524 research outputs found


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    Kebutuhan beban listrik yang berubah-ubah disebabkan kondisi suatu daerah menjadi tantangan bagi operator sistem tenaga untuk menjaga tegangan, frekuensi dan daya listrik yang dibangkitkan selalu sesuai dengan permintaan beban yang berubah-ubah. Tugas akhir ini mengajukan studi prakiraan beban jangka pendek pada penyulang Unsyiah dan potensi pengurangan beban puncak ketika terhubung dengan mikrogrid yang bersumber dari panel surya. Dua tipe prakiraan akan dilakukan dalam studi ini. Pertama: prakiraan beban menggunakan variabel-variabel yang mempengaruhi perilaku konsumen yang berdampak pada pemakaian listrik, kedua: prakiraan produksi daya listrik mikrogrid menggunakan variabel-variabel cuaca. Kedua tipe prakiraan disimulasikan dengan menggunakan metode Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan (ANN). Prakiraan radiasi matahari digunakan dalam menunjukkan seberapa besar potensi pemanfaatan panel surya untuk mengurangi beban puncak. Hasil yang didapatkan adalah grafik prakiraan radiasi matahari dan beban listrik yang sudah dapat mengikuti grafik data sebenarnya. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan didapatkan bahwa jaringan syaraf tiruan yang telah dilatih sudah mampu untuk digunakan dalam prakiraan radiasi matahari dan beban listrik dalam rentang waktu dari pukul 07:00 sampai 18:00 pada hari Senin sampai Kamis. Dengan memanfaatkan 20% dari total keseluruhan atap bangunan di Unsyiah sebagai daerah pemasangan panel surya, dapat mengurangi beban puncak di Unsyiah hingga 75%

    Computational investigations of atmospheric pressure discharges

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    This research work presents the numerical simulations of multispecies multi-dimensional fluid model of atmospheric pressure discharge. The semi-implicit sequential iterative scheme is used to solve the coupled system of plasma fluid model equations with a proper set of boundary conditions. A one- dimensional self consistent drift-diffusion fluid model is developed to investigate the characteristics of atmospheric pressure discharge in pure helium and He-N2 gases. The uniform atmospheric pressure glow and Townsend discharge modes are examined under different operating conditions. The intricate dynamic patterns are evolved with the temporal evolution of discharge current densities at lower frequencies (≲7 kHz), which represent the discharge plasma operation between atypical lower and higher ionization modes in several consecutive cycles. To deduce different aspects of internal distributions of atmospheric pressure discharge, a two-dimensional fluid model is advanced with symmetric boundary conditions in the parallel plate reactor geometry. The filamentary and uniform behavior of discharge is emerged by the presence and removal of specific imposed conditions in APD. The periodic stationary pattern of various discharge parameters are exhibited at different times during the prebreakdown, breakdown, formation of cathode fall layer and decay phases. The Penning ionization process performs an outstanding role during the different phases of a complete cycle, which is explored with the temporal evolution of averaged chemical reaction rates. The analysis of spatio- temporal species distribution demonstrates that they are distinguished with their distinctive properties in various regimes of APD. In the presence of bulk gas flow, the two-dimensional symmetric uniform distributions of discharge species are transformed into non-symmetric form. The transport effects of heavy species, such as He+, He2+, N2+, He* and He2* are considered for the numerical solution of gas temperature equation and the numerical magnitude of gas temperature in the glow mode decreases with the increase of imposed bulk gas flow speed. The temporal profiles of discharge current density provide an insight in different bulk gas flow regimes, which are elucidated with the spatial structures of discharge species densities in the uniform, filamentary and constricted filamentary modes of APD. Finally, the three-dimensional fluid model is developed and employed to describe the space and time variations of discharge variables in the uniform and filamentary discharges. The homogeneous uniform slice distributions of electrons density are compared at different frequencies, which show the trapping of electrons in the positive column at higher frequencies. The non-uniform distribution of axial electric field illustrates that the field strength is higher in the constricted part than the smooth part of the dielectric barrier surface. The shape and configuration of filaments exhibit that they are directed from the anode towards the cathode barrier in the filamentary APD. The noticeable structures of filaments are prominently observed from 5 to 20 kHz than higher frequencies because of the coalescence of filaments at higher frequencies, leading to the formation of uniform APD. The temporal evolution of discharge current density exhibits that it represents the composite behavior in different driving frequency regimes from 20 to 100 kHz. The numerical simulation study reveals that it is useful to deliver a satisfactory information for the uniform and filamentary atmospheric pressure discharges, and describes the origin of non-uniformities


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    The title mol­ecule, C8H6BrN, is almost planar (r.m.s. deviation for the non-H atoms = 0.008 Å). In the crystal, weak π–π stacking inter­actions [centroid–centroid separations = 3.782 (2) and 3.919 (2) Å] generate [100] columns of mol­ecules

    The Emergence of Student-Writers in Surakarta: Combating Religious Radicalism Among Youth in the Digital Age

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    The rise of religious radicalism among young people in the Soloraya region has been greatly influenced by digital technology. Efforts to address this issue have emerged from student-writers in Surakarta. This research aims to examine the emergence of these student-writers in Surakarta, their responses to religious radicalism, the discussions on Islam within their community, and their methods of outreach in the digital era. Netnography was never applied to gather and examine data from online sources like websites and social media platforms. The findings reveal that student-writers started their involvement in 2017 through the establishment of the Center for the Study and Development of Islamic Boarding Schools (PKPPN) at IAIN Surakarta. Their discussions focus on unearthing the values of wisdom and Islamic moderation within the pesantren tradition, emphasizing principles like moderation, tolerance, equality, anti-violence, and patriotism. They have initiated the Literacy of Refined and Tolerant Islam (LISaN) program to promote a refined and tolerant form of Islam in daily life, both offline and online. This initiative aims to counteract the surge of religious radicalism among young people connected to the digital world

    Nanocrystalline Zeolite Y: Synthesis and Heavy Metal Removal

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    Lead (Pb) and chromium (Cr) are common groundwater contaminants at industrial installation. Zeolites are widely use as an adsorbent in heavy metal removal. Nanocrystalline zeolite Y has been synthesised from a clear solution at 1500C by using aluminum isopropoxide (Al(OiPr)3 and Ludox LS as alumina and silica source, tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAOH) and tetramethyl ammonium bromide (TMABr) as first and second organic template, respectively. The products were characterised by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) to identify the structure and particle sizes. After 48 hours synthesis time, nanocrystalline zeolite Y samples were obtained with approximately average particle sizes of 268 and 119 nm for one and two organic templates, respectively. The synthesized nanocrystalline zeolite Y was applied for some metal adsorption including Pb(II) and Cr(III) and the results show that the nano crystal samples have good performance. The removal efficiency for Pb and Cr could be up to 88.97% depending on the initial concentration and temperature. The adsorption isotherms of Cr and Pb were determined from the Langmuir and Freundlich equations. The equilibrium sorption capacities (Qe) from the Langmuir equation were 270.27 mg/g and 204.08 mg/g at 300C for Pb and Cr, respectively. Kinetic adsorption analysis of nanozeolite Y shows that the pseudo second order kinetics would be better for fitting the dynamic adsorption of both Cr and Pb cations.Key words: adsorption isotherms, kinetic adsorption analysis, nanocrystalline zeolite


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    Reativity and skills in the field of technology are a unit that go hand in hand and are indispensable in the world of work. For this reason, it needs to be instilled early on in directing and developing the skills and creativity of a student. Given the large number of companies engaged in graphic design, advertising and multimedia, it affects the development of the times and everyone's knowledge. In the very rapid development of technology like now we are required to be able to become people who have more creativity. This Community Service is carried out at the Al-Wasliyah Hamparan Perak Vocational School, where the author will help younger siblings to be able to make simple games from power point. But it doesn't demand the possibility for them to recreate it into games that are more creative, innovative and useful

    Prediksi Prestasi Panahan Ronde Nasional Berdasarkan Daya Tahan Otot Lengan, Ketajaman Penglihatan, dan Kecemasan pada Atlet Pplp Panahan Jawa Tengah

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui : 1) Prediksi antara daya tahan ototlengan dengan prestasi panahan Ronde Nasional. 2) Prediksi antara ketajamanpenglihatan dengan prestasi panahan Ronde Nasional. 3) Prediksi antara kecemasandengan prestasi panahan Ronde Nasional. 4) Prediksi antara daya tahan otot lengan,ketajaman penglihatan, dan kecemasan secara bersama-sama dengan prestasi panahanRonde Nasional.Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survei dengan pendekatankorelasional. Populasi penelitian ini adalah adalah seluruh atlet panahan PPLP PanahanJawa Tengah yang berjumlah 18 atlet. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan totalsampling. Instrumen yang dipergunakan untuk mengumpulkan data dalam penelitianini adalah dengan melakukan pengukuran terhadap variabel – variabel yang terdapatdalam penelitian ini Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah korelasi sederhana, parsial,multiple dan regresi ganda pada taraf signifikansi 0,05.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : 1) Terdapat prediksi antara daya tahan ototlengan (rx1y = 82,8 , p = 0.000) dengan prestasi panahan Ronde Nasional. 2) Terdapatprediksi antara ketajaman penglihatan (rx2y = 77,3, p = 0.000) dengan prestasi panahanRonde Nasional. 3) Terdapat prediksi antara kecemasan (rx3y = 57,1, p = 0.000) denganprestasi panahan Ronde Nasional. 4) Terdapat prediksi antara daya tahan otot lengan,ketajaman penglihatan, dan kecemasan secara bersama-sama (R x1x2x3y = 92,1, p = 0.000)dengan prestasi panahan Ronde Nasional

    Implementasi Metode Double Exponential Smoothing untuk Memprediksi Kebutuhan Produksi pada CV. Pusaka Indah Furniture Jepara

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    smoothing adalah salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi kebutuhan produksi. Di dalam metode double exponential smoothing pelaku usaha bisa memasukkan data produksi berdasarkan data terakhir produksi yang ada yaitu data dari tiga tahun terakhir produksi kursi kaleng dan kursi drum pada CV. Pusaka Indah Furniture Jepara. Setelah itu data akan diproses oleh sistem menggunakan perhitungan metode double exponential smoothing yang kemudian menghasilkan keluaran berupa data prediksi produksi untuk periode mendatang dengan akurasi kesalahan terkecil berdasarkan parameter alpha dan beta yang telah disesuiakan dengan trial and error. Data hasil prediksi diselesaikan menggunakan metode double exponential smoothing dari Holt untuk mencari forecast error terkecil yang di ukur melalui MAD dan MAPE. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukan untuk kursi kaleng diperoleh nilai forecast error terkecil dengan nilai MAD = 5.43 dan nilai MAPE = 5.70% dengan menggunakan parameter α = 0.4 dan β = 0.5. Sedangkan untuk kursi drum diperoleh nilai forecast error terkecil dengan nilai MAD = 2.20 dan nilai MAPE = 6.98% dengan menggunakan parameter α =0.4 dan β = 0.7. 

    Marketing Strategy for Higher Education Institution Based On Marketing Stimuli (Case Study at Politeknik Pos Indonesia)

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    The purpose of this study is to examine whether marketing strategies based on the marketing stimuli of higher education services influence the selection of the Politeknik Pos Indonesia as higher education institution to continue their studies, as well as which of these marketing mix factors is most influential. The data collection was carried out by an independent survey involving 356 Politeknik Pos Indonesia students. The results showed that all variables had a significant influence on the decision making of the Politeknik Pos Indonesia by prospective students. Hence, the first and second hypotheses are proven by the most influential factor is the product

    A Stylistic Review of Maulana Muhammad Hussain Azad's Essay "Sair-e-Zindagi"

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    Maulana Muhammad Hussain Azad’s essay "Sair-e-Zindagi" describes life and its different stages. The essay starts with the words of a sage that when a person comes into the world, he is completely ignorant and innocent. Then there is childhood, which he finds in the form of a beautiful and carefree life, and then there is youth, which is a beautiful, exciting and colorful period of life, and it is full of emotions and desires. After that, gradually the organs of a person start to decay and he moves from youth to old age. By going to old age, he becomes greedier about life. A critical review of the said essay is presented in this article highlighting the characteristics pertaining to style and diction of the writer