52 research outputs found


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    Popularitas Garut sebagai tujuan utama pariwisata pada periode akhir kolonial menarik minat para pelaku usaha akomodasi untuk merintis usaha-usaha mereka di kawasan ini. Semenjak itu Garut berkembang menjadi salah satu episentrum persebaran hotel-hotel pegunungan (berghotel) yang menawarkan akomodasi bagi para wisatawan. Kondisi tersebut memicu terjadinya persaingan di antara mereka. Artikel ini berfokus pada strategi hotel-hotel pegunungan di Garut dalam menjaring lalu lintas wisatawan. Sumber yang digunakan adalah buku-buku, surat kabar, majalah, buku panduan wisata, dan catatan perjalanan sezaman. Dengan menggunakan metode sejarah, hasil dari kajian ini menunjukan bahwa dalam menyiasati tekanan persaingan untuk mendapatkan wisatawan, hotel-hotel pegunungan di Garut menempuh berbagai strategi melalui pengembangan inovasi dan bentuk-bentuk kolaborasi.

    Industries and Tribal: Erosion of Their Ethos

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    Tribal issue is a matter of global concern. In India around 8.8% of the total population consist of tribal. They are of primitive human civilisation of India. The major tribes in India are the Gonds, the Bhils, the Santals, the Oraons, the Minas and the Mundas. Eighty percent of the tribes are found in the central region of India. ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­If we look back in the history of pre-independent India, the tribes’ position was not in much privileged; they are intended for the laborious job, a kind of slaves under the British colonials. Later on, a decade of independence, unfortunately there are virtually no alterations in the present socio-economic scenario of the tribe’s conditions. Tribes are treated as outsiders and unwanted in their own homeland by the modern capitalist’s society. In the process of national development tribes and their cultural identity is badly affected as compared to any other community as the second Five Year Plan was modelled on the idea of either industrialisation or perish, providing the front seat of debates and decision only to the economic issues. Tribal areas have been comprehended as the heaven of natural resources by the industrial houses and investors. As a consequence, thousands of industrial projects are installed by the investors in or near these tribal areas for the rude fabrics of the yields. And the tribes were disowned from their lands and homes; forced to migrate from their traditional sources of livelihood – Jal, Jungal and Zamin, leaving their culture, tradition and identity to a critical stage. This paper concentrates on the impact of industrialization in the tribal regions and their economic and social inclusion in the mainstream resulting in their dichotomy of existence and alienation

    KELAS KUAT KAYU TUMIH (Combretocarpus rotundatus (Miq.) Danser) BERDASARKAN BAGIAN BATANG (The the physical and mechanical Properties of Tumih Wood Based on Section Stem)

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    Tumih wood (Combretocarpus rotundatus (Miq.) Danser) is classified as an unknown type of wood which is widely grown in peat swamp forests in Central Kalimantan. This study aims to analyze the physical properties and mechanical properties of wood in axial and radial directions so that they can be utilized properly. The results of the study resulted in fresh water content and dry air content of wood air, each of which was 71,58% and 19,33%, kiln dry weight 0,72, tangential shrinkage 9,68%, radial shrinkage 5,02% and longitudinal shrinkage 0,19%. Testing of mechanical properties resulted in a flexural firmness of 618,33 kg/cm2, compressive strength parallel to the fiber 333,27kg/cm2, shear constancy 92,02 kg/cm2, hardness 355,60 kg/cm2, and stiffness at 19,50kg/cm2. Based on the Indonesian Wood Construction Regulations Standard (PKKI) NI 5-1961 tumih wood is included as a strong class III of Indonesian wood, so it is quite well used for home building raw materials, beams, floor and wall boards, door/window frames, and furniture


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    Penelitian skripsi ini dilatarbelakangi oleh ketertarikan penulis pada kajian sejarah lokal, terutama berkaitan dengan kiprah para “putra daerah” yang hampir tak pernah terjamah dalam rekaman sejarah bangsa. Bagi penulis, Soetisna Sendjaja merupakan seorang “putra daerah” yang berandil besar dalam perjuangan orang Sunda pada masa pergerakan nasional. Oleh karena itu, rekam jejak perjuangan dan pemikirannya menarik apabila ditelusuri lebih lanjut dalam suatu penelitian. Selanjutnya, penelitian skripsi ini hendak mengungkap pemikiran dari Soetisna Sendjaja selama tahun 1918-1942, yang mana dalam kurun waktu tersebut merupakan panggung bagi Soetisna Sendjaja dalam kancah perjuangan politik dan pergerakan. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian skripsi ini adalah metode historis yang dilakukan melalui empat tahapan, yaitu heuristik, kritik, interpretasi dan historiografi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan, bahwa Soetisna Sendjaja merupakan salah seorang motor utama perjuangan politik Paguyuban Pasundan Tasikmalaya dan Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Tasikmalaya pada masa pergerakan nasional. Soetisna Sendjaja berhasil merespon berbagai paham modern seperti nasionalisme, sosialisme, serta pengaruh islamisme yang mulai berkembang di Indonesia pada saat itu. Konsep-konsep pemikirannya tentang masalah kebangsaan, kemerdekaan, sosial kemasyarakatan, demokrasi, ekonomi, hingga masalah-masalah yang berkaitan dengan sosial-religiositas telah menjadikan Soetisna Sendjaja sebagai representasi kebangkitan pemikiran orang Sunda modern pada permulaan abad ke-20. This research was motivated by the writer’s interest in the study of local history, related to the pace of "origin inhabitant" especially which almost never touched in the national history record. My opinion, Soetisna Sendjaja is an "origin inhabitant" which had great contribute in the struggle the Sundanese during the national movement especially. So, it would be interesting if the track record of his struggle and thought traced further into a research. Furthermore, this research will reveal the thoughts of Soetisna Sendjaja in the period 1918-1942, according this period is the time of Soetisna Sendjaja played a role in the political struggle and movement. So it would be important and interesting to study in a research. The research method used by the writer is a historical method which is done by four stages, there are heuristics, criticism, interpretation and historiography. Based on the result, Soetisna Sendjaja is an important political struggle figure of Paguyuban Pasundan Tasikmalaya and Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Tasikmalaya who played an important role in the struggle of Indonesian nation during the national movement. Soetisna Sendjaja was able to absorb various modern understandings such as nationalism, socialism, and the influence of Islam that began to develop in Indonesia. Then his thoughts of nationalism, freedom, social, democracy, economic, issues related to social-religiosity become Soetisna Sendjaja's thoughts represented the rise of modern Sundanese thought in the early of the 20th century

    Thin layer drying behaviour of fermented cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) beans

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    [EN] To assess the impact of a rest interval and bean turning on the thin-layer drying behavior of fermented cocoa beans, beans of mixed Trinitario varieties were dried in a cabinet oven at three temperatures (40, 50, 60°C) using three drying regimes, namely; continuous drying, intermittent drying (drying for 8h with a rest period of 16h), and intermittent drying with turning of beans. Moisture content, water activity, pH and colour attributes were measured and sensory evaluation of the cocoa liquor carried out on selected samples. Drying curves were constructed and drying rate constants (k) and effective diffusivity (Deff) values determined.The authors would like to acknowledge the Campus Research and Publication Fund, Office of Graduate Studies and Research of the University of the West Indies, Saint Augustine Campus, for funding this research under the project: “The drying behaviour of sun and oven-dried cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) beans and the impact of drying methods and drying parameters on bean quality.”Mujaffar, S.; Ramroop, A.; Sukha, D. (2018). Thin layer drying behaviour of fermented cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) beans. En IDS 2018. 21st International Drying Symposium Proceedings. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 595-602. https://doi.org/10.4995/IDS2018.2018.7328OCS59560


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    This study aimed to examine household in goat keeping farms having more than two goats with respect to its viability, socioeconomic characteristics of the women goat keepers, contribution of small scale goat farming to food security and livelihood, identify major problems associated with small scale goat famers. The study had been conducted in 6 villages namely Kandhapara, Hossainpur, Merigai, Horinadi Shimulia and Nagua of Phulpur upazila in Mymensingh district. In total 60 farmers comprising 07 medium, 43 poor and 10 most vulnerable or extreme poor farmers were randomly for the study. Primary data were collected from the selected farmers by interview method. Both tabular and financial analyses were done to achieve the objectives. The study revealed that most of the women were poor with small family size. However they were young and literate. The study clearly indicated that investment in goat farming were viable. The annual total cost of production per Black Bengal goat was BDT. 3,374, while gross return and net return per household were BDT.21,276 and BDT.17,902 respectively. It was observed that livelihood increased dramatically through goat rearing in the study area. Annual food purchasing capacity increased from 20 to 28 percent. The social status of the farmer?s family increases. Educational status, festival, health facilities acceptance were increased at 19%, 26% and 28% through goat. The position in the family, participation in social activities, water facilities and sanitation also increased remarkably. The study also identified that the goat farmers had been facing some crucial problems with goat keeping. If these problems could be overcome, all the goat farms would be able to earn a higher level of that of the existing level. It was clearly found that the women who reared goat had the most rapid improvement in livelihood


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    This study aimed to explore the diversity levels of the Orchidacea family in the Koran River area of Sebangau National Park, Central Kalimantan. The research was conducted over a period of 8 months, from August 2021 to March 2022, and involved preparing research proposals, data collection, analysis, and result preparation, research result seminars, and final exams/thesis. The research tools and materials used included a camera, meter, writing tools, machete, compass, computer, calculator, location map, orchid literature book, and tali rapia. Primary data was collected through direct visits to the research location and analyzing orchid plants with the assistance of four field workers. Secondary data was obtained from the people of Central Kalimantan. Sampling of orchid plants was done using the Purposive Sampling technique, and the research plot was carried out using the path method. The study found three genera of orchids, namely Bulbophyllum, Dendrobium, and Eria, in the research area. Four types of orchids were found in the naturally overgrown path (line 1), and nine types of orchids were found in the orchid cultivation route (line 2). The variable data taken were types of terrestrial and epiphytic orchids. This study provides valuable information on the diversity of orchids in Sebangau National Park's Koran River area and highlights the importance of preserving this valuable natural resource

    Pengaruh Bagian Kayu dan Ketebalan Stiker pada Pengeringan Alami terhadap Sifat Fisika Kayu Gerunggang (Cratoxylon arborescens Bl.)

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    The existence of the wood needs to be considered so that the use of wood for a particular use needs to pay attention to the quality of wood, both for wood for building materials, furniture, panels, crafts and so on. The weakness of wood compared to substitutes such as metal and concrete is its hygroscopic nature. The aim of this study was to determinethe effect of wood parts treatment on axial direction and sticker thickness on natural drying time on changes in the physical properties of gerunggang wood (Cratoxylon arborescens Bl.). While the expected benefits are as information material for the wood processing industry and wood users to be able to dry the wood properly. The research was conducted at the Forest Products Technology Laboratory for 3 months. Cutting is done by dividing the length of the stem into 3 (three) equal parts in the axial position, namely the base (a1), middle (a2) and end (a3), each cut length ± 2 m for the board (example drying test) ) with ± 2 cm thick and ± 15 cm long for example test of moisture content, specific gravity and shrinkage. The results showed that the average value of fresh water content, saturated point moisture content, and air dry water content had a tendency to decrease in value from the base to the end of the stem. The natural dryingtime has an average tendency to dry more quickly from the base to the end of the stem, with drying times ranging from 28-40 days or an average of 33 days. The end of the wood with a thickness of 3,5 cm sticker dries faster (25 days) with a defect 1 broken edge. Parts of wood with a sticker thickness of 3,5 cm dries faster than the thickness of the stickers 2,5 cm and 1,5 cm. The results of measurements of (BJ) density of gerunggang wood averaged 0,55 including the medium group (BJ 0,4-0,6). Specific gravity has a tendency to increase in value from the base to the end of the rod with an uneven pattern including type 3. The tangential and radial direction shrinkage ratio of 1,88 is included in the medium classification, then gerunggang wood can be used for boards and lightweight construction under the roof, crates, furniture, plywood andconcrete molds. It is recommended to conduct further research on the possibility of using gerunggang wood for artificial boards.Keywords: drying, wood parts, physical properties, gerunggang
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