2,237 research outputs found

    Concurrent Initialization for Bearing-Only SLAM

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    Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) is perhaps the most fundamental problem to solve in robotics in order to build truly autonomous mobile robots. The sensors have a large impact on the algorithm used for SLAM. Early SLAM approaches focused on the use of range sensors as sonar rings or lasers. However, cameras have become more and more used, because they yield a lot of information and are well adapted for embedded systems: they are light, cheap and power saving. Unlike range sensors which provide range and angular information, a camera is a projective sensor which measures the bearing of images features. Therefore depth information (range) cannot be obtained in a single step. This fact has propitiated the emergence of a new family of SLAM algorithms: the Bearing-Only SLAM methods, which mainly rely in especial techniques for features system-initialization in order to enable the use of bearing sensors (as cameras) in SLAM systems. In this work a novel and robust method, called Concurrent Initialization, is presented which is inspired by having the complementary advantages of the Undelayed and Delayed methods that represent the most common approaches for addressing the problem. The key is to use concurrently two kinds of feature representations for both undelayed and delayed stages of the estimation. The simulations results show that the proposed method surpasses the performance of previous schemes

    Enunciados fraseológicos: fórmulas rutinarias español/italiano

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    [Abstract] In this paper we establish the function of sorne Spanish rooted structures. The classification of these structures has been rnade according to Gloria Corpas. We analyse the situational frarnework and localize the Italian linguistic expressions, because we think that although sorne of thern constitue a cultural phenornena, they can be translated. It is not a literal translation, but a situational translation. We also think there is a cornrnun conceptual structure between both languages (Spanish - Italian)

    Comparison of imputation methods for handling missing categorical data with univariate pattern

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    This paper examines the sample proportions estimates in the presence of univariate missing categorical data. A database about smoking habits (2011 National Addiction Survey of Mexico) was used to create simulated yet realistic datasets at rates 5% and 15% of missingness, each for MCAR, MAR and MNAR mechanisms. Then the performance of six methods for addressing missingness is evaluated: listwise, mode imputation, random imputation, hot-deck, imputation by polytomous regression and random forests. Results showed that the most effective methods for dealing with missing categorical data in most of the scenarios assessed in this paper were hot-deck and polytomous regression approaches

    Prevalencia del burnout en mĂ©dicos anestesiĂłlogos en el Hospital Escuela Antonio Lenin Fonseca y Hospital Manuel de JesĂșs Rivera la Mascota periodo Abril-Agosto 2016

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    El síndrome de burnout es un trastorno muy frecuente en el medio hospitalario y que hoy en día es cada vez mås conocido y diagnosticado. Por ello, es un problema cada vez mås frecuente entre los profesionales de salud, así como los médicos anestesiólogos, que repercute en su desempeño, calidad, y seguridad de la atención a los pacientes. Ademås, este síndrome es una paradoja en la atención, debido a que el anestesiólogo se enferma en la misma medida que este atiende a los pacientes. Sin embargo, el síndrome de burnout se define como una sensación de fracaso y existencia agotada o gastada resultado de una sobrecarga de trabajo, estrés emocional y recursos profesionales. El cual, se inicia con gran carga emocional y su correspondiente tensión que conduce al agotamiento del sujeto, quien comienza a tener conductas de distanciamiento y actitudes clínicas con la persona que atiende, lo que genera dudas con respecto a la competencia y realización profesional. Por lo tanto, el síndrome de burnout es un concepto multidimensional, acompañado de síntomas físicos y emocionales, cuyos componentes identificados son: agotamiento emocional, despersonalización y reducida realización profesiona

    Urban dwelling environments : Colima, Mexico.

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    Thesis. 1977. M.Arch.A.S.--Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Architecture.MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND ROTCH.Bibliography : p. 60.M.Arch.A.S

    Cooperative monocular-based SLAM for multi-UAV systems in GPS-denied environments

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    This work presents a cooperative monocular-based SLAM approach for multi-UAV systems that can operate in GPS-denied environments. The main contribution of the work is to show that, using visual information obtained from monocular cameras mounted onboard aerial vehicles flying in formation, the observability properties of the whole system are improved. This fact is especially notorious when compared with other related visual SLAM configurations. In order to improve the observability properties, some measurements of the relative distance between the UAVs are included in the system. These relative distances are also obtained from visual information. The proposed approach is theoretically validated by means of a nonlinear observability analysis. Furthermore, an extensive set of computer simulations is presented in order to validate the proposed approach. The numerical simulation results show that the proposed system is able to provide a good position and orientation estimation of the aerial vehicles flying in formation.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Hydrolysis of particulate organic matter originated from municipal wastewater treated under aerobic and anaerobic conditions

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    Die Hydrolyse von partikulĂ€ren organischen Substanzen (POM) aus kommunalem Abwasser gilt als limitierender Faktor in biologischen Systemen. Die Mechanik und die limitierenden Faktoren des Hydrolyseprozesses sind nicht hinreichend bekannt. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die Produkte zu charakterisieren, die bei der Hydrolyse von POM aus kommunalem Abwasser unter aeroben und anaeroben Bedingungen entstehen. Die biologische Abbaubarkeit der Hydrolyseprodukte wurde, basierend auf dem nominalen Molekulargewicht (MW) und der UV-Absorption, unter Verwendung der GrĂ¶ĂŸenausschlusschromatographie, gekoppelt mit der kontinuierlichen Detektion von gelöstem organischen Kohlenstoff (DOC) und UV Absorption (254 nm) (SEC-OCD UV), bestimmt. Unter aeroben Bedingungen konnte die Bildung und der Abbau von hydrolysierter POM gleichzeitig beobachtet werden. Das Chromatogramm zeigte zudem eine Akkumulation von organischen Produkten mit hohem Molekulargewicht (HMW) (nominelles MW > 20.000 g/mol) innerhalb der ersten drei Tage. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass Bakterien diese Zeit zum Wachstum und zur Entwicklung der notwendigen Enzyme fĂŒr den Abbau der organischen HMW-Produkte benötigen, die grĂ¶ĂŸtenteils nach 13 Tagen abgebaut waren. Der Abbau der organischen Trockensubstanz (VSS) betrug nach 13 Tagen etwa 70 %. Unter anaeroben Bedingungen, hingegen, akkumulierten organische Produkte mit niedrigem Molekulargewicht (nominelles MW: 150 – 1550 g/mol) innerhalb von zwei Tagen bei pH 7 ± 0,2 und innerhalb von vier Tagen bei pH 6 ± 0,2. Es wurde festgestellt, dass pH-Änderungen (d. h. 6 und 7) nicht die Hydrolysegeschwindigkeit beeinflussten, sondern die Art der produzierten flĂŒchtigen FettsĂ€uren (VFA) und deren Abbaugeschwindigkeit. Der VSS-Abbau betrug nach 24 Tagen etwa 60 %. Die Wachstumsdynamik der Bakterien und die Bildung extrazellulĂ€rer polymerer Substanzen (EPS) wurde unter aeroben und anaeroben Bedingungen mit Hilfe der konfokalen Laserscanning-Mikroskopie visualisiert. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit haben das grundlegende VerstĂ€ndnis der aeroben und anaeroben Hydrolyse von POM stark verbessert. Mittels der verwendeten Chromatographie-Methode konnten Hydrolyseprodukte erfolgreich charakterisiertund detaillierte Einblicke in den Hydrolyseprozess gewonnen werden
