41 research outputs found

    Hubungan Kejadian Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah dengan Riwayat Ibu Hamil Kekurangan Energi Kronis di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Pantoloan

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    Salah satu yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan janinya itu gizi ibu hamil karena selama kehamilan ibu harus memenuhi kebutuhan pertumbuhan janin yang sangat pesat, dan agar keluaran kehamilannya berhasil baik dan sempurna. Namun sampai saat ini masih banyak ibu hamil yang mengalami masalah gizi khusus nya gizi kurang seperti Kurang Energi Kronis (KEK). Jumlah ibu hamil yang mengalami KEK di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Pantoloan pada tahun 2014 adalah sejumlah 67 ibu hamil yang melahirkan BBLR sebanyak 8 bayi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan kejadian bayi berat lahir rendah dengan riwayat ibu hamil kekurangan energy kronis di wilayah kerja Puskesmas PantoloanTahun 2014. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian Analitik dengan rancangan penelitian Cross Sectional dengan populasi yaitu 252 bayi yang lahir tahun 2014 di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Pantoloan. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan tehnik Total Sampling. Kriteria sampel diambil yaitu jika memiliki data berat lahir dan LILA ibu pada saat hamil, jika data tidak lengkap maka tidak dijadikan sampel. Sampel yang memenuhi syarat sejumlah 52 bayi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ibu hamil yang mengalami KEK 32 orang (61,5%), dan BBLR sebanyak 8 bayi (15,4%). Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kejadian BBLR dengan riwayat ibu hamil KEK (p = 0,0017) Kesimpulan, bahwa semakin baik status gizi ibu hamil selama masa kehamilan maka akan semakin baik pula berat bayi lahir. Disarankan bagi Puskesmas Pantoloan agar meningkatkan program penyuluhan kesehatan tentang gizi, dan melakukan pengukuran LILA secara teratur pada ibu hamil

    The Effect of Kangaroo Mother Care Method Toward Weight Gain and Length of Stay Among Low Birth Weight Baby

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    Infant mortality needs to get serious attention. Special efforts are relatively easy and inexpensive in the handling and care is through treatment methods can improve the stability ofKangaroo Mother Care(KMC) for babies and breastfeeding.The effort hopefully will contribute to weight gain which take effect on the duration of treatment. The study design was Quasi Experiment with Prepost one group design. Samples were mothers with a history of low birth weight deliveries, with sample selection technique in consecutive sampling and sample number 36 babies. The samples criteria were infants birth weight between 1,000-2,100 gr, weight of infant when KMC was started between 900-2,100 gr, weight of infants post KMC were 1,300-2,500 gr, babies born with premature or small period of pregnancy. KMC method has the potential to improve the Weight on Low Birth Weight (LBW).Duration of KMC has no effect on weight gain but can accelerate the length of LBW in hospital. The longer do KMC, the shorter duration of hospital LBW in hospital. LBW should be treated KMC to accelerate weight gain and reducing the length of hospitalization


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    Abstrak: Masa remaja merupakan periode terjadinya pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang pesat. Data survei demografi dan kesehatan reproduksi remaja (KRR) berada pada usia 15-19 tahun, proporsi terbesar berpacaran pertama kali pada usia < 15 tahun. 33,3% remaja perempuan dan 34,5% remaja laki-laki. Pada usia tersebut dikhawatirkan belum memiliki ketrampilan hidup (life skills) yang memadai, sehingga berisiko memiliki perilaku pacaran yang tidak sehat (hubungan seks pranikah). Tujuan pengabdian untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan remaja putri tentang kesehatan reproduksi, siklus menstruasi menggunakan Menstrual Circle Book. Metode yang digunakan adalah berupa pendidikan kesehatan reproduksi pada remaja putri dan pendekatan individual dilakukan pada saat penghitungan siklus menstruasi dengan menggunakan Menstrual Circle Book. Khalayak sasaran adalah remaja putri berjumlah 16. Hasil kegiatan dari 16 remaja putri, 4 orang (25%) mengalami peningkatan pengetahuan setelah diberikan pendidikan kesehatan, dan 12 orang (75%) dengan pengetahuan tetap.Abstract: Adolescence is a period of rapid growth and development. Demographic survey data and adolescent reproductive health (KRR) are at the age of 15-19 years, the largest proportion of which is dating for the first time at the age of <15 years. 33.3% of girls and 34.5% of boys. At that age, it is feared that they do not have adequate life skills, so they are at risk of having unhealthy dating behavior (premarital sex). The purpose of the service is to increase the knowledge of young women about reproductive health, menstrual cycles using the Menstrual Circle Book. The method used is in the form of reproductive health education for young women and an individual approach is carried out when calculating the menstrual cycle using the Menstrual Circle Book. The target audience is 16 young women. The results of the activities of 16 young women, 4 people (25%) experienced an increase in knowledge after being given health education, and 12 people (75%) with permanent knowledge

    Moderasi Beragama sebagai Pemersatu Bangsa serta Perannya dalam Perguruan Tinggi

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    Indonesia is a country that has a variety of ethnicities, cultures, and religions. Judging from these diverse backgrounds, the motto of the Indonesian state contained in the Garuda Pancasila is Bhineka Tunggal Ika. There are different mottos, but this one cannot be separated from its challenges. The challenge in question is the understanding that circulates in the midst of people's lives, causing conflict. The seeds of these ideas can emerge in the family, community, and college environment. In this case, it is necessary to have a middle ground attitude to resolve various differences and problems in society. The researcher uses a qualitative approach method with a literature study. The results of the discussion in this study are to know the definition, understanding of radicalism in the state, forms of spreading radicalism, and moderation in Islam. The researcher concludes that the challenges of a country's diversity can be overcome by cultivating an attitude of moderation so that it can become a unifying nation, especially in the university environment.ABSTRAKIndonesia merupakan negara yang memiliki aneka ragam suku, budaya, serta agama. Dilihat dari latar belakang yang beranekaragam tersebut sangat ideal jika semboyan negara Indonesia yang terdapat pada garuda Pancasila yaitu Bhineka Tunggal Ika. Adanya semboyan berbeda-beda tetapi tetap satu ini tidak lepas dari tantangannya. Tantangan yang dimaksud seperti paham paham yang beredar di tengah-tengah kehidupan masyarakat sehingga menimbulkan konflik. Bibit paham-paham itu dapat muncul dalam lingkungan keluarga, masyarakat, serta perguruan tinggi. Dalam hal tersebut diperlukan adanya sikap jalan tengah untuk menyelesaikan berbagai perbedaan dan masalah dalam kalangan masyarakat. Peneliti menggunakan metode pendekatan kualitatif dengan studi kepustakaan. Hasil dari pembahasan dalam penelitian ini adalah mengetahui tantangan keberagaman Indonesia, pemahaman radikalisme dalam negara, bentuk penyebaran radikalisme, serta moderasi dalam Islam. Peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa tantangan keanekaragaman sebuah negara dapat diatasi dengan menumbuhkan sikap moderasi sehingga dapat menjadikan pemersatu bangsa terutama dalam lingkungan perguruan tinggi

    Intasc And Modality On Speaking: How Effective?

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    The concern of this current research is based on the consideration that Speaking is urgently needed in acquiring the target language such as English. Then, the problem is mostly dealing with the ability to speak regarding the culture of the target language aiming at getting the approximation to the language being acquired. InTASC standard cores are offered to assist the students of SMAN 1 Kopang in which the standards were implemented that it is expected they are able to communicate in English. Eventually, it was found that InTASC standard cores are effective to assist the students' speaking in which the standards meet the whole indicators of Speaking

    Sistem Sosial Ekologi Kawasan Desa Pesisir Kabupaten Subang

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    Interaksi sistem sosial - ekologi di desa pesisir sering menimbulkan permasalahan, mulai dari menurunnya kualitas ekologi hingga terjadinya konflik sosial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis sistem sosial - ekologi yang terdapat di Desa Blanakan, Desa Tanjungtiga, Desa Rawameneng, dan Desa Mayangan serta mengetahui jaringan konektivitas sistem sosial - ekologi dari desa pesisir yang terintegrasi. Data yang dikumpulkan berupa data primer dan sekunder terkait sistem sosial dan sistem ekologi, analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif kuantitatif dan spasial deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem sosial – ekologi Desa Blanakan, Desa Tanjungtiga, Desa Rawameneng, dan Desa Mayangan tersusun atas jaringan sumberdaya berupa sumberdaya ikan, sumberdaya ekosistem, sumberdaya lahan, dan sumberdaya air yang digunakan oleh nelayan, petani, dan masyarakat umum. Keberlanjutan pemanfaatan sumberdaya didukung oleh ketersediaan infrastruktur yang disediakan oleh pemerintah dan swasta. Jaringan konektivitas sistem sosial - ekologi dari integrasi desa pesisir menunjukkan bahwa sistem sosial antar desa pesisir terkonektivitas melalui interaksi pendidikan, kelembagaan nelayan, pelayaanan kesehatan, dan interaksi lainnya, sedangkan interaksi sistem ekologi terkonektivitas melalui jaringan fishing ground dan pemanfaatan ekosistem mangrove secara bersama terutama antara Desa Blanakan dan Desa Mayangan


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    This study aims (1) to explain the code-switching and mixing of the Wolio language code into Indonesian in the regional work units of the City of Baubau and (2) to reveal the factors that cause code-switching and mixing the Wolio language code into Indonesian in the work unit. Baubau City regional apparatus. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative which describes or depicts the facts of the empirically alive situation of its speakers. The results of this study indicate that there is code-switching and code-mixing in the communication that occurs between the community and employees who work in the regional work units of the City of Baubau. Instead, the code is sorted into high to low and low to high code-switching.&nbsp

    Pengaruh Penempatan dan Stres Kerja terhadap Kepusan Kerja Karyawan pada Agung Putra Apartment Bali

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    Human resource is the most important factor in an organization or company to achieve efficiency and effectiveness in conducting its business. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of the placement and job stress on employee job satisfaction. This research was conducted in Agung Putra (AP) Apartment Bali with a number of research respondents as many as 40 employees. The analysis technique used is multiple linear regression. Based on the results of research conducted concluded that placement sigifikan positive effect on job satisfaction and job stress a significant negative effect on employee job satisfaction. Suggested to leader Agung Putra Apartment Bali to be more selective in looking at employees' work experience, able to disseminate the various forms of organizational changes, taking into account danlebih reward or remuneration in accordance with the calculation of the workload of employees


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    Analisis residu oksitetrasiklin dalam daging udang windu ukuran 15,86 + 1,41 g/ekor yang dipelihara dalam kondisi salinitas media 15, 20, dan 25 ppt telah dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh salinitas media pemeliharaan terhadap konsentrasi residu oksitetrasiklin dalam daging udang windu


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    Currently, motorbikes are a means of transportation that are often used by the community because they have advantages when compared to other means of transportation. One type of motorcycle that is widely used is a Honda motorcycle. Currently, there are many Honda motorcycle dealers spread across Indonesia, especially in Medan, but have not yet been integrated into a system, making it difficult for people who want to find such dealers. Another problem is that there is no map of the distribution of the nearest dealer from the community's location and there is no information about dealers covering products and ordering services online. With technology, the authors build a geographic information system with the A-Star algorithm that can assist in mapping dealer locations and can calculate the closest route that can be taken. This system is built based on Android using Kodular, Java and PHP programming languages, and uses Openstreetmap as a geographical map