513 research outputs found

    Net Replacement Rates of the Unemployed. Comparison of various approaches

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    The study reviews various approaches applied in computing net replacement rates for the unemployed. Until now, there have been relatively new comparative studies on net replacement rates. Most of them are based on simulation calculations for a set of stylised households. The stylised calculation method has given rise to discussion for a number of reasons such as different results in various studies, non-representative stylised households and sensitivity to various assumptions. In order to verify the results of stylised approaches, the Commission services have conducted this study on the basis of the European Community Household Panel (ECHP) data from 1993. For this purpose, an empirical equivalent for the net replacement rate is constructed by comparing the out-of-work income of the unemployed with the in-work income of the employed. The main body of the study analyses the results of the ECHP data. Moreover, the study discusses differences in approaches applied in various studies, their advantages and disadvantages as well as data issues.echp, labour, market

    La singolare Ars Sergilii: note in margine a un'edizione recente

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    Databile fra VII e VIII sec., il breve trattatello noto come Ars Sergilii – recentemente edito da R.M.A.Marshall, 2010 – mostra forte corrispondenza, sia per la singolare dottrina che per lo stravagante vocabolario, con l opera parimenti enigmatica di Virgilio Marone Grammatico: lo stesso ‘Sergilio’, d altra parte, si presenta come discipulus Vergilii. L articolo si propone di approfondire le peculiari caratteristiche dell opera, discutendo ampiamente – con alcune congetture – la constitutio textus dell edizione Marshall, esaminando fonti e loci similes e proponendo infine un collegamento con alcuni procedimenti tipici della pedagogia insulare e spesso messi a frutto in testi contemporanei di esegesi biblica.Probably written near 650-700 d. C., the little grammar treatise known as Ars Sergilii – recently edited by R.M.A.Marshall, 2010 – shows, throgh his unconventional doctrine and his extraordinary vocabulary, strong relations with the work of another enigmatic magister of this age, Virgilius Maro Grammaticus; moreover, ‘Sergilius’ presents himself as discipulus Virgilii. In order to elucidate the puzzling peculiarity of this treatise (a serious but ill-informed school treatise? a forgery ? a parody ? ), this contribution presents a thorough discussion of Marshall's constitutio textus, with some conjectures, and tries to connect the work, possibly of Irish origine, with a peculiar taste - «naming the nameless» – rather typical in insular pedaggy and very popular in contemporary biblical hexegesis


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    Kriptosporidiosis merupakan penyakit zoonosis yang tergolong dalam waterborne disease yang disebabkan oleh Cryptosporidium sp. dan dapat menimbulkan diare akut hingga kronik melalui infeksi usus halus. Dasar dalam mendiagnosis kriptosporodiosis yaitu pemeriksaan mikroskopis atau molekuler dengan sampel feses. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jumlah kejadian infeksi Cryptosporidium sp. pada pasien HIV/AIDS dengan jumlah CD4 ≀ 350 sel/mm3 di RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif observasional menggunakan feses, kuesioner, dan rekam medis. Sampel penelitian ini adalah bagian dari populasi yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi yang berada di Poliklinik VCT RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang. Dari hasil penelitian ini ditemukan dua dari 40 responden teridentifikasi positif ookista Cryptosporidium sp. pada fesesnya. Frekuensi berdasarkan jenis kelamin tidak dapat ditentukan karena jumlah responden laki-laki dengan perempuan tidak sama. Berdasarkan anamnesis menggunakan kuesioner, kedua responden yang positif tidak mengalami gejala diare (asimtomatik). Berdasarkan data sumber air minum dan sumber air sehari-hari sebagai faktor resiko infeksi ookista Cryptosporidium sp. tidak terdapat angka yang signifikan. Dari jenis sumber air yang sama lebih banyak ditemukan negatif daripada positif. Dari segi sumber air minum, satu menggunakan air yang dimasak dan satu menggunakan air minum isi ulang eceran. Berdasarkan sumber air sehari-hari keduanya menggunakan PDAM. Hal itu dapat dipengaruhi oleh lokasi, faktor lingkungan, dan aktivitas setiap responden yang berbeda-beda. Kata kunci : kriptosporidiosis, mikroskopis, HIV/AID

    Can we trust iNaturalist in lichenology? Evaluating the effectiveness and reliability of artificial intelligence in lichen identification

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    iNaturalist is a widely-utilized platform for data collection and sharing among non-professional volunteers and is widely employed in citizen science. This platform’s data are also used in scientific studies for a wide range of purposes, including tracking changes in species distribution, monitoring the spread of alien-invasive species, and assessing the impacts of urbanization and land-use change on biodiversity. Lichens, due to their year-round presence on trees, soil and rocks, and their diverse shapes and colours, have captured the attention of iNaturalist users, and lichen records are widely represented on the platform. However, due to the complexity of lichen identification, the use of data collected by untrained, or poorly trained volunteers in scientific investigation poses concerns among lichenologists. To address these concerns, this study assessed the reliability of lichen identification by iNaturalist users by comparing records on the platform with identifications carried out by experts (experienced lichenologists) in three cities where citizen science projects were developed. Results of this study caution against the use of unchecked data obtained from the platform in lichenology, demonstrating substantial inconsistency between results gathered by iNaturalist users and experts

    Washboarding: Are Man-Managed Honeybees Performing a Vestigial Activity Fostered by Cryptogams?

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    A common view is that honeybees are mostly managed by beekeepers for commercial purposes or as a hobby, especially in Europe. This misconception is probably due to the lack of systematic studies on wild colonies of honeybees in Europe in comparison to other regions of the world. Since we are used to considering this species as “domesticated”, we may be induced to disregard activities not distinctly linked with colony survival, reproduction, or productivity. Washboarding is one of them in which the entire colony stops resource collection activities; numerous individual bees assemble on the front side of the hive and perform repetitive movements back and forth. They are curiously synchronised but apparently without a scope. In this exploratory work, we carried out a literature review of available, mostly grey, literature. Assuming this behaviour may be linked to cavity-nesting and to tree trunks or rocks being rough surfaces hosting various cryptogams, we performed preliminary observations and manipulative experiments. From our survey, we depict that washboarding is frequently reported in grey literature/beekeepers’ reports, but rarely mentioned in scientific literature. Beekeepers who responded to a designed questionnaire observed this behaviour in various ecological situations, with no trend emerging. Our preliminary experiment of placing cryptogams in front of managed hives resulted in honeybees removing lichens (foliose types) or covering with propolis, and all species were affected. Further research is needed to clarify if lichens are removed because of their chemical compounds, because of hosting potentially toxic microorganisms, or collected as resourcesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Netting down gross earnings data in the LIS database: an evaluation of two procedures

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    LIS researchers who seek to perform country-comparative and / or trend analyses have to account for the fact that in some LIS datasets income variables were reported net of taxes and social security contributions, while in other datasets income variables were reported gross of taxes and social security contributions. In this technical paper we discuss, develop, and evaluate two `netting down procedures' that help reduce bias that would be introduced by directly comparing net and gross datasets. Results of evaluating the performance of these netting down procedures indicate that the validity of the comparison of net and gross datasets can be greatly improved when netting down procedures are applied. In several cases, however, substantial amounts of bias remain

    La singolare 'Ars Sergilii': note in margine a un'edizione recente

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    Philological and hexegetical notes on the recent edition of the so-called 'Ars Sergilii' by R. Marshall: discussion about date and composition of a work probably connected with irish biblical hexegesi


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    ABSTRACTTitle : Effect of Poverty and Minimum Wage on Income Equality on the Island of Sumatera, IndonesiaName : Munzi RiandiID: 1301101010088Faculty/Department : Economic and Business/Economic DevelopmentSupervisor : Cut Risya Valitya, SE., M.SiThis study aims to determine the effect of poverty and province minimum wages on inequality on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia. The income inequality used is the Gini coefficient. The research data use panel data with ten provinces and four years from 2014-2017. The model used is the Fixed Effect Model (FEM). The results show that wages have a negative and significant effect on inequality. The other hand, poverty has a positive and significant effect on inequality. The impact of poverty is higher than the wages of 0.20. This study recommends that the government should encourage policies to increase wages and reduce poverty. One of them is by way of better income retribution and improvement of education programs for the poor so that there will be opportunities for work and equity.Keywords: Inequality, Gini Coefficient, Province Minimum Wage, Poverty.ABSTRAKJudul: Pengaruh Kemiskinan dan Upah Minimum terhadap Ketimpangan Pendapatan di Pulau Sumatera, IndonesiaNama : Munzi RiandiNIM: 1301101010088Fakultas/Jurusan : Ekonomi/Ekonomi PembangunanDosen Pembimbing : Cut Risya Valitya, SE., M.SiPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengatahui pengaruh kemiskinan dan upah minimum provinsi terhadap ketimpangan di Pulau Sumatera, Indonesia. Ketimpangan pendapatan yang digunakan ialah gini koefisien. Data penelitian menggunakan data panel dengan 10 provinsi dan 4 tahun dari tahun 2014-2017. Model yang digunakan yakni Fixed Effect Model (FEM). Hasil menunjukkan upah berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap ketimpangan. Di sisi yang lain, kemiskinan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap ketimpangan. Dampak kemiskinan lebih besar dibandingkan upah yakni 0.20. Rekomendasi penelitian ini yakni pemerintah perlu mendorong kebijakan-kebijakan dalam meningkatkan upah serta menekan angka kemiskinan. Salah satunya dengan cara restribusi pendapatan yang lebih baik maupun peningkatan program pendidikan kepada masyarakat miskin agar terjadi kesempatan yang dalam bekerja dan terjadi pemerataan.Kata Kunci: Ketimpangan, Gini Koefisien, Upah Minimum Provinsi, Kemiskinan
