learning disability related to the acquisition of reading skills that affects about 5% of the population. DD can have an enormous impact on the intellectual and personal development of affected children, so early detection is key to implementing preventive strategies for teaching language. Research has shown that there may be biological underpinnings to DD that affect phoneme processing, and hence these symptoms may be identifiable before reading ability is acquired, allowing for early intervention. In this paper we propose a new methodology to assess the risk of DD before students learn to read. For this purpose, we propose a mixed neural model that calculates risk levels of dyslexia from tests that can be completed at the age of 5 years. Our method first trains an auto-encoder, and then combines the trained encoder with an optimized ordinal regression neural network devised to ensure consistency of predictions. Our experiments show that the system is able to detect unaffected subjects two years before it can assess the risk of DD based mainly on phonological processing, giving a specificity of 0.969 and a correct rate of more than 0.92. In addition, the trained encoder can be used to transform test results into an interpretable subject spatial distribution that facilitates risk assessment and validates methodology.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    La importancia del manual de convivencia para la medicaci?n de conflictos de la instituci?n educativa "Otoniel Guzm?n" del nivel de secundaria de la vereda Malabar del municipio de Venadillo - Tolima

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    111 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEn el presente trabajo de investigaci?n se hace el planteamiento de la siguiente problem?tica ?C?mo implementar el manual de convivencia para la soluci?n de los conflictos que a diario se dan en la instituci?n educativa Otoniel Guzm?n del nivel de secundaria de la vereda Malabar del municipio de Venadillo? Este esbozo surge a partir de la indiferencia y aceptabilidad de la comunidad educativa frente a los conflictos recurrentes entre estudiante ? estudiante y estudiante - docente en la instituci?n educativa, plante?ndose la necesidad de minimizar la situaci?n de conflicto desde la utilidad y aplicaci?n del manual de convivencia. Instrumento pedag?gico que cuenta el establecimiento y que es parte fundamental para la convivencia escolar ya que desde all? se establecen los derechos y deberes humanos, acuerdos y normas a cumplir por toda la comunidad. Teniendo en cuenta esta problem?tica de relaci?n social que se presenta en el establecimiento educativo se traza un objetivo general de Implementar el uso y puesta en acci?n del manual de convivencia para la mediaci?n y soluci?n de conflictos el cual busca mejorar la convivencia dentro de las aulas y fuera de ellas y unos objetivos espec?ficos donde se pretende Identificar a nivel de la comunidad educativa las causas y dem?s aspectos que han venido generando conflictos, situaci?n evidenciada desde los instrumentos que se aplicaron como la observaci?n, la entrevista a docentes, encuestas a estudiantes y padres de familia obteniendo como resultado la problem?tica de convivencia desde la intolerancia e irrespeto al relacionarse unos con otros, conllevando a niveles de agresividad y posibles deserciones, que afectan el desarrollo de las clases obteniendo bajo rendimiento acad?mico. Por lo tanto se hace necesario implementar estrategias pedag?gicas y formadoras que fortalezcan y mejoren las relaciones interpersonales planteadas desde talleres y vivencias a todos los actores de la instituci?n donde permita conocer la Ruta para la Convivencia Escolar y las situaciones de conflicto de acuerdo con los tipos que encierra para cada caso. Para este trabajo de grado las investigadoras direccionaron el estudio desde el m?todo cualitativo, siendo estas descripciones detalladas de situaciones, eventos, personas y comportamientos observables ya que el objetivo ha sido comprender con un mayor nivel de precisi?n los factores que intervienen en las relaciones de convivencia en el centro escolar, evocando en los valores formados desde el v?nculo familiar. Se desarroll? esta investigaci?n en las siguientes fases: Establecimiento de causas que inciden en el conflicto escolar, informaci?n tomada desde la interacci?n directa con la poblaci?n , Socializaci?n de La Ruta de Atenci?n Integral para la Convivencia Escolar apoyados desde un marco legal ,organizaci?n y an?lisis de la informaci?n obtenida para plantear posibles soluciones que contribuyan con la minimizaci?n del problema y Conclusiones y dialogo de saberes frente a la situaci?n detectada para mejorar la convivencia . Concluyendo que el establecimiento educativo cuenta con herramientas pedag?gicas para actuar y minimizar los conflictos, se requiere compromiso y actitud de pertenencia desde todos los miembros de la comunidad direccionado al trabajo pedag?gico de manera continua para lograr avances significativos.In this research, the approach of the problem is as follows: How to implement the manual of coexistence to resolve conflicts which happen daily in the school Otoniel Guzman secondary level of Malabar village in the municipality of Venadillo? This project arises from indifference and acceptability of the educational community to the recurring conflicts between student vs. student, and student vs teacher at the school, considering the need to minimize the conflict from the utility and application of behaviour manual, pedagogical tool available to the establishment which is essential part for school life because in this manual we can find the human rights and duties, agreements and standards to be met by the whole community. Given this problem of social relationship in the school, is proposed an overall objective to implement the use and putting into action to the behaviour manual to mediate and resolve these conflicts and improve behavior in the classroom and outside it, and some specific objectives which aim to identify the causes and other aspects that have been generating conflicts in the educational community, Situation evidenced from the instruments were applied as observation, the interview to teachers, student surveys and parents which resulted in the problem of behavior from intolerance and disrespect to relate to one another, leading to levels of aggression and possible decisions that affect the development of classes obtaining underachievement. therefore, it is necessary to implement pedagogical and forming strategies to strengthen and improve interpersonal relationships referred from workshops and experiences to all stakeholders of the institution where allowed to know the route for School Coexistence and conflict situations according to the types holds for each case. To this degree work, the researchers leading the study from the qualitative method, with these detailed descriptions of situations, events, people and observable behaviors as the goal has been to understand with a higher level of accuracy the factors involved in relationships coexistence at school, evoking the values formed from the family bond. This research was conducted in the following phases: Establishment of causes that affect school conflict, information taken from direct interaction with the population, Socialization of Route for School Coexistence supported from a legal framework, organization and analysis of information obtained to consider possible solutions that contribute to minimizing the problem and knowledge dialogue Conclusions and address the situation detected to seek to improve coexistence. Concluding that the educational establishment has pedagogical tools to act and minimize conflicts, required commitment and attitude of belonging from all community members addressed a pedagogical work continuously to achieve significant progress. Keywords: manual coexistence, conflict, education community, school life, mediation

    Using low Lift-to-Drag spacecraft to perform upper atmospheric Aero-Gravity Assisted Maneuvers

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    The Gravity Assisted Maneuver has been applied in lots of space missions, to change the spacecraft heliocentric velocity vector and the geometry of the orbit, after the close approach to a celestial body, saving propellant consumption. It is possible to take advantage of additional forces to improve the maneuver, like the forces generated by the spacecraft-atmosphere interaction and/or propulsion systems; reducing the time of flight and the need for multiple passages around secondary bodies. However, these applications require improvements in critical subsystems, which are necessary to accomplish the mission. In this paper, a few combinations of the Gravity-Assist were classified, including maneuvers with thrust and aerodynamic forces; presenting the advantages and limitations of these variations. There are analyzed the effects of implementing low Lift-to-Drag ratios at high altitudes for Aero-gravity Assist maneuvers, with and without propulsion. The maneuvers were simulated for Venus and Mars, due to their relevance in interplanetary missions, the interest in exploration, and the knowledge about their atmospheres. The Aero-gravity Assist maneuver with low Lift-to-Drag ratios at high altitudes shows an increase of more than 10{\deg} in the turn angle for Venus and 2.5{\deg} for Mars. The maneuvers increase the energy gains by more than 15% when compared to the Gravity-Assist. From the Technology Readiness Levels, it was observed that the current level of development of the space technology makes feasible the application of Aero-gravity Assisted Maneuvers at high altitudes in short term

    Imaginarios ambientales que irradian la Universidad de Caldas

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    El presente escrito está fundamentado en el estudio en curso titulado “Vida ambiental universitaria. Una construcción desde los imaginarios cotidianos”, inscrito en la Vicerrectoría de Investigaciones y Postgrados de la Universidad de Caldas en octubre de 2006, el cual pretende comprender las prácticas y perspectivas universitarias cotidianas con respecto al ambiente. El proyecto se centra en dos fuentes de información: la primera, en documentos cuyos  ontenidos atañen las acciones ambientales en el perímetro institucional; la segunda, gira en torno a los pensamientos, sentires y actuaciones de la comunidad universitaria. La lectura de fuentes documentales como el Proyecto Educativo Institucional, el seguimiento a la Revista Luna Azul y a los Catálogos de Investigación de la Universidad, se asumen como el primer acercamiento a los imaginarios ambientales representados en categorías bajo las cuales se agrupan los diferentes entendimientos, comprensiones e intenciones que acompañan la dinámica ambiental en la Universidad de Caldas, razón por la cual este artículo se centra en dar a conocer estas primeras aproximaciones, analizadas desde los imaginarios radicales, instituyentes e instituidos. Son relevantes en esta revisión como imaginarios instituidos, entre otros: la protección ambiental, la identificación de los responsables de problemas ambientales, la caracterización de la naturaleza (animada e inanimada) y educación ambiental; como imaginarios instituyentes se hallaron: formas deeducación alterna, es decir, diferente a los estilos tradicionales, relación interdependiente del ser humano y la naturaleza, la imaginación como potencia de cambio, transformación y construcción del futuro, entre otros.ABSTRACTThe present writing is based on the on—going study entitled "University environmental life. A construction based on daily life imaginaries", registered in the Vice—rectory or Research and Postgrades of the Universidad de Caldas in October 2006, which attempts to understand the daily university practices and perspectives regarding the environment. The project is centered on two sources of information: First, in documents whose contents concern the environmental actions within the institutional perimeter; the second source focuses on the thoughts, feelings and performances of the university community. The reading of documentary sources such as the Institutional educative project, the following of the Luna Azul Journal and the Research Catalogues of the Universidad de Caldas are taken as the first approach to the environmental imaginaries represented in categories under which the different understandings, comprehensions and intentions that accompany environmental dynamics in the Universidad de Caldas are grouped; reason for which, this article is centered on presenting these first approaches, analyzed from the radical, instituted and instituting imaginaries. In this revision, instituted imaginaries include: the environmental protection, the identification of the people in charge of environmental problems, the characterization of nature (animated and inanimated) and environmental education. Instituting imaginaries include: alternate education forms, which is to say, different from the traditional styles, interdependent relation of the human being and nature, imagination as a change potent, transformation and construction of the future, among others.El presente escrito está fundamentado en el estudio en curso titulado “Vida ambiental universitaria. Una construcción desde los imaginarios cotidianos”, inscrito en la Vicerrectoría de Investigaciones y Postgrados de la Universidad de Caldas en octubre de 2006, el cual pretende comprender las prácticas y perspectivas universitarias cotidianas con respecto al ambiente. El proyecto se centra en dos fuentes de información: la primera, en documentos cuyos  ontenidos atañen las acciones ambientales en el perímetro institucional; la segunda, gira en torno a los pensamientos, sentires y actuaciones de la comunidad universitaria. La lectura de fuentes documentales como el Proyecto Educativo Institucional, el seguimiento a la Revista Luna Azul y a los Catálogos de Investigación de la Universidad, se asumen como el primer acercamiento a los imaginarios ambientales representados en categorías bajo las cuales se agrupan los diferentes entendimientos, comprensiones e intenciones que acompañan la dinámica ambiental en la Universidad de Caldas, razón por la cual este artículo se centra en dar a conocer estas primeras aproximaciones, analizadas desde los imaginarios radicales, instituyentes e instituidos. Son relevantes en esta revisión como imaginarios instituidos, entre otros: la protección ambiental, la identificación de los responsables de problemas ambientales, la caracterización de la naturaleza (animada e inanimada) y educación ambiental; como imaginarios instituyentes se hallaron: formas deeducación alterna, es decir, diferente a los estilos tradicionales, relación interdependiente del ser humano y la naturaleza, la imaginación como potencia de cambio, transformación y construcción del futuro, entre otros.ABSTRACTThe present writing is based on the on—going study entitled "University environmental life. A construction based on daily life imaginaries", registered in the Vice—rectory or Research and Postgrades of the Universidad de Caldas in October 2006, which attempts to understand the daily university practices and perspectives regarding the environment. The project is centered on two sources of information: First, in documents whose contents concern the environmental actions within the institutional perimeter; the second source focuses on the thoughts, feelings and performances of the university community. The reading of documentary sources such as the Institutional educative project, the following of the Luna Azul Journal and the Research Catalogues of the Universidad de Caldas are taken as the first approach to the environmental imaginaries represented in categories under which the different understandings, comprehensions and intentions that accompany environmental dynamics in the Universidad de Caldas are grouped; reason for which, this article is centered on presenting these first approaches, analyzed from the radical, instituted and instituting imaginaries. In this revision, instituted imaginaries include: the environmental protection, the identification of the people in charge of environmental problems, the characterization of nature (animated and inanimated) and environmental education. Instituting imaginaries include: alternate education forms, which is to say, different from the traditional styles, interdependent relation of the human being and nature, imagination as a change potent, transformation and construction of the future, among others

    Viral factors in influenza pandemic risk assessment

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    The threat of an influenza A virus pandemic stems from continual virus spillovers from reservoir species, a tiny fraction of which spark sustained transmission in humans. To date, no pandemic emergence of a new influenza strain has been preceded by detection of a closely related precursor in an animal or human. Nonetheless, influenza surveillance efforts are expanding, prompting a need for tools to assess the pandemic risk posed by a detected virus. The goal would be to use genetic sequence and/or biological assays of viral traits to identify those non-human influenza viruses with the greatest risk of evolving into pandemic threats, and/or to understand drivers of such evolution, to prioritize pandemic prevention or response measures. We describe such efforts, identify progress and ongoing challenges, and discuss three specific traits of influenza viruses (hemagglutinin receptor binding specificity, hemagglutinin pH of activation, and polymerase complex efficiency) that contribute to pandemic risk

    Applying the perturbative integral in aeromaneuvers around Mars to calculate the cost

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    The perturbative integral method was applied to quantify the contribution of external forces during a specific interval of time in trajectories of spacecraft around asteroids and under the Luni-solar influence. However, this method has not been used to quantify the contributions of drag in aerocapture and aerobraking. For this reason, the planet Mars is selected to apply this method during an aerogravity-assisted maneuver. Several trajectories are analyzed, making use of a drag device with area to mass ratios varying from 0.0 to 20.0 m2/kg, simulating solar sails or de-orbit devices. The mathematical model is based in the restricted three-body problem. The use of this maneuver makes it possible to obtain the variations of energy in the trajectory, replacing expensive maneuvers based on fuel consumption. To observe the effects of the maneuvers, different values of pericenter velocity and altitude were selected for prograde and retrograde orbits. The innovation of this research is the application of an integral method to quantify the delta-V of the aero gravity maneuver, comparing the cost of the maneuver with the traditional methods of space propulsion. The results allow the identification of orbits with conditions to capture, and the perturbative maps show the velocity variations

    Upper bounds on the superfluid stiffness and superconducting TcT_c: Applications to twisted-bilayer graphene and ultra-cold Fermi gases

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    Understanding the material parameters that control the superconducting transition temperature TcT_c is a problem of fundamental importance. In many novel superconductors, phase fluctuations determine TcT_c, rather than the collapse of the pairing amplitude. We derive rigorous upper bounds on the superfluid phase stiffness for multi-band systems, valid in any dimension. This in turn leads to an upper bound on TcT_c in two dimensions (2D), which holds irrespective of pairing mechanism, interaction strength, or order-parameter symmetry. Our bound is particularly useful for the strongly correlated regime of low-density and narrow-band systems, where mean field theory fails. For a simple parabolic band in 2D with Fermi energy EFE_F, we find that kBTcEF/8k_BT_c \leq E_F/8, an exact result that has direct implications for the 2D BCS-BEC crossover in ultra-cold Fermi gases. Applying our multi-band bound to magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (MA-TBG), we find that band structure results constrain the maximum TcT_c to be close to the experimentally observed value. Finally, we discuss the question of deriving rigorous upper bounds on TcT_c in 3D.Comment: Revised figures, includes estimates from another model of MA-TBG, published version of manuscrip

    Perspectivas sobre la evolución del agro argentino y pampeano del siglo XXI

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    El sector agropecuario argentino, presenta diversas aristas que hacen necesario un análisis complejo de su dinámica en el tiempo y en el territorio. El Censo Nacional Agropecuario del año 2002 fue hasta hace poco tiempo la referencia numérica cuantitativa del sector, ineludible por su rigurosidad. En el año 2008, en el contexto de una crisis sectorial entre parte del sector agropecuario y el Gobierno Nacional, se desarrolló con inconvenientes operativos y metodológicos un nuevo censo. Aquí un punto y seguido. El cual no pudo utilizarse siendo una pérdida de recursos y de tiempo. Recién en 2018 se logró concretar un proceso censal de calidad, que captó una nueva foto del sector. Los datos preliminares permiten comenzar a analizar las principales evoluciones en estos últimos 16 años. El objetivo del presente trabajo es sumar perspectivas y preguntas e interrogantes sobre las evoluciones de indicadores sociales, productivos, ambientales e institucionales que se desprenden de la comparación del Censo Nacional Agropecuario 2002 y el 2018 en Argentina en general y en La Pampa en particular.Fil: Ferro Moreno, Santiago. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional La Pampa-San Luis. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Anguil; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Luis; ArgentinaFil: Perez, S.. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa; ArgentinaFil: Mariano, R.. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa; ArgentinaFil: Murcia, M.. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa; ArgentinaFil: Prieto, R.. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa; ArgentinaFil: Carassay, Luciano Raul. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Veterinarias y Agronómicas. Instituto de Fitopatología y Fisiología Vegetal; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Folmer, O.. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa; Argentin

    Periodogram Connectivity of EEG Signals for the Detection of Dyslexia

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    Electroencephalography (EEG) signals provide an important source of information of brain activity at different areas. This information can be used to diagnose brain disorders according to different activation patterns found in controls and patients. This acquisition technology can be also used to explore the neural basis of less evident learning disabilities such as Developmental Dyslexia (DD). DD is a specific difficulty in the acquisition of reading skills not related to mental age or inadequate schooling, whose prevalent is estimated between 5% and 12% of the population. In this paper we propose a method to extract discriminative features from EEG signals based on the relationship among the spectral density at each channel. This relationship is computed by means of different correlation measures, inferring connectivity-like markers that are eventually selected and classified by a linear support vector machine. The experiments performed shown AUC values up to 0.7, demonstrating the applicability of the proposed approach for objective DD diagnosis