266 research outputs found

    The Impact of Visual Contextualization on UI Localization

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    [EN] Translating the text in an interface is a challenging task. Besides the jargon and technical terms, many of the strings are often very short, such as those shown in buttons and pull-down menus. Then, as a result of the lack of visual context in the traditional localization process, an important ambiguity problem arises. We study three approaches to solve this problem: using plain gettext (baseline condition), using gettext plus being able to operate the UI, and translating the UI in-place. We found that translators are substantially faster with plain gettext but commit a significantly higher number of errors in comparison to the other approaches. Unexpectedly, the mixed condition was slower and more error-prone than in-place translation. The latter was found to be comparable to plain gettext in terms of time, although some strings passed unnoticed as the UI was operated. Based on our results, we arrive at a set of recommendations to augment localization tools to improve translator's productivity.This work is supported by the 7th Framework Program of the European Commision (FP7/2007-13) under grant agreements 287576 (CASMACAT) and 600707 (tranScriptorium)Leiva, LA.; Alabau, V. (2014). The Impact of Visual Contextualization on UI Localization. ACM. 3739-3742. https://doi.org/10.1145/2556288.2556982S3739374

    Role of estrogens in fish immunity with special emphasis on GPER1

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    It is well accepted that estrogens, the primary female sex hormones, play a key role in modulating different aspects of the immune response. Moreover, estrogens have been linked with the sexual dimorphism observed in some immune disorders, such as chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. Nevertheless, their effects are often controversial and depend on several factors, such as the pool of estrogen receptors (ERs) involved in the response. Their classical mode of action is through nuclear ERs, which act as transcription factors, promoting the regulation of target genes. However, it has long been noted that some of the estrogen-mediated effects cannot be explained by these classical receptors, since they are rapid and mediated by non-genomic signaling pathways. Hence, the interest in membrane ERs, especially in G protein-coupled estrogen receptor 1 (GPER1), has grown in recent years. Although the presence of nuclear ERs, and ER signaling, in immune cells in mammals and fish has been well documented, information on membrane ERs is much scarcer. In this context, the present manuscript aims to review our knowledge concerning the effect of estrogens on fish immunity, with special emphasis on GPER1. For example, the numerous tools developed over recent years allowed us to report for the first time that the regulation of fish granulocyte functions by estrogens through GPER1 predates the split of fish and tetrapods more than 450 million years ago, pointing to the relevance of estrogens as modulators of the immune responses, and the pivotal role of GPER1 in immunity.VersiĂłn del editor3,26

    Lung metastases share common immune features regardless of primary tumor origin

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    BACKGROUND: Only certain disseminated cells are able to grow in secondary organs to create a metastatic tumor. Under the hypothesis that the immune microenvironment of the host tissue may play an important role in this process, we have categorized metastatic samples based on their immune features. METHODS: Gene expression data of metastatic samples (n=374) from four secondary sites (brain, bone, liver and lung) were used to characterize samples based on their immune and stromal infiltration using gene signatures and cell quantification tools. A clustering analysis was done that separated metastatic samples into three different immune categories: high, medium and low. RESULTS: Significant differences were found between the immune profiles of samples metastasizing in distinct organs. Metastases in lung showed a higher immunogenic score than metastases in brain, liver or bone, regardless of their primary site of origin. Also, they preferentially clustered in the high immune group. Samples in this cluster exhibited a clear inflammatory phenotype, higher levels of immune infiltrate, overexpression of programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1) and cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 (CTLA4) pathways and upregulation of genes predicting clinical response to programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1) blockade (T-cell inflammatory signature). A decision tree algorithm was used to select CD74 as a biomarker that identify samples belonging to this high-immune subtype of metastases, having specificity of 0.96 and sensitivity of 1. CONCLUSIONS: We have found a group of lung-enriched metastases showing an inflammatory phenotype susceptible to be treated with immunotherapy

    Determination of testicular cell proliferation and characterization of Sertoli cells in testes of the gilthead seabream Sparus auratus Linnaeus, 1758

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    Testicular Sertoli cells in the gilthead seabream Sparus auratus Linnaeus, 1758 were characterized with antibodies previously obtained in our laboratory. Testicular cell suspensions were studied using light microscopy and flow citometry. 5-bromo-2' -deoxiruridine (BrdU) was used to analyse the proliferation of testicular cells, which were later detected with an indirect immunohistochemical technique.Se han caracterizado las células de Sertoli del testículo de dorada, Sparus auratus Linnaeus, 1758, utilizando anticuerpos monoclonales que previamente han sido obtenidos en nuestro laboratorio. Se han obtenido suspensiones celulares testiculares que han sido estudiadas mediante microscopía óptica y analizadas mediante citometría de flujo. Se ha determinado el estado de proliferación celular testicular mediante el tratamiento de los ejemplares con 5-bromo-2'-deoxiuridina (BrdU) y su posterior detección con una técnica inmunocitoquímica indirecta.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Use of recombinant cytokines to prevent infectious diseases in aquaculture: Reality or fiction?

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    The present paper reports on a study in which we cloned the IL-1βgene of the gilthead seabream Sparus auratus Linnaeus, 1758, and produced the corresponding recombinant protein, in order to assess its usefulness as an immunostimulant and vaccine adjuvant in aquaculture.En el presente estudio se ha clonado el gen de la IL-1β de dorada Sparus auratus Linnaeus, 1758, y se ha producido la correspondiente proteína recombinante para evaluar su uso como inmunoestimulante y adyuvante en peces objeto de cultivo industrial.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Production and characterization of monoclonal antibodies specific to gilthead seabream Sparus auratus Linnaeus, 1758 phagocytes

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    In the present study; we produced and characterised three monoclonal antibodies that react with phagocytes of the gilthead seabream Sparus auratus Linnaeus; 1758. Their usefulness in basic and applied research is discussed.En el presente estudio se han obtenido y caracterizado tres anticuerpos monoclonales que reconocen específicamente los fagocitos de dorada, Sparus auratus Linnaeus, 1758. Se discute su utilidad en la investigación básica y su aplicación en la piscicultura.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Extending immunological profiling in the gilthead sea bream, sparus aurata, by enriched cDNA library analysis, microarray design and initial studies upon the inflammatory response to PAMPs

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    This study describes the development and validation of an enriched oligonucleotide-microarray platform for Sparus aurata (SAQ) to provide a platform for transcriptomic studies in this species. A transcriptome database was constructed by assembly of gilthead sea bream sequences derived from public repositories of mRNA together with reads from a large collection of expressed sequence tags (EST) from two extensive targeted cDNA libraries characterizing mRNA transcripts regulated by both bacterial and viral challenge. The developed microarray was further validated by analysing monocyte/macrophage activation profiles after challenge with two Gram-negative bacterial pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs; lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and peptidoglycan (PGN)). Of the approximately 10,000 EST sequenced, we obtained a total of 6837 EST longer than 100 nt, with 3778 and 3059 EST obtained from the bacterial-primed and from the viral-primed cDNA libraries, respectively. Functional classification of contigs from the bacterial- and viral-primed cDNA libraries by Gene Ontology (GO) showed that the top five represented categories were equally represented in the two libraries: metabolism (approximately 24% of the total number of contigs), carrier proteins/membrane transport (approximately 15%), effectors/modulators and cell communication (approximately 11%), nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid metabolism (approximately 7.5%) and intracellular transducers/signal transduction (approximately 5%). Transcriptome analyses using this enriched oligonucleotide platform identified differential shifts in the response to PGN and LPS in macrophage-like cells, highlighting responsive gene-cassettes tightly related to PAMP host recognition. As observed in other fish species, PGN is a powerful activator of the inflammatory response in S. aurata macrophage-like cells. We have developed and validated an oligonucleotide microarray (SAQ) that provides a platform enriched for the study of gene expression in S. aurata with an emphasis upon immunity and the immune response

    Detection of cytomegalovirus in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from immunocompromised patients with pneumonitis by viral culture and DNA quantification

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    Altres ajuts: acords transformatius de la UABTo compare the detection of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid by viral culture and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), and to establish a viral load threshold that can identify cases of HCMV replication indicative of pneumonitis. There is currently no universal viral load cut-off to differentiate between patients with and without pneumonitis, and the interpretation of qPCR results is challenging. 176 consecutive BAL samples from immunosuppressed hosts with signs and/or symptoms of respiratory infection were prospectively studied by viral culture and qPCR. Concordant results were obtained in 81.25% of the BAL samples. The rest were discordant, as only 34% of the qPCR-positive BAL samples were positive by culture. The median HCMV load was significantly higher in culture-positive than in culture-negative BAL samples (5038 vs 178 IU/mL). Using a cut-off value of 1258 IU/mL of HCMV in BAL, pneumonia was diagnosed with a sensitivity of 76%, a specificity of 100%, a VPP of 100% and VPN of 98%, and HCMV was isolated in 100% of the BAL cultures. We found that a qPCR-negative was a quick and reliable way of ruling out HCMV pneumonitis, but a positive result did not always indicate clinically significant replication in the lung. However, an HCMV load in BAL fluid of ≥ 1258 IU/mL was always associated with disease, whereas < 200 IU/mL rarely so

    Cimetidine disrupts the renewal of testicular cells and the steroidogenesis in a hermaphrodite fish

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    The importance of histamine in the physiology of the testis in mammals and reptiles has been recently shown. Histamine receptors (Hrs) are well conserved in fish and are functional in several fish species. We report here for the first time that histamine and the mRNA of Hrh1, Hrh2 and Hrh3 are all present in the gonad of the hermaphrodite teleost fish gilthead seabream. Moreover, cimetidine, which acts in vitro as an agonist of Hrh1 and Hrh2 on this species, was intraperitoneally injected in one and two years old gilthead seabream males. After three and five days of cimetidine injection, we found that this compound differently modified the gonadal hrs transcript levels and affects the testicular cell renewal and the gene expression of steroidogenesis-related molecules as well as the serum steroid levels. Our data point to cimetidine as a reproductive disruptor and elucidate a role for histamine in the gonad of this hermaphrodite fish species through Hr signalling.Postprint2,616

    Flow cytometry based techniques to study testicular acidophilic granulocytes from the protandrous fish gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L.)

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    The gilthead seabream is a protandrous seasonal breeding teleost that is an excellent model for studying the testicular regression process which occurs in both seasonal testicular involution and sex reversion. Little is known about the cell types and the molecular mechanisms involved in such processes, mainly because of the lack of appropriate methods for testis dissociation, and testicular cell isolation, culture and functional characterization. We have previously reported that gilthead seabream acidophilic granulocytes infiltrate the testis at post-spawning stage, settle close to the spermatogonia and accumulate intracellular interleukin-1β. In this paper, we report several flow cytometry based assays which allow to establish the role played by gilthead seabream testicular acidophilic granulocytes and permits their quantification
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