66 research outputs found

    Restorative Justice as an Effort to Fulfill the Constitutional Rights of Citizens: Restorative Justice sebagai Upaya Pemenuhan Hak Konstitusional Warga Negara

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    This study aims to determine whether the settlement of criminal cases through restorative justice is an effort to fulfill the constitutional rights of citizens. The method used in this research is normative legal research with a statutory approach and a conceptual approach. The results of the study show that the settlement of cases through restorative justice is an effort to fulfill the constitutional rights of citizens because the principle of resolving cases through restorative justice can be said to be more able to guarantee justice and equality before the law (equality before the law) as regulated in Article 27 paragraph (1), Article 28D paragraph (1) and Article 28I paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia

    Dinamika Islam Politik Pasca Orde Baru Perspektif Komunikasi Politik

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    Wacana Islam politik di Indonesia hampir selalu menarik perhatian banyak kalangan. Alasannya sederhana. Selain Islam merupakan agama yang dipeluk oleh mayoritas penduduk Indonesia, Islam juga merupakan ajaran yang memberikan poin penting dalam masalah politik (siyasah). Karena itu, kaitan antara Islam dan politik senantiasa memperlihatkan catatan penting khususnya dalam sejarah perpolitikan Indonesia. Perdebatan tentang dasar negara menjelang dan pasca kemerdekaan republik ini merupakan catatan yang sulit dilepaskan dari perjalanan sejarah Islam politik berikutnya. Ketika sejumlah pasal UUD 1945 diamandemen mengikuti era baru politik Indonesia, muncul pula ke permukaan isu sejarah lama yang menggarisbawahi cita-cita politik Islam yang pernah mengemuka hangat dalam majelis konstituante. Bahkan, partai-partai politik yang lahir setelah berakhirnya kekuasaan orde baru, banyak di antaranya yang masih kuat mengikatkan salah satu akar kepengikutannya pada komunitas Islam. Tulisan ini selanjutnya difokuskan pada analisis atas variabel pergulatan Islam politik khususnya pasca runtuhnya kekuasaan orde baru. Sejarah perjalanan politik nasional yang dari waktu ke waktu hampir selalu melibatkan umat Islam telah mendorong tumbuhnya komunikasi politik intern d an antar kekuatan sosial politik yang ada. Sebab, seperti digambarkan Althoff (1997: 255), komunikasi politik sendiri merupakan unsur dinamis dari suatu sistem politik; dan proses sosialisasi, partisipasi, serta proses rekrutmen secara praktis tergantung pada komunikasi

    Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Peningkatan Kemandirian Penerima Manfaat Program Kotaku dan Dompet Dhuafa

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    Pentingnya mekanisme program dan efektifitas pemberdayaan ekonomi merupakan suatu keniscayaan dalam meningkatkan kemandirian masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh faktor eksternal dan mekanisme program terhadap efektivitas pemberdayaan ekonomi produktif dan tingkat kemandirian penerima manfaat programyang ada di wilayah provinsi Jawa Barat. Jumlah populasi sebesar 1.888 orang penerima manfaat program, melalui  rumus slovin didapatkan sampel sejumlah 330 responden. Lokasi penelitian di Kota Bogor, Kabupaten Cianjur, Kabupaten Sukabumi dan Kabupaten Bogor. Metode penelitian yang digunakan surveymelalui kuesioner serta diolah dengan program SPSS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada variabel faktor eksternal, indikatorperan nilai-nilai agama, peran nilai-nilai sosial dan potensi pasar berkategori tinggi. Sedangkan dari indikator dukungan komunitas, kepemimpinan formal dan non formal berkategori sedang. Pada variabel  mekanisme program yang memiliki indikator diantaranya; sosialisasi program, penyaluran dana, kesepakatan pengembalian, pemberian sanksi dan penghargaan menunjukkan kategori tinggi. Sedangkan indikator pemilihan kegiatan usaha masuk pada kategori sedang. Selanjutnya variabel efektivitas pemberdayaan ekonomi produktif didalamnya ada indikator yaitu efektivitas pemberian bantuan teknis dan efektivitas penguatan kapasitas sama-sama mempunyai kategori tinggi. Variabel tingkat kemandirian penerima manfaat program terdapat beberapa indikator yakni tingkat pendapatan, tingkat investasi usaha, dan tingkat kemitraan usaha berada pada kategori tinggi. Adapun bila dilihat dari pengaruh secara parsial variabel kondisi lingkungan eksternal terhadap efektivitas pemberdayaan ekonomi produktif sebesar 28,6 %, pengaruh secara parsial variabel mekanis program terhadap efektivitas pemberdayaan ekonomi produktif sebesar 32,7%, melihat dari pengaruh secara simultan efektivitas pemberdayaan ekonomi produktif sebesar 37,9% dan pengaruh secara simultan dari efektivitas pemberdayaan ekonomi produktif terhadap tingkat kemandirian penerima manfaat program sebesar 87,1%

    Implementasi Pendidikan Matematika Realistik (Pmr) untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Matematik dan Kemandirian Belajar Peserta Didik

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan pencapaian dan peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematik (KBKM) dan kemandirian belajar peserta didik melalui implementasi Pendekatan Matematika Realistik (PMR). Populasi penelitian ini adalah peserta didik SMP Negeri di Kota Tasikmalaya. Sampel penelitian adalah peserta didik kelas VIII yang mewakili satu sekolah level tinggi dan satu sekolah level sedang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuasi eksperimen dengan desain kelompok kontrol pretes-postes. Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu tes KBKM, skala kemandirian belajar peserta didik, dan lembar observasi. Analisis data menggunakan uji Kruskal Wallis. Dari hasil penelitian disimpulkan: 1) Pencapaian dan peningkatan KBKM kelompok PMR lebih baik dari kelompok PK; dan 2) Pencapaian dan peningkatan kemandirian belajar kelompok PMR lebih baik dari kelompok PK. The purposes of this study are to describe the enhancement and the achievement of students' Mathematical Creative Thinking Skills (MCTS) and Self Regulated Learning (SRL) through implementation of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) and Conventional Learning (CL). The population of this study were Junior High School students in Tasikmalaya City. The sample of this study were eighth grade students representing the high school level and the medium school level. This research is a quasi-experimental design with pretest-posttest control group. The instrument used is a test MCTS, scale independence of learners, and the observation sheet. Analysis of data using Kruskal Wallis test. The final conclusion: 1) Achievement and improvement of MCTS RME group is better than CL group; and 2) Achievement and improvement of Self Regulated Learning (SRL) RME group is better than CL group

    Negotiating identity of Indonesian muslims in Australia

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    This paper seeks to scrutinize the process of identity formation of Indonesian Muslim in their new and different milieu in Australia. Using qualitative method, particularly a case study, focusing on IMCV (Indonesian Muslim Community of Victoria) as object of analysis, this paper argues that identity is dynamic and fluid. The identity is changing due to its new environment and to its relation with other identity. This is clear among Indonesian Muslims living in Australia where an environment was diverse comparing with their home country. As they arrived in new milieu, Indonesian Muslim become a minority group in Australia, thus they are potentially facing the process of identity crisis where they force to negotiate their original identity brought from their homeland towards new diverse milieu in Australia. To deal with it, efforts were conducted to conserve their identity in various negotiation processes which occurred within community and in relation to others community. The efforts w ithin community were implemented in various activities to solidify “the brought original identity”. This includes performing Islamic study groups, organizing sport and cultural festival, celebrating religious and national day, and to some extents in the way they dress up in daily activities like wearing veil and Indonesian Muslims cloth. While implicitly, an efforts directed in responds to outside environment was expressed by their accommodation to the Australian culture which is suitable to the core values of their original identity. Through this negotiation process, Indonesian Muslim living in Australia was identified for their accommodation and toleration to new environment making them as welcomed community among new different social and political milie


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    Rendahnya kemampuan anak di TK Al-Munawwarah dalam membaca huruf hijaiyah merupakan suatu beban pada guru, di sekolah anak enggan belajar membaca huruf hijaiyah, kendalanya saat ini adalah media pembelajaran yang kurang menarik minat anak. Dalam hal ini, peneliti akan memfokuskan penelitian di TK Al-Munawwarah yang bertempatkan di daerah Bandung. Setelah peneliti mengamati proses pembelajaran membaca Al-Qur’an di TK tersebut dengan seksama maka fakta dilapangan menunjukan bahwa proses pembelajaran Al-Qur’an di TK Al-Munawwarah belum optimal. Hal ini bisa dilihat dengan sebagian besar anak dalam mengucapkan huruf hijaiyah masih sering tertukar antara huruf hijaiyah yang satu dengan huruf hijaiyah yang lain dan belum mampu merangkaikannya. Semakin terampil seseorang berbahasa, semakin cerah dan jelas jalan pikirannya. Namun kenyataan yang ada, berdasarkan pengamatan di TK B Al-Munawwarah, kemampuan anak sanagat berbeda dilihat dari sisi anak. Ada anak yang belum mengenal huruf atau belum memahami, ini dilihat dari anak tersebut bila diajak membaca harus diturutin. Ada anak yang sangat pendiam sehingga kurang mampu diajak berkomunikasi, anak seperti ini biasanya kurang jelas dan hanya berisik. Media papan huruf hijaiyah dapat digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran dan sangat cocok bagi anak yang masih dalam tahap pemula atau tahap pengenalan anak, pesan dan materi yang disampaikan berupa huruf dan memiliki ukuran serta warna yang menarik untuk anak. Perkembangan bahasa pada anak usia TK akan optimal jika anak tersebut menguasai banyak Kosakata yang diperlukannya untuk berkomunikasi dalam kehidupannya sehari-hari. The low ability of kindergarten students in TK Al-Munawwarah in reading Arabic letters is one of teachers’ obstacles. At school, children are reluctant to read Arabic letters, the problem is on the learning media which are not very interesting to children. In this study, the researcher focused the study in TK Al-Munawwarah located in the city of Bandung. After identifying the learning process of reciting Qur’an in the kindergarten, it was figured out that the learning process of Qur’an was not optimum. It can be seen from most of students were often confused of several letters and were not able to blend them. The more skilful someone is, the brighter the way of thought is. However, the reality is that based on the observation in TK Al-Munawwarah that children’s ability was far different as seen from the kids’ perspective. There were some children who were not able or did not understand and it had to be paid attention to carefully. There were also some children who were very silent so that it was hard to communicate, and it was really bothering and noisy. The use of Arabic letters board is very essential and useful to children who are still in the early stage or introductory stage, message and materials that are delivered in the form of letters and have the size as well as interesting colors for children. Language development of kindergarten children will grow to the optimum level if the children can master sufficient vocabulary items needed to communicate in their daily life

    Symbol Reinterpretation as a Motivation for Integration of Chinese Muslim Ethnic Identity

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    This study focuses on research with a phenomenological approach regarding the symbolic meaning of the ethnic Chinese Muslim identity at the Lautze 2 Mosque in Bandung City, which focuses on concluding the meaning of ethnic symbols in Chinese New Year as a means to integrate in the form of friendship and participation with the Chinese extended family; the meaning of Ethnic Symbols in Feng Shui which is still used and believed among Chinese Muslims; the meaning of the ethnic symbols in the lion dance which is still preserved as an art in various Chinese performances and endeavors; and the meaning of ethnic symbols in the Lucky Cat, which is still practiced in some Chinese Muslim circles, and is valued as part of the wisdom of the Chinese ancestor.  The study attempted to remain integrated with a more significant initial ethnic identity. For Chinese Muslims, family ties or relatives are essential in maintaining friendly relations, and believing Islam is the teachings of rahmatan lil 'alamiin. In addition, there is a reinterpretation of the symbols of Chinese ethnicity as a form of strengthening the identity of the Chinese Muslim ethnic group. This study can be used as theoretical knowledge in the form of theoretical conception to enrich the theories of the study of religions to assess the religious phenomenon associated with symbols of ethnic identity and religious identity, even acculturation between newcomers and natives. In addition, practically from the research, it is suggested to be an academic consideration for various government policies to build inter-religious harmony and harmony between ethnicities and groups, especially regarding religious conversion and belief and taboo issues in Indonesia

    Glycated Albumin Value and Its Relation with The Improvement of Diabetic Ulcers: Pilot Study

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    Diabetic ulcer refers to a complication of chronic hyperglycaemia. When treating hyperglycaemia, it is necessary to well and immediately monitor the average level of glucose, i.e. glycated albumin (GA) value. This study investigated the correlation between GA values and the improvement of diabetic ulcers. A clinical, cross-sectional study. Thirty patients with Diabetic Foot Ulcer (DFU) were involved as the subjects of this study and they were selected by accidental sampling with the following criteria: (1) patients with Type 2 DM with DFU according to grade 2 and 3 PEDIS degrees; (2) aged 30-60 years; (3) diagnosis criteria for DM and DM type 2 in accordance to the American Diabetes Association 2012; (4) IMT value: 18.5-22.9. Data collection technique was by checking GA levels, while monitoring the improvement of diabetic ulcers was by using PEDIS degrees. Meanwhile, data analysis used Spearman’s rho. The results of this study showed that most of research subjects had the values of GA failure with PEDIS 2 degree, i.e. 8 (26.7%) and there was no normal GA value with the degree of PEDIS 1, 2 and 3. There was a significant correlation between GA values and PEDIS degree (p = 0.001, p < 0.05). The findings revealed a correlation of GA values and improvement in diabetes ulcers. GA control is needed for the improvement of diabetes ulcers under nursing care. Keywords: Glycated Albumin; diabetic ulcers; DFU; chronic hyperglycaemi
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