245 research outputs found

    Organic Geochemical Characteristic Of Crude Oils From Orange Graben, South Sumatra Basin

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    Lemat Formation in the Orange Graben in the South Sumatra basin has been considered as syn-rift sediments consist of fluvio-lacustrine sediments, create source rock with fluvio-lacustrine characterize. Based on existing publications, showing that the oils from Orange Graben have fluvio-deltaic characterization and generated by source rock from Talangakar Formation with fluvio-deltaic depositional environment. This paper emphasizes geochemistry methods. Source rock analysis, consist of 26 samples for carbon isotope and 14 samples for biomarker, while oil analysis, consist of 15 samples for carbon isotope and 19 samples for biomarker. Characterization has been based on qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative data comprise evaluation based on chromatograms and mass-fragmentograms, whereas quantitative data consists of a series of cross-plots, eg. cross plot of carbon isotope δ13C saturates - aromatics, distribution of C27-C28-C29 sterane, Pr/nC17-Ph/nC18, Pr/Ph-Pr/nC17, carbon isotope δ13C saturates-Pr/Ph, Pr/Ph-total hopane/total sterane, and ratio of C26/C25 (tricyclic). Based on geochemical result of analysis, source rocks of Lemat Formation in the Orange Graben interpret as source rock with fluvio-deltaic characterize, have terrestrial influence while Talangakar Formation in the Orange Graben interpreted as source rock with deltaic characterization, having marine and terrestrial influence. Both of them , consist of humic kerogen. Whereas, oil samples in the Orange Graben interpreted as oilwhich is generated by source rock with fluvio-deltaic characterization, having terrestrial influence, in anoxic-suboxic-oxic conditions, consisting of humic kerogen. Correlation result between source rocks and oils in the Orange Graben, indicating that fluvio-deltaic oil type in the Orange Graben are correlate with not only the source rocks of Talangakar Formations but also with source rock of Lemat Formation. &nbsp


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    Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan proses pembentukan budaya disiplin sekolah dalam menegakkan kedisiplinan siswa di SMAN 1 Porong. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan campuran mixed method eksplanatoris sekuensial yaitu pendekatan penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu angket dan wawancara. Sedangkan untuk teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik persentase untuk data kuantitatif dan teknik triangulasi untuk data kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pembentukan budaya disiplin di SMAN 1 Porong diupayakan melalui pengondisian lingkungan disiplin dan pembentukan perilaku disiplin. Pengkondisian lingkungan disiplin dilakukan dengan cara pemberian keteladanan dalam menaati tata tertib sekolah yang diberikan oleh guru dan Penegak Disiplin Sekolah di SMAN 1 Porong; dan pengawasan terhadap kedisplinan siswa dan diadakannya evaluasi terhadap hasil pengawasan oleh guru dan para penegak kedisiplinan. Pembentukan perilaku disiplin dilaksanakan melalui pemberian penguatan dan hukuman. Penguatan dilaksanakan dengan dua pendekatan yaitu menggunakan penguatan positif melalui pemberian sambutan baik dan pujian; dan penguatan negatif melalui pemberian penugasan yang mendidik. Sedangkan pemberian hukuman pun juga menggunakan dua pendekatan yang mendidik yaitu hukuman pemberlakuan yang dilaksanakan dengan memberikan peringatan dan nasihat secara berkelanjutan sampai dengan siswa sadar untuk tidak melakukan pelanggaran peraturan sekolah lagi; dan hukuman pencabutan yang dilaksanakan melalui penghilangan hak tertentu siswa. Kata kunci: Kedisiplinan, Budaya Disiplin, dan Penegak Disiplin Sekola

    Pengaruh Ukuran Butir Kapur Berbeda terhadap pH, Fe-larut dan Al-tukar Tanah pada Lahan Pasang Surut

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    Swampland in Indonesia covers an area of ​​34.93 million ha spread over various islands such as Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Papua. One type of swamp land that is often used in agriculture is tidal lands. The problems faced in the development of tidal lands for agriculture include acidic soil pH, high levels of soluble Fe and Al. One of the efforts to overcome the problem of acidic soil pH, high levels of soluble Fe and Al-dd is liming. The finer grain level of lime may increase the effectiveness of liming. The purpose of this study was to quantify the effect of lime grain sizes on changes in pH, dissolved Fe, and exchangeable Al of tidal lands. This study employed a one-factor completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 6 treatments (Control; CaCO3 more than 1.00 mm (> 18 mesh); CaCO3 lime, 0.5-100 mm (18 -35mesh); CaCO3 measuring 0.21-0.50 mm (35-70 mesh); CaCO3 measuring 0.21 mm (<70 mesh); CaCO3 lime measuring 0.15-1.00 mm (18 -100 mesh)). The results showed that the difference in the size of the CaCO3 lime granules had a significant effect on changes in pH, soluble Fe and exchangeable Al. The application of CaCO3 lime granules 0.21 mm (<70 mesh) result in increases in soil pH and suppress soluble Fe and exchangeable Al.Swampland in Indonesia covers an area of ​​34.93 million ha spread over various islands such as Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Papua. One type of swamp land that is often used in agriculture is tidal lands. The problems faced in the development of tidal lands for agriculture include acidic soil pH, high levels of soluble Fe and Al. One of the efforts to overcome the problem of acidic soil pH, high levels of soluble Fe and Al-dd is liming. The finer grain level of lime may increase the effectiveness of liming. The purpose of this study was to quantify the effect of lime grain sizes on changes in pH, dissolved Fe, and exchangeable Al of tidal lands. This study employed a one-factor completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 6 treatments (Control; CaCO3 more than 1.00 mm (> 18 mesh); CaCO3 lime, 0.5-100 mm (18 -35mesh); CaCO3 measuring 0.21-0.50 mm (35-70 mesh); CaCO3 measuring 0.21 mm (<70 mesh); CaCO3 lime measuring 0.15-1.00 mm (18 -100 mesh)). The results showed that the difference in the size of the CaCO3 lime granules had a significant effect on changes in pH, soluble Fe and exchangeable Al. The application of CaCO3 lime granules 0.21 mm (<70 mesh) result in increases in soil pH and suppress soluble Fe and exchangeable Al

    Perspektif Global Penyelesaian Sengketa Investasi di Indonesia

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    UUPM No.25/2007 is a yuridical consequence from World Trade Organization agreement (WTO) ratification. TRIMSs, aims to make investation law, including law on nvestation conflict solution hich is accordance with foreign investor tendency in global perspective namely; firts, the content has law characters which are definite, just, efficient; second, law spirit based directing the goverment and foreign investor to solve the investation conflict through national and International agreement rather than court. The crisis of court institution in Indonesia must be solved by building court law system refering to pancasila as Indonesian investation law goal. That has been a requirement to form formal regulation for ideal investation conflict solution in local and International perspectivePembentukan UUPM No. 25/2007 adalah konsekwensi yuridis dari ratifikasi Perjanjian WTO. TRIMs, yang bertujuan menciptakan hukum investasi, termasuk hukum penyelesaian sengketa investasi, yang sesuai dengan kehendak investor asing dalam perspektif global, yaitu: pertama, mengandung karakter hukum yang berkepastian, berkeadilan, dan berefisiensi; dan kedua, berlandaskan spirit hukum yang mengarahkan pemerintah dan penanaman modal asing menyelesaikan sengketa investasi melalui arbitrase Internasional daripada pengadilan bahkan arbitrase nasional di Indonesia. Krisis lembaga peradilan di Indonesia harus diselesaikan dengan cara membangun sistem hukum peradilan dengan mengacu pada Pancasila sebagai cita hukum investasi Indonesia. Hal tersebut adalah suatu syarat bagi terbentuknya aturan hukum penyelesaian sengketa investasi yang serasi dalam perspektif global dan lokal (Indonesia)

    The Effect of Investment Opportunity Set, Capital Structure, Interest Rate and Inflation on Firm Value

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    The purpose of this study is to test the influence of investment opportunity set (IOS), capital structure, interest rates and inflation on the company's values in the islamic index case studies of 2015 to 2019. It Uses the kind of quantitative research. The hypothetical testing used is the regression of the data panel using the micrsoft excells and the eviews-9 application. The sample retrieval technique USES an overwhelmingly sampling method with the number of samples as many as 13 companies. Data sources obtained from secondary data of financial statements accessed through private websites of the Indonesian stock exchange (BEI). The study shows that investment opportunity sets have a positive and significant impact on the company's values, capital structures have a positive and insignificant impact on the company's values, interest rates have a positive and insignificant impact and inflation is significantly negative and insignificant. The predictive ability of the four variables to the company's value of 56.95% and the remaining 43.5% are affected by other variables not in the research model.Keywords : Investment Opportunity Set; Capital Structure; Interest Rates; Company Valu


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    Pembakaran merupakan reaksi kimia yang cepat antara bahan bakar dengan oksigen (reaktan) pada tekanan dan suhu tertentu, namun pada pembakaran difusi oksigen belum tercampur sebelum reaksi pembakaran terjadi. Minyak kelapa adalah minyak yang diperoleh dari kopra. asam lemak jenuh yang terdapat pada minyak kelapa menyebabkan memiliki titik beku dan titik nyala yang tinggi, sehingga bila temperatur yang digunakan berfariasi maka akan mempengaruhi panjang nyala api. Dari data yang di peroleh setelah melakukan penelitian, menghasilkan data yang bervariasi. Hal ini terlihat dari grafik rata-rata panjang nyala (Lf) pada tekanan 20 temperaatur 25oC, yakni pada tekanan 20 temperatur 25oCatau pada perlakuan pertama lebih rendah dari pada perlakuan ke dua. Namun perlakan pertama ini tidak lebih rendah dari perlakuan ketiga, ke empat , kelima atau pada perlakuan 50oC, 70oC, 100oC. Berdasarkan dari percobaan pada temperatur yang bervariasi maka akan menghasilkan panjang nyala yang bervariasi pula. Sehingga dapat di simpulkan bahwa temperatur mempengaruhi panjang nyala api. Baking is chemical reaction which quickly between fuels with oxygens at certain temperatures and dividing valves, but at baking of oxygen diffusion not yet been mingled before combustion reaction happened. Coconut oil is oil which obtained from copra. saturated fatty acid found on palm oil cause to have high burning point and freezing point, so that if(when applied by temperature berfariasi hence will influence flame length. From data which in obtaining research having taken steps, yield data which vary. This thing seen from graph average of aflame length at dividing valve of 20 temperaatur 25oC, namely at dividing valve of 20 temperature 25oC or at treatment firstly lower than at second treatment. But perlakan firstly this not more low from third treatment, to four , fifth or at treatment 50oC, 70oC, 100oC. Based on from experiment at temperature which vary hence will yield aflame length which vary also. Causing earn in concluding that temperature influence flame length


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    The aim of the research was to determine whether there was a real interaction effect of Azolla POC concentration and the time interval of POC administration on the yield and growth of Pakcoy plants. The research used a Randomized Group Design (RAK) arranged factorially including 2 factors which were repeated 3 times. Factor I is the nutrient dose of Azolla liquid organic fertilizer which consists of 3 levels 4 namely D1: 0 ml/1 water, D1: 2 ml/l water, D2: 4 ml/l water, D3: 6ml/l water and Factor II is Time interval for application of 3 level Azolla liquid organic fertilizer. S1: Application time interval 2 days, S2: Application time interval 4 days, S3: Application time interval 6 days. Plant height (cm) was observed at 0, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 HST, measured using a meter. The number of leaves at 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 WAP and leaf width at 0, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 HST were measured using a tape measure. Accumulated fruit weight per plant (grams) The wet fruit weight of Pokcoy plants is determined by weighing all parts of the plant (roots, stems, leaves). Plants were weighed one by one using an analytical balance. Observational data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with a level of α = 0.05 and if there were significant differences between treatments then a further test was carried out using the DMRT test (Duncan's Multiple Range Test) at a level of α = 0.05. The results of research that have been carried out have concluded that there is a real interaction between the concentration of Azolla liquid organic fertilizer (D) and the time interval for POC application on the growth and yield of Pak Choy plants. The best treatment combination for plant height variables; number of leaves; leaf area is the D2S2 treatment, namely the combination treatment of azolla POC concentration of 4 ml/L and the POC application time interval of 4 days, while for plant fresh weight the best combination is D2S3, namely the combination treatment of 6 ml Azolla POC concentration and 4 day POC application time interval with weight. fresh plants amounting to 58.17 grams


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    Perjanjian-perjanjian kerja konstruksi didalam pelaksanaan Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa pada tahun 2018 diwilayah Pemerintahan Kota Sungai Penuh tidak mencantumkan klausul jaminan sosial ketenagakerjaan sedangkan Undang-Undang Nomor 2 tahun 2017 tentang Jasa Konstruksi mewajibkan klausul Jaminan Sosial Ketenagakerjaan masuk dalam klausul kontrak. Permasalahan yang terdapat didalam Perjanjian Kerja Konstruksi di Pemerintah Kota Sungai Penuh tersebut adalah mengenai Konstruksi Hukum Perjanjian Kerja Konstruksi Antara Pengguna Jasa, Penyedia Jasa dan Pekerja, Akibat Hukum Tidak Mencantumkan Klausul Jaminan Sosial Ketenagakerjaan, Dampak perlindungan hukum terhadap pekerja dalam Pelaksanaan Perjanjian Kerja Konstruksi dan Perjanjian Kerja Konstruksi yang seharusnya dikembangkan dan dilaksanakan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif yaitu suatu prosedur penelitian ilmiah untuk menemukan kebenaran berdasarkan logika keilmuan dari sisi normatifnya. Pemerintah kota Sungai Penuh selaku pengguna jasa dan pihak kontraktor selaku penyedia jasa terikat hubungan kerja dituangkan didalam suatu Perjanjian Kerja Konstruksi. Perjanjian Kerja Konstruksi yang tidak mencantumkan klausul perlindungan pekerja, memuat ketentuan kewajiban para pihak dalam pelaksanaan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja serta jaminan sosialmengakibatkan Perjanjian Kerja Konstruksi tersebut batal demi hukum. Pemberi Kerja Jasa Konstruksi tidak melaksanakan kewajibannya mendaftarkan pekerjanya dalam Program JKK dan JKM kepada BPJS Ketenagakerjaan mengakibatkan pekerja tidak terlindungi Program  Jaminan Kecelakaan Kerja (JKK), Program Jaminan Kematian (JKM) dan tidak mendapatkan fasilitas tambahan. Klausul-klausul pokok didalam kerangka Perjanjian Kerja Konstruksi Pemerintah Kota Sungai Penuh harus sesuai Pasal 47 ayat(1) UU Nomor 2 Tahun 2017 tentang Jasa Konstruksi
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