21 research outputs found

    Bauran Promosi Mempengaruhi Pengambilan Keputusan Mahasiswa Memilih Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu

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    This study aims to determine advertising (X1), sales promotion (X2) personal selling (X3) publicity (X4) direct marketing (X5) partially and simultaneously have a significant effect on student decision making choosing Muhammadiyah University Bengkulu. This study uses a quantitative approach with explanatory research methods, primary data sources through questionnaires, secondary data from information publications and other sources. Questionnaires were distributed to 193 research samples from 2018-2019 students. The results showed that of the five promotion mix variables, there were three variables that partially had a significant effect on student decision making, namely advertising, public relations, and direct marketing variables, while those that had no significant effect were sales promotion and personal selling variables. Simultaneously the promotion mix includes advertising (X1), sales promotion (X2), personal selling (X3), public relations (X4) and direct marketing (X5) have a significant effect on student decision making. Keywords: Promotional Mix, Choice Decisio

    Analisis Program Galeri Budaya Nusantara (GAYARA) Radio Republik Idonesia dalam Meningkatkan Pemahaman Masyarakat terhadap Budaya Nasional

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    The purpose of this study is to find out how the analysis of GAYARA broadcast programs increases people's understanding of national culture in terms of pre-production, production, and post-production processes and also to find out how people understand after hearing GAYARA broadcast programs. The research method uses a descriptive qualitative approach with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. Sources of research data are taken from primary data sources and secondary data sources. The results of the study indicate that the process of implementing the GAYARA broadcast program production has been going quite well and the listeners of the GAYARA broadcast program know and understand more about the culture in Indonesia. The conclusion of the research is that the GAYARA broadcast program has the aim of providing information and understanding related to national culture to the public, one of which is regarding the art culture of madihin and messages of mande.   Keywords: Community Understanding, National Culture

    Hoax dan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Pengguna Sosial Media

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Hoax dan tanggung jawab sosial pengguna sosial media. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Hoax paling banyak ditemukan di sosial media karena informasi atau pesan dalam bentuk konten di sosial media dapat disampaikan secara langsung oleh pengguna kepada pengguna lainnya secara mudah dan cepat, tanpa adanya penyaringan pihak ketiga, maupun tanpa adanya pemeriksaan fakta dan kebenaran informasi. Kemampuan literasi media kepada pengguna sosial akan menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan media, harus disertai dengan kemampuan dalam menganalisis pesan media, menggunakan media secara cerdas, dan cermat. Tanggung jawab sosial merujuk pada tindakan dan rasa tanggung jawab, tidak hanya pada diri kita sendiri, tapi juga kaitannya dengan orang lain. Simpulan penelitian bahwa dalam menggunakan media sosial perlu memastikan kebenaran informasi agar tidak menyesatkan orang lain atu bahkan membawa dampak negatif bagi orang lain.   Kata Kunci: Hoax, Literasi Media, Pengguna, Sosial Media, Tanggung Jawab Sosial &nbsp

    Simulasi Sistem Antrian pada SPBU 14.236.100 Menggunakan Promodel

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    Has done a simulation for system queues at gas stations with observation for 3 hours. From the calculation of the data, obtained the arrival rate of 115 customers per hour and service levels for three fueling facilities as 140.48%. By performing simulation using ProModel software, obtained total customer arrival as 540 customers over 3 hours of simulation. With a utilization rate of 7.17% for the first facility; 6.42% for the second facility and 5.48% for the third facility. The average time of arrival at the first facility is for 0.9 minutes, a second facility for 0.6 minutes and the third facility for 0.4 minutes.Keywords: Simulation, Utilization, Queue System


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    The rapid development of the covid-19 virus requires learning and teaching to be carried out online or remotely, the online learning process is carried out to break the chain of spreading the covid-19 virus. In the application of online learning STAIN Tengku Dirundeng Meulaboh uses an e-learning application developed with a codeigniter framework. The use of the existing MVC method in the Codeigniter framework can facilitate the development of e-learning applications that must adapt to user needs, therefore a study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of STAIN Tengku Dirundeng Meulaboh e-learning users during the Covid-19 pandemic. Measuring the effectiveness of this is done through a questionnaire by asking several questions to measure user satisfaction based on the End User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS) method. Based on the research results, it was found that 94% of e-learning users were greatly helped in the learning process and the level of user satisfaction was 85%

    Studi Komparatif Kitab Al-Khilā€™ah Al-Fikriyyah bi Syarh Al-Minhah Al-Khairiyyah dan kitab Al-Arbaā€™Å«na Al-Buldāniyyah Arbaā€™Å«na HadÄ«tsan ā€˜an Arbaā€™Ä«na Syaikhan min Arbaā€™Ä«na Baladan

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    The study of hadith book is important and must be preserved in order to enrich the knowledge about hadith, one of them is the study of book of Al-Arba'in namely the Al-Fikriyyah Al-Khil'ah book bi Syarh Al-Minhah Al-Khairiyyah by Syaikh MahfÅ«dz Al-TirmasÄ« and the book Al-Arba'Å«na Al-Buldāniyyah Arba'Å«na HadÄ«tsan 'an Arba'Ä«na Syaikhan min Arba'Ä«na Baladan by Syaikh Yasin Al-Fādāī. Based on the results of the study, there are differences in motivation and drafting methods of these two hadith books. The compilation of the Al-Khil'ah Al-Fikriyyah book is due to the existence of the Al-Bukhari Tsulatsiyat book which numbered 22 hadiths, so that the author was motivated to complete it into 40 hadiths which as a whole had a high sanad (isnad ā€˜ali). While the method of composing the book Al-Khil'ah Al-Fikriyyah was compiled with the names of books starting from Kutub Al-Sittah, Al-Muwatha 'and Tsulatsiyat al-Bukhari. The motivation for compiling the book Al-Arba'Å«na Al-Buldāniyyah was that Syaikh Yasin Al-FadānÄ« should facilitate Muslims in response to the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad. While the method of compiling the book al-Arba'Å«na al-Buldāniyyah was the traditions listed therein purely the traditions of the nabawiyyah and arranged in a juz model (part), it made it seemed simpler. The location of the equations of the two books of the hadith is the existence of syarh (explanatory) on each hadith, the number of hadiths, and the sanad that arrived at the Prophet Muhammad. In terms of scientific quality, Sheikh Mahfudz Al-Tirm and Sheikh Yasin Al-Fadani received much recognition from both Arab scholars and the archipelago as scholars who mastered various disciplines, especially Hadith


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        In this technological era, it is effortless to be exposed to radicalism and terrorism. Moreover, Aceh, a former conflict area, is considered very worthy of being declared violent by certain groups. Moreover, this understanding will enter the dayah environment, affecting the students. The research entitled Da'wah is about cultivating character values ā€‹ā€‹and their relevance to preventing radicalism among students in Aceh Jaya Regency. Using qualitative research methods, data were collected through interviews, documentation and observations in several dayahs in Aceh Jaya District. The study results reveal that the views of the dayah ulama in Aceh Jaya reject radicalism and terrorism. To prevent the exposure of radicalism among the santri, the dayah ulama in Aceh Jaya district carried out da'wah to instill character values ā€‹ā€‹in students through the exemplary attitude of the dayah ulama. Encourage students to get used to memorizing the Qur'an and recitation of the yellow book. Moreover, the cultivation of character values ā€‹ā€‹through activities to commemorate significant holidays

    Perbandingan Teknik Klasifikasi Untuk Memprediksi Kualitas Kinerja Karyawan

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    This study was conducted to compare several classification techniques used to determine the quality of employee performance. the quality of employee performance is very influential on the development of a company, there are many attributes that are used as a measure of employee performance the more attributes used then the better the results of the quality of assessment performed. to get maximum result hence done by comparison of technique of classification, comparison done by seeing result of performance of method used. method used by algorithm C4.5, Naive Bayes, and k-nearest neighbors, method to be used will be tested using tool rapid miner

    Binary Logistic Regression Modeling on Net Income of Pagar Alam Coffee Farmers

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    Pagar Alam Coffee is a Besemah coffee originating from the Smallholder Plantation in South Sumatra, Indonesia. The majority of Pagar Alam coffee farming is a hereditary business. Coffee farmers' income is very dependent on coffee production, production costs, and coffee prices. This study aims to obtain a probability model of Pagar Alam coffee farmers income based on the factors that influence it. The independent variables studied were the number of dependents, economic conditions, number of trees, age of trees, frequency of fertilizer used, frequency of pesticide used, production at harvest time, production outside harvest time, number of women workers outside the family, minimum price of coffee, maximum price of coffee, farmers' gross income, and land productivity. Modeling used binary logistic regression method on 179 respondents. There were three methods used, i.e. enter method, forward and backward methods. The model using enter method results the greatest prediction accuracy which is 87.7%. The factors that have a significant influence on the net income of Pagar Alam coffee farmers are gross income, land productivity, and the number of women workers from outside the family. The most influential variable is gross income