25 research outputs found
[The In Vitro Rumen Fermentability on the Processed Vegetable Waste]
This experiment was objected to study the in vitro rumen fermentability on the processed vegetable
waste. The study was accomplished by two experiments. The first experiment was aimed to select the best
processing for vegetable waste. The vegetable wastes from a traditional market in Semarang City were
fermented using Lactobacillus bulgaricus and rumen bolus with cassava waste, rice bran, and maize grain
as additives. In each combined treatment of innoculant and additive was fermented in anaerob conditon for
0, 1, 2, and 3 weeks, respectively. In each combined treatment of innoculant, additive, and fermentation time
was analyzed for its moisture, crude protein, crude fiber, neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber content. Among the combined treatments were then selected the best processing for vegetable waste ac-cording
to the use of L. bulgaricus and rumen bolus, respectively. The selection was determined on the basis
of a numerical score for each parameter observed. The results showed that the combination of rice bran of
additive and one week of fermentation was the best for fermentation using L. bulgaricus (SSLB). Likewise,
the the combination of rice bran of additive and two weeks of fermentation was the best for fermentation
using rumen bolus (SSBR).
In the second experiment, the processed vegetable wastes from the result of first experiment (SSLB and
SSBR) were compared to Pennisetum purpureum (RG), unprocessed vegetable waste from the garbage
collecting terminal in Semarang City (SSTPA), and unprocessed vegetable waste from traditional market
(SSPT) on the basis of their in vitro rumen fermentability. Parameters of the in vitro rumen fermentability
were dry matter (DM) and organic matter (OM) digestibility, rumen production of VFA and N-NH 3 . The test
of in vitro rumen fermentability was conducted using cattle rumen liquid and artificial saliva. The results
showed that the DM and OM digestibility of RG was lower (P<0,05) than that of SSPT, but there was no
siginificant different among SSTPA, SSLB, and RG in their DM and OM digestibility. The in vitro rumen
VFA production among RG, SSTPA, SSLB, and SSBR were not different significantly. The in vitro rumen
VFA production of SSPT was higher (P<0,05) than that of RG, SSTPA, SSLB, and SSBR. The in vitro
rumen NH 3 production among SSPT, SSLB, and SSBR were not different significantly. The in vitro rumen
NH 3 production of RG and SSTPA were lower (P<0,05) than that of SSPT, SSLB, and SSBR. The fermen-tation
using L.bulgaricus with rice bran for one week was appropriate in processing the vegetable waste.
The results could be utilized for further study focusing on the substitution of Pennisetum purpureum with the
processed vegetable waste in a ruminant ration.
Keywords : processing, vegetable waste, rumen, in vitr
The Use of Vegetable Waste Silage Supplemented with Mineral and Alginate as Feeding for Sheep
The aim of the experiment was to find the most appropriate supplement for sheep fed on vegetable waste silage???based diet to produce better weight gain. Sixteen male local sheep (average body weight of 13.27+2.82 kg ) were randomly divided into four groups according to completely randomised design. Each group received one of four treatments i.e. T0 (50% field grass + 50% concentrate), T1 (50% silage of vegetable waste + 50% concentrate), T2 (T1 diet + mineral Zn 20 ppm, Cr 2 ppm), and T3 ( T2 diet + 1% alginate). After two weeks of preliminary period, sheep were subjected to 12 weeks of observation. In general, the vegetable waste silage based diet (T1,T2, T3) resulted in better crude protein (CP) intake and weight gain than the T0 diet. Each treatment of T0, T1, T2, and T3 resulted in Protein consumption of 36,48 ; 45,81 ; 53,59 ; 40,75 g, and weight gain of 75; 105; 121; 109 g/day, respectively. Mineral supplementation (T2) resulted in higher rates of weight gain and feed efficiency compared to the mixed mineral and alginate supplementation (T3), therefore leading to the conclusion that only Zn and Cr mineral supplementation is needed for the vegetable waste silage used as sheep ruminant feed
Determination of Tannin and Saponin Dosage for Defaunation Improvement Feed Fermentability
The research was conducted to evaluate the effect of addition of tannin, saponin or combination of tannin and saponin to the concentrate of the ration on the microbial population and fermentability of feed in vitro and to assess the best dosage of uses. The research was arranged according to completely randomized design with four treatments and 3 replications. The treatments were ration without tannin and saponin (T0), ration with 1.2% saponin (T1), ration with 0.5% tannin and 0.9% saponin (T2), ration with 1% tannin and 0.6% saponin, (T3), ration with 1.5% tannin and saponin 0.3% (T4) and ration with 2% tannin and 0% saponin. the results of the experiment showed that the addition of the tannin, saponin or their combination altered microbial population in the rumen. Protozoas population decreased significantly whereas bacterial population was increased. NH3 production increased while ratio of acetaic to propionic acid tended to decrease. Total gas production increased 62.59-69.35 ml/200 mg of dry matter. The addition of 1% tannin and 0.6 % saponin shows the best effect to control protozoa population and feed fermentability in the rumen
Konsumsi Dan Produksi Protein Susu Sapi Perah Laktasi Yang Diberi Suplemen Temulawak (Curcuma Xanthorrhiza) Dan Seng Proteinat
The research aims to study the response of temulawak and Zn proteinate as feed supplementation on feed intake and milk protein production of dairy cow. The diets consist by elephant grass, field grass, tofu waste and concentrate that content TDN 65% and CP 15% (10-15 liter milk production). The materials used were 16 dairy cow (PFH) lactation. This research used was Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 4 treatments and 4 groups. Parameters observed were dry matter intake, crude protein intake, milk protein level and milk protein production. The data obtained were then analyzed using varians analyzed and then using Duncan to test the different between the treatment. The result showed that temulawak can be produced dry matter intake higher than control (12,61 kg vs 12,45 kg) but produced crude protein intake lower than control (1798 g vs 1802 g), whereas Zn proteinat can be produced dry matter intake not different with control (12,51 kg vs 12,45 kg) but produced crude protein intake higher than control (1827 g vs 1802 g). Combination of temulawak and Zn proteinat can produced the highest dry matter intake (12,70 kg) and crude protein intake higher than control (1826 g vs 1802 g). Although no significantly in statistic, supplementation of Zn proteinate (T2) was able to produced the highest milk protein production, whereas supplementation of Curcuma xanthorrhiza decreased milk protein production (T1 and T3). Milk protein production did not significantly of T0, T1, T2, and T3 (268 g, 246 g, 324 g, and 296 g). Based on the result in this research, it could be concluded that the supplementation of temulawak were increased dry matter intake, but decreased milk protein production. Supplementation of Zn proteinate were not increased dry matter intake, but increased milk protein production. Both of the supplemen have been able to increased dry matter, crude protein intake and milk protein production
Aplikasi Pakan Komplit dan Penanganan Limbah Kandang Guna Peningkatan Produktivitas Ternak Domba di Desa Tegalurung Kecamatan Bulu Kabupaten Temangung
ABSTRAKKegiatan pengabdian bertujuan untuk melatih peternak tentang pengolahan limbah pertanian menjadi pakan komplit dan melatih peternak memanfaatkan limbah kandang menjadi biogas dan pupuk organik. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendidikan dan penyuluhan, praktek pembuatan pakan komplit dan pembuatan biogas. Hasil yang diperoleh dari kegiatan ini adalah peternak merasakan manfaat yang besar dengan mengikuti kegiatan penyuluhan dan praktek pembuatan pakan komplit, biogas dan pupuk organik. Pembuatan pakan komplit dengan menggunakan bahan pakan lokal, disusun mengandung TDN 63% dan PK 13%. Uji pakan secara biologis dilakukan pada 2 ekor domba milik peternak di KUB Berkah, dan hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa pemberian pakan komplit mampu meningkatkan pertambahan bobot badan domba yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan pemberian hijauan rumput saja, yakni 92 gram/ekor/hari. Pembuatan instalasi biogas berhasil dilakukan di KUB Berkah dengan kapasitas 6 kubik dengan menggunakan digester tunggal, bersifat permanen. Slurry dari limbah biogas dimanfaatkan sebagai pupuk cair. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil adalah pembuatan pakan komplit dari limbah pertanian dapat meningkatkan pertambahan bobot badan domba dan pembuatan biogas dapat meningkatkan kesehatan ternak serta meningkatkan pendapatan peternak
Pengembangan Senam Pencak Silat Bagi siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dan pengembangan (research and de\'elopment) yang bertujuan untuk menghasilkan. produk berupa bahan pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani materi pencak silat yang dikemas dalam bentuk rangkaian gerak senam aerobik berbasis gerakan pencak silat yang adaptable bagi siswa SMP.
Pengembangan media ini dilakukan melalui tahapan: pendahulu~n, pengembangan produk, uji lapangan dan diseminasi. Setelah melalui tahap pengembangan dihasilkan produk awal yang divalidasi oleh ahli materi senam dan pencaksilat, kemudian diujicobakan dengan kelompok kecil dan kelompok besar. Subjek uji coba produk adalah siswa SMPN 4 Gamping, Sleman Yogyakarta. Data dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner dan observasi. Data berupa hasil penilaian mengenai kualitas produk, saran untuk perbaikan produk, dan data kualitatif lainnya. Saran-saran yang diperoleh digunakan sebagai dasar untuk merevisi produk.
Hasil penelitian ini adalah terciptanya rangkaian gerak senam aerobik pencaksilat yang layak digunakan untuk pembelajaran pencak silat di sekolah. Kualitas produk dinilai ahli materi termasuk sangat baik, ujicoba kelompok kecil sangat baik, dan ujicoba lapangan tennasuk kategori baik
he Effect of the Use of L. plantarum Starter on a Complete Ration Silage Made from Water Hyacinth on Consumption of Nitrogen Free Extract (NFE), Partial Volatile Fatty Acids (VFA) Production, Methane Production, and Blood Glucose Concentration of Sheep
This study aimed to determine the use of L. plantarum starter on a complete ration silage made from water hyacinth on consumption of nitrogen free extract (NFE), partial volatile fatty acids (VFA) production, methane production, and blood glucose concentration of sheep. This study used fifteen rams (12 months old with an average body weight of 19 ± 3.98 kg). Sheep were randomly divided into 3 groups of treatment rations, namely the group given: concentrate ration and elephant grass (T0), complete ration silage provided without the addition of L. plantarum starter (T1), and complete ration silage provided with the addition of L. plantarum starter (T2). Ration was formulated isocaloric and isoprotein (CP 13%, TDN 65%). The results showed that the consumption of NFE, the concentration of propionic acid, butyric acid and blood glucose before and post feeding was not significantly different, whereas the concentration of acetic acid, the ratio of C2:C3 and methane production was significantly different (P<0,05) among treatments. The concentration of acetic acid of treatment T0, T1 and T2 was 36.52, 28.86, and 32.43 mM, respectively. Methane concentration was 19.95, 16.08, 17,55 mM, respectively for T0, T1, T2 and glucose concentration was 45.50, 70.30, and 53.24 mg/dl, for treatment T0, T1, T2, respectively. In conclusion, provision of silage ration complete which was provided with or and without L. plantarum starter was much better compared to control ration, (concentrates with elephant grass)
Kualitas Susu Kambing Perah Peranakan Ettawa yang Diberi Suplementasi Protein Terproteksi dalam Wafer Pakan Komplit Berbasis Limbah Agroindustri
The objectives of this research were to evaluate the effect of protected protein supplementation in complete feed wafer based on agroindustrial by-product on milk quality of Ettawa Crossbreed goat. This research were conducted from January to May 2012 at PT. Tossa Agro, Feed Technology Laboratorium and Feed Science Laboratorium of Animal Science and Agriculture Faculty of Diponegoro University, Semarang. The research used 15 Ettawa Crossbreed goat of first and second lactation with body weight 39,13±7,22 kg. The ration formulas consist of corn straw, corn cob, rice bran, peanut bark, dried cassava, wheat bran, dried coconut, molasses, calcit, starvit, salt, protected protein supplement Soyxyl and Go Pro. The studies were assigened by Block Randomized Design into 3 treatments and 5 groups. The treatments were level of protected protein supplementation in complete feed wafer consist of T0 (0%, as control), T1 (4%) and T2 (8%). The variables observed were milk quality (lactose, protein, fat and solid non fat) milk. The result of this study showed that the supplementation of protected protein significantly (p<0,05) increased the lactose, protein and fat milk, but had no significant effect on the solid non fat milk. It was concluded that protected protein supplementation into complete feed wafer based on agroindustrial by-product as Ettawa Crossbreed goat ration could be increased level of lactose, protein and fat milk. The best technology of protected protein supplementation in complete feed wafer were 8%