39 research outputs found

    Diseño de un plan estratégico para mejorar el desempeño organizacional de la empresa SENIC departamento de San Miguel, año 2017

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    Algunas empresas afrontaron una serie de problemas, que pueden resolverse por medio de técnicas administrativas, es así que comenzaron a preocuparse por desarrollar nuevas técnicas administrativas permitiendo adaptarlas a sus empresas. La tarea de la Administración es organizar el cambio, se trata sobre todo de un problema humano que tiene un contenido técnico y que se proyecta hacia el futuro. Precisamente porque las oportunidades y los problemas inherentes al cambio penetran en el futuro, las empresas han tenido cada vez más la necesidad de formular un planeamiento empresarial formal. Es por ello, que a finales de los cincuenta las empresas desarrollaron un nuevo enfoque: PLANEACIÓN ESTRATÉGICA, que surge como resultado de la experimentación, el error y el intercambio de experiencias. Desde entonces, la Planeación Estratégica se ha perfeccionado, al grado que en la actualidad todas las empresas cuentan con este sistema. Con la Planeación Estratégica las empresas se convierten en un verdadero canal de comunicación muy útil en todos sus niveles; capacitan a los directivos porque los obliga a responder constantes preguntas sobre su empresa y el medio, brinda seguridad y motivación en todo el personal para asegurar el logro de los objetivos. Resulta necesario entonces, que la empresa SENIC establezca un proceso de Planeación Estratégica, que no sea rígido, sino que por el contrario sea flexible a las diferentes condiciones del negocio; así se pueden determinar las siguientes partes de la propuesta: El diseño del plan estratégico que comprende la justificación de la propuesta, objetivos, áreas de aplicación y beneficios esperados. El establecimiento de estrategias donde se muestra la filosofía empresarial, misión, visión, objetivos estratégicos y financieros, valores y las políticas propuestas a la empresa. El desarrollo de estrategias donde se presentan los programas funcionales y operativos para el área administrativa, comercialización, servicios, finanzas y recursos humanos. Al final se presenta el control y evaluación del plan estratégico propuest

    Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown in Eating Disorders: A Multicentre Collaborative International Study

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    Trastorns de l'alimentació; Impacte psicològic; Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; 2019-nCoV; ConfinamentTrastornos de la alimentación; Impacto psicológico; Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; 2019-nCoV; ConfinamientoEating Disorders; Psychological impact; Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; 2019-nCoV; ConfinementBackground: The COVID-19 lockdown has had a significant impact on mental health. Patients with eating disorders (ED) have been particularly vulnerable. Aims: (1) To explore changes in eating-related symptoms and general psychopathology during lockdown in patients with an ED from various European and Asian countries; and (2) to assess differences related to diagnostic ED subtypes, age, and geography. Methods: The sample comprised 829 participants, diagnosed with an ED according to DSM-5 criteria from specialized ED units in Europe and Asia. Participants were assessed using the COVID-19 Isolation Scale (CIES). Results: Patients with binge eating disorder (BED) experienced the highest impact on weight and ED symptoms in comparison with other ED subtypes during lockdown, whereas individuals with other specified feeding and eating disorders (OFSED) had greater deterioration in general psychological functioning than subjects with other ED subtypes. Finally, Asian and younger individuals appeared to be more resilient. Conclusions: The psychopathological changes in ED patients during the COVID-19 lockdown varied by cultural context and individual variation in age and ED diagnosis. Clinical services may need to target preventive measures and adapt therapeutic approaches for the most vulnerable patients

    Gender-related patterns of emotion regulation among patients with eating disorders

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    Difficulties in emotion regulation (ER) are common in females with eating disorders (ED). However, no study to date has analyzed ER in males with ED. In the study at hand, we assessed ER in males with ED and compared results to both females with ED and healthy controls (HC). We also examined associations between ER difficulties, personality, and psychopathology. A total of 62 males with ED were compared with 656 females with ED, as well as 78 male and 286 female HC. ER was assessed by means of the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS). We found that males and females with ED showed greater ER difficulties compared to HC. Pronounced general psychopathology was a shared factor associated with higher ER difficulties in both males and females with ED. However, whereas higher novelty seeking, higher cooperativeness, lower reward dependence, and lower self-directedness were related to higher ER difficulties in females with ED, lower persistence was associated with ER difficulties in males with ED. In sum, males and females with ED show similar ER difficulties, yet they are distinct in how ER deficits relate to specific personality traits. Research on strategies promoting ER in the treatment of males with ED is warranted

    Clinical Correlates of Sports Betting: A Systematic Review

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    Sports betting is becoming increasingly widespread, and a growing number of individuals, both adolescents and adults, participate in this type of gambling. The main aim of this systematic review was to assess correlates of sports betting (sociodemographic features, gambling-related variables, co-occurring psychopathologies, and personality tendencies) through a systematic review conducted following the PRISMA guidelines. Relevant studies were identified via searches of NCBI/PubMed and APA PsycInfo databases. Individuals from the general population and/or with a clinical diagnosis of gambling disorder (GD) were included, irrespective of gender and age. In addition, the studies needed to have administered at least one clinical interview/psychometric instrument to assess the presence of problematic gambling/GD, contain at least one group of participants with sports betting, and directly analyze the association between sports betting and any of the following features: sociodemographics, gambling-related variables, co-occurring psychopathologies, and/or personality tendencies. Fifty-four articles were included. Multiple sociodemographic variables have been studied in relation to sports betting. In general, males with high impulsivity have greater tendencies for sports betting. The co-occurrence of certain pathologies, especially substance use or other addictive disorders, was also suggested. Most studies were cross-sectional, assessed participants using self-administered instruments, recruited samples using non-probability online panels, included small samples, had unbalanced samples, and included samples from only one country. Impulsive males may be particularly prone to sports gambling and related problems. Future research should examine prevention strategies that may help prevent the development of sport-betting-related GD and other addictive behaviors in vulnerable individuals

    Food addiction in Bulimia Nervosa: Analysis of body composition, psychological and problematic foods profile

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    IntroductionFood Addiction (FA) has been related with eating disorders (ED), especially Bulimia Nervosa (BN). BN + FA may have different physical characteristics than patients with BN without the comorbidity, such as body mass index (BMI) or body composition, and psychological as emotion regulation. However, the relationship between psychological and physical aspects, connected by problematic food and its influence on body composition, has been barely studied. Therefore, the aims of the present study are: Aims(a) To explore the differences in body composition between FA positive (FA+) and negative (FA-) in women with BN; (b) to identify problematic relationship with certain food types, according with the foods mentioned in the YFAS scale questionnaire, between FA+ and FA- patients; (c) to know the psychological characteristic differences between FA+ and FA- patients, considering emotion regulation, personality traits and general psychopathological state; (d) to identify the relationship between physical and psychological traits, and the identified problematic foods, in patients with BN and FA. MethodologyN = 81 BN women patients, with a mean age of 29.73 years +/- 9.80 SD, who completed the questionnaires: Yale Food Addiction Scale V 1.0 (YFAS 1.0), Eating Disorder Inventory-2 (EDI-2), Symptom Checklist-90 Items-Revised (SCL-90-R), and Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Strategies (DERS). YFAS problematic foods were grouped considering their principal nutrients sources. Body composition and difference in metabolic age was determined using bioimpedance analyzer. ResultsThe 88% of patients with BN presented FA+. Patients with BN who were FA+ self-reported more problematic relationships with sweets and starches. Also presented higher emotion regulation difficulties, general psychopathology and eating symptomatology severity, than those without FA. Finally, emotional regulation difficulties were positively associated with higher eating disorder symptomatology and more types of foods self-reported as problematic, which increased indirectly fat mass. ConclusionThe results suggest that BN + FA presented more eating and psychopathology symptomatology and higher problems with specific food types. As well, the path analysis emphasized that emotion regulation difficulties might be related with problematic food relationship in BN, impacting over the ED severity. ImplicationsThe results may impact the development of precise therapies for patients with BN + FA

    Food addiction in eating disorders: a cluster analysis approach and treatment outcome

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    Background: A first approach of a phenotypic characterization of food addiction (FA) found three clusters (dysfunctional, moderate and functional). Based on this previous classification, the aim of the present study is to explore treatment responses in the sample diagnosed with Eating Disorder(ED) of different FA profiles. Methods: The sample was composed of 157 ED patients with FA positive, 90 with bulimia nervosa (BN), 36 with binge eating disorder (BED), and 31 with other specified feeding or eating disorders (OSFED). Different clinical variables and outcome indicators were evaluated. Results: The clinical profile of the clusters present similar characteristics with the prior study, having the dysfunctional cluster the highest ED symptom levels, the worse psychopathology global state, and dysfunctional personality traits, while the functional one the lowest ED severity level, best psychological state, and more functional personality traits. The dysfunctional cluster was the one with lowest rates of full remission, the moderate one the higher rates of dropouts, and the functional one the highest of full remission. Conclusions: The results concerning treatment outcome were concordant with the severity of the FA clusters, being that the dysfunctional and moderate ones had worst treatment responses than the functional one

    e-Estesia: A Serious Game for Reducing Arousal, Improving Emotional Regulation and Increasing Wellbeing in Individuals with Gambling Disorder

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    Gambling disorder (GD) is associated with deficits in emotion regulation and impulsivity-related personality traits. In recent years there has been an increase in the use of serious games (SG) to address these factors with positive results. The aim of this study was to analyze the efficacy of the intervention with a new SG (e-Estesia), as an adjunct to a CBT intervention for GD. The sample comprised two groups (experimental group (n = 40) and control group (n = 64)) of patients with GD diagnosis. Both groups received 16 weekly CBT sessions and, concurrently, only the experimental group received 15 additional sessions with e-Estesia. Pre-post treatment with e-Estesia administered in both groups were: DSM-5 Criteria, South Oaks Gambling Screen, Symptom Checklist-Revised and measure of relapses, dropout and compliance of treatment. As regards the experimental group were also administered: Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale, Emotion Regulation Questionnaire, and Impulsive Behavior Scale. No statistically significant differences in the general psychopathological state, emotion regulation or impulsivity were found when comparing the groups. However, patients enrolled in the e-Estesia intervention had significantly less relapses and better indicators of treatment compliance than the control group. Considering these results, the use of complementary tools such as SG are useful for addressing GD

    Intervención preventiva universal en problemas relacionados con el peso y la alimentación : estudio comparativo entre México y España en un programa de alfabetización de medios : estudio piloto /

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    El objetivo de la investigación fue conocer la eficacia de un programa de prevención universal de problema relacionados con el peso y la alimentación, haciendo uso de la alfabetización de medios. Comparando los resultados entre dos muestras adolescentes de España y México. Participaron 228 adolescentes, 127 mexican@s (68 mujeres y 59 hombres) y 101 español@s (60 mujeres y 41hombres) con una media de edad de 14,87 (DE=0,62) años. No existieron diferencias significativas entre el IMC ni el nivel socioeconómico de la muestra. El estudio corresponde a un diseño cuasi experimental, las escuelas que formaron parte de la investigación fueron seleccionadas de forma intencional, mas los participantes del estudio fueron asignados por los directivos de las instituciones educativas. Participaron cuatro escuelas de la ciudad de Pachuca en México y cuatro escuelas de la ciudad de Barcelona en España. Previa firma de consentimiento informado por parte de los padres y autorización verbal de los alumnos se realizaron las evaluaciones pre y post intervención, así como seguimientos a 6 y 12 meses tanto en grupos control como experimental. En cada una de ellas los participantes respondieron un cuestionario de datos personales y socioeconómicos y los instrumentos seleccionados, para evaluar las variables sobre las cuales se estudió la eficacia del programa: actitudes alteradas hacia la alimentación, influencia del modelo estético-corporal, satisfacción con la imagen corporal, autoestima, así como otros aspectos que se consideró pudieran estar interactuando con dichas variables como la interiorización de los roles de género. Al grupo experimental se le aplicó la intervención de prevención basada en alfabetización de medios en cinco sesiones de una hora de duración, cuyos contenidos principales son: modelo estético masculino y femenino a lo largo de la historia y entre diferentes culturas, modelo estético femenino y masculino en los medios de comunicación y activismo. Igualmente, se realizó una entrevista a grupos focales con 10 estudiantes de cada grupo (experimentales o de control), tanto hombres como mujeres. Los resultados mostraron que el programa es efectivo en la prevención de problemas relacionados con el peso y la alimentación a través de la reducción de actitudes alteradas hacia la alimentación como la restricción y el aumento del nivel de satisfacción corporal en los participantes en ambos países. De acuerdo a lo anterior, podemos afirmar que es posible y de beneficio la implementación de un mismo programa de prevención en estos países, replicando la intervención en muestras mayores, esperando obtener resultados positivos.The aim of the present research was to know the efficacy of a universal preventive program, using media literacy and comparing the results between two adolescents samples of México and Spain. 228 adolescents participated in the study, 127 from Mexico (68 women and 59 men) and 101 from Spain (60 women and 41 men), with a middle age of 14,87 (SD=0,62) years old. There were no statistical significant differences between the BMI and the socioeconomic level of the participants. The study has a cuasi-experimental design, the schools that participated in the research were intentional selective, while the groups of adolescents that will take part in the study were assigned to us by the directives of the educational institutions. The research took place in four schools of Pachuca city in México and four schools in Barcelona city in Spain. After the parents signed the informed consent form, and that the participants agree in a verbal way to be part of the research, we start with the procedure. Pre, post and following evaluations after six and twelve months were carry out for the adolescents in the experimental and in the control groups. In each of the evaluations, the participants answer a socioeconomic and personal data questionnaire, and the standardized instruments to evaluate the variables for which the effectiveness of the program was evaluated: negative eating attitudes, aesthetic model influence, body dissatisfaction and self-esteem; other aspects that could interact with this variables and affect the results of the program, as the internalization of gender roles, were also evaluated. The experimental group receive the preventive intervention based on media literacy, in five sessions of one hour of duration. The main contents of the program includes: male and female aesthetic model along the time and between cultures, male and female aesthetic model in the mass media, and activism. A qualitative interview to focal groups of ten men and female participants was also conducted, in the control and in the experimental groups. The results showed that the program is effective in the prevention of weight and eating related problems through the reduction of negative eating attitudes, as restriction, and the increase of body satisfaction in the two countries. According to that, we can affirm that the implementation of the same prevention program in these two countries is possible and it would be of benefit, replicating the intervention in bigger samples, and expecting to obtain positive results

    Emotion regulation as a transdiagnostic factor in eating disorders and gambling disorder: Treatment outcome implications

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    Background: A first approach addressed to ascertain whether emotion regulation (ER) could be a transdiagnostic construct between eating disorders (EDs) and gambling disorder (GD) (through a joint clinical clustering analysis of both disorders) was performed by Munguia et al. (2021). Both conditions were represented by a severe, moderate, and low ER profile subgroups, according to the degree of ER difficulties. Results showed a linear relationship between the severity of ER difficulties and the severity of the disorder and the psychopathological state. Aims: Based on the aforementioned cross-sectional study, the objective of this longitudinal research was to explore the treatment response of the different ER subgroups. Methods: 459 adult patients (n = 277 ED; n =182 GD) were included. Several clinical variables, as well as outcome indicators (after completing 16 weeks of cognitive-behavioral therapy), were evaluated. Results: The three subgroups found in the previous cross-sectional study were taken for the performance of the present research. ED and GD distribution in each subgroup replicates the one exposed by Mungula et al. (2021), as well as their characterization, considering psychopathology, disorder severity and personality traits. The low ER subgroup reported a better response to treatment, whereas the severe group had the highest rates of non-remission and dropouts. Conclusions: Our results suggest that greater difficulties in ER lead to poorer treatment outcomes. Therefore, tailored treatments for patients with poor ER abilities would be recommended to improve adherence and treatment outcomes

    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Plus a Serious Game as a Complementary Tool for a Patient With Parkinson Disease and Impulse Control Disorder: Case Report

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    Background: Impulse control disorders (ICDs) are commonly developed among patients who take dopamine agonist drugs as a treatment for Parkinson disease (PD). Gambling disorder and hypersexuality are more frequent in male patients with PD, with a prevalence over 4% in dopamine agonists users. Although impulsive-compulsive behaviors are related to antiparkinsonian medication, and even though ICD symptomatology, such as hypersexuality, often subsides when the dopaminergic dose is reduced, sometimes ICD persists in spite of drug adjustment. Consequently, a multidisciplinary approach should be considered to address these comorbidities and to explore new forms of complementary interventions, such as serious games or therapies adapted to PD. Objective: The aim of this study is to present the case of a patient with ICD (ie, hypersexuality) triggered by dopaminergic medication for PD. A combined intervention was carried out using cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for ICD adapted to PD, plus an intervention using a serious game-e-Estesia-whose objective is to improve emotion regulation and impulsivity. The aim of the combination of these interventions was to reduce the harm of the disease. Methods: After 20 CBT sessions, the patient received the e-Estesia intervention over 15 sessions. Repeated measures, before and after the combined intervention, were administered to assess emotion regulation, general psychopathology, and emotional distress and impulsivity. Results: After the intervention with CBT techniques and e-Estesia, the patient presented fewer difficulties to regulate emotion, less emotional distress, and lower levels of impulsivity in comparison to before the treatment. Moreover, the frequency and severity of the relapses also decreased. Conclusions: The combined intervention-CBT and a serious game-showed positive results in terms of treatment outcomes