72 research outputs found

    CHILDREN EDUCATION IN THE ISLAMIC FAMILY A Study Of Tuhfah Al Maudud Bi Ahkam Al MauludBy Ibn Qayyim Al Jauziyyah

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    This study aimed to reveal how IbnQayyim al-Jawziyyah thought about the education of children in Islamic families as in his paper Tuhfah al Maudud bi Ahkam al Maulud. There are three problem formulations proposed in this study: first, how the intellectual social conditions of writing the book Tuhfah al Maudud bi Ahkam al Maulud; Second, how is the thinking about the education of children in the Islamic family contained in the book of Tuhfah al-Maudud bi Ahkam al-Maulud; Third, how relevant the idea is to contemporary Islamic education. This research is library research; And using a social history approach; The steps are taken: first, collecting reference works, grouped into two: primary and secondary sources (other sources in the same theme are used as a complement); Second, using content analysis methods, with the steps: first, reading the text and giving a brief note on the margin when it finds the required information; Second, categorize and identify each item according to a cognate theme; Third, comparing all categories, both major and minor; Fourth, after all data is categorized into categories large and small, review, to ensure that the information is categorized as appropriate; Fifth, re-examine the original text, and ensure that all the information that needs to be categorized has all been listed; Sixth, material analysis, interpretation, and meaning. Furthermore, Ibn al-Qayyim's ideas on child education are analyzed by taking into account the potential relevance for today's education. The findings of this study: first, where during Ibn al-Qayyim's lifetime, the political, social, and educational conditions were in an unstable state. Second: education for children in Ibn al-Qayyim's thinking as stated in his paper Tuhfah al-Maudud bi Ahkam al Maulud consists of: moral education for children; Aqidah education for children; And education of worship for children. Third: education for children according to Ibn al-Qayyim's thought is still relevant, evidenced by the similarity of discussion and practice of education in today's world

    Model Integrasi Keilmuan Dalam Pengembangan Kurikulum Pada PTAIN Setelah Beralih Menjadi UIN

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi bagaimana masingmasing UIN merumuskan konsep integrasi keilmuan.dan untuk mengidentifikasi model pegembangan kurikulum secara gagasan, dokumen, proses, dan hasil berkaitan dengan integrasi keilmuan pada masing-masing UIN. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dalam bidang pendidikan. Subjek atau lokasi penelitian ditetapkan secara purposive sampling, yakni dari 7 (tujuh) PTAIN yang baru berubah menjadi UIN (alih status tahun 2017) ditetapkan 3 (tiga) PTAIN yakni: UIN Imam Bonjol Padang, UIN Antasari Banjarmasin, dan UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik wawancara, observasi dan telaah dokumen. Data yang diperoleh berbagai sumber dianalisis dengan cara pertama mereduksi data baik dari hasil wawancara, observasi dan dokumen, lalu mendisplay data sebelum dilakukan penarikan kesimpulannya. Model analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model yang digunakan oleh Miles dan Huberman. Untuk menjamin keabsahan data penelitian ini, peneliti melakukan perpanjangan keikutsertaan (participation) di lapangan. Selain itu, peneliti juga melakukan tri-anggulasi data. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: 1) Proses pengintegrasian keilmuan di UIN Iman Bonjol Padang, UIN Antasari Banjarmasin dan UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten, yaitu hampir sama. Proses pengintegrasian keilmuan dilakukan dengan cara: pengintegrasian pada kurikulum, pengintegrasian dalam kegiatan perkuliahan, membuat workshop atau seminar terkait pengintegrasian ilmu di kalangan dosen, melakukan join research dan pengabdian masyarakat. 2) Model integrasi keilmuan yang ada pada masing-masing UIN bervariasi, yaitu UIN Imam Bonjol Padang dengan istilah sarang lebah memiliki paradigma integrasi interaksi dialogis, UIN Antasari Banjarmasin dengan sungai pengetahuannya memegang teguh empat pilar integrasi, yaitu: integrasi dinamis, integrasi Islam dan kebangsaan, berbasis lokal, berwawasan global. Dan UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten dengan istilah term menggunakan paradigma integrasi-komparatifdifusi. Lebih lanjut, paradigma tersebut dikembangkan dalam kurikulum masing-masing UIN. UIN Imam Bonjol Padang menggunakan pedekatan integrasi interaksi dialogis, UIN Antasari Banjarmasin menggunakan pendekatan integrasi multidisipliner ilmu, dan UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin menggunakan pendekatan link and match


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    Abstact: The Principles of Learning in Islam. The present condition of Islamic education betrays its classical golden age, when Islam developed highly sophisticated system of education. The present ineffectiveness and inefficiency of Islamic learning was resulted partly from poor quality of learning system. The present author tries to extract from past experiences of Muslim some of the most important learning principles, believing that they can be reintroduced into the present Islamic education activities. The author argues that despite the fact that they were products of past time, they can still be relevant for the present time. Kata Kunci: prinsip, pembelajaran, Isla


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    The moral development material for the Salafiyah dayah in North Aceh Regency is in the form of turats (bald books) written by various scholars from the Ahlussunnah wal Jamaah circles, starting from Tambih al-Ghafilin, Taisir al-Khalaq, Ta'lim al-Muta' scholars, Muraqi al-Ubudiyyah, Siraj al-Thalibin, Syarah al-Hikam and Ihya Ulum al-Din. The content of moral development material includes: 1) Morals towards Allah swt., in carrying out monotheism, worship, and reading the Koran. 2) Morals with fellow humans which include morals towards both parents, teachers, fellow students and the opposite sex. 3) Morals with the environment which includes morals towards animals and plants.Keywords: Moral of Thalabah, Dayah Salafiya

    Model Pembelajaran Tahfizh Al-Qur’an pada Dayah Ar Raudhah Tahfizh Al-Qur’an Kota Lhokseumawe

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    This study examines the Tahfizh Al-Qur’an Learning Model. The object of his research is Dayah Ar Raudhah Tahfizh Al-Qur’an Lhokseumawe. Where there is a uniqueness in Dayah Ar Raudhah, namely in the learning model that is carried out which has been proven to have been able to print Al-Qur’an memorization cadres in a shorter time compared to tahfizh Al-Qur’an educational institutions in general. This study aims to analyze the Tahfizh Al-Qur’an learning model at Dayah Ar Raudhah Tahfiz Al-Qur’an Lhokseumawe, Blang mangat District. The type of research used in this research is a qualitative research type. Data collection techniques are carried out through: Observation, interviews and documentation studies. The data analysis technique was carried out by means of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that, first, the learning model of Dayah Tahfizh Al-Qur’an Ar Raudhah Lhokseumawe used the Ottoman Turkish tahfizh model or known as the backward sequence model with a standard time of memorizing 30 juz for 20. Second, the implementation of the Dayah Tahfizh Al-Qur' learning model. An Ar Raudhah Lhokseumawe was carried out in several stages. The first stage, known as the pre-tahfizh program for 6 months. The second stage, memorizing with the Ottoman model that has been set, is carried out in several steps, (1) Talib reads repeatedly the page to be memorized. (2) Memorizing verse by verse by dividing 1 page into 3 parts, 1 part consisting of 5 lines of verses from the Qur'an, then memorizing 5 lines of verses from the Qur'an from the bottom to the top 5 lines of the beginning of the verse. (3) the memorization of the first round starts from the last page of juz 1 then juz the last page of juz 2, until the last page of juz 30, after that it is continued with the second round starting from the second last page of juz second to the penultimate page of juz the second last page of juz 30 so so on until it's finished. The third stage, the evaluation stage is carried out through 2 stages. The first stage, each talib depositing memorization to his ustadz. The assessment is based on fluency, makaharijul letters and tajwid. Third, constraints in the application of the tahfizh learning model to Dayah Ar Raudhah Tahfizh Al-Qur’an Lhokseumawe. first, feeling difficult when starting to memorize the Qur'an, because memorizing the Qur'an from the last page of each juz. And have to start from the beginning for the talib who had previously memorized the Qur'an. Second, can't confirm or determine how many juz memorized because the system is round

    Inclusive Islamic Education In The Darul Amin Border of Tenggara Aceh

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    The problem that is analyzed in this article is about the concept and implementation of inclusive Islamic education in the Darul Amin Border Dayah in Southeast Aceh. This research is a qualitative study with a phenomenological approach by examining how the functions of the implementation of inclusive Islamic education in the Dayah Border Darul Amin Aceh Tenggara. Inclusive Islamic education in Dayah Border Darul Amin is integrated into the implementation of the dayah curriculum, both the dayah curriculum, the formal curriculum, the informal curriculum and the non-formal curriculum. Inclusive values instilled in dayah daily life are the values of tolerance, togetherness, mutual assistance, respect for differences and leadership based on Islamic values. The essence of inclusive Islamic education in the Darul Amin Border Dayah is the leader of the ummah and the generation of Muslim believers who are highly virtuous, knowledgeable, free-thinking and devoted to society


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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran pendidikan agama Islam dalam keluarga danmasyarakat. Bagaimana faktor-faktor penyebab remaja melakukan tindakan kenakalan remaja dan implementasiyang tepat untuk dilakukan di lingkungan VIII Bandar Selamat yang diharapkan dapat memberikan informasidan pengetahuan tentang kenakalan remaja sehingga dapat mengurangi masalah sosial penyebab kenakalanremaja. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus, yaitu penelitianyang berusaha mendeskripsikan kejadian di lapangan sebagaimana adanya. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkanbahwa penerapan pendidikan agama di dalam keluarga pada remaja dapat membentuk mereka padaperilaku yang sebenarnya.Pendidikan yang harus diberikan kepada remaja adalah pendidikan ketauhidan,keyakinan atau keimanan kepada Allah SWT yang dalam istilah lain disebut juga dengan akidah. Pendidikanakidah ini adalah pendidikan yang mendasar dan harus mendapatkan perhatian lebih dari para pendidik.Kemudian diikuti oleh pendidikan yang berkenaan dengan masalah ibadah, akhlak, dan syariah, selanjutnyaadalah pendidikan yang berkaitan dengan pengembangan potensi dan keintelektualan para remaja itu sendiri.Kata kunci: pendidikan, agama, remaja, keluarga, masyarakat
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