8 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) mengembangkan aplikasi media pembelajaran sejarah SMA yang mampu menampilkan lokasi cagar budaya di DIY, deskripsi, gambar, dan video, (2) mengetahui kualitas aplikasi yang dikembangkan berdasarkan standar pengujian kualitas perangkat lunak ISO/IEC 25010 pada aspek functional suitability, performance efficiency, compatibility, dan usability. Metode yang digunakan adalah Research and Development dengan prosedur pengembangan perangkat lunak waterfall variasi V-model yang terdiri dari komunikasi, perencanaan, pemodelan, konstruksi, dan penyerahan perangkat lunak kepada pelanggan/pengguna. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah 1) aplikasi Historoid berbasis Android sebagai media pembelajaran sejarah siswa SMA yang mampu menampilkan lokasi cagar budaya di DIY, deskripsi, gambar, dan video. Pengembangan aplikasi menggunakan Android Studio, dan 2) hasil pengujian menunjukkan aplikasi telah memenuhi standar ISO/IEC 25010 pada aspek (1) functional suitability seluruh fungsi aplikasi berjalan 100%, (2) compatibility aplikasi kompatibel 100% dari sisi co-existence, berbagai sistem operasi, tipe perangkat dan ukuran layar, (3) performance effiency aplikasi berhasil dijalankan di 304 dari 312 perangkat uji. Aplikasi dapat berjalan dengan baik tanpa terjadi memory leak. Time behaviour rata-rata 0,022 seconds/thread, CPU Utilization rata-rata 10,71%, memory utilization rata-rata 33,11 MB untuk perangkat Dalvik Virtual Machine, sedangkan untuk perangkat Android Run Time, time behaviour rata-rata 0,020 seconds/thread, CPU utilization rata-rata 9,9918%, memory utilization rata-rata 154,582 MB, (4)usability aplikasi memperoleh skor 84,34%. Kata Kunci: media pembelajaran, sejarah, cagar budaya, android, ISO/IEC 2501

    Implementasi Sistem Penjualan Online Produk Olahan dan Buah Nanas Berbasis Website

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    Pineapple processed products are processed products of SMEs engaged in the production and sale of typical food kualu nenas village, mining subdistrict, Kampar regency, Riau province. The sales, marketing, and promotion system still uses the system manually, whereby the buyer must come directly to the store. Therefore, a website-based sales system will be created to develop pineapple processed products using php programming language and mySQL database online better known as E-Commerce (Electronic Commerce). With the methodology used in the design of this system is using the waterfall method. The advantages in this website-based sales system is that it can make it easier for consumers to make the process of buying transactions online which can save time and costs compared to buying come directly to the store

    Authentic U-Fraction in Authentic Learning Environment

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    In this study, we developed a tablet-based application, namely Authentic U-Fraction to assist elementary school students in learning fractions with authentic contextual support. In this study, an experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of the students’ learning behavior toward the fraction learning achievements using Authentic U-Fraction. Three topics of fractions included are fractions concept, fraction simplification, and fraction addition/subtraction. Totally 54 fifth-grade students were assigned and divide into two groups, one experimental group, and one control group. The control group learned fraction using traditional teaching method and paper-based assignment, while the experimental group using Authentic U-Fraction in an authentic context. After the experiment, the result showed that the experimental group performed better than the control group, especially in understanding fraction and fraction representation. The reason was that by taking the picture, making fraction representation from the picture, and making annotation facilitated students to learn fraction using Authentic U-Fraction. Authentic U-Fraction also helped students to do more practice by themselves and fully explain their solutions, but it does not affect their learning achievement. Because besides students did more practice, they also need to make a complete annotation that includes three different representation: linguistic, logic mathematics, and visual representative. More students did practice with complete annotation higher their learning achievement. Application of three scaffoldings on students’ peer assessment also revealed that meaningful peer assessment could correlate to the students’ learning achievement that also strengthened by the teacher assessment score that also has a higher correlation to the learning achievement from the assessment of assignment side. A Multiple regression result shown that teacher assessment score could strongly predict the posttest score. Overall, students satisfied with Authentic U- Fraction because it is easy to use, easy to learn, and it facilitates the students to learn fraction in an authentic context. In the final, the result of this study contributes essential implications along with conclusion and suggestion for future research


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    Stunting is understood as low height for age in children. The high-for-age nutritional index is a common measure of childhood stunting. Stunted children are not always thin, some are even overweight compared to their height. One way to overcome stunting is to ensure food security and fulfi ll nutrition on an ongoing basis. One way to make this happen is by implementing Pawon Urip. Pawon Urip is the local wisdom of the Lumajang Regency which is bound by the concepts of kinship, mutual cooperation, empathy and also solidarity among residentsThe aim of this paper is to elaborate the ways Pawon Urip in Lumajang Regency, East Java uses and develops the local values of gotong royong and solidarity toward immediate circles of social connections to deal with stunting as their common problem. This paper is a qualitative research on Pawon Urip. The main data will be collected through interviews done with some Pawon Urip activists and also its members. The secondary data will be collected in the forms of news and reports on Pawon Urip activities, stunting statistical data, and other related data. The data will be analyzed thematically to formulate the golden thread of the local wisdom in dealing with common problem of stunting. The results of this study are the application of Pawon Urip in Kloposawit Village to help the community meet nutritional needs during the COVID-19 pandemic and can support sustainable food consumption and improve nutritional status. It is hoped that this paper might provide an example of a best practice in the mitigation of stunting using local wisdom

    Pemanfaatan Saung Intelektual untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Belajar Anak Tidak Sekolah

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    Kecamatan Tanon Kabupaten Sragen terdapat Desa Tanon. Mayoritas masyarakat yang tinggal di Desa Tanoni bermata pencaharian di bidang pertanian sebagai petani, buruh tani, buruh harian lepas, dan dalam beberapa hal sebagai wiraswasta. Namun demikian banyak orang tua yang tetap menyekolahkan anaknya ke sekolah menengah atas meskipun sebagian besar dari mereka yang bekerja di industri dan berpendidikan SLTA atau SLTP. Anak-anak memang ditakdirkan untuk belajar, namun kenyataannya banyak orang tua yang terlalu disibukkan dengan bekerja, baik di ladang sendiri maupun sebagai buruh tani. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah: 1) Meningkatkan pendidikan berbasis nonformal dengan mendirikan Saung Intelektual. 2) Mewujudkan saung intelektual yang berangkat dari permasalahan dan potensi masyarakat. 3) Penguatan P5 (program penguatan profil pelajar Pancasila) dalam mewujudkan generasi terdidik. 4) Pembekalan dan pencerdasan mengenai seks education dan penanaman nilai moral serta agama sejak dini. 5) Menyadarkan pentingnya digitalisasi dalam upaya peningkatan perekonomian masyarakat. Hasil kegiatan pendampingan Desa Cerdas, yaitu (a) Pojok Literasi Anak Tidak Sekolah; (b) Pojok Literasi Permainan Tradisional; (c) Pojok Literasi Budaya dan Kewarganegaraan; (d) Pojok Literasi Seks Education; (e) dan Pojok Literasi Perekonomian dan Digitalisasi. Dengan adanya kelima pojok literasi tersebut, diharapkan dapat membawa perubahan positif bagi desa dan juga mahasiswa. Masyarakat di desa Tanon, khususnya untuk anak-anak dan remaja bergembira dengan adanya pojok literasi tersebut, selain bersenang-senang anak-anak juga diajarkan terkait pentingnya literasi, dan juga pendidikan seks yang masih tabu di kalangan masyarakat. Adapun manfaat yang didapatkan oleh mahasiswa sebagai bentuk pelatihan soft skills dan juga hard skills sebagai keterampilan yang sangat dibutuhkan di era sekarang ini.Kecamatan Tanon Kabupaten Sragen terdapat Desa Tanon. Mayoritas masyarakat yang tinggal di Desa Tanoni bermata pencaharian di bidang pertanian sebagai petani, buruh tani, buruh harian lepas, dan dalam beberapa hal sebagai wiraswasta. Namun demikian banyak orang tua yang tetap menyekolahkan anaknya ke sekolah menengah atas meskipun sebagian besar dari mereka yang bekerja di industri dan berpendidikan SLTA atau SLTP. Anak-anak memang ditakdirkan untuk belajar, namun kenyataannya banyak orang tua yang terlalu disibukkan dengan bekerja, baik di ladang sendiri maupun sebagai buruh tani. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah: 1) Meningkatkan pendidikan berbasis nonformal dengan mendirikan Saung Intelektual. 2) Mewujudkan saung intelektual yang berangkat dari permasalahan dan potensi masyarakat. 3) Penguatan P5 (program penguatan profil pelajar Pancasila) dalam mewujudkan generasi terdidik. 4) Pembekalan dan pencerdasan mengenai seks education dan penanaman nilai moral serta agama sejak dini. 5) Menyadarkan pentingnya digitalisasi dalam upaya peningkatan perekonomian masyarakat. Hasil kegiatan pendampingan Desa Cerdas, yaitu (a) Pojok Literasi Anak Tidak Sekolah; (b) Pojok Literasi Permainan Tradisional; (c) Pojok Literasi Budaya dan Kewarganegaraan; (d) Pojok Literasi Seks Education; (e) dan Pojok Literasi Perekonomian dan Digitalisasi. Dengan adanya kelima pojok literasi tersebut, diharapkan dapat membawa perubahan positif bagi desa dan juga mahasiswa. Masyarakat di desa Tanon, khususnya untuk anak-anak dan remaja bergembira dengan adanya pojok literasi tersebut, selain bersenang-senang anak-anak juga diajarkan terkait pentingnya literasi, dan juga pendidikan seks yang masih tabu di kalangan masyarakat. Adapun manfaat yang didapatkan oleh mahasiswa sebagai bentuk pelatihan soft skills dan juga hard skills sebagai keterampilan yang sangat dibutuhkan di era sekarang ini

    Development of Augmented Reality Application for Learning Computer Network Device

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    Applied augmented reality works by detecting imageries or pictures, normally called markers, by using smartphone camera that detects these preplaced markers. Augmented reality has seen wide application in various fields, one of them is education. In the field of education, augmented reality is utilized to make learning process more engaging and attractive. Starting from the problem that learning computer networks on introduce to network device which is currently still delivered conventionally. So, this research makes a solution to this problem by developing learning media using augmented reality (AR) technology, which is a technology that combines two-dimensional or three-dimensional virtual objects into a real environment and then projects these virtual objects in real time. The purpose of this research is to build AR-based applications in learning computer network devices in order to increase understanding, generate motivation and student interest. The methodology used in this research consist of Envisioning Phase(Problem Identification, Planning Phase(Planning), Developing Phase(Design), Stabilizing Phase(Testing), Deploying Phase(Implementation). This study uses 31 students as sample and the data was analyzed using the SUS(System Usability Scale). The result show evaluates the usability using SUS of 31 respondents and it can be concluded that this AR application can be accepted by these students in its use with SUS Score obtained was 78.

    An Extremely Close Vibration Frequency Signal Recognition Using Deep Neural Networks

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    This study proposes the utilization of an optical fiber vibration sensor for detecting the superposition of extremely close frequencies in vibration signals. Integration of deep neural networks (DNN) proves to be meaningful and efficient, eliminating the need for signal analysis methods involving complex mathematical calculations and longer computation times. Simulation results of the proposed model demonstrate the remarkable capability to accurately distinguish frequencies below 1 Hz. This underscores the effectiveness of the proposed image-based vibration signal recognition system embedded in DNN as a streamlined yet highly accurate method for vibration signal detection, applicable across various vibration sensors. Both simulation and experimental evaluations substantiate the practical applicability of this integrated approach, thereby enhancing electric motor vibration monitoring techniques