60 research outputs found


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    Abstract The sustainability of the rice field in Java as the main rice producer land in Indonesia is induced by the rice field conversion into settlement and indusfrial areas due to increase of population. These conversions cause decreasing of both quantity and quality of the land As mentioned in the Government Act Number 26/2007 concerning the Spatial Use Planning (SUP), the goal of SUP is to protect spatial use function of the land and to prevent negative impacts to the environment as a result of unproper land management The objective of this study is to assess the consistency of governmental policies in implementing the Act Number 26/2007 to achieve the rice field sustainability on the basis of agro-ecological concept By using the GIS modelbase, the rice field agro-ecological zones which are proposed as the standard rice field areas for the benchmark of the sustainable rice field agriculturemanagement system are synthesized from the spatial database of land system, land cover, agro-climate, irrigationcondition, social and economic data from the administration boundary layers. The results of this study show that the governmental policies from non-agricultU/:a1 sector in allocating the area status of the settlement areas as presented at the provincial regional spatial planning map (RTRW map) have not been fully consistent with the regulations as stated in Act Number 26/2007 for protecting a productive rice field function as the national rice producer. The potential loss of the rice production which is caused by the implementation of the rice field conversion into settlement areas and is allocated to the productive rice field agro-ecologicalzones is predicted 3.5 milliontons per year. Keywords: rice field agro-ecological zone, spatial use management, GIS modelbase, land conversio


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    Results of the study on morphological, physical, and chemical characteristics of three pedons developed on volcanic materials of Mt. Galunggung, namely BM1, 8M2, and 8M3, showed that these pedons had a different stage of profile development. Pedon BM1 is classified as undeveloped, 8M2 is medium developed, and 8M3 is strongly developed. This is mainly caused by differences in the relative age of the parent rocks and elevation. Although classified as undeveloped, the soil represented by pedon BM1, the youngest, has immediately been used by farmers for rice cultivation because of water abundance, and high availability of P, and basic cations derived from weathering of easily weathered amorphous materials and minerals. According to the Soil Taxonomy system of the USDA (Soil Survey Staff, 1996), pedons 8M1, 8M2, and 8M3 are classified as Typic Udipsamment, Taptho Hapludandic Typic Troporthent, and humic Hapludult, respectively. Whilst, according to the FAO/UNESCO system (1988), these pedons are classified as Eutric Regoso/, Eutric Regosol and Humic Aliso/, respectively

    Prospect Of Zeolite AS Absorbent Materials For Remediation Of Abandoned Mine Land

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    Nowdays, mining and energy are still as important sectors for contributing state economics. However, mining activitis usually make environmental problems because most of mining use open pit mining technique that causing the change for the landscape comprising topography, cover vegetation, hydrology pattern, and distruction of soils. In the consequence, the ecosystem of mining area and its surrounding will disturb. The disturbances will more clear if the overburden containing unstable minerals in oxidize condition (such as pyrite and chalcopyrite) release acid mine drained that disturbing biota growth. Zeolite is aluminosilicate mineral group having unique structure, high cation exchange capacity, porous, and adsorp of ammonium ion and water. With those properties, zeolite can be used as (a) absorp of undesirable elements or compounds such as heavy metals, (b) carrier of nutrients such as ammonium ions, and (c) increasing buffer capasity of soils. This paper will dicuss the prospect of zeolite as material for remediation of abandoned mine land

    Properties of Soils Developed from Ultramafic Rocks and their Land Suitability for Cocoa in East Kolaka Regency, Indonesia

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    Soils developed from ultramafic rocks are widely distributed in East Kolaka Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. However, the soil characteristics and their land suitability for cocoa crop have not been known. Three soil profiles developed from ultramafic rocks in East Kolaka were described, sampled, and analyzed to characterize their mineralogical, physical, and chemical properties. Results indicated that sand mineral composition was dominated by opaque, quartz, and garnet minerals, while clay minerals were composed of kaolinite, goetite and hematite. All the soils were characterized by clay textures, low bulk density (0.89-1.04 g/cm3), medium to very high available water (11-22%), and rapid permeability (13-25 cm/hour). The soil reaction was acid (pH 4.64-5.03). The soil organic carbon was medium in A horizon (2.02-2.95%) and very low in B horizons (0.35-0.87%). The N total values were medium to high in A horizon (0.37-0.51%) and low to very low in B horizons (0.07-0.18%). The available P and potential K2O contents were very low, while the potential P2O5 content was low to medium (18-35 mg/100g).The exchangeable Ca content was low to very low (0.23-2.94 cmolc/kg), while the exchangeable Mg content was low to high (0.22-2.59 cmolc/kg). The soil CEC was low to very low (3-12 cmolc/kg), while clay CEC was very low (< 6 cmolc/kg). The base saturation was low to medium (19-51%), while Al saturation was very low (<3%). At family level, all the soils were classified as fine, kaolinitic, isohyperthermic, Rhodic Hapludox, All soils were marginally suitable (S3 class) for cocoa crop with limiting factors of acid soil reaction and very low potential K2O. Liming and NPK fertilization should be applied to increase the soil productivity for cocoa development. Keywords : soil properties, ultramafic rocks, land suitability, cocoa, East Kolak

    Peran Administrasi Pertanahan dalam Pengendalian Pemanfaatan Kawasan Pertanian Lahan Basah Kabupaten Bogor: The Role of Land Administration in Controlling the Utilization of Wetland Agricultural Areas in Bogor Regency

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    The area of irrigated rice fields during 2017-2018 has decreased by 19.84% in Indonesia and 30.10% in Bogor Regency. Wetland agricultural area of Bogor Regency Spatial Plan (RTRW) is intended for wetland food crops (lowland rice) which are cultivated intensively because their potential to provide an irrigation system thus urge to be protected. In certain conditions, land registration has impact on the conversion of agricultural land. This study aims to examine the relationship between land administration and the conversion of agricultural land. Interpretation of Google Earth imagery and field checks are methods for inventories of constructed land. The relationship between the variable y (built-up area) and the variable x (land administration) is modeled by Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR). Literature study of land administration regulations was carried out to understand the modeling results with the realities that occur in the field. The dynamics of land administration are greatest in the northern part of Central WP Bogor Regency, in the suburbs of South Tangerang City, and Depok City. The modeling produces a global value of R2 0.72 and local R2 0.44 to 0.86, meaning that land administration has the opportunity to become an instrument of control, by tightening the service requirements specified in the Regulation of the Head of the National Land Agency RI No. 1 Tahun 2010

    Partisipasi Masyarakat Dalam Pengelolaan Sampah Di Bank Sampah Sakura Kelurahan Talang Kelapa Palembang

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    The research, which is located in Talang Kelapa Sub-District, Palembang City, aims to determine community participation in waste management. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with a phenomenological approach. The results showed that community participation was divided four classifications, namely participation at the planning stage, participation at the implementation stage, participation at the benefit-taking stage, and participation at the evaluation stage. At the decision planning stage, the community attends meetings, proposes ideas, is willing to provide data and information, and participates in decision making. In the implementation phase, the community helps by the schedule of waste collection, provides solutions, and provides information. At the benefit-taking stage, the community will enjoy the benefits of the garbage bank and take care of the environment. At the evaluation stage, the community oversees the development of the garbage bank, as well as providing advice and criticism — factors that influence community participation due to economic benefits, skills and knowledge, and the environment. Community participation is also due to the invitation of friends or neighbours, and managers who are friendly and close to the communit


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    Pelajaran fisika atau pelajaran IPA secara umum, dipandang sebagai mata pelajaran yang kurang memberi manfaat bagi siswa SMK kelompok Teknologi dan Industri. Hal ini mengakibatkan motivasi belajar siswa sangat lemah untuk mengikuti pelajaran IPA secara baik, apalagi ditunjang dengan perolehan bidang keahlian yang sering tidak sesuai dengan keinginan siswa, terutama yang mendapatkan bidang keahlian Teknik Bangunan. Oleh sebab itu, diperlukan strategi pembelajaran dengan metode dan pendekatan yang tepat untuk dapat meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa. Hal inilah yang menjadi latar belakang pemilihan Pendekatan STM dalam penelitian ini. Di samping untuk mengembangkan pendekatan pembelajaran yang efektif, Pendekatan STM dapat memotivasi belajar siswa, sehingga diharapkan dapat meningkatkan penguasaan konsep, kreativitas, dan sikap kepedulian siswa terhadap lingkungan. Metode penelitian, Kuasi Eksperimen dengan desain " The One-Group Pretest-Postest Design". Sampel penelitiannya adalah siswa kelas II TB2 pada salah satu SMK di kota Lubuklinggau, yang diberi perlakuan dengan pembelajaran melalui Pendekatan STM. Langkah-langkah pembelajaran melalui Pendekatan STM meliputi lima tahap yaitu; 1) tahap apersepsi, inisiasi, invitasi atau eksplorasi, 2) tahap pembentukan konsep, 3) tahap aplikasi konsep, 4) tahap pemantapan konsep, dan 5) tahap evaluasi. Untuk melihat keefektifan pendekatan yang dieksperimenkan, digunakan acuan ketuntasan hasil belajar, peningkatan skor » {gain), serta respons siswa dan guru terhadap pelaksanaan pembelajaran melalui Pendekatan STM. Dari skor akhir untuk tes penguasaan konsep dan sikap kepedulian terhadap lingkungan, hasil belajar siswa mencapai ketuntasan. Namun, untuk tes kreativitas, siswa belum mencapai ketuntasan belajar. Hasil analisis berdasarkan skortotal diperoleh bahwa siswa belum mencapai ketuntasan belajar. Gain skor tes penguasaan konsep, kreativitas dan sikap kepedulian cukup tinggi, dan melalui analisis uji t terhadap rata-rata skor tes penguasaan konsep, kreativitas, dan sikap kepedulian, diperoleh bahwa semua rata-rata skor akhir lebih baik daripada skor awal secara signifikan. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh melalui angket dan wawancara, respons siswa dan gum terhadap pembelajaran Energi dan Daya Listrik melalui Pendekatan STM, sangat baik. Pada umumnya mereka, terutama siswa merasa senang mengikuti proses pembelajaran melalui Pendekatan STM dan berminat untuk mengikuti pembelajaran berikutnya. Dengan demikian, model pembelajaran melalui Pendekatan STM cukup efektif untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa, serta meningkatkan penguasaan konsep, kreativitas, dan sikap kepedulian siswa terhadap lingkungan. Pendekatan ini dapat dijadikan sebagai pendekatan alternatif dalam rangka meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa, terutama pada siswaSMKkelompok Teknologi dan Industri
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