1,374 research outputs found

    Origin of the Glacial Cycles: A Collection of Articles

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    This collection of articles describes a new theory of glacial cycles and its application to a number of data sets that represent conditions during glacial times. The widely held conventional theory of glacial cycles, which is due to Milankovitch, attributes cycles in the earth's ice cover to perturbations in the motion of the earth and the resulting changes of insolation (solar heating) in the Northern Hemisphere. The strongest effects are expected to come from changes in the earth's obliquity (tilt of the earth's spin axis with respect to its orbit) and from the precession term that accounts for the delay between summer solstice (when the pole faces the sun) and perihelion (when the earth is closest to the sun). Perturbations of the earth's motion come from gravitational effects of the planets and the moon, and can be calculated with precision back at least 10 million years. Another parameter describing the motion of the earth is the inclination i of the earth's orbital plane with respect to the invariable plane of the planetary systems. The invariable plane of the solar system is a plane perpendicular to the total angular momentum vector of the planets. Over the past one million years, the inclination has varied from about half a degree to about 3 degrees. During the time of low inclination, the earth accretes interplanetary dust at a greater rate than at times of high inclination. The dust particles, under the gravitational pull of the perturbing planets, tend to be concentrated in the invariable plane. Dust particles can affect climate by altering the amount of solar radiation reaching the lower part of the atmosphere. At the high altitudes where the dust particles enter the atmosphere, the particles themselves can attenuate the incoming solar radiation, can sweep up water vapor which is a warming greenhouse gas, and can nucleate water particles to form high-altitude (noctilucent) clouds. The clouds would themselves reflect radiation. While the detailed mechanisms of how astronomical dust can influence climate have not been completely worked out, this collection of articles shows that variation in inclination provides a better match for data sets on climate proxies than do variations of eccentricity. The theory also requires that density of dust in the vicinity of the variable plane varies with time. Beginning about one million years ago, the 100-kyr cycle became the dominating feature of variations in the total volume of ice covering the earth. Before that time, weaker variations are seen with 40-kyr and 20-kyr periods, consistent with variations in obliquity and precession

    Spectrum of 100-kyr glacial cycle: Orbital inclination, not eccentricity

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    Spectral analysis of climate data shows a strong narrow peak with period ≈100 kyr, attributed by the Milankovitch theory to changes in the eccentricity of the earth’s orbit. The narrowness of the peak does suggest an astronomical origin; however the shape of the peak is incompatible with both linear and nonlinear models that attribute the cycle to eccentricity or (equivalently) to the envelope of the precession. In contrast, the orbital inclination parameter gives a good match to both the spectrum and bispectrum of the climate data. Extraterrestrial accretion from meteoroids or interplanetary dust is proposed as a mechanism that could link inclination to climate, and experimental tests are described that could prove or disprove this hypothesis

    Compounded perturbations in coastal areas: contrasting responses to nutrient enrichment and the regime of storm-related disturbance depend on life-history traits

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    1. Natural systems are exposed to compounded perturbations, whose changes in temporal variance can be as important as those in mean intensity for shaping the structure of assemblages. Specifically, climate-related physical disturbances and nutrient inputs due to natural and/or anthropogenic activities occur concomitantly, but experimental tests of the simultaneous effects of changes in the regime of more than one perturbation are generally lacking. Filling this gap is the key to understand ecological responses of natural assemblages to climate-related change in the intensity and temporal patterning of physical disturbance combined with other global stressors. 2. Responses to factorial manipulations of nutrient enrichment, mean intensity and temporal variability in storm-like mechanical disturbance were examined, using benthic assemblages of tide-pools as model system. 3. Response variables were mean abundance values and temporal variances of taxa with different life-traits. Consistent negative effects of disturbance intensity were observed for the mean cover of long-living taxa (algal canopies and the polychaete Sabellaria alveolata), whose temporal fluctuations were also reduced by more severe mechanical stress. More resilient taxa (ephemeral algae, mostly green of the genus Ulva) increased under enriched conditions, particularly when low-intensity events were irregularly applied over time. Opposite effects of disturbance intensity depending on nutrient availability occurred on filamentous algae (e.g. red of the genus Ceramium). This was probably due to the fact that, although nutrient enrichment stimulated the abundance of both algal groups, when this condition was combined with relatively mild physical disturbance the competitively superior ephemeral green algae tended to become dominant over filamentous red algae. The same did not occur under high intensity of disturbance since it likely damaged large, foliose fronds of Ulva-like forms more than small, filamentous fronds of Ceramium-like forms. Grazers were positively affected by nutrients, likely responding indirectly to more food available. 4. A direct relationship between the mean abundance of most organisms and their temporal fluctuations was documented. However, all organisms persisted throughout the study, even under experimental conditions associated to the largest temporal variation in their abundance, likely due to their ability to resist to/quickly recover from, the applied perturbations. Therefore, in systems with great recovery abilities of dominant organisms (e.g. rocky intertidal, grasslands), effects of traits of the regime of disturbance and nutrient enrichment may modulate the fluctuations of populations not through the elimination and substitution of species, but through changes in relative abundances of the same species. This contrasts with the theory that temporal variation in abundance would be directly related to the risk of local extinction. Present findings enable more accurate predictions of the consequences of climatic and non-climatic scenarios on the biodiversity of marine and terrestrial systems sharing analogous functional traits of organisms. Future more intense physical disturbances are expected to exert negative effects on slow-growing/recovering species (e.g. habitat-formers) irrespectively of the temporal patterning of the same disturbances and nutrient inputs. On the contrary, more resistant species (e.g. encrusting algae on rocky shores or below-ground vegetation in grasslands) are expected to benefit from intense physical disturbance. Species whose abundance is more directly related to the availability of nutrients (e.g. filamentous and ephemeral algae or herbs) are expected to generally increase under enriched conditions, but their ability to eventually become dominant would depend on their ability to grow fast and attain cover large enough to overwhelm any possible control of concomitant disturbance intensity on their abundance. If, such as in the present examined system, virtually all organisms can persist, over the temporal scale of the experiment, under any combination of physical disturbance and nutrient availability, the resulting overall diversity is not predicted to change drastically. Nevertheless, low-intensity events evenly distributed and high-intensity events irregularly distributed appear as the conditions supporting the highest richness of taxa, independently of the availability of nutrients

    Can a supernova be located by its neutrinos?

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    A future core-collapse supernova in our Galaxy will be detected by several neutrino detectors around the world. The neutrinos escape from the supernova core over several seconds from the time of collapse, unlike the electromagnetic radiation, emitted from the envelope, which is delayed by a time of order hours. In addition, the electromagnetic radiation can be obscured by dust in the intervening interstellar space. The question therefore arises whether a supernova can be located by its neutrinos alone. The early warning of a supernova and its location might allow greatly improved astronomical observations. The theme of the present work is a careful and realistic assessment of this question, taking into account the statistical significance of the various neutrino signals. Not surprisingly, neutrino-electron forward scattering leads to a good determination of the supernova direction, even in the presence of the large and nearly isotropic background from other reactions. Even with the most pessimistic background assumptions, SuperKamiokande (SK) and the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) can restrict the supernova direction to be within circles of radius 55^\circ and 2020^\circ, respectively. Other reactions with more events but weaker angular dependence are much less useful for locating the supernova. Finally, there is the oft-discussed possibility of triangulation, i.e., determination of the supernova direction based on an arrival time delay between different detectors. Given the expected statistics we show that, contrary to previous estimates, this technique does not allow a good determination of the supernova direction.Comment: 11 pages including 2 figures. Revised version corrects typos, adds some brief comment

    Inner ear tissue preservation by rapid freezing: improving fixation by high-pressure freezing and hybrid methods

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    In the preservation of tissues in as ‘close to life’ state as possible, rapid freeze fixation has many benefits over conventional chemical fixation. One technique by which rapid freeze-fixation can be achieved, high pressure freezing (HPF), has been shown to enable ice crystal artefact-free freezing and tissue preservation to greater depths (more than 40μm) than other quick-freezing methods. Despite increasingly becoming routine in electron microscopy, the use of HPF for the fixation of inner ear tissue has been limited. Assessment of the quality of preservation showed routine HPF techniques were suitable for preparation of inner ear tissues in a variety of species. Good preservation throughout the depth of sensory epithelia was achievable. Comparison to chemically fixed tissue indicated that fresh frozen preparations exhibited overall superior structural preservation of cells. However, HPF fixation caused characteristic artefacts in stereocilia that suggested poor quality freezing of the actin bundles. The hybrid technique of pre-fixation and high pressure freezing was shown to produce cellular preservation throughout the tissue, similar to that seen in HPF alone. Pre-fixation HPF produced consistent high quality preservation of stereociliary actin bundles. Optimising the preparation of samples with minimal artefact formation allows analysis of the links between ultrastructure and function in inner ear tissues

    One-Way Entangled-Photon Autocompensating Quantum Cryptography

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    A new quantum cryptography implementation is presented that combines one-way operation with an autocompensating feature that has hitherto only been available in implementations that require the signal to make a round trip between the users. Using the concept of advanced waves, it is shown that this new implementation is related to the round-trip implementations in the same way that Ekert's two-particle scheme is related to the original one-particle scheme of Bennett and Brassard. The practical advantages and disadvantages of the proposed implementation are discussed in the context of existing schemes.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure; Minor edits--conclusions unchanged; accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Economic Fluctuations and Diffusion

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    Stock price changes occur through transactions, just as diffusion in physical systems occurs through molecular collisions. We systematically explore this analogy and quantify the relation between trading activity - measured by the number of transactions NΔtN_{\Delta t} - and the price change GΔtG_{\Delta t}, for a given stock, over a time interval [t,t+Δt][t, t+\Delta t]. To this end, we analyze a database documenting every transaction for 1000 US stocks over the two-year period 1994-1995. We find that price movements are equivalent to a complex variant of diffusion, where the diffusion coefficient fluctuates drastically in time. We relate the analog of the diffusion coefficient to two microscopic quantities: (i) the number of transactions NΔtN_{\Delta t} in Δt\Delta t, which is the analog of the number of collisions and (ii) the local variance wΔt2w^2_{\Delta t} of the price changes for all transactions in Δt\Delta t, which is the analog of the local mean square displacement between collisions. We study the distributions of both NΔtN_{\Delta t} and wΔtw_{\Delta t}, and find that they display power-law tails. Further, we find that NΔtN_{\Delta t} displays long-range power-law correlations in time, whereas wΔtw_{\Delta t} does not. Our results are consistent with the interpretation that the pronounced tails of the distribution of GΔtareduetoG_{\Delta t} are due to w_{\Delta t},andthatthelongrangecorrelationspreviouslyfoundfor, and that the long-range correlations previously found for | G_{\Delta t} |aredueto are due to N_{\Delta t}$.Comment: RevTex 2 column format. 6 pages, 36 references, 15 eps figure

    A Derivation of Three-Dimensional Inertial Transformations

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    The derivation of the transformations between inertial frames made by Mansouri and Sexl is generalised to three dimensions for an arbitrary direction of the velocity. Assuming lenght contraction and time dilation to have their relativistic values, a set of transformations kinematically equivalent to special relativity is obtained. The ``clock hypothesis'' allows the derivation to be extended to accelerated systems. A theory of inertial transformations maintaining an absolute simultaneity is shown to be the only one logically consistent with accelerated movements. Algebraic properties of these transformations are discussed. Keywords: special relativity, synchronization, one-way velocity of light, ether, clock hypothesis.Comment: 16 pages (A5), Latex, one figure, to be published in Found. Phys. Lett. (1997