59 research outputs found

    5-Hydroxy-5-methylhydantoin DNA lesion, a molecular trap for DNA glycosylases

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    DNA base-damage recognition in the base excision repair (BER) is a process operating on a wide variety of alkylated, oxidized and degraded bases. DNA glycosylases are the key enzymes which initiate the BER pathway by recognizing and excising the base damages guiding the damaged DNA through repair synthesis. We report here biochemical and structural evidence for the irreversible entrapment of DNA glycosylases by 5-hydroxy-5-methylhydantoin, an oxidized thymine lesion. The first crystal structure of a suicide complex between DNA glycosylase and unrepaired DNA has been solved. In this structure, the formamidopyrimidine-(Fapy) DNA glycosylase from Lactococcus lactis (LlFpg/LlMutM) is covalently bound to the hydantoin carbanucleoside-containing DNA. Coupling a structural approach by solving also the crystal structure of the non-covalent complex with site directed mutagenesis, this atypical suicide reaction mechanism was elucidated. It results from the nucleophilic attack of the catalytic N-terminal proline of LlFpg on the C5-carbon of the base moiety of the hydantoin lesion. The biological significance of this finding is discussed

    Immunohistochemical analysis of oxidative stress and DNA repair proteins in normal mammary and breast cancer tissues

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>During the course of normal cellular metabolism, oxygen is consumed and reactive oxygen species (ROS) are produced. If not effectively dissipated, ROS can accumulate and damage resident proteins, lipids, and DNA. Enzymes involved in redox regulation and DNA repair dissipate ROS and repair the resulting damage in order to preserve a functional cellular environment. Because increased ROS accumulation and/or unrepaired DNA damage can lead to initiation and progression of cancer and we had identified a number of oxidative stress and DNA repair proteins that influence estrogen responsiveness of MCF-7 breast cancer cells, it seemed possible that these proteins might be differentially expressed in normal mammary tissue, benign hyperplasia (BH), ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and invasive breast cancer (IBC).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Immunohistochemistry was used to examine the expression of a number of oxidative stress proteins, DNA repair proteins, and damage markers in 60 human mammary tissues which were classified as BH, DCIS or IBC. The relative mean intensity was determined for each tissue section and ANOVA was used to detect statistical differences in the relative expression of BH, DCIS and IBC compared to normal mammary tissue.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that a number of these proteins were overexpressed and that the cellular localization was altered in human breast cancer tissue.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our studies suggest that oxidative stress and DNA repair proteins not only protect normal cells from the damaging effects of ROS, but may also promote survival of mammary tumor cells.</p

    Low genetic differentiation among seasonal cohorts in Senecio vulgaris as revealed by amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis

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    Common groundsel, Senecio vulgaris (Asteraceae), is a highly selfing semelparous ephemeral weed that belongs to the few plant species in central Europe capable of growing, flowering and fruiting all year round. In temperate climates, flowering S. vulgaris cohorts were found to appear up to three times per year. Using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) molecular markers we examined temporal genetic differentiation among spring, summer and autumn cohorts at each of seven sites located in two regions in Switzerland. Strong genetic differentiation among cohorts may indicate the existence of seasonal races of S. vulgaris, reproductively isolated by nonoverlapping flowering phenologies. Analysis of molecular variance (amova) revealed that <2.5% of the AFLP variation resided among cohorts within sites, whereas there was significant genetic differentiation among plants from different sites (15.6%) and among individuals within cohorts (81.9%). Significant genetic differentiation was also observed between the two regions. Isolation-by-distance was found on a regional scale, but not on a local scale. Gene flow was estimated to be &AP;15-fold higher among cohorts within sites than among sites. We further found, on average, similar levels of genetic diversity within the three seasonal cohorts. The results of this study demonstrate that season of growth represents a weak barrier for genetic exchange among S. vulgaris populations and does not affect molecular variance. Therefore, there is no evidence for the existence of seasonally specialized races of S. vulgaris. We discuss some implications of the results for the biological control of S. vulgaris using a native rust fungus

    Nurse plants, tree saplings and grazing pressure: changes in facilitation along a biotic environmental gradient

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    Current conceptual models predict that an increase in stress shifts interactions between plants from competitive to facilitative; hence, facilitation is expected to gain in ecological importance with increasing stress. Little is known about how facilitative interactions between plants change with increasing biotic stress, such as that incurred by consumer pressure or herbivory (i.e. disturbance sensu Grime). In grazed ecosystems, the presence of unpalatable plants is reported to protect tree saplings against cattle grazing and enhance tree establishment. In accordance with current conceptual facilitation-stress models, we hypothesised a positive relationship between facilitation and grazing pressure. We tested this hypothesis in a field experiment in which tree saplings of four different species (deciduous Fagus sylvatica, Acer pseudoplatanus and coniferous Abies alba, Picea abies) were planted either inside or outside of the canopy of the spiny nurse shrub Rosa rubiginosa in enclosures differing in grazing pressure (low and high) and in exclosures. During one grazing season we followed the survival of the different tree saplings and the level of browsing on these; we also estimated browsing damage to the nurse shrubs. Shrub damage was highest at the higher grazing pressure. Correspondingly, browsing increased and survival decreased in saplings located inside the canopy of the shrubs at the high grazing pressure compared to the low grazing pressure. Saplings of both deciduous species showed a higher survival than the evergreens, while sapling browsing did not differ between species. The relative facilitation of sapling browsing and sapling survival ¿ i.e. the difference between saplings inside and outside the shrub canopy ¿ decreased at high grazing pressure as the facilitative species became less protective. Interestingly, these findings do not agree with current conceptual facilitation-stress models predicting increasing facilitation with abiotic stress. We used our results to design a conceptual model of facilitation along a biotic environmental gradient. Empirical studies are needed to test the applicability of this model. In conclusion, we suggest that current conceptual facilitation models should at least consider the possibility of decreasing facilitation at high levels of stres

    The influence of below-ground herbivory and defoliation of a legume on nitrogen transfer to neighbouring plants

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    1. Both foliar and root herbivory can alter the exudation of carbon from plant roots, which in turn can affect nitrogen availability in the soil. However, few studies have investigated the effects of herbivory on N fluxes from roots, which can directly increase N availability in the soil and uptake by neighbouring plants. Moreover, the combined effects of foliar and root herbivory on N fluxes remains unexplored. 2. We subjected the legume white clover (Trifolium repens L.) to defoliation (through clipping) and root herbivory (by an obligate root-feeding nematode, Heterodera trifolii Goggart) to examine how these stresses individually, and simultaneously, affected the transfer of T. repens-derived N to neighbouring perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) plants using 15N stable-isotope techniques. We also examined the effects of defoliation and root herbivory on the size of the soil microbial community and the growth response of L. perenne. 3. Neither defoliation nor root herbivory negatively affected T. repens biomass. On the contrary, defoliation increased root biomass (34%) and total shoot production by T. repens (100%). Furthermore, defoliation resulted in a fivefold increase in T. repens-derived 15N recovered in L. perenne roots, and increased the size of the soil microbial biomass (77%). In contrast, root herbivory by H. trifolii slightly reduced 15N transfer from T. repens to L. perenne when T. repens root 15N concentration was included as a covariate, and root herbivory did not affect microbial biomass. Growth of L. perenne was not affected by any of the treatments. 4. Our findings demonstrate that defoliation of a common grassland legume can substantially increase the transfer of its N to neighbouring plants by directly affecting below-ground N fluxes. These finding require further examination under field conditions but, given the prevalence of N-limitation of plant productivity in terrestrial ecosystems, increased transfer of N from legumes to non-N-fixing species could alter competitive interactions, with implications for plant community structure

    Non-chemical approaches to weed control in horticulture

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    Competition between Ambrosia artemisiifolia and Ambrosia trifida: Is there a threat of a stronger competitor?

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    Recent reports of the presence of Ambrosia trifida (AT) in areas infested by A. artemisiifolia (AA) in Serbia warn of the impending establishment of a more damaging crop weed. Here, we test the potential competitive effects of these two weed species. We conducted a field competition study in 2016 and 2017 as a replacement series experiment arranged in a split plot, with main plots (20.5 m × 2 m) at total plant densities of 10 and 100 plants/m2, and sub-plots (3 m × 2 m) at the proportion of AT to AA of 100:0, 80:20, 60:40, 40:60, 20:80 and 0:100. Individual plant biomass (IPB) for AT was lowest when grown in monoculture, while AA reached its highest IPB in its monoculture. With AT 40%, its IPB decreased due to increased intraspecific competition. We obtained the lowest sub-plot biomass (SPB) of AT + AA in mixtures with 40:60 and 60:40 ratios, and also the highest SPB of other weed species. We show that despite a larger leaf area, AT may not fully replace AA and thus not become a new threat to crops, as it not only suffers from intraspecific competition at high densities, but also from interspecific competition with AA. Therefore, crops may benefit from a stable coexistence of both species as compared to highly dominant AT or AA. Further studies in the presence of crops are needed to confirm this hypothesis