26 research outputs found

    Noms et usages des plantes utiles chez les Nsong (RD Congo, Bandundu, bantu B85f)

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    Noms et usages de plantes, animaux et champignons chez les Mbuun, Mpiin, Ngong, Nsong et Hungan en RD Congo

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    Nsong, Ngong, Mpiin, Mbuun en Hungan zijn Bantoetalen die worden gesproken in en rond de stad Kikwit, in de provincie Bandundu in de DR Congo. Het zijn minderheidstalen en hun gebruik wordt geleidelijk opgegeven ten voordele van de nationale en officiële talen. In dit boek – een verzameling van traditionele kennis over planten, dieren en paddenstoelen uit deze streken – ontdekt de lezer verschillende gebruikswijzen (voeding, medicinaal, ambachtelijk, meteorologisch, ritueel) van deze organismen. De gebruikswijzen hebben al hun nut bewezen binnen deze gemeenschappen en kunnen eveneens anderen tot nut zijn, indien geëxploiteerd door de wetenschappers. De traditionele kennis verdwijnt jammer genoeg beetje bij beetje, vandaar het belang van een dergelijk lexicon

    The genetic legacy of the expansion of Bantu-speaking peoples in Africa.

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    The expansion of people speaking Bantu languages is the most dramatic demographic event in Late Holocene Africa and fundamentally reshaped the linguistic, cultural and biological landscape of the continent1-7. With a comprehensive genomic dataset, including newly generated data of modern-day and ancient DNA from previously unsampled regions in Africa, we contribute insights into this expansion that started 6,000-4,000 years ago in western Africa. We genotyped 1,763 participants, including 1,526 Bantu speakers from 147 populations across 14 African countries, and generated whole-genome sequences from 12 Late Iron Age individuals8. We show that genetic diversity amongst Bantu-speaking populations declines with distance from western Africa, with current-day Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo as possible crossroads of interaction. Using spatially explicit methods9 and correlating genetic, linguistic and geographical data, we provide cross-disciplinary support for a serial-founder migration model. We further show that Bantu speakers received significant gene flow from local groups in regions they expanded into. Our genetic dataset provides an exhaustive modern-day African comparative dataset for ancient DNA studies10 and will be important to a wide range of disciplines from science and humanities, as well as to the medical sector studying human genetic variation and health in African and African-descendant populations

    The genetic legacy of the expansion of Bantu-speaking peoples in Africa

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    DATA AVAILABILITY : SNP array genotype data of modern-day African populations and whole-genome data of aDNA individuals generated in this project were made available through the European Genome-Phenome Archive (EGA) data repository (EGA accessory nos. EGAS50000000006 and EGAS00001007519 for modern and aDNA, respectively). Controlled-access policies guided by participant consent agreements will be implemented by the AfricanNeo Data Access Committee (AfricanNeo DAC accessory no. EGAC00001003398). Authorized NIH DAC granted data access to C.M.S. for the controlled-access genetic data deposited in the NIH dbGAP repository (accession code phs001396.v1.p1 and project ID 19895). C.M.S. was granted data access to whole-genome sequencing data deposed by the H3Africa Consortium (EGA dataset accessory nos. EGAD00001004220, EGAD00001004316, EGAD00001004334, EGAD00001004393, EGAD00001004448, EGAD00001004505, EGAD00001004533, EGAD00001004557 and EGAD00001005076). Interactive map-based visualizations were created using the Python library bokeh v.3.0.0 and maps were provided by CartoDB (CARTO 2023), other base maps were provided by GoogleMaps (Google 2023) or created using Python libraries (plotly v.5.17.0 and shapely v.1.8.4); R packages (rworldmap v.1.3.6, plotmaps v.1.0, rEEMSplots and rEEMSplots2); and one inhouse vector map in MapInfo interchange format based on the WGS-84 projection.CODE AVAILABILITY : Code and interactive plots used for plotting are available in two online repositories (GitHub https://github.com/Schlebusch-lab/Expansion_of_BSP_peer-reviewed_article and figshare https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.24107718).SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION. Supplementary Methods, Notes 1–12, Figures 1–107, and references.SUPPLEMENTARY TABLES. Supplementary Tables 1–15.The expansion of people speaking Bantu languages is the most dramatic demographic event in Late Holocene Africa and fundamentally reshaped the linguistic, cultural and biological landscape of the continent. With a comprehensive genomic dataset, including newly generated data of modern-day and ancient DNA from previously unsampled regions in Africa, we contribute insights into this expansion that started 6,000–4,000 years ago in western Africa. We genotyped 1,763 participants, including 1,526 Bantu speakers from 147 populations across 14 African countries, and generated whole-genome sequences from 12 Late Iron Age individuals. We show that genetic diversity amongst Bantu-speaking populations declines with distance from western Africa, with current-day Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo as possible crossroads of interaction. Using spatially explicit methods and correlating genetic, linguistic and geographical data, we provide cross-disciplinary support for a serial-founder migration model. We further show that Bantu speakers received significant gene flow from local groups in regions they expanded into. Our genetic dataset provides an exhaustive modern-day African comparative dataset for ancient DNA studies and will be important to a wide range of disciplines from science and humanities, as well as to the medical sector studying human genetic variation and health in African and African-descendant populations.Open access funding provided by Uppsala University.http://www.nature.com/naturehj2024BiochemistryGeneticsMicrobiology and Plant PathologyNon

    La dénomination de plantes en mbuun, mpiin et nsong: procédés de création lexicale et principes sémantiques

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    Cette section de livre parle des procédés de création lexicale phytonymique dans trois langues bantu de la RD Congo : le mbuun, mpiin et nsong

    Plants, animals and mushrooms in Bantu languages: comparative study of plants, animals and mushrooms names in Nsong, Ngong, Mpiin, Mbuun and Hungan (Bandundu, DR Congo)

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    Cette thèse est une étude onomasiologique et sémasiologique de noms de plantes, d'animaux et de champignons dans cinq langues bantu des groupes B80 et H40. Elle débute par une description élémentaire des systèmes phonologiques et morphologiques de ces langues avant d'en faire une étude diachronique. Le dernier chapitre traite des catégorisations populaires des plantes, animaux et champignons. Les usages traditionnels des plantes, des champignons et des animaux sont donnés en annexe, ainsi qu'une vue comparative et la distribution de ces noms sur l'aire bantu.Doctorat en Langues et lettresinfo:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublishe

    Étude comparée de phytonymes, zoonymes et myconymes en nsong, ngong, mpiin, mbuun et hungan (Bandundu, RD Congo)

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    Cette thèse est une étude onomasiologique et sémasiologique de noms de plantes, d'animaux et de champignons dans cinq langues bantu des groupes B80 et H40. Elle débute par une description élémentaire des systèmes phonologiques et morphologiques de ces langues avant d'en faire une étude diachronique. Le dernier chapitre traite des catégorisations populaires des plantes, animaux et champignons. Les usages traditionnels des plantes, des champignons et des animaux sont donnés en annexe, ainsi qu'une vue comparative et la distribution de ces noms sur l'aire bantu

    Nsong B85d

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    Chapter 14 is a grammar sketch of the endangered West-Coastal or West-Western Bantu language Nsong [ɛ̀-nsɔ̀ŋ] (ISO 639-3 soo, B85d), which is spoken in the vicinity of Kikwit (5°2’S, 18°48’E), Kwilu Province, DRC. The sketch relies on data which Joseph Koni Muluwa collected as part of his MA and PhD research and a text corpus that he collected, transcribed and annotated in 2013 and 2014 within a DoBeS documentation project supervised by Koen Bostoen