734 research outputs found

    POLITIK GENDER DI RANAH MINANG: Institusi, Gagasan dan Kepentingan

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    This article is aimed at investigating government’s effort to mainstream gender in all their policy and programusing political economy approach. Despite the fact that Indonesian government has issued several regulationand established organizational support for gender mainstreaming, it is nevertheless not well-functioning atlocal level. Various local contexts have contributed to this ineffective policy. The idea that local tradition hasput women on the top of noble position has become an excuse to not seriously pushing mainstreaming agendaby local key decision maker. At organizational level, lack of knowledge and incentive to implement gendermainstreaming either in policy or program, are the reasons why government institutions do not buy-in theidea at practical level

    Submersible Compressor to Enhance Gas Production at The Gas Field

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    Over the next 20 years, the role of natural gas in global energy consumption will increase. The speed of transition to natural gas will be driven by environmental issue, market demand and latest technology. This project is about developing a technological solution for the oil and gas industry's recognized problem of maximizing gas extraction from the gas field by trialing the technology which will increase production. The objectives of this study are to identify an option to boost the gas production and to maintain the pressure at the base of the well by means to prevent the problem of liquid loading by developing the submersible compressor. Submersible Compressor helps to maintain the well energy to lift the gas to the surface by maintaining the pressure differential between the well and surface. The submersible compressor is used in multiple stage compression modes. Scope of study includes the drawing of full scale submersible compressor by using CATIA & AUTOCAD then exported to GAMBIT and FLUENT for subsequence analysis. The results of the analysis consist of discharge pressure and velocity of the compressor. The main target is to increase the discharge pressure so that the pressure differential between well and surface increased

    Sharing Knowledge on Community-Driven Development in Indonesia: An Assessment of the Neighborhood Upgrading and Shelter Sector Project

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    The purpose of the study on which this report is based was to identify lessons from implementation of the Neighborhood Upgrading Shelter Sector Project (NUSSP) that would allow the success of this community-driven urban development initiative in Indonesia to be replicated elsewhere. In general, the study examined the extent to which the project contributed to improvements in service delivery and governance in the beneficiary communities. More specifically, the study's objectives were to assess (1) the quality and sustainability of infrastructure services delivered, (2) the extent to which subproject investment decisions corresponded to beneficiary needs and expressed demand, (3) the extent to which study-area residents were able to influence the behavior of their leaders and exact accountability from them, and (4) whether or not participation in community-driven development (CDD) subprojects influenced the nature of institutional arrangements for local service delivery lying outside the scope of the project

    Study Into the Effect of Using Crude Palm Oil (CPO) as Cutting Fluid on the Tool Wear and Chip Formation During Milling Operations

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    Stronger environmental concerns and growing regulations over contamination and pollution will increase the need for renewable and biodegradable lubricants. An annual growth rate of 7–10% for environmentally favorable lubricants is expected on the US market over the next few years compared to a rate of only 2% for the overall lubricant market. Vegetable oils are a viable and renewable source of environmentally favorable oils


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    The aim of this study is to find out the role of learning assemblies in coaching happy families in Medan and surrounding areas. The point is to contribute thoughts to the Medan City Government, administrators, Islamic communities and the community in realizing a happy, affection and grace families in Medan City. The results of this study is that an educational institution for people who grow and develop from the Islamic community of the city of Medan itself, whose interests are for the benefit of Muslims. So, Learning Assemblies is a non-governmental organization (NGO) in Medan City whose life is based on mutual help and love among them. In addition, the Learning Assemblies of Medan City has a very important role in coaching happy families, especially in realizing religious functions, realizing family education, economic function and family welfare, fostering harmonization of husband and wife and fostering harmonious relations between family members, communities and the Government of Medan city.Keywords: Assembly, Learning, Family, Happy, Medan Cit

    Dramatizing Local History: Its Effects on Stimulating the Students’ English Performance.

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    Drama is one of the widest approaches used in the periodic development of English teaching in the world. Drama engages more of the important aspects of speaking as part of language function in linguistics. In his journal, Rasmussen (2010) stated that when we speak of quality in drama education, we apply different educational and aesthetic criteria. For example, improvised drama practices such as process drama are closely associated to Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive constructivism. Jean Piaget's research into educational theory is called cognitive constructivism. Piaget postulated that students should be guided through creative exploration as the focus of their educational journey. Students should create or construct their knowledge, and the classroom should be a place where tools and resources are made available to catalyze the process. Piaget believed that teachers should insist on less memorization and more exploration and personal investigation as the foundation of educational progress. The research was conducted during the second academic year, the students in second semester with 20 students who enrolled in English speaking II courses at Muhammadiyah Institution in Bone. By reporting from a case of drama teaching and research, I examine how constructivist thinking affects the dramatization of local history to stimulate the students’ English performance. I focused on the constructivism theory, particularly the collaborative interaction and development aspects. Experiential forms of drama are valued as potential models for constructivist education that have implication for creating active learning, dramatic learning, engaging students in learning, speaking intension, collaborative learning, and building community as the goal of the research. Keywords: Dramatizing, local History, Affecting, English Performance, Constructivist


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    PERENCANAAN BIAYA PRODUKSI ALAT PERAS SANTAN MANUALMUHAMMAD SYUKRI1404002010023Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Program Diploma IIIFakultas Teknik Universitas Syah KualaEmail :[email protected] kelapa merupakan tanaman yang sangat berguna dalam kehidupan ekonomi pedesaan di Indonesia. Karena semua bagian dari pohon kelapa dapat dimanfaatkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan manusia.Biaya produksi adalah biaya yang berhubungan langsung dengan produksi produk tertentu. Biaya produksi terdiri atas biaya bahan baku, biaya tenaga kerja langsung, dan biaya overhead pabrik.Objek penelitian ini adalah analisis perhitungan biaya produksi. Penelitian dilakukan pada Bengkel Maju Bersama ini berdasarkan pertimbangan bahwa memiliki data yang diperlukan dalam penyusunan tugas akhir. Komponen alat peras santan manual : rangka, handwheel,ulir dan nut, poros bertingkat, hopper, dongkrak.Kata kunci :analisa biaya,mesin peras santan,biaya produks

    Gender policies of the new developmental state: the case of Indonesian new participatory village governance

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    This article shows how the Indonesian new developmental state addresses gender equality and women's empowerment in its effort to institutionalise a participatory approach in the state bureaucracy. It pays attention to the way the new developmental ideology has shaped participatory governance policy as an instrument of village development instead of deepening democracy and reworking the structure of traditional gender relations. Utilising qualitative data and a longitudinal monitoring study, this article argues that the new policy of participatory village governance has a narrow focus on village economy and infrastructure and ignores more sensitive issues, such as transforming the traditional gender structures


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    Minat siswa masih tergolong rendah sehingga belum  mempraktikkan 4 keterampilan  bahasa, yang meliputi   istima’ (mendengar/listening),  qiro’ah (membaca/reading),  kitabah (menulis/writing) dan kalam (berbicara/speaking). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kesulitan dan minat siswa terhadap peningkatan hasil belajar bahasa arab pada madrasah ibtidaiyah negeri 2 Sinjai. Metode survey dengan pendekatan qualitatif ang digunakan untuk mendapatkan data dengan melihat pengaruh kesulitan belajar dan minat siswa dalam upaya meningkatkan hasil belajar bahasa arab. Hal ini dilandaskan pada  keyakinan, pendapat, karakteristik, perilaku, hubungan variabel, dan untuk menguji beberapa hipotesis tentang hubungan antara variabel sosiologis dan psikologis dari sampel yang diambildari populasi tertentu, teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan instrumen berupa test, observasi, wawancara, dan kuesioner tertutup. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kesulitan belajar tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar bahasa Arab pada siswa MIN 2 Sinjai. Hal ditunjukkan melalui hasil uiji hipotesis Untuk variabel Kesulitan (X1) ditemukan nilai b1 = 0,368 dengan t = 1,885  dan Sig. = 0,069. Oleh karena nilai sig. > 0,05 maka Ho (β1=0) diterima yang artinya variabel kesulitan tidak berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar jika minat belajar dikendalikan/dikontrol

    Geoelectrical characterization for liquefaction at coastal zone in South Aceh

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    The paper presents a case study of liquefaction investigation, carried out in an area of the South Aceh coast. The zone lies on low flat plain at Tanjung Harapan Village, west coast of Aceh. The process of site investigation is controlled by: occurrence of groundwater, nature of bedrock, and presence of clays. Prediction of liquefaction zones in high seismicity regions will be a great help to mitigate hazards. Geoelectric resistivity using a combination both vertical electrical sounding and horizontal resistivity images of Wenner-Schlumberger configuration have been carried out and can be of help to delineate the liquefaction zones. With this backdrop, it believe that in conjunction with soil and sediment characteristics indicating high susceptibility to liquefaction, and resistivity anomalies will provide vital information to predict and identify the liquefaction zones. Results of this study revealed the surface layer consists of loose sediments, sandy clay, and silty sandy layer are potentially liquefied during earthquake. The 2-D model sections at 10 m electrode spacing were described, together with subsurface structures can be used to predict the resistivity values at a approximately 48 m dept
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