163 research outputs found

    Resolution in Focused Electron- and Ion-Beam Induced Chemical Vapor Deposition

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    The key physical processes governing resolution of focused electron-beam and ion-beam-assisted chemical vapor deposition are analyzed via an adsorption rate model. We quantify for the first time how the balance of molecule depletion and replenishment determines the resolution inside the locally irradiated area. Scaling laws are derived relating the resolution of the deposits to molecule dissociation, surface diffusion, adsorption, and desorption. Supporting results from deposition experiments with a copper metalorganic precursor gas on a silicon substrate are presented and discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Luta aplicada a educação física escolar

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    Orientador: Ricardo João Sonoda NunesMonografia (licenciatura) - Universidade Federal do Paraná. Setor de Ciências Biológicas. Curso de Educação Física

    Utility of Routine Versus Selective Upper Gastrointestinal Series to Detect Anastomotic Leaks After Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass

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    Background: In up to 4% of laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (LRYGB) procedures, anastomotic leaks occur. Early detection of gastrointestinal leakage is important for successful treatment. Consequently, many centers advocate routine postoperative upper gastrointestinal (UGI) series. The aim of this study was to determine the utility of this practice after LRYGB. Methods: Eight hundred four consecutive patients undergoing LRYGB from June 2000 to April 2010 were analyzed prospectively. The first 382 patients received routine UGI series between the third and fifth postoperative days (group A). Thereafter, the test was only performed when clinical findings (tachycardia, fever, and drainage content) were suspicious for a leak of the gastrointestinal anastomosis (group B; n = 422). Results: Overall, nine of 804 (1.1%) patients suffered from leaks at the gastroenterostomy. In group A, four of 382 (1%) patients had a leak, but only two were detected by the routine UGI series. This corresponds to a sensitivity of 50%. In group B, the sensitivity was higher with 80%. Specificities were comparable with 97% and 91%, respectively. Routine UGI series cost only 1.6% of the overall costs of a non-complicated gastric bypass procedure. With this leak rate and sensitivity, US $86,800 would have to be spent on 200 routine UGI series to find one leak which is not justified. Conclusions: This study shows that routine UGI series have a low sensitivity for the detection of anastomotic leaks after LRYGB. In most cases, the diagnosis is initiated by clinical findings. Therefore, routine upper gastrointestinal series are of limited value for the diagnosis of a lea

    Memórias e tradições do muay-thai : da Tailândia ao Brasil

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. André Mendes CapraroDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Física. Defesa : Curitiba, 17/02/2020Inclui referências: p. 129-145Resumo: A presente dissertação adotou o modelo de escrita por artigos, denominado multipaper e, desta maneira, foi desenvolvida no formato de artigos científicos. Esta dissertação foi organizada em sete estudos, subdivido em dois blocos, um de revisão de literatura constituído por três artigos e outro relacionado a produção de fontes por meio da história oral híbrida, composto por quatro artigos que utilizaram como interlocutores os mestres pioneiros da modalidade. No primeiro artigo, referente a revisão de literatura, foi possível mapear como o Muay Thai vem sendo pesquisado junto ao meio acadêmico. Foram utilizadas como base de dados as plataformas: Portal de Periódicos CAPES, GOOGLE Scholar, PubMed, EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) acessados por meio da interface da CAPES. O segundo estudo deste bloco buscou analisar se a modalidade está relacionada ao conceito de esporte de Alan Guttmann (1978) e Sébastien Darbon (2014), versando com os conceitos de arte marcial e esporte de combate de Correia e Franchinni (2009). Findando este bloco, foi realizado um artigo analisado como o cinema tailandês retrata seus filmes de ação que abordam o Muay Thai sob o prisma do nacionalismo aliado à virilidade. Os filmes analisados foram Muai Thai - Nai Khanom Tom [King of Thai boxing] (2003), Ong Bak (2003) e Tom Yum Goong [The Protector] (2005). Estás três obras ficcionais cinematográfica tiveram destaque internacional. Abrindo o segundo bloco denominado História Oral, o artigo intitulado "ELE MESMO CONTOU ISSO" - NÉLIO NAJA, A PRODUÇÃO DE UM MITO visa descontruir o discurso apresentado por Nélio Naja e amplamente aceito no meio do Muay Thai a respeito de como teria conhecido a modalidade. A partir da socialização com seus alunos, ele inculcou algumas ideias a respeito de seu passado, sendo repassado de aluno para aluno e cristalizando sua versão histórica a respeito dos fatos. O próximo artigo delineou a trajetória do processo de inserção e disseminação da modalidade no país. Percebeu-se que num primeiro momento esteve imbricado ao Taekwondo, iniciou em Curitiba e disseminou rapidamente para outros estados. O penúltimo artigo descreveu as principais características do treinamento realizado por Nélio Naja, pautado num condicionamento físico intenso e na construção de uma identidade guerreira em seus atletas. Foi possível descrever também como eram realizados os primeiros exames de faixas. Findando este bloco, o artigo "'PRIMEIRO PASSO FOI BUSCAR SE LEGITIMAR' - AS NARRATIVAS A RESPEITO DA INSTITUCIONALIZAÇÃO DO MUAY THAI BRASILEIRO" retratou como os precursores do Muay Thai brasileiro se organizaram para regulamentar a modalidade, além de descrever o surgimento das primeiras associações e federações. Possibilitando a realização de seminários internacionais e intercâmbios para a modalidade se aproximar do que é praticado na Tailândia e em outros países. A conclusão desta dissertação apresenta o fio condutor entre os artigos, possibilitando relacionar e perceber como cada artigo está vinculado ao tema e a história do Muay Thai Brasileiro.Abstract: This dissertation adopted the article writing model, called multipaper and, thus, was developed in the format of scientific articles. This dissertation was organized in seven studies, subdivided in two blocks, one of literature review consisting of three articles and another related to the production of sources through hybrid oral history, composed of four articles that used as interlocutors the pioneer masters of the modality.In the first article, referring to the literature review, it was possible to map how Muay Thai has been researched with the academic environment. The following platforms were used: CAPES Journal Portal, GOOGLE Scholar, PubMed, EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) accessed through the CAPES interface. The second study of this block sought to analyze if the sport is related to the concept of sport of Alan Guttmann (1978) and Sébastien Darbon (2014), dealing with the concepts of martial art and combat sport of Correia and Franchinni (2009). Finalizing this block, we conducted a study analyzing how Thai cinema portrays its action films that approach Muay Thai under the prism of nationalism combined with virility. The films analyzed were Muai Thai - Nai Khanom Tom [King of Thai boxing] (2003), Ong Bak (2003) and Tom Yum Goong [The Protector] (2005). These three fictional cinematographic works have had international prominence. Beginning the second block called Oral History, the article entitled "'HIMSELF TOLD THIS' - NÉLIO NAJA, THE PRODUCTION OF A MYTH" aims to deconstruct the speech presented by Nélio Naja and widely accepted in the middle of Muay Thai as to how he would have known the modality. From socializing with his students, he instilled some ideas about his past, being passed on from student to student and crystallizing his historical version of the facts. The next article outlined the trajectory of the process of insertion and dissemination of the sport in the country. It was noticed that at first it was intertwined with Taekwondo, started in Curitiba and spread rapidly to other states. The penultimate article described the main characteristics of the training conducted by Nélio Naja, based on intense physical conditioning and the construction of a warrior identity in his athletes. It was also possible to describe how the first track exams were performed. Ending this block, the article "'FIRST STEP WAS TO SEEK TO LEGITIMIZE' - NARRATIVES ABOUT THE INSTITUTIONALIZATION OF BRAZILIAN MUAY THAI" portrayed how the precursors of Brazilian Muay Thai organized themselves to regulate the sport, as well as describing the emergence of the first associations and federations. Enabling international seminars and exchanges for the sport to approach what is practiced in Thailand and other countries. The conclusion of this dissertation presents the guiding thread between the articles, making it possible to relate and understand how each article is linked to the theme and history of Brazilian Muay Thai


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    Historicizado como arte marcial milenar, nos últimos anos o muay thai vem se desenvolvendo de forma significativa como esporte de combate, destacado principalmente em eventos de Mixed Martial Arts/MMA (artes marciais mistas) como o Ultimate Fighting Championship/UFC. Considerando esse contexto, o objetivo geral desse artigo foi verificar como ocorreu a constituição e desenvolvimento do processo de esportivização do muay thai. Tal intento também auxiliou na identificação de indícios do processo de espetacularização e compreensão da inter-relação entre os esportes de combate e o esporte moderno. Indagou como ocorrem as relações de poder no meio dos esportes de combate, especificamente na modalidade muay thai. Após apresentar um resgate histórico e análise sobre o esporte moderno, o presente artigo recopila o capítulo escrito por Norbert Elias - Competição Primária e os Modelos de Jogo - formas didáticas de compreensão do poder - publicado em seu livro Introdução à Sociologia. Com a esportivização, surgiram instituições para organizar a modalidade esportiva. As configurações sociais ou teias de interdependência demonstram uma visão mais flexível destas relações sociais, auxiliando na compreensão destas instituições e suas relações de poder. Os modelos de jogo mostram como os problemas sociológicos se tornam mais claros se os reorganizarmos em termos de equilíbrio mais do que em termos reificantes, pois as relações sociais tendem a serem vistas de forma opaca, vigorando a ideia de que alguém detém o poder. A compreensão ou o controle desse processo fica mais fácil quando a análise é feita por quem está de fora dessa teia, podendo transformar a dinâmica do jogo

    Evaluation of Soil Re-mineralizer from By-Product of Volcanic Rock Mining: Experimental Proof Using Black Oats and Maize Crops

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    This study was focused on physical, petrographical, mineralogical, and chemical characterization of a volcanic-rock mining by-product (dacite rock), as well as on greenhouse experiment with black oats and maize crops to evaluate the potential use of the by-product as soil re-mineralizer. The by-product sample was obtained from a quarry in the Nova Prata mining district in southern Brazil. The particle size distribution of the by-product and soil was determined by sieving. Dacite rock petrographic description was performed on a polished thin section by optical microscopy. The soil and dacite rock mineralogical phases were identified by X-ray diffraction. The by-product and soil chemical composition was determined by X-ray fluorescence. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry was performed to determine potentially toxic elements, As, Cd, Hg and Pb in by-product. Additional chemical compositions of the by-product and soil were analyzed using a scanning electron microscope equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray detector. Black oats and, sequentially maize, crops were cultivated in a typical Hapludox soil treated with the by-product in a greenhouse. Five by-product doses (0, 906, 1813, 3625, and 7251 kg ha−1) were added into pots containing soil, each with seven replications. Responses to treatments were evaluated from dry matter production, nutritional status of the crops, and in the changes in soil properties after 70 days of each cultivation. The results showed that the by-product is composed of plagioclase, K-feldspar, quartz, clinopyroxene, smectites, and opaque minerals with apatite as accessory mineral. The addition of 3625 and 7251 kg ha−1 doses of the by-product substantially increased the dry matter yield in maize leaves. The Ca uptake by maize leaves cultivated in soil with 7251 kg ha−1 dose of the by-product was significantly higher in soil with other doses, and all by-product doses promoted high concentrations of Mg and Ca. The accumulated amounts of Ca, K, Mg and P indicated that they were enough to supply maize nutritional needs. Improvements in soil properties, such as high levels of Ca, K and P and low levels of exchangeable Al and Al saturation were observed. The results of the study suggest that the by-product can be used as soil re-mineralizer. The dacite rock by-product studied here has potential to be an environmental solution to soil fertilization problem because it does not require chemical processing and can be used as it is mined

    Defining the structural requirements for ribose 5-phosphate-binding and intersubunit cross-talk of the malarial pyridoxal 5-phosphate synthase

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    Most organisms synthesise the B(6) vitamer pyridoxal 5-phosphate (PLP) via the glutamine amidotransferase PLP synthase, a large enzyme complex of 12 Pdx1 synthase subunits with up to 12 Pdx2 glutaminase subunits attached. Deletion analysis revealed that the C-terminus has four distinct functionalities: assembly of the Pdx1 monomers, binding of the pentose substrate (ribose 5-phosphate), formation of the reaction intermediate I(320), and finally PLP synthesis. Deletions of distinct C-terminal regions distinguish between these individual functions. PLP formation is the only function that is conferred to the enzyme by the C-terminus acting in trans, explaining the cooperative nature of the complex

    myTAI: evolutionary transcriptomics with R.

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    MOTIVATION: Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technologies generate a large amount of high quality transcriptome datasets enabling the investigation of molecular processes on a genomic and metagenomic scale. These transcriptomics studies aim to quantify and compare the molecular phenotypes of the biological processes at hand. Despite the vast increase of available transcriptome datasets, little is known about the evolutionary conservation of those characterized transcriptomes. RESULTS: The myTAI package implements exploratory analysis functions to infer transcriptome conservation patterns in any transcriptome dataset. Comprehensive documentation of myTAI functions and tutorial vignettes provide step-by-step instructions on how to use the package in an exploratory and computationally reproducible manner. AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION: The open source myTAI package is available at https://github.com/HajkD/myTAI and https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/myTAI/index.html. CONTACT: [email protected]. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online

    Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor to Monitor Stress Kinetics in Drying Process of Commercial Latex Paints

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    In this paper, we report a study about the application of packaged fiber Bragg gratings used as strain sensors to monitor the stress kinetics during the drying process of commercial latex paints. Three stages of drying with distinct mechanical deformation and temporal behaviors were identified for the samples, with mechanical deformation from 15 μm to 21 μm in the longitudinal film dimension on time intervals from 370 to 600 minutes. Drying time tests based on human sense technique described by the Brazilian Technical Standards NBR 9558 were also done. The results obtained shows that human sense technique has a limited perception of the drying process and that the optical measurement system proposed can be used to characterize correctly the dry-through stage of paint. The influence of solvent (water) addition in the drying process was also investigated. The paint was diluted with four parts paint and one part water (80% paint), and one part paint and one part water (50% paint). It was observed that the increase of the water ratio mixed into the paint decreases both the mechanical deformation magnitude and the paint dry-through time. Contraction of 5.2 μm and 10.4 μm were measured for concentrations of 50% and 80% of paint in the mixture, respectively. For both diluted paints the dry-through time was approximately 170 minutes less than undiluted paint. The optical technique proposed in this work can contribute to the development of new standards to specify the drying time of paint coatings