221 research outputs found

    Pengajaran Literasi Dan Penilaian Portofolio Dalam Konteks Pembelajaran Menulis Di SD

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    This classroom action research was aimed at maximizing the quality of teaching writing by adopting the concept of literacy learning and portfolio assessment. The subjects were 5th-grade students of SDN Pisang Candi I, II, and III Kodya Malang. The design implemented was the three-cycle model by Kemmis and McTaggart (1988). The results indicated that the quality of teaching writing improved. The students motivation could be enhanced, their reading and writing activities were observable, and their writing skill was well developed

    Pola perilaku mencari bantuan padakeluarga pasien gangguan jiwa

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    ABSTRACT The focus of this research is to identify care seeking behavior of the family whose one of its members suffer from mental illness. The data was gathered from interview with 20 repondents who took the patients to see the doctor in Lali Jiwo Mental Hospital, Pakem Yogyakarta. Qualitative analysis indicates that the pattern of care-seeking behavior either to profesional or to non-profesional was influenced by the analysis of cause of the illness, the result of evaluation of the treatment, and social influence

    The wonderful in Manuel Botelho de Oliveira's poetry

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    Trata-se de mostrar como a poesia de Manuel Botelho de Oliveira (Bahia, 1636-1711) visa construir a maravilha principalmente por meio das consonĂąncias que surpreendem, numa poesia assentada em analogias com a "mĂșsica", o "canto", o "verso", a "lĂ­rica", o "ritmo", a "doçura" - conceitos presentes em tratados retĂłricos, poĂ©ticos e filosĂłficos antigos, e que, aqui, se alçam a centro desta poĂ©tica, distanciada da aristotĂ©lica. Evidencia-se como, diferentemente do conceito engenhoso, causa eficiente das agudezas poĂ©ticas, o poeta ĂȘmulo de Marino privilegia em sua Lira sacra e na MĂșsica do Parnaso a sonoridade que faz admirabile o dizer do poema, tangendo finezas ou as maneiras cantĂĄveis do "plectro doce e fino".This text explains how the poetry of Luzo-Brazilian Manuel Botelho de Oliveira (Bahia, 1636-1711) aims to build the wonderful especially through the consonances that provokes surprise, in a poetry grounded in analogies with the "music", the "chant", the "verse", the "lyrical", the "rhythm", the "sweetness" - concepts present in rhetorical, poetic and philosophical treatises of the Antiquity, and that here become center stage of this poetic, far removed from Aristotle. It highlights how, unlike the ingenious concept, the efficient cause of the acute poetry, the poet emulator of Marino favors sonority in the Lira Sacra and in the MĂșsica do Parnaso, his poem book. The musical elements turn admirabile what the poems says, playing finezas (niceties) or singable manners of the plectro doce e fino (plectrum sweet and gentle)


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    Latar Belakang : Prevalensi ibu hamil anemia merupakan masalah gizi di Indonesia. Jagung kaya komponen fungsional yang dibutuhkan untuk ibu hamil. Jagung diolah menjadi yoghurt dengan penambahan besi dan vitamin A karena meningkatkan nilai gizi, menurunkan asam fitat dan berperan dalam pencegahan anemia ibu hamil. Tujuan : Menganalisis pH, total BAL, organoleptik, kandungan besi dan betakaroten pada yoghurt susu jagung. Metode : Penelitian eksperimental rancangan acak lengkap 1 faktor yaitu rasio kadar air dan jagung dengan perbandingan 2:1, 1:1 dan 1:2. Yoghurt dengan organoleptik terbaik difortifikasi besi dan vitamin A. Analisis pH menggunakan pH meter, Total BAL menggunakan metode TPC, kadar besi menggunakan metode AAS, dan betakaroten menggunakan metode spektrofotometri. Analisis statistik pH dan total BAL menggunakan uji Kruskall wallis. Analisis statistik hasil uji organoleptik menggunakan uji Friedman dengan uji lanjut Wilcoxon. Hasil : Yoghurt susu jagung dengan organoleptik terbaik yaitu yoghurt dengan rasio kadar air dan jagung 1:1 memiliki pH 4,63, total BAL 1,01x1015 cfu/ml, dan rerata organoleptik warna 4,04 (suka), aroma 3,28 (netral), tekstur 3,48 (netral), rasa 3,56 (suka). Rerata nilai pH dan total BAL yoghurt yang difortifikasi sebesar 4,5 dan 2,5x1013 cfu/ml. Terdapat peningkatan kandungan besi (1,713 mg/100ml, 1,912 mg/100ml, dan 2,631 mg/100 ml) serta kandungan betakaroten (285,38 mcg/100ml). Simpulan : Yoghurt dengan organoleptik terbaik adalah perlakuan B (rasio air dan jagung 1:1). Terdapat peningkatan kandungan besi dan betakaroten yoghurt susu jagung

    Host mobility management with identifier-locator split protocols in hierarchical and flat networks

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    Includes abstractIncludes bibliographical references.As the Internet increasingly becomes more mobile focused and overloaded with mobile hosts, mobile users are bound to roam freely and attach to a variety of networks. These different networks converge over an IP-based core to enable ubiquitous network access, anytime and anywhere, to support the provision of services, that is, any service, to mobile users. Therefore, in this thesis, the researcher proposed network-based mobility solutions at different layers to securely support seamless handovers between heterogeneous networks in hierarchical and flat network architectures

    The Role of Self-compassion to Depression in Teenagers Mediated by Emotion Regulation

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    Adolescence is a stage of development in life that is full of emotional turmoil, conflict, and stress, of which often lead to teenagers’ vulnerability to depression symptoms. A potential serious case if the depression symptoms are not treated well includes risk of suicidal ideation and  suicide behaviour. This research aims to investigate and test the role of self-compassion to depression symptoms in teenagers mediated by emotion regulation-cognitive reappraisal. Participants in this research were 627 teenagers (N=627) with an age range of 15-18 years old, including 508 girls (81%) and 119 boys (19%). Mediation analysis using Process by Andrew F. Hayes, model 4, shows that emotion regulation —cognitive reappraisal (p=0.001; p<0.05) mediates the role of self-compassion to depression symptoms in teenagers. Emotion regulation—cognitive reappraisal serves as a partial mediator to the role of self-compassion to depression symptoms. Teenagers with self-compassion treat themselves positively by realizing and accepting negative emotions that leads to reduction of these negative emotions. It improves the capability of cognitive reappraisal, that brings  new interpretation towards a more positive view for reducing depression symptoms

    Motivasi dan Kepercayaan Pasien untuk Berobat ke Sinse

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    Background: Health service may not be obtained only from conventional medication but also traditional medication. The use of traditional medication is getting more popular. This may be supported by local culture and mass media. In Pontianak Municipality with major Chinese ethnic community, the use of Chinese traditional medication is very popular.Objective: The study was aimed at identifying motivation and trust of patients in seeking medication to sinshe.Method: This was a qualitative study using grounded theory approach. Location of the study was Pontianak Municipality. Informants consisted of 12 patients, 6 sinshe(s), 1 staff of health office, 1 doctor, and 1 leader of Chinese ethnic community. Samples were chosen purposively, using maximum variation sampling technique. Research instruments used were observation guide and in depth interview. Triangulation on methods and informants/source were used in examining the trustworthiness of the data. Data analysis was carried out through data transcript, coding, open coding, axial coding, data presentation, and making conclusion.Result: Patients trusted sinshe(s) due to their capabilities of curing chronic diseases. Patients had motivation to go to sinshe(s) because they failed in getting cure from conventional medication, they were worried in using chemical drugs and having operation and they were unsatisfied with conventional medication. According to patients, sinshes' medication had many advantages, such as comprehensive, cheap and natural. However, there were also disadvantages, such as drugs were impractical, non hygienic, and did not taste good. Triggers which caused patients to go to sinshe were information supporting and culture, affordable cost, and experiences of the informants.Conclusion: Patients turned from conventional medication to sinshe (traditional) medication because of trust, motivation and trigger factors. Improving health service quality and health promotion should be made in order the community could get appropriate medication

    Metode Relaksasi Untuk Menurunkan Stres dan Keluhan Tukak Lambung pada Penderita Tukak Lambung Kronis

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    Individual disability to manage stress results the body become susceptible to diseases so that some physical disorders like gastritis enable to see. Gastritis represent one of psychosomatic disorders, a physiological disorder caused by a major psychologicalfactor, stress as a common. This research is aimed to test the relaxation method that is used to lessen stress and the sigh of gastritis pain for the patients of chronic gastritis. The researchapplies the single case experimental design. Subjects of the research are three women who get treatment of Imagery Relaxation Therapy and Muscle Relaxation Therapyfor three times. Then, they are monitored by self monitoring for 3 weeks. The instruments used in this experiment are Scale of Stress compiled by Prawitasari (1989), and Sigh of Gastritis Pain Scale adapted from Sigh. of Physical Gastritis Scale compiled by Sutrisno (1998). The data analysed in manual through some visual inspection to compare the level of stress and sigh of gastritis pain of each subject among the baseline, treatment and follow-up. Results showed that there is decreasesof stress and sigh of gastritis pain of the subjects. They also showed clinical significancy
