530 research outputs found

    Older caregivers' depressive symptomatology over time:evidence from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe

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    The prevalence of informal caregiving is increasing as populations across the world age. Caregiving has been found to be associated with poor mental health outcomes including depressive symptoms. The purpose of this study is to examine the mean trajectory of depressive symptomatology in older caregivers in a large European sample over an eight-year period, the effects of time-varying and time-invariant covariates on this trajectory, and the mean trajectory of depressive symptomatology according to pattern of caregiving. The results suggest that depressive symptoms in the full sample of caregivers follow a nonlinear trajectory characterized by an initial decrease which decelerates over time. Caregiver status and depressive symptoms were significantly associated such that depressive symptoms increased as a function of caregiver status. The trajectory in caregivers who report intermittent or consecutive occasions of caregiving remained stable over time. Significant associations were found between sociodemographic, health and caregiving characteristics and the initial levels and rates of change of these trajectories. While these results point to the resilience of caregivers, they also highlight the factors that are related to caregivers' adaptation over time. This can help in identifying individuals who may require greater supports and, in turn, ensuring that caregivers preserve their well-being.</p

    Redefining the Transatlantic Security Relationship

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    The transatlantic security relationship is built on strong and enduring shared values. Americans and Europeans share, on the whole, similar perceptions about the nature of power, the norms that should guide relations among states, as well as a desire to promote democracy and basic human rights. The US and Europe also share most of their security objectives, this being particularly true when speaking of non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and tackling state weakness around the world. Not surprisingly, therefore, our elite survey revealed that elites across the Atlantic are supportive of each other’s role in maintaining international security, and wish to remain partners through NATO. However, the partnership is exposed to a serious risk of fragmentation driven by changes in the international landscape, mainly the rise of multipolarity and the emergence of China as a major security player in East Asia, and by events with significant internal implications such as the financial crisis that started in 2007 and the subsequent Eurozone crisis and the emergence or multiplication of crises from Libya and Mali to the Middle East and Ukraine. These developments could easily pull the transatlantic partners in different directions, perhaps more so than any other change of the past half-century, creating tensions between the two, and bringing into question the usefulness of their alliance

    Nurse's role in the context of childhood depression in CAPSi: diagnostic approach of nursing

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    Objectives: To assess the signs and symptoms of depression in childhood and identify nursing diagnoses based on NANDA for this child and from this diagnostic approach, proposing strategies for child care on children's psychosocial Care Centers - CAPSi, thus contributing to the discussion of nurses regarding the care system for children with depression. Method: A qualitative, exploratory review of literature about depression and its characteristics in the child. Results: The analysis of the possible signs and symptoms of depression led to the construction of a frame where it suggests some nursing diagnoses compatible behaviors found in the syndrome. Conclusion: The nursing process provides different performances of nurses in CAPSi, allows formulating intervention strategies in order to improve the quality of life of children with depression and family

    Towards an active and happy retirement? Changes in leisure activity and depressive symptoms during the retirement transition

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    Objectives: Retirement is a major life transition in the second half of life, and it can be associated with changes in leisure activity engagement. Although theories of retirement adjustment have emphasized the need to find meaningful activities in retirement, little is known about the nature of changes in leisure activity during the retirement transition and their association with mental health. Methods: Based on four annual waves of the 'Health, Aging and Retirement Transitions in Sweden' study, we investigated the longitudinal association of leisure activity engagement and depressive symptoms using bivariate dual change score models. We distinguished intellectual, social, and physical activity engagement. Results: We found increases in all three domains of activity engagement after retirement. Although level and change of activity and depressive symptoms were negatively associated, the coupling parameters were not significant, thus the direction of effects remains unclear. Conclusion: The results highlight the need to consider the role of lifestyle changes for retirement adjustment and mental health

    NuBrain: UK consortium for optimal nutrition for healthy brain ageing

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    With an ageing global population, there is an urgent need to identify effective strategies to maintain brain health across the life course and therein minimise the risk of age‐related neurodegenerative disorders reaching a severe stage which may manifest as dementia. An increasing body of evidence indicates that nutrition is a modifiable lifestyle factor that can promote healthy brain ageing and reduce dementia risk. However, at present, little is known about which dietary patterns, foods and food bioactives influence brain function during ageing, and more research is required to identify at‐risk individuals and population subgroups who are most likely to benefit from future nutritional intervention intended to promote healthier brain ageing. This article introduces the newly established Medical Research Council‐funded NuBrain consortium, the vision of which is to provide a step change in research in the area by developing novel approaches and techniques to further understand the complex interactions between diet and brain health and how we can support appropriate behaviour changes in the population. NuBrain will form a new, sustainable and internationally field‐leading research consortium with multidisciplinary and complementary areas of expertise to address the fundamental research challenges in this area

    O uso de simuladores no auxílio do ensino-aprendizagem na Enfermagem

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    Este estudo objetivou verificar a perspectiva dos acadêmicos do curso de enfermagem acerca do uso de simuladores no auxílio do ensino-aprendizagem. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, exploratório, descritivo com abordagem quantitativa. A coleta de dados foi realizada através de um questionário validado, aplicado a partir da plataforma Google Forms. A amostra foi composta por 27 acadêmicos, sendo estes de universidades públicas e privadas do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Os resultados demonstram que 26 (96,3%) são de instituições privadas, 21 (77,78%) cursam o 9º semestre da graduação, 27 (100%) já utilizaram a simulação, sendo que 26 (96,3%) realizaram a simulação através de bonecos. A partir da análise destes dados conclui-se que a simulação é uma metodologia ativa capaz de auxiliar no processo de ensino-aprendizagem, promovendo maior interação entre professor e acadêmico

    Determination of bone demineralization in cats after experimental thyrotoxicosis

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    O hipertiroidismo é capaz de proporcionar efeitos sobre o metabolismo ósseo tanto em humanos como em animais. Para melhor avaliar este fato em gatos, em 16 animais foram induzidos a tirotoxicose a partir da administração oral de 150 µg/kg de levotiroxina sódica a cada 24 horas durante 42 dias. Os níveis hormonais foram avaliados por radioimunoensaio e a densidade mineral óssea da extremidade distal do rádio direito foi mensurada através de densitometria óptica radiográfica. Foi possível observar, a partir da primeira semana de experimento, significativa elevação sérica de T4 livre e T4 total acompanhada de desmineralização óssea do rádio.Hyperthyroidism can result in serious effects on the bone metabolism in humans as well as animals. For a better characterization of thyrotoxicosis effects, 16 cats were induced into thyrotoxicosis by intaking a dose of 150 µg/kg of sodium L-thyroxine every 24 hours during 42 days. The hormonal levels were evaluated by radioimmunoassay technique and the bone mineral density of the right distal radius extremity was measured through the radiographic optical densitometry. Was verified significant bone demineralization seven days of hormonal intake as weel as radius demineralization

    Mediterranean diet adherence and cognitive function in older, UK adults: The EPIC-Norfolk study

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    Background In Mediterranean countries, adherence to a traditional Mediterranean dietary pattern (MedDiet) is associated with better cognitive function and reduced dementia risk. It is unclear if similar benefits exist in non-Mediterranean regions. Objective To examine associations between MedDiet adherence and cognitive function in an older, UK population. To investigate whether associations differed between individuals with high versus low cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. Design We conducted an analysis in 8009 older individuals with dietary data at Health Check 1 (1993-1997) and cognitive function data at Health Check 3 (2006-2011) of the European Prospective Investigation of Cancer, Norfolk (EPIC-Norfolk). Associations were explored between MedDiet adherence and global and domain specific cognitive test scores and risk of poor cognitive performance in the entire cohort, and when stratified according to CVD risk status. Results Higher MedDiet adherence defined by the Pyramid MedDiet score was associated with better global cognition (β±SE=-0.012±0.002; P<0.001), verbal episodic memory (β±SE=-0.009±0.002; P<0.001), and simple processing speed (β±SE=-0.002±0.001; P=0.013). Lower risk of poor verbal episodic memory (OR(95%CI)=0.784 (0.641,0.959); P=0.018), complex processing speed (OR(95%CI)=0.739 (0.601,0.907); P=0.004), and prospective memory (OR(95%CI)=0.841 (0.724,0.977); P=0.023) was also observed for the highest versus lowest Pyramid MedDiet tertiles. The effect of a one-point increase in Pyramid score on global cognitive function was equivalent to 1.7 fewer years of cognitive ageing. MedDiet adherence defined by the MEDAS score (mapped using both binary and continuous scoring) showed similar, albeit less consistent, associations. In stratified analyses, associations were evident in individuals at higher CVD risk only (P<0.05). Conclusions Higher adherence to the MedDiet is associated with better cognitive function and lower risk of poor cognition in older, UK adults. This evidence underpins the development of interventions to enhance MedDiet adherence, particularly in individuals at higher CVD risk, aiming to reduce the risk of age-related cognitive decline in non-Mediterranean populations

    Correlação entre a densidade mineral óssea e níveis séricos de cálcio, fósforo e fosfatase alcalina total em gatos após tirotoxicose experimental

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    Hyperthyroidism is and endocrinal dysfunction characterized by excessive serum concentrations of thyroid gland hormones, which can cause several effects on the bone tissue in humans and in animals. For a better characterization of thyrotoxicosis effects on bone metabolism, 16 cats were induced into hyperthyroid state. Results showed that, in some moments a major bone demineralization of the right distal radium estremity promoted an elevation of the serum levels of phosphorus and total alkaline phosphatase.O hipertiroidismo é caracterizado por concentrações séricas excessivas dos hormônios tiroidianos, podendo causar efeitos sobre o tecido ósseo em humanos e animais. Para melhor caracterização dos efeitos da tirotoxicose no metabolismo ósseo, 16 gatos foram induzidos ao estado hipertiroideo. Os resultados demonstraram que, em alguns momentos experimentais, uma maior desmineralização óssea da extremidade distal do rádio promoveu elevação dos níveis séricos de fósforo e fosfatase alcalina total