24 research outputs found

    An empirical study on the best planting medium used for the vegetative growth of cocoa seedlings / Muhammad Nabil Zafran Zakaria

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    Theobroma cacao is the one of the world’s valuable crops, cultivated worldwide on 8.2 million hectares, grown in 58 countries annually. Growth of cocoa seedlings in nurseries using polybags is the recommended practice because the management of individual seedlings result in much vigour and improved capability of successful establishment. Nursery is the main place that can produce good quality of cocoa seedlings. This is attributed to minimized transplanting shock caused by the absence or reduced damage to the roots as compared to bare-root seedlings. The polybags also allow the nursery period to be prolonged until the environment is conducive for transplanting to the field. Planting media is the important component in order to produce a good quality of cocoa seedlings. The study was conducted to determine whether there is any significance difference on the growth performance of cocoa seedlings on the different type of media. The cocoa seedlings were planted in five types of media (Treatments) which are T1 (topsoil=control), T2 (1topsoil:1cocopeat), T3 (1topsoil:1sawdust), T4 (1topsoil:1sand) and T5 (1topsoil:1peatmoss). All these treatment effect can be observed through growth parameters which are stem girth, plant height, number of leaves and fresh and dry weight. The results showed that treatment 4 (1topsoil:1sand) has well in most of parameter and the lowest showed by treatment 3 (1topsoil:1sawdust). The evidence is the mixture between (1topsoil:1sand) are easy to found everywhere and the cost are also very low and there are no burden to small farmer afford it to start their planting activities

    Composting of Cooking Residue from Fast Food Restaurant and Fertilizer Production

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    Cooking residues are one of the definite wastes that people will produce throughout the day. Studies has shown that cooking residues that are disposed is negatively impacting our environment. Thus, this research is to properly degrade the cooking residues through aerobic composting approach

    The Prevalence, Severity and the Contributive Organizational Factors of Burnout Syndrome among Pakistani Physiotherapists

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    Background: This is fast age where many underlying health issues go unaddressed in race of progress such as Burnout. This state of mental illness due to chronic stress that may be comprised of emotional exhaustion, personal accomplishment and depersonalization. This is thought to be associated with occupation and organizational parameters. This can put physiotherapist compromised health, social and family life, dealing with patients and low performance at work. Objective: To determine burnout level and its severity among physical therapists and associated organizational factors Material and method: Cross sectional survey was conducted in sample of convenience comprising 120 physiotherapists. The participants were of both gender and age above 25 years. The data was collected by using Maslach Burnout Inventory Scale and data analysis was executed using SPSS version 20. Continuous variables including age, total scores were analyzed for mean and standard deviation, while frequency percentages were calculated against categorical variables. Results: Results of the study demonstrated that mean+SD score for emotional exhaustion was 16.55+ 5.07, mean+SD score for personal accomplishment was 44.73+1.54 and mean+SD score for depersonalization was 0.75+0.93. Conclusion: The study concluded that physiotherapists demonstrated mild to moderate level of burnout. Burnout symptoms apparently found significantly associated with high working hours, private sector, female gender and less physical activity.           &nbsp

    Inno-Hortech Cutter / Muhammad Fakhrurrodhi Zainal Ashirin...[et.al]

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    Agricultural Machineries Enterprise was established on January 2017 by six (6) of members through partnership. After planning, organizing and generating the ideas, we were register the company under Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) and started from that our company was running the business in 01 March 2017. The partnership of company are Muhammad Fakhrurrodhi bin Zainal Ashirin as a General manager, Muhamad Haika bin Jafrias, a Administrative manager, Muhammad Razif bin Ramli as a Operation manager, Ahmad Baihaqi bin Saidi as a financial manager, Arif Afendi bin Mahamat and Muhammad Nabil Zafran bin Zakaria as a Marketing manager. The location of this business is located at No.2A, Jalan Ayer Songsang, Kg Mantai Nyalas, 77000 Jasin, Melaka. The major product of the company is INNO-HORTECH Cutter that comes with the advance technology from the grass cutter. From the grass cutter, we were improvised and innovate the machine for more multi-purpose usage. This product can be used for all types of horticultural crop such as chili and corn. Basically, the planting distance between one corn plant to another corn plant is 1 feet or 2 feet. So, this blade already had been innovate with the length 12 inch and have the cover to protect the plants. Other than that, the upper of blade have on cover 50cm to hold the corn plants when cut the corn plants or paddy. Next, we also provide the services of machines and also the spare parts. Our company also has the marketing strategy to ensure the product can be selling in the market. The main target market is a farmer because that kind of place has many farmers that involve in agricultural. From that location of company, we believe that location is very strategic place because Nyalas, Melaka is center between Tangkak, Johor and Negeri Sembilan. So, the retailers and personal seller also can get the benefits from the product of company. Therefore, our main focus from that business is to give the high quality of product or machine and also the services. Your satisfaction is our priority


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    ABSTRAK   Proses gelombang yang disebabkan oleh getaran dapat dimanfaatkan dalam hal pemantauan struktur bangunan, analisis kebisingan peralatan industri, dan deteksi gempa. Gempa bumi memiliki dampak berbahaya pada manusia karena pergerakan lempeng bumi di bawah permukaan. Berbagai teknologi di berbagai cabang ilmu dikembangkan untuk dapat mendeteksi pergerakan lempeng dengan cepat dan baik. Tulisan ini juga menguji jangkauan sensor SW-420 terhadap sumber getaran. Memahami jangkauan sensor SW-420 sangat penting karena memungkinkan Anda untuk menyesuaikan batas sensitivitasnya sesuai dengan kebutuhan aplikasi. Meskipun informasi ini umumnya tersedia dalam lembar data, memahami jangkauan dapat membantu mengoptimalkan penggunaan sensor untuk deteksi getaran atau guncangan yang lebih akurat. Respon sensor akan dikirim ke mikrokontroler untuk menghasilkan sinyal suara pada buzzer ketika terjadi getaran. Mikrokontroler akan memproses sinyal analog dari sensor menjadi sinyal digital. Semakin jauh jangkauan sensor, semakin baik sensor tersebut dalam mendeteksi getaran. Dalam uji ini, dilakukan uji jangkauan terhadap sumber getaran. Sumber getaran berasal dari objek dengan massa tertentu yang dijatuhkan. Dalam uji ini, diketahui bahwa SW-420 mampu mendeteksi dengan jarak maksimum 200 cm dari sumber getaran.   Kata Kunci: Deteksi, Getaran, Jarak, Mikrokontroler, Sensor   ABSTRACT   Wave propagation due to vibration can be utilized in terms of monitoring building structures, analyzing industrial equipment noise, and earthquake detection. Earthquakes have a harmful impact on humans due to the movement of subsurface plates. Various technologies in various branches of science were developed to be able to detect plate movements early and well. This paper also tests the range of the SW-420 sensor to the vibration source. Understanding the range of the SW420 sensor is crucial as it allows you to precisely adjust its sensitivity limits according to the application's needs. Although this information is generally available in the datasheet, comprehending the range can assist in optimizing the sensor's usage for more accurate detection of vibrations or shocks. The sensor response will be sent to the microcontroller to produce a sound signal on the buzzer when there is vibration. The microcontroller will process the analog signal from the sensor into digital. The farther the range of the sensor, the better it is at detecting vibrations. In this test, a range test is carried out on the vibration source. The source of the vibrations comes from objects with a certain mass that is dropped. In this test, it was found that the SW-420 was able to detect with a maximum distance of 200 cm from the vibration source.   Keywords: Detection, Distance, Microcontroller, Sensor, Vibratio

    Analisis estetika penerbitan kandungan kreatif video media sosial: kajian terhadap Instagram Khairulaming

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    Kehadiran pelbagai laman media sosial merupakan salah satu faktor yang menyumbang kepada kemunculan pempengaruh terutamanya melibatkan media sosial yang bercirikan penghasilan dan perkongsian video pendek kreatif seperti di Instagram. Pempengaruh merupakan pihak ketiga yang bergerak bebas dalam membentuk dan mengumpulkan khalayak melalui penghasilan kandungan kreatif terutamanya melalui media sosial. Hal ini secara tidak langsung menunjukkan bahawa kandungan kreatif merupakan nadi utama di dalam sesebuah media sosial dan boleh digunakan oleh seseorang pempengaruh untuk penjenamaan peribadi. Justeru, kajian ini dijalankan untuk meneroka dan menganalisis aspek estetik penerbitan kandungan kreatif yang membentuk penjenamaan diri pempengaruh Khairulaming. Hal ini adalah kerana terdapat perkaitan yang sinergi di antara estetika penerbitan kandungan kreatif dan aspek penjenamaan pempengaruh. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah kualitatif melalui analisis kandungan 48 buah video di Instagram Khairulaming dan juga temubual kumpulan fokus yang terdiri daripada pengikut akaun Instagram berkenaan. Analisis dilakukan berdasarkan kepada lima prinsip estetika penerbitan media iaitu estetika dimensi pertama (pencahayaan dan warna), estetika dimensi kedua (komposisi dan daya), estetika dimensi ketiga (elemen tambahan), estetika dimensi keempat (masa dan pergerakan) dan juga estetika dimensi kelima (audio). Hasil kajian menunjukkan, penerbitan video kandungan kreatif oleh pempengaruh yang mematuhi kelima-lima prinsip ini dapat membantu di dalam aspek penjenamaan diri seseorang pempengaruh. Di samping itu juga, pematuhan terhadap prinsip estetika ini juga turut memberikan impak terhadap persepsi pengikut serta pengalaman penontonan mereka

    Prototype Regularized Manifold Regularization Technique for Semi-Supervised Online Extreme Learning Machine

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    Data streaming applications such as the Internet of Things (IoT) require processing or predicting from sequential data from various sensors. However, most of the data are unlabeled, making applying fully supervised learning algorithms impossible. The online manifold regularization approach allows sequential learning from partially labeled data, which is useful for sequential learning in environments with scarcely labeled data. Unfortunately, the manifold regularization technique does not work out of the box as it requires determining the radial basis function (RBF) kernel width parameter. The RBF kernel width parameter directly impacts the performance as it is used to inform the model to which class each piece of data most likely belongs. The width parameter is often determined off-line via hyperparameter search, where a vast amount of labeled data is required. Therefore, it limits its utility in applications where it is difficult to collect a great deal of labeled data, such as data stream mining. To address this issue, we proposed eliminating the RBF kernel from the manifold regularization technique altogether by combining the manifold regularization technique with a prototype learning method, which uses a finite set of prototypes to approximate the entire data set. Compared to other manifold regularization approaches, this approach instead queries the prototype-based learner to find the most similar samples for each sample instead of relying on the RBF kernel. Thus, it no longer necessitates the RBF kernel, which improves its practicality. The proposed approach can learn faster and achieve a higher classification performance than other manifold regularization techniques based on experiments on benchmark data sets. Results showed that the proposed approach can perform well even without using the RBF kernel, which improves the practicality of manifold regularization techniques for semi-supervised learning

    Simulation study on the performance of a counter-rotating savonius vertical axis wind turbine

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    Wind power is an energy source that is becoming an alternative to burning fossil fuels that may harm the environment during operations due to the emission of harmful gases. In this study, simulation and performance investigations of a counter-rotating vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) based on the Savonius S-type rotor have been analysed through a computational simulation approach. The foremost motive of this study is to widen the operating wind speed range of the counter-rotating concept in a VAWT while enhancing the conversion efficiency of a single-rotor VAWT system. The 3D simulations were performed based on the K-omega shear stress transport (SST) turbulence model. The results have shown that the counter-rotating model possesses better performance characteristics in terms of torque, power and their corresponding coefficients compared to a single-rotor design of a wind turbine. A maximum output of more than two times was obtained from the new CRWT system compared to that of a single-rotor wind turbine (SRWT). Moreover, the output of the top rotor was higher than the bottom rotor due to the increased higher rotational speed of the top rotor

    The roles of statistics on Twitter in improving footballers performance / Muhammad Shahrin Aizat Noorshahrizam…[et.al]

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    Statistics on Twitter can holds considerable potential in exposing footballer’s performance. In exposing footballers performance to the public, social media like Twitter can be a very good platform on it because it delivers direct statistics and current performance of the players to the public especially for football fans. The use of statistics of Twitter can improving the footballers performance by exposing them their real match statistics so that they can do a change on which technique that they are weak to perform much better in the next game. The goal of this research is to study the role of statistics on Twitter in improving footballer’s performance. This research is using the qualitative research method. An interview has been made to six informants to get the result of this research. All the informants are footballers from different background. The study found that the statistics on Twitter is helping in promoting footballers and helping them in improving their performance

    Characterization of pysio-chemical properties of novel one stop chemical method in preparations of copper nanofluids and possible explanations

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    Nanofluid is a dilute suspension containing particles in nanometer sized which are dispersed in the base fluid like ethylene glycol or water. Nanofluid is one of the crucial discovery in modern science which found to be having better thermal properties compared with conventional fluids like water or ethylene glycol thus makes it ideal to be applied and utilized in many areas in heat transfer area such as cooling, utilized as fluid for heat echangers and etc. Besides, the nanofluid with the improved thermal properties could solve the problem faced by various industries in the area of heat transfer. For example, in the semiconductor industry, the needs of superior cooling coolant are very crucialJn this paper, presents about preparation of copper nanofluid using novel one stop chemical method by reducing copper sulphate pentahydrate using reduction agent which is sodium hypophosphite in ethylene glycol as base fluids. The obtained nanofluid by using this novel one stop method is more stable besides cheaper and faster compared with two stop method whereby in the two step method, the production of the nanoparticles and the nanofluids are isolated. The process of drying, storage and transportation of the nanoparticles that takes place in two step method have cause the agglomeration and sedimentation of the nanofluids. As the result, the agglomeration could cause the settlement and clogging in the microchannel besides reduce the thermal conductivity. Therefore in the novel one stop method the production of the nanoparticles and the nanofluids are combined and not separated to avoid the process of drying, storage and transportation of nanoparticles. Meanwhile the nanofluid that obtained were analyzed using Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), UV-Vis Spectrophotometer, Viscometer and Fourier Transform Infared Spectroscopy (FTIR). The effect and influences of pH and dilution to the reaction rate and properties of nanofluid were also investigated