121 research outputs found

    How did the location of industry respond to falling transport costs in Britain before World War I?

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    This article explores the location of industry in pre–World War I Britain using a model that takes account both of factor endowment and also of New Economic Geography influences. Broadly speaking, the pattern of industrial location in this period was quite persistent and regional specialization changed little. The econometric results show that factor endowments had much stronger effects than proximity to markets, although the latter was an attraction for industries with large plant size. Overall, falling transport costs had relatively little effect on industrial location at a time when proximity to natural resources, notably coal, mattered most

    Environmental Regulation and Industry Location

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    This paper estimates the effect of environmental regulation on industry location and compares it with other determinants of location such as agricultural, education and R&D country characteristics. The analysis is based on a general empirical trade model that captures the interaction between country and industry characteristics in determining industry location. The Johnson-Neyman technique is used to fully explicate the nature of the conditional interactions. The model is applied to data on 16 manufacturing industries from 13 European countries. The empirical results indicate that the pollution haven effect is present and that the relative strength of such an effect is of about the same magnitude as other determinants of industry location. A significant negative effect on industry location is observed only at relatively high levels of industry pollution intensity.Pollution Haven Hypothesis, Comparative Advantage, Industry Location

    Using Choice Experiments to Improve Equity in Access to Socially Marketed HIV Prevention Products

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    Designing strategies to introduce new HIV prevention technologies requires balancing equitable access with sustainable distribution, particularly in resource constrained settings with high HIV prevalence. This paper explores how knowledge of preference heterogeneity can guide the equitable targeting of HIV prevention products using differentiated advertising and product placement to balance increased access with sustainability. A discrete choice experiment elicited 1016 women's preferences for distribution of HIV prevention products in South Africa. Qualitative research guided the experimental design which considered distribution outlet, collection method, advertising message, and price. A range of choice models, including random parameters logit, latent class and latent class random parameters logit models, were compared for fit. A latent class model showed the best fit and distinguished two classes of women: Class 1 were significantly more likely to be cohabiting and unemployed, who preferred products advertised for HIV prevention distributed through clinics and were highly price sensitive. Class 2 significantly preferred distribution through pharmacies and advertising around women's empowerment, while price was not a key factor. This analysis suggests that equity in access to new products could be advanced through exploiting preference heterogeneity between groups. The identified groups can be then used to design social marketing differentiated distribution strategies. Distributing free products promoted for HIV prevention could discourage ‘leakage’ of highly subsidised products to women with some capacity to pay, while priced products marketed for women's empowerment through pharmacies could encourage cost recovery with minimal reductions in coverage among employed women