17 research outputs found

    Traditional and ultrasound physical examinations: a hybrid approach to improve clinical care

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    Point-of-care ultrasonography, which is performed at the bedside by physicians who are not specialists in imaging, has become possible thanks to recent technological advances that have allowed for a device with greater portability while maintaining image quality. The increasing use of point-of-care ultrasonography in different specialties has made it possible to expand physical examinations, make timely decisions about the patients and allows the performance of safer medical procedures. In this review, three cases from our experience are presented that highlight the use of point-of-care ultrasonography by clinicians. Bedside ultrasonography is a convenient modality used in a clinical setting to aid in early diagnosis of several common conditions. It is suggested that a hybrid approach of physical examination and point-of-care ultrasonography in the everyday clinical practice is an inevitable change of paradigm that is improving quality of care in a variety of clinical settings.

    Modelo feito em casa para simulação ultrassonográfica da hidronefrose

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    In this article, we describe the development of a simple and inexpensive simulation phantom as a surrogate of human hydronephrosis for the identification of urinary tract obstruction at bedside to be used in undergraduate training of medical students.Neste artigo, descrevemos o desenvolvimento de um phantom de simulação, simples e barato, como modelo de hidronefrose humana para capacitar estudantes de graduação em medicina na identificação da obstrução do trato urinário à beira do leito

    Comparação da avaliação da volemia de pacientes hemodialíticos através de ultrassom de veia cava inferior por ecocardiografista e nefrologista

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    Chronic kidney disease has emerged as a public health problem of substantial proportions, and the number of patients who require renal replacement therapy has been growing over the years. The mortality rate of patients with ESRD remains amazing, and a large part of this mortality is due to cardiovascular disease. The inadequate fluid removal during hemodialysis is a major factor responsible for this unfavorable development. The hypervolemia leads to chronic hypertension, left ventricular hypertrophy, pulmonary congestion and increased rates of hospitalization and mortality. The hypovolemia, moreover, is associated with nausea, vomiting, diminished quality of life, loss of residual renal function, access thrombosis and reduction of dialysis adequacy, due to frequent interruptions of dialysis sessions. Clinically estimated dry weight, defined as the lowest post-dialysis weight at which most excess body fluid will have been removed, is widely used but is poorly predictive of volemic status. Despite the lack of gold standards, related to limitations in accuracy and feasibility, fluid volume has been assessed by using various tools, including ultrasonographic evaluation of the inferior vena cava (IVC). We sought to determine whether a nephrologist with limited ultrasound training can accurately assess the IVC in patients undergoing haemodialysis compared with a cardiologist by using a regular ultrasound system (RUS) or a full cardiovascular ultrasound system (CVUS). In a cross-sectional study, an experienced cardiologist and a nephrologist without formal ultrasound training consecutively measured the indexed IVC expiratory diameter (VCDi) and IVC collapsibility index (IVCCI) of 52 patients during haemodialysis sessions. In protocol I, the nephrologist used an RUS and the cardiologist used a CVUS; in protocol II, the machines were interchanged. In both protocols, Pearson and kappa correlation coefficients were used to evaluate the 11 interobserver correlation of continuous and categorical data, respectively. The interexaminer agreement was determined by the Bland–Altman method. High-quality IVC images were obtained in 96% of the patients. The VCDi measurements showed strong correlation in both protocols (r = 0.88 and 0.84 in protocols I and II, respectively). The volaemic classifications were excellent in protocol I (kappa = 0.82 and 0.93 by the VCDi and IVCCI, respectively) and substantial in protocol II (kappa = 0.77 and 0.75 by the VCDi and IVCCI, respectively). The interexaminer agreement on the VCDi measurements was also very good in both protocols. Ultrasound evaluation of the IVC can be performed by nephrologists without formal training using an RUS to assess volaemic status in patients undergoing haemodialysis. The same equipment that is already being used in dialysis clinics for several other purposes, such as guided renal biopsy, guided venous access, evaluation of the urinary tract, vascular mapping and study of fistulas and grafts can be used to determine the dry weight. We hope reduce costs and improve the quality of care for dialysis patients, through the spread of ultrasound evaluation of the IVC.A Doença Renal Crônica (DRC) é um problema de saúde pública mundial e o número de pacientes inscritos em programas de terapia de substituição de função renal vem crescendo progressivamente. A morbimortalidade dos pacientes com DRC é impressionante e se deve principalmente a doença cardiovascular. A remoção inadequada de líquidos durante a hemodiálise é um dos principais fatores responsáveis por esta evolução desfavorável. A hipervolemia crônica leva a hipertensão, hipertrofia ventricular esquerda, congestão pulmonar e aumenta as taxas de hospitalização e mortalidade. A hipovolemia, por outro lado, se associa com náuseas, vômitos, diminuição da qualidade de vida, perda da função renal residual, trombose do acesso venoso e redução da adequação da diálise, devido às frequentes interrupções das sessões de diálise. O peso seco, definido como o menor peso atingido pelo paciente no final das sessões, quando a maior parte do excesso de líquido acumulado tenha sido removido, ainda é avaliado clinicamente, mas tem fraca correlação com a verdadeira volemia. Apesar de não podermos contar com método que seja “padrão-ouro”, devido às limitações na acurácia e aplicabilidade, várias exames complementares tem sido estudados e validados para a determinação mais precisa da volemia em pacientes dialíticos, incluindo a avaliação ultrassonográfica da veia cava inferior (VCI). O alto custo dos ecocardiógrafos e a necessidade de um ecocardiografista para operá-los têm impedido a disseminação da ultrassonografia para avaliar a VCI e, consequentemente, a volemia. Nós hipotetizamos que a classificação volêmica baseada na determinação do diâmetro expiratório da VCI indexado pela superfície corpórea (DVCIi) e o índice de colabamento inspiratório da VCI (ICVCI) realizada por médico nefrologista, sem especialização em ultrassonografia, é similar àquela obtida no mesmo exame realizado por médico especialista em ecocardiografia utilizando um ecocardiógrafo padrão (ECO) ou um equipamento de ultrassom convencional (US). Neste estudo transversal, um ecocardiografista experiente e um nefrologista sem especialização formal em ultrassonografia avaliaram consecutivamente o DVCIi e o ICVCI de 52 pacientes, durante as sessões de hemodiálise. No protocolo I, o nefrologista usou o US e o cardiologista usou o ECO; no protocolo II os aparelhos foram invertidos entre os pesquisadores. Em ambos os protocolos, os coeficientes de Pearson e kappa foram utilizados para avaliar a correlação entre as variáveis contínuas e categóricas, respectivamente. A concordância entre os examinadores foi avaliada pelo Bland-Altman. Obtivemos imagens de boa qualidade da VCI em 96% dos pacientes. As avaliações do DVCIi apresentaram forte correlação em ambos os protocolos (r= 0,88 e 0,84, nos protocolos I e II, respectivamente). A correlação entre as classificações volêmicas foi excelente no protocolo I (kappa = 0,82 e 0,93 pelo DVCIi e ICVCI, respectivamente) e substancial no protocolo II (kappa = 0,77 e 0,75 pelo DVCIi e ICVCI, respectivamente). A concordância entre os examinadores pelo gráfico de Bland-Altman das avaliações de DVCIi foi também muito boa em ambos os protocolos. Nefrologistas sem especialização formal em ultrassonografia usando um US podem avaliar a volemia de pacientes dialíticos através da ultrassonografia de VCI. O mesmo equipamento que já equipa as clínicas de diálise e é utilizado para diversas outras finalidades, como biópsia renal guiada, acesso venoso guiado, avaliação do trato urinário, mapeamento vascular e estudo das fístulas e enxertos, pode ser utilizado para determinação do peso seco. Esperamos assim, reduzir custos e melhorar a qualidade do atendimento dos pacientes dialíticos, através da disseminação da avaliação ultrassonográfica da VCI.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superio

    Uso da ultrassonografia “point-of-care” na prática nefrológica: Transpondo os limites do trato urinário

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    Introduction: The traditional model of reference ultrasound to radiologist has changed over the past 25 years. With the reductions in size and cost of ultrasound devices (today there are more than 10 handheld units on the market), medical specialists are increasingly using bedside ultrasound as an extension of the physical examination. Objective: To highlight the importance of using bedside ultrasound in the objective and expanded evaluation of renal patients. Material and Methods: Narrative review with study selection and interpretation of information based on arbitrary choice of authors. Results: In nephrology, ultrasound has not been widely used, and its major uses are in renal and venous identifications in renal biopsy and vascular access, respectively. However, the fundamental role of the kidneys in controlling body volume and blood pressure, eventually when they become dysfunctional, requires multiorgan evaluations. Thus, the use of ultrasound in nephrology should not be restricted to the procedures mentioned or the assessment of urinary retention. "Focused" ultrasound of the lungs, heart, and inferior vena cava allows the diagnosis of frequent complications observed in renal diseases, such as pulmonary congestion, pleural effusion, pneumothorax, systolic and diastolic dysfunction, pericardial effusion, and thus be incorporated as extension of physical examination in nephrology. In the present review, the authors highlight the importance of using bedside ultrasound in the objective and expanded evaluation of renal patients. Conclusion: Renal multifunctionality implies a large number of renal and extrarenal complications when the kidneys are functionally affected, which justifies the use of POCUS not only in the evaluation of the urinary tract, but also in the lungs, heart, inferior vena cava, among others.Introdução: O modelo tradicional de referenciamento ao radiologista para a realização de ultrassonografia ou ecografia tem se modificado nos últimos 25 anos. Com a diminuição do tamanho e do custo dos aparelhos de ultrassom (hoje já existem mais de 10 unidades “handheld” no mercado), cada vez mais médicos de diferentes especialidades estão utilizando a ultrassonografia a beira do leito, como extensão do exame físico. Objetivo: Destacar a importância do uso da ultrassonografia a beira do leito na avaliação objetiva e ampliada dos pacientes renais. Materiais e Métodos: Revisão narrativa com seleção dos estudos e a interpretação das informações baseados na escolha arbitrária dos autores. Resultados: Na nefrologia, a ecografia ainda tem sido pouco utilizada, sendo o seu maior uso na identificação renal e venosa quando da realização da biópsia renal e do acesso vascular, respectivamente. Contudo, o papel fundamental dos rins no controle da volemia e da pressão arterial, eventualmente quando se tornam disfuncionais, demanda avaliações multiorgânicas. Assim, a utilização da ultrassonografia na nefrologia não deveria se restringir aos procedimentos mencionados ou a avaliação da retenção urinária. As ecografias “focadas” dos pulmões, do coração e da veia cava inferior permite o diagnóstico de complicações frequentes observadas nas doenças renais, como por exemplo, congestão pulmonar, derrame pleural, pneumotórax, disfunção sistólica, diastólica, derrame pericárdico e, assim, incorporadas como extensão do exame físico em nefrologia. Conclusão: A multifuncionalidade renal implica em grande número de complicações renais e extra-renais quando os rins são funcionalmente acometidos, o que justifica o uso da POCUS não somente na avaliação do trato urinário, mas também dos pulmões, coração, veia cava inferior, entre outros

    Point-of-care ultrasound evaluation and puncture simulation of the internal jugular vein by medical students

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    Abstract Objectives To show that medical students can evaluate the internal jugular vein (IJV) and its anatomical variations after rapid and focused training. We also aimed to evaluate the success rate of IJV puncture in simulation following traditional techniques (TTs) and monitored via ultrasound (US). Materials and methods Six medical students without experience with US were given 4 h of theoretical–practical training in US, and then evaluated the IJV and common carotid artery (CCA) of 105 patients. They also simulated a puncture of the IJV at a demarcated point, where a TT was theoretically performed. Results Adequate images were obtained from 95% of the patients; the IJV, on the right side, was more commonly found in the anterolateral position in relation to the CCA (38%). On the left side, the most commonly position observed was the anterior (36%). The caliber of the IJV relative to the CCA greatly varied. The success rate in the IJV puncture simulation, observed with US, by the TTs was 55%. Conclusion The training of medical students to recognize large neck vessels is a simple, quick, and feasible task and that can be integrated into the undergraduate medical curriculum

    Can a renal nurse assess fluid status using ultrasound on the inferior vena cava? A cross-sectional interrater study

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    Introduction: Ultrasound of the inferior vena cava (IVC-US) has been used to estimate intravascular volume status and fluid removal during a hemodialysis session. Usually, renal nurses rely on other, imprecise methods to determine ultrafiltration. To date, no study has examined whether renal nurses can reliably perform ultrasound for volume assessment and for potential prevention of intradialytic hypotension. This pilot study aimed to determine if a renal nurse could master the skill of performing and correctly interpreting Point of Care Ultrasound on patients receiving hemodialysis. Methods: After receiving theoretical training and performing 100 training scans, a renal nurse performed 60 ultrasound scans on 10 patients. These were categorized by the nurse into hypovolemic, euvolemic, or hypervolemic through measurement of the maximal diameter and degree of collapse of the IVC. Scans were subsequently assessed for adequacy and quality by two sonologists, who were blinded to each other's and the nurse's results. Findings: The interrater reliability of 60 scans was good, with intraclass correlation 0.79 (95% confidence interval (CI) =0.63–0.87) and with a good interrater agreement for the following estimation of intravascular volume (Cohen's weighted Kappa ?w = 0.62), when comparing the nurse to an expert sonographer. Discussion: A renal nurse can reliably perform ultrasound of the IVC in hemodialysis patients, obtaining high quality scans for volume assessment of hemodialysis patients. This novel approach could be more routinely applied by other renal nurses to obtain objective measures of patient volume status in the dialysis setting

    Can Nephrologists Use Ultrasound to Evaluate the Inferior Vena Cava A Cross-Sectional Study of the Agreement between a Nephrologist and a Cardiologist

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    Background/Aims: The costs and the need for a specialist impair the implementation of ultrasonography for evaluating the inferior vena cava (IVC) to assess the volemic status in hemodialysis patients. We investigated whether a nephrologist with limited ultrasound training can accurately assess the IVC in patients undergoing hemodialysis. Methods: A cardiologist and a nephrologist consecutively measured the indexed IVC expiratory diameter (VCDi) and the IVC collapsibility index (IVCCI) of 52 patients during hemodialysis sessions. In protocol I, the nephrologist used a regular ultrasound system (RUS) and the cardiologist used a cardiovascular ultrasound equipment; in protocol II, the machines were interchanged. Pearson and kappa coefficients and the interexaminer agreement by the Bland-Altman method were calculated. Results: The VCDi measurements showed a strong correlation in both protocols (r = 0.88 and 0.84 in protocols I and II, respectively). The volemic classifications were excellent in protocol I (kappa = 0.82 and 0.93 by VCDi and IVCCI, respectively) and substantial in protocol II (kappa = 0.77 and 0.75 by VCDi and IVCCI, respectively). The interexaminer agreement on the VCDi measurements was very good in both protocols. Conclusions: Ultrasound evaluation of the IVC can be performed by nephrologists using an RUS to assess the volemic status in hemodialysis patients