19 research outputs found

    The Effect of Perceived Quality, Price, and Product Safety on Loyalty Consumer XYZ Products

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    Herbal skincare products are becoming more popular nowadays as consumers’ concern regarding the negative side effects of synthetic ingredients are rising as well. XYZ is a newcomer herbal skincare brand from Indonesia and currently has not become one of the 10 famous cosmetic brands in Indonesia. This research was conducted to determine the description of consumer perceptions regarding the quality, price and safety of XYZ products and its influence on consumer loyalty. Questionnaires are distributed online by using google forms to make it easier to cover a wide area. Data collection is done by nonprobability sampling method using purposive and snowball sampling. There were 400 respondents obtained with the criteria of women who have bought and used XYZ products in Indonesia. This research used quantitative, qualitative and descriptive analysis methods. The obtained data was then analyzed by using multiple linear regression method with the help of SPSS software. Based on the conducted research, the results showed the average consumer agrees that XYZ has good product quality, affordable prices and safe to use. Perceived quality, price and safety have a significant effect on the XYZ consumer loyalty products, both partially and simultaneously. Quality perception has the strongest influence whereas, safety perception has the weakest influence on the consumer loyalty

    Education for Sustainable Development through Dissemination of Good Cleaner Production Practices: University – Industry Collaboration toward Sustainable Agroindustry (A case on Pondoh Snake Fruit based SME)

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    Higher education plays an important role in the implementation of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). Together with industry, the collaboration can provide a wider multiplier effect. Among others, agro-industry is one of sector that provides vast employment opportunities both on- and off-farms, which potentially improve welfare of human involved. However, its activities in effort to meet the needs of rapid increase of world’s population faced with scarcity problems, sometimes merely focus on economic sustainability. Therefore, disseminating good cleaner production practices, which emphasizes the reduction or removal of environmental contamination at the source (front of pipe concept) can be done to educate agro-industrial actors to implement sustainable development. Collaboration model between university and agro-industry in Education for Sustainable Development of Agroindustry is discussed in the paper.Keywords: cleaner production, sustainable agro-industry, university – industry collaboration


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    Abstrak : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran kemampuan berinkuiri peserta didik di SMA Negeri 1 Bantaeng. Jenis penelitian ini tergolong penelitian ex post facto dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Adapun sumber datanya diperoleh dari hasil tes kemampuan berinkuiri 62 peserta didik. Tes terdiri dari 5 soal/fenomena yang masing-masing mengukur 6 aspek kemampuan berinkuri. Yaitu, kemampuan merumuskan masalah, merumuskan hipotesis, merancang percobaan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peserta didik di SMA Negeri 1 Bantaeng telah memiliki kemampuan berinkuiri. Peserta didik telah mampu merumuskan masalah dengan menggunakan kalimat tanya yang tepat dan dengan memperhatikan hubungan antara variabel berdasarkan fenomena yang disajikan. Pada aspek kemampuan merumuskan hipotesis, peserta didik telah mampu memperlihatkan hubungan antar variabel dengan benar, dengan menggunakan kalimat sederhana yang jelas dan spesifik. Pada aspek merancang penelitian Peserta didik belum mampu menentukan alat dan bahan yang tepat yang dapat digunakan untuk mengarahkan pada proses penelitian yang diharapkan pada setiap fenomena yang disajikan. Pada aspek kemampuan melakukan penelitian, peserta didik belum mampu menyusun langkah-langkah kegiatan yang dapat mengarahkan pada penemuan hasil penelitian yang diharapkan. Pada aspek kemampuan mengolah data, peserta didik cenderung tidak mampu mengisi seluruh tabel pengamatan dengan lengkap dan benar dan masih kurang mampu menyesuaikan besaran dengan satuan yang tepat, terutama jika ada pengonversian satuan. Selain itu, peserta didik cenderung tidak mampu menggambarkan grafik yang benar karena kesalahan dalam mengisi tabel dan kurang mampu menempatkan variabel dengan tepat pada sumbu x dan sumbu y grafik. Rumusan hasil penelitian cenderung mengacu kepada rumusan hipotesis yang disusun. Sehingga peserta didik yang mampu menyusun hipotesis dengan benar juga mampu merumuskan hasil penlitian dengan benar. Kata Kunci: kemampuan inkuiri, peserta didi


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    Kunci keselamatan dalam berkendara adalah berkendara dengan disiplin, menghormati pengendara lain, dan beretika saat berkendara. Sampai saat ini masih terdapat pengendara yang kurang memperhatikan kunci keselamatan berkendara. Hal ini dikarenakan masyarakat belum sadar akan pentingnya pengetahuan mengenai keselamatan berkendara. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya cara yang efektif untuk mengedukasi masyarakat tentang pentingnya pengetahuan keselamatan berkendara melalui kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dengan melakukan sosialisasi keselamatan perkeretaapian di SDN Ngujung II Magetan. Sosialisasi ini bertujuan untuk mengedukasi para siswa untuk mengetahui aspek hukum perkeretaapian dan semboyan perkeretaapian. Hasil dari pengabdian masyarakat ini diharapkan siswa SDN Ngujung II Magetan dapat memahami aspek hukum perkeretaapian dan semboyan perkeretaapian

    Material Flow Cost Accounting in Palm Oil: Promoting Transparency in the Use of Materials and Appropriate Scenario in Resource Saving and Waste Reduction

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    The sustainability aspect of the palm oil business strategy is a significant part of dealing with changes in the future. The rest of the processed products that have not been handled perfectly is a form of material loss that reduces income and environmental sustainability. Even though the company has reported and compiled its responsibilities, the actual productivity of the company is much lower because the amount of hidden waste has not been fully considered. This research involves companies introducing material flow cost accounting in tracing and calculating physical resources and financing. This method helps companies to determine the number of negative and positive products as a basis for evaluation for saving resources and reducing environmental impacts through reducing oil losses and increasing yields. This effort will become a competitive advantage and encourage the ability of business actors to increase revenue and reduce waste. Scenarios of improving the quality of fresh fruit bunches, optimizing the sterilization process, and increasing the amount of pulp are adaptive choices in terms of availability and resource capacity. Dissemination of efforts and successes in improving resource efficiency to stakeholders is vital to increasing the value and sustainability of the palm oil business

    Defining Risk Assessment Severity Level of Geographical Indication Product Salak Pondoh (Sallaca edulis cv Reinw) Sleman

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    Assessing severity level of agricultural products, including those with geographical indication (GI), is important to properly maintain their quality level. This study aimed to identify risk types of GI products and define their severity levels. The identification of risk types and definition of severity levels of GI products had been done on Salak Pondoh Sleman, which has been certified since 2014. These two objectives had been achieved through two approaches: (1) the use of international/ national quality standards of horticultural products; and (2) in-depth interview with each business actor at all tier of the product’s supply chain. The results are discussed in the paper.  Keywords: geographical indication, risk assessment, Salak Pondoh Sleman, severity level

    The Role of Employee Engagement in Green HRM to Create Sustainable Humanist Performance

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the role of employee involvement in Green HRM to create humanist sustainable performance as an approach that links ecological principles with human resource management in order to achieve sustainable and humane organizational performance. This research method involved surveys and data analysis using multiple linear regression analysis and distribution of questionnaires and interviews as well as literature studies, after which data processing was carried out using SPSS Analysis Version 25. from companies to identify the relationship between the level of employee involvement in sustainable initiatives. The research technique used a quantitative approach using a sample of 100 respondents and was conducted in June-August 2023, the results showed a significant positive effect on employee engagement and Green HRM variables on sustainable performance increasing productivity, employee loyalty, and company reputation as well as having a positive impact on the humanist aspect, such as job satisfaction and employee welfare. These findings underscore the need to develop a Green HRM strategy that focuses on the active participation of employees in formulating, implementing and strengthening sustainable initiatives, thereby creating a more sustainable work environment

    Identification of Sustainable Supply Chain Performance in Primary Cocoa Processing (Case Study in Patuk, Yogyakarta)

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    This study identified the handling of dry fermented cocoa bean production, analyzed the level of cocoa supply chain (SC) performance in Patuk, and developed recommendations for poor performance to improve SC performance. In this study, environmentally friendly handling was carried out by observing the SC and processing process, and SC performance was measured based on the Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model in the scope of reliability, responsiveness, and agility supported by the 2.2 Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) weighting method using pairwise comparison. The result of this study indicates that sustainable practices from the seeding, nurturing, harvesting, and shipping stages are easier to implement due to the small scale and proximity to residential areas and processing units. Cocoa SC performance in Patuk is divided into 3 parts, namely for farmer performance (79.79), collective traders (70.23), and processing industry (83.29). Improvements that can be made to improve the performance of the SC are by increasing plant maintenance, recording production, and making contracts. The benefits of this study are to encourage the adoption of environmentally friendly cocoa cultivation and processing practices, provide information on SC factors on SC performance, and provide recommendations for performance improvement

    Studi Kesiapan Konsep Personal Higiene pada Masyarakat Menuju Desa Wisata Edukasi Kulinologi

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    ABSTRACT             The identification of the community's readiness to develop their capability from farming to culinary to support food security needs understanding and awareness about personal hygiene. Observations, interviews, and questionnaires were used to determine 100 respondents from 8 sub villages in Banyusoco, Playen, Gunungkidul. The level of knowledge, understanding, and awareness of self-hygiene is explored from the implementation of socialization, the impact of dissemination and training activities, the frequency of hand washing before handling food, the frequency of handwashing with soap or disinfectant after using the toilet, at the dining area, and time for at least 20 seconds use of soap. Readiness analysis is also reviewed from the level of education. The results of identification show that daily habits that affect consciousness are needed. However, further research and dissemination are needed to explain the differences between behavioral reports, abilities, and awareness.Keywords: dissemination, practice, knowledge, consciousness, personal hygien

    Peningkatan kualitas basic swimming techniques klub Arwana Kota Kediri melalui program pelatihan dan parenting

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    Latar belakang masalah dari pelatihan ini adalah masih minimnya pemahaman dari orang tua tentang program latihan yang diberikan oleh pelatih, sehingga sering terjadinya komunikasi yang kurang baik dan juga teknik dari atlet kurang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dari masing-masing gaya yang ada didalam cabang olahraga renang. Dengan metode pendekatan pendampingan, pelatihan, dan pembinaan, program pengabdian pada masyarakat memberikan warna baru dalam meningkatkan teknik renang yang baik melalui program basic swimming techniques di Kota Kediri. Materi yang disampaikan adalah program parenting dalam meningkatkan kualitas basic swimming techniques di Kota Kediri khususnya pada club Arwana serta pemahaman yang dalam waktu 5 hari ini menghasilkan respon yang positif dari orang tua wali. Adapun hasil yang didapatkan adalah adanya pemahaman yang berkaitan tentang langkah–langkah yang harus dilakukan ketika melakukan gerakan teknik dalam berenang, sebagai contoh gerakan upper body dan lower body yang mengalami perubahan yang signifikan.Berdasarkan hasil dilapangan dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan best time dari masing-masing atlet baik pada kategori 200 meter, 100 meter dan juga 50 meter dengan peningkatan rata-rata 200 meter = 20.15, 100 meter = 11.05, dan 50 meter = 04.10