852 research outputs found

    Konstruksi Pemikiran Moderasi Beragama Perspektif Hermeneutika Hadis

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    The conflict of religion is fundamentally caused by understanding and perception. This paper aims to build objectivity of thinking in understanding hadith, so as not to fall into a radical and liberal understanding. With this, the researcher explores the hermeneutics of hadith as construction in religious moderation thinking. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. By taking reference sources from books, and scientific articles related to hadith hermeneutics using Google Sholar and other websites. The data analysis technique is reading, critically analyzing and drawing conclusions. The findings in this study show that hadith hermeneutics can be positioned as a construct of religious moderation thinking because in hadith hermeneutics there is critical thinking, comprehensive thinking and comparative thinking. These three thoughts are the urgency in understanding the arguments in the midst of religious communities, between religions and nations. ABSTRAKKonflik suatu agama secara fundamental disebabkan oleh pemahaman dan persepsi. Tulisan ini bertujuan membangun objektivitas berpikir dalam memahami hadis, agar tidak terjerumus kepada pemahaman radikal dan liberal. Dengan ini, peneliti mengeksplorasi hermeneutika hadis sebagai konstruksi dalam pemikiran moderasi beragama. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Kualitatif deskriptif. Dengan mengambil sumber referensi dari buku, artikel ilmiah yang berkaitan dengan hermeneutika hadis dengan menggunakan Google Sholar dan web lainnya. Teknik analis data yakni, adalah membaca, menganalisis secara kritis dan menarik kesimpulan. Adapun hasil temuan pada penelitian ini, bahwa hermeneutika hadis bisa diposisikan sebagai konstruksi pemikiran moderasi beragama, karena dalam hermeneutika hadis terdapat berpikir kritis, berpikir secara komprehensif dan berpikir secara komparatif. Tiga pemikiran ini adalah urgensi dalam memahami dalil di tengah umat beragama, antar agama dan bangsa

    Participation in research and innovation exhibitions: E-learning applications in Arabic Language

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    Arabic learning is in dire need for advance teaching and learning aids, especially with the integration of advanced multimedia application by using computer assisted applications, and learning courseware such as educational websites, digital or online language games, mobile learning applications, etc. In fact these applications have already been developed and explored by many researchers all over the world in various platforms such as web-based, CD-based, cloud based as well as mobile-based applications. The potential of designing and developing these applications is not limited to the benefits for teaching and learning Arabic language per se, but it is also has prospects to go into breakthrough of the innovation exhibition and competitions which are organized locally and internationally. These events are important for the researchers to generate and promote their innovative ideas to others and has the potential to transform their research into commercial products and winning the medal awards based on the evaluation criteria in the research and innovation exhibition and competition. The purpose of this paper is to discuss several research and innovation exhibition and competitions which are being organised locally and internationally and its relationship and potential with the development of multimedia applications in the field of teaching and learning Arabic language

    Design and development of e-learning contents and online activities

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    A presentation on design and development of e-learning materials for CELPAD e-learning workshop, IIUM at De Palma Hotel, Ampang on 11 November, 2011


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    Site issues are found to be a very common issue in construction industry and it has brought negative impacts to each of the participants in a construction project. Therefore, this research study was carried in order to investigate the causes, impacts and solutions related to the site issues in construction industry. A questionnaire survey involving 30 respondents was conducted in order to assess the research objectives based on the perspective of construction issues in Malaysia, the research objectives are to study the impact of site issues on the construction projects. In order to do that, causes of site issues and the impact of site issues to the construction projects are identified. The problem concerning now is site issues at construction sites now give much of an impact to the construction projects. This can affect the progress of the construction work which will cause the project could not be completed on time and increased cost exceeding a predetermined budget. The scope of study under this research project will be focus on site issues in construction projects based on project of particular companies which focus to residential construction, building construction, institutional and commercial construction. The data will be collected by doing questionnaire survey which will be carried out with contractors, consultants and client organization and from the data, and by using Microsoft Office Excel, graph, Relative Important Index and Reliability Test Analysis will be designed to show the results. The methodology of this study was divided into five parts, planning and analysis, identify problems, developed a questionnaire survey, analysis of data and impact to construction projects. At the end of the study, based on the analysis of impact of site issues on the construction project, it is anticipated that impact of site issues will cause an effect to the construction work and progress


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    Abstract: This study tries to find out which components of Public Speaking actually make the students interested in English speech and English teaching. This is a descriptive qualitative study where the data for the research were collected through a self-administered questionnaire distributed to all students of the fourth semester at English Study Program of State Polytechnic of Bengkalis – Riau.  The technique used to collect the data was done by asking the students to watch a video of a speech and then answer the questionnaire given. The questionnaire was set based on relevant literature review and also focused on condition of the students based on daily observation done by the writer during his teaching Public Speaking subject to the students. After collecting the data, the writer sorted the data by summarizing and choosing the specific category, displaying and verifying the data analysis and making the conclusion from the finding data. The findings of this research are hoped to give another point of view to English lecturers to realize certain parts of teaching that actually can make it more interesting for the students. The result of this study shows that Story Telling and Body Language performed by a speaker or a lecturer are among the most interesting aspects that make them interested in an English speech or teaching. Beside, this study also reveals that lack of Pauses and Visual Aids performed by the lecturers make their teaching become less interesting

    Surface Electromyography (SEMG) Normalization Method Based On Pre Fatigue Maximal Voluntary Contraction

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    Surface electromyography (sEMG) pattern recognition task requires high accuracy classification. However, current technology suffers from two main problems. The first problem is inconsistent pattern due to fatigue while the second is robustness of sEMG features due to low signal to noise ratio, SNR. This research intends to address both sEMG problems mentioned by proposing a normalization method named as pre fatigue maximal voluntary contraction (PFMVC) and a feature known as Maximal Amplitude Spectrum (MaxPS). The both method used to carry the objectives, the first is to analyse a normalization method based on pre fatigue maximal voluntary contraction (PFMVC) and the second objective is to design and verify a new features known as Maximal Amplitude Spectrum (MaxPS). It is found that the proposed method improves sEMG pattern recognition accuracy by 98.48% when compare to 97%. The performance of PFMVC normalization method is measured by mean variance of boxplot across several subject which is reduce inconsistency from 3.41x10-3 to 1.73x10-3 , p-value of one way analysis of variance (One- Way ANOVA) is reduce from p=0.25 to p=0.035 and variance of mean intra class correlation co-efficient, (ICC) is reduce from 26x10-4 to 7.089x10-4. The precision and robust of MaxPS features is determine by lowest Error to mean percentage (%ETM) which is 0.213 , lowest in Euclidean distance,(Ed) which is 0.0034 and lowest hoteling t2 which is 0.27. From the results, it shows that the MaxPS is a robust and precise feature for force and fatigue indicator. This will give the benefit for force and fatigue mapping application


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    Abstract: The purposes of the research are to (1) introduce the method of  “The Tense Key Matching” which is used to create English sentences easily to the Class X students of MAS Nurul Falah, Airmolek, INHU, Riau, (2) find out if “The Key Tense Matching” is usable to be applied in Class X of MAS Nurul Falah, Airmolek, INHU, Riau to help the students face difficulties in creating English sentences so that they can master the four language skills in the future, and (3) know if the effectiveness of “The Key Tense Matching” to the students’ability in creating English sentences will give the effect on their English learning outcomes or not. This is a quasi experimental research which uses the pre-test and post-test design. The sample consist of two group: experimental class (given treatment of the tense key matching method) and controlled class (taught through conventional method). The subject of the research is the Class X students of MAs Nurul Falah Airmolek. The data is gathered through the techinqes of observation, test, documentation, and interview. Ttest  is used to analysed the data. The result of the test shows that the tense key matching method is more effective than he conventional  method when it is applied in teaching English grammar (t = 8.547 and p ˂ 0.000)

    Kontekstualisasi Nilai-Nilai Pancasila dan Hadis dalam Merespon Fenomena LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, dan Transgender)

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    This study aims to contextualize the values of Pancasila and Hadith in responding to the phenomenon of LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) as a human unnaturalness. This article also seeks to reveal how the fundamental differences between Pancasila and Hadith in responding to LGBT as well as our attitude towards LGBT people in the current context. This research is a library research with data analysis techniques using content analysis. The data analysis technique in this research is done by collecting all materials related to LGBT through Google Scholar both in the perspective of Pancasila and Hadith. Then conducted a literature review of the content in depth. The findings are Pancasila and Hadith have the same perspective that LGBT cannot be legalized. Pancasila and Hadith limit freedom of expression and not unlimited freedom. Our attitude towards LGBT people in the context of today is to embrace, rehabilitate, and provide education, not to judge, discriminate, and segregate them