193 research outputs found

    Aktualisasi Penggunaan Metode dan Pengembangan Materi Nahwu di Pondok Pesantren Salafi Al-Fathaniyyah Serang

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    The background of the problem of the number of students studying Nahwu material shows that the Nahwu learning method tends to memorize the Nazham verse and the development of Nahwu material which tends to be traditional and editorial which is not functional and not contextual. This study aims to make an inventory of the Nahwu learning method developed at the Al-Fathaniyyah Islamic boarding school in Serang and the development of the Nahwu material developed at the Al-Fathaniyyah Islamic boarding school in Serang. Identifying the Nahwu learning method used by the Nahwu instructor and the development of the Nahwu. a Nahwu learning material developed in the classroom for students at the Al-Fathaniyah Islamic boarding school. This research methodology used an expository survey approach. This approach is carried out to describe the Nahwu learning method used by Nahwu instructors at the Al-Fathaniyyah Islamic boarding school and the development of Nahwu material that is conveyed to students in receiving Nahwu material which can be meaningful to students and teacher. Data collection techniques were obtained from interviews and observations of researchers in the field. The results of the study found that the Nahwu learning method in the process of delivering the Nahwu material is the al-tharîqah al-qiyâsiyyah method (deductive method). The process of presenting Nahwu material with the books studied at the Al-Fathaniyyah Islamic boarding school includes Jurûmiyyah, Matan Binâ, Mutammimah, 'Awâmil, and Matan Alfiyyah. The Nahwu first, then followed by examples that can clarify the rules that have been learned. Meanwhile, the development of Nahwu material as the "substance" of Arabic. The Nahwu material that was studied was passed through memorizing the verses of the Nahwu rules, starting from the book Imrithî to Ibn Malik's Alfiyyah, which was still quite dominant, and the orientation of Qawa'id learning still tended to be traditional and reduction, not functional and not contextual


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    AbstractAt Junior High School (known as SMP) Maarif 5 Metro, routine supervision conducted by researcher as the supervisor found that most of the teachers still carried out instructional process in a traditional way. Teachers practiced their class without making their own lesson plan. They had tendency to apply existed print out lesson plan and failed to do cooperative instruction. The instructional process was categorized low quality and the teachers’performance in teaching were not focusing on students centered with optimum cooperative model. The aim of the research were to improve supervisor’s ability in implementing academic supervision throughdemonstrationand to improve teachers’performance of SMP Maarif 5 Metro  practicing cooperative model in their classes in Academic Year 2015/2016.Subjects of the research were the teachers of SMP Maarif 5 Metro, there were 12 teachers involved, and divided into three groups. The object of the research was teachers’performance in applying various cooperative instructional methods. At the same time, the supervisor ability in implementing group supervision technique through demonstration technique. The research was done at odd semester, for four months, from July to September 2015.The researcher concluded that teachers’performance in implementing cooperative model at SMP Maarif 5 Metro could be improved through the optimization of demonstration technique. Findings support the conclusion are 58% sufficient category at cycle I reduced to 31% at cycle II. Good category 69% at cycle I increased to 83% at cycle II. Very good category increased to 17%. Some respondens, who previously disagreed, agreed that supervisors’performance was very good. It was so because good predicate became 58% and very good predicate became 42% from 0%. Key Words : Supervision, Demonstration, Cooperativ

    Cryosurgery Tool For Cataract Removal

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    The main objective of this project is to design and redesign the cryosurgery tool that is easy to transport and it is small and not bulky. This is based on problem statement that most of the tools that are being used nowadays are heavy and bulky and some of them are using electricity that needs big power source or large carbon dioxide storage cylinder that required larger space. An instrument system for performing surgery using subzero temperature which can be obtained by evaporating a liquefied gas near the tip of a probe. This invention pertains to a cryogenic surgical tool that is being used specifically in various surgical treatments. One specific application is meant for removing.which is one of method for surgery. In particular, these inventions relate to an ordinary cryogenic surgical tool that are small and can be hanled easily. This study consist of many objective such as the design, simulation using CFD software, finding temperature optimization and material selection

    Majâz Dalam Pandangan Abd Al-Qahir Al-Jurjani

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    The development of balaghah as a field of Arabic studies cannot be separated from the study of the i'jaz al-Qur'an itself. It was started by Abu Ubaidah Mu'ammar Ibn al-Matsna (W. 210H) who wrote the book titled Majầz al-Qur’ần. The word majầz is the first study to be used in the history of balaghah studies. This study is very related to the discipline of balaghah which includes al-Bay'n, al-Ma'ầni, and Badi ’, even sharf science and nahwu science. The objectives of this study are: (1) to know the biography of Abdul Qahir al-Jurjani and the history of his thoughts about asrầr balầghah; revealed the majầz theory in asrầr balầghah according to Abdul Qầhir al-Jurjầni along with examples in the Qur'ān. This research uses descriptive analytic qualitative with literature review literature. The results of the study are: (1) Abdul Q -hir al-Jurjầni an expert balầghah in the study of asrầr balầghah elaborates in detail about the concept of maj (z, (2) The concept of majầz describes the Metaphor (isti'ầrah), Comparative Art (tasybὶh), Parable (matsal) ), equation (tamtsil).Perkembangan balaghah sebagai satu bidang kajian bahasa Arab, tidak lepas dari kajian i’jaz al-Qur’an itu sendiri. Diawali oleh Abu Ubaidah Mu’ammar Ibn al-Matsna (W. 210H)yang menulis buku judul Majầz al-Qur’ần. Kata majầz ini merupakan kajian pertama kali yang digunakan dalam sejarah kajian balaghah. Kajian ini sangat berkaitan dengan disiplin ilmu balaghah yang meliputi al-Bayần, al-Ma’ầni, dan Badi’, bahkan ilmu sharf dan ilmu nahwu. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) mengetahui biografi Abdul Qahir al-Jurjani dan sejarah pemikirannya tentang asrầr balầghah; mengungkapkan teori majầz dalam asrầr balầghah menurut Abdul Qầhir al-Jurjầni beserta contoh dala al-Qur’ần. Penelitian ini menggunakan kualitatif deskriptif analatis dengan literatur kajian pustaka. Hasil Penelitian adalah: (1) Abdul Qầhir al-Jurjầni seorang pakar balầghah dalam kajian kitab asrầr balầghah menguraikan secara terperinci tentang konsep majầz, (2) Konsep majầz menguraikan tentang Metafora (isti’ầrah), Seni Perbandingan (tasybὶh), Parabel (matsal), persamaan (tamtsil)

    Kinerja Reksa Dana Saham Pasca Krisis Subprime Mortgage

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the performance of mutual funds shares after the subprime mortgage crisis. The population in this study are 55 mutual funds shares of 34 mutual funds investment managers who are issuing shares and mutual funds in the capital market. The sampling technique in this study uses a non-probability sampling which is a kind of purposive sampling based on certain criteria. Based on the criteria are obtained as many as 20 mutual funds. In addition, this study also uses quantitative analysis techniques, namely the analytical technique in the calculation of the performance of a portfolio of index mutual funds by Sharpe, Treynor and Jensen. The result shows that during the observation period, namely the post-crisis Subprime Mortgage, of 20 mutual funds are included in the study criteria, there are quite a lot of mutual fund shares are able to rebound and its performance are able to outperform the market as compared with mutual funds which are underperform

    Pengaruh Input Pupuk NPK Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Rumput Gajah Mini (Pennisetum Purpureum Cv. Mott) Pada Lahan Marginal

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    Pertumbuhan dan produktivitas rumput gajah mini dapat ditingkatkan dengan pemberian pupuk. Pemupukan merupakan salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan kesuburan tanah utamanya pada lahan kering-kritis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan dan produksi rumput gajah mini yang diberikan pupuk phonska dengan dosis yang berbeda pada lahan marginal. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) terdiri atas 4 perlakuan dan 4 kali ulangan yaitu T0: Tanpa pupuk Phonska, T1 : Pupuk Phonska 500 kg/ha = 2,5 g/Polybag (setara dengan 0,375 N/Polybag, 0,375 P2O5/Polybag, 0,375 K2O/Polybag, 0,25 S/Polybag), T2 : Pupuk Phonska 600 kg/ha = 3 g/Polybag (setara dengan 0,45 N/Polybag, 0,45 P2O5/Polybag, 0,45 K2O/Polybag, 0,25 S/Polybag) dan T3 : Pupuk Phonska 700 kg/ha = 3.5 g/Polybag (setara dengan 0,525 N/Polybag, 0,525 P2O5/Polybag, 0,525 K2O/Polybag, 0,35 S/Polybag). Pemberian pupuk phonska memberikan pengaruh yang nyata (P<0,05) terhadap tinggi tanaman (cm), jumlah anakan (batang/polybag) dan produksi bahan kering(g/polybag). Tinggi tanaman tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan T2 yang diikuti T3, jumlah anakan tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan T3 dan produksi bahan kering tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan T3 sebesar 65,45 gram. Pemberian pupuk Phonska dengan level T3 dengan pemberian 700 kg/ha dapat mengoptimalkan pertumbuhan dan produksi rumput gajah mini

    The Effect of Aggregate Size on the Interfacial Transition Zone in Concrete

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    This Final Year Project is about the effect of aggregate size on the interfacial transition zone in concrete. Concrete is a construction material that consists of cement, commonly Portland cement, aggregate (generally gravel and sand) and water. Concrete is strong in compression but it is extremely weak in tension. This project will study about the influence of interfacial transition zone towards roncrete properties, the bond between aggregate and cement paste and the causes of weaknesses of concrete in tensile strength. Some experiment and test should be done in laboratory to analyze the performance of design mix concrete (high tensile strength concrete). Many researches and literature review also must be done to fmd the cause of weaknesses in teusion and to recommend modification that can be made to improve tensile strength of concrete. The significance of this project is to obtain high performance concrete with exceptional high tensile strength and compressive strength for future construction and development. The result of this project also minimizes the cost for construction by reducing the need of steel reinforcement in structure

    Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan Pada Masa Covid 19

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dan kendala yang dihadapi serta upaya yang dilakukan dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan pada masa covid-19 di SMAN 14 Kab. Tangerang dan SMAN 26 Kab. Tangerang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yaitu penelitian yang mengedepankan pencarian data berdasarkan apa yang ditunjukkan oleh apa yang diungkapkan oleh responden sepanjang data data yang dikumpulkan berupa kata-kata, gambar, bukan angka. Analisis data dalam penelitian kualitatif dilakukan  sebelum memasuki lapangan, di lapangan, dan setelah lapangan selesai. Analisis di tempat dilakukan  untuk membangun fokus penelitian yang kuat melalui pembuatan pertanyaan analitis. Dan pada akhir  analisis lapangan, peneliti merefleksikan pemikirannya terhadap fokus yang diteliti. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: Pertama, kepala sekolah memegang peranan penting dalam penjaminan mutu, yang dipandang sebagai pemimpin, menjadi faktor sentral dalam menentukan arah keberhasilan akademik. Kedua, Penjaminan mutu pendidikan di SMAN 14 dan SMAN 26 Kab. Tangerang telah cukup maksimal dalam memenuhi kebutuhan seluruh warga sekolah, seperti membuat Visi dan Misi, menyusun program prota dan promes penjaminan mutu pendidikan selama covid-19, melakukan yang telah dibentuk, dan melaksanakan evaluasi, dan menyediakan minat bakat siswa dengan aktivitas – aktivitas ekstrakulikuler dibidang pramuka, futsal, bola hoki, PMR, dan Paskibra. Ketiga, Hasil yang diraih dalam kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dalam menjamin mutu pendidikan pada masa pandemi covid-19 di SMAN 14 dan SMAN 26 Kab. Tangerang adalah pelaksanaan pembelajaran daring tetap berjalan dengan baik, dan mampu mengatasi permasalahan-permasalahan yang muncul pada saat pandemi covid-19 ini