32 research outputs found

    Patient complaints among emergency room patients at a teaching hospital in Karachi

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    OBJECTIVES: To study the chief presenting complaints among patients presenting to the Emergency Medical services. SETTING: This study was conducted at the Emergency Room of Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi during March and April, 2003. METHODS: A survey was carried out by the study investigators. This survey included patients who were not very sick and were selected at random. Demographic profiles of the respondents were noted. EPI-info and SPSS computer software programs were used for analysis of the results. RESULTS: One hundred patients were surveyed. The majority was relatively young, married men and women, well educated and better socio-economically placed. The majority of complaints were related to Gastroenterology, Obstetrics, Gynecology and Orthopedics services. CONCLUSION: We have documented the chief presenting complaints of emergency room patients. These findings have important implications for medical practice and planners of emergency medical services

    Intervensi Kognitif Tingkah Laku Islam (I-CBT) Di Dalam Merawat Masalah Ketagihan Pornografi : Satu Kajian Kes

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    Kajian ini mengenai satu kajian kes yang mengaplikasikan Intervensi Kognitif Tingkah Laku Islam (I-CBT) untuk membantu individu yang terlibat dengan ketagihan pornografi dan masih dalam proses pemulihan diri. Pornografi merupakan satu perbuatan yang tidak baik dan tidak diterima dalam kehidupan seharian kerana perbuatan tersebut tidak hanya dilarang dari sudut etika moral tetapi turut dilarang di sisi agama. Pornografi juga dijadikan salah satu bentuk eksploitasi seksual yang diperdagangkan. Perlaksanaan undang-undang serta penggunaan perisian penapis internet dilihat bukanlah penyelesaian mutlak kepada isu pornografi. Satu modul atau intervensi perlu dibina bagi membantu individu yang terlibat dengan ketagihan pornografi dapat melakukan pemulihan secara kendiri dan bantuan pakar seperti kaunselor. Metodologi dan reka bentuk kajian adalah kualitatif dan satu bentuk kajian kes dimana seorang responden telah ditemubual hasil dari sesi kaunseling yang telah dijalani sebelum menjadi responden kajian ini. Kajian ini membentuk beberapa tema yang merupakan punca, kesan dan intervensi ketagihan pornografi. Analisa kajian juga mendapati masih ada kesan ketagihan pornografi yang menganggu pemikiran responden di dalam menjalani kehidupan seharian. Faktor-faktor ini juga boleh digunakan untuk membantu para kaunselor merumuskan strategi-strategi pendekatan Islam yang berkesan untuk membantu kes ketagihan seperti ini sama ada pada peringkat perlindungan, pencegahan atau pemulihan. Cadangan kajian akan datang supaya kajian lebih memfokus kepada mencari lebih pendekatan atau modul yang boleh digunakan sebagai satu intervensi hasil dari teori dalam kaunseling konvensional dan perspektif Islam iaitu Teori Kognitif Tingkah Laku Islam serta dilaksanakan dalam bentuk kelompok

    Pornography addiction : A case study

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    This article is about a case study of a pornography addict who is still in the process of selfrehabilitation. Pornography is a bad and unacceptable act because it is not only prohibited in terms of moral ethics but also in religion aspects. Pornography is also one of the trafficked forms of sexual exploitation. Other than that, law enforcement and internet filtering software seem to be not an absolute solution to the pornography issue. A module or intervention is needed to be built to guide a pornography addict rehabilitating independently on their own with the help of professionals. The methodology and the research design in this study is a case study and qualitative respectively in which the interviewee is an ex client of researcher’s previous counselling session. This study forms several themes which are the causes, effects and interventions of pornography addiction. The analysis of the study also found that there are still effects of pornography addiction that disrupt the respondent’s thoughts in her daily life. These factors can assist counselors in formulating effective Islamic approach to tackle the issue, whether at the level of protection, prevention or rehabilitation. The future researchers are ought to focus more on finding an intervention that relates to the conventional counselling and the perspectives of Islam which is called Islamic Cognitive Behavioral Theory

    (2S)-3-(1H-Indol-3-yl)-2-(4-methyl­benzene­sulfonamido)­propionic acid monohydrate

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    In the title compound, C18H18N2O4S·H2O, the indole and toluene ring systems are oriented at a dihedral angle of 84.51 (9)°. In the crystal, the components are linked by N—H⋯O, O—H⋯O, C—H⋯O and N—H⋯π inter­actions. These include a short link from the α-C atom of the amino acid fragment

    Anti-acne activity of Casuarina equisetifolia bark extract: A randomized clinical trial

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the clinical efficacy of Casuarina equisetifolia bark extract (5% cream) in comparison with benzoyl peroxide as the standard drug for acne vulgaris. After exclusion, fifty patients were included in the study (n=50) with age group distribution between 17-34 years of age. Patients were distributed into Group 1 (5% cream) and Group 2 (benzoyl peroxide), and were advised to apply the herbal cream twice a day topically. The clinical efficacy of the herbal cream and severity of acne vulgaris was assessed by Cook's acne grading scale. Results revealed that there was no significant difference found in both test and standard control groups. Further, remarkable improvement was found in acne grading in the test group

    صوفیاء برصغیر کا شاندار علمی، تبلیغی سیاسی و سماجی کردار اور مذہبی رواداری: ROLE OF SUBCONTINENT SUFIS IN RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE, POLITICAL, PREACHING AND EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES

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    This article focuses on the Sufi saints' contributions to the spread of Islam over the Indian subcontinent in addition to reformation of people belonging to any religion whether muslims or non-muslims, teaching of tolerance, peace, harmony, compassion etc. They also ran a movement for purgation and repentance of Muslims also. The method of the Sufis in reforming and improving behavior and ethics of people was based on the teachings of love, wisdom, moderation, and humanity. Besides all, they played an active role in politics too. The Sufi saints' adaptable outlook was one of the key elements in the expansion of Islam over the Indian subcontinent. Islam was promoted as the most practical and simple faith to accept and follow. They never paused to adapt Islamic teachings to the customs and principles of the region. As a result, Sufi philosophy, writings, knowledge, and syncretic ideals have had a long-lasting influence on region However, the Sufis adapted their message to the mentality and way of life in the region. The natives had a sense of resonance with their teachings as well. Thus, as a result of their strength of faith and belief, the purity of morals, the extreme asceticism and greedless life, the sympathy with God's people without discrimination of class, nation and religion, the love and respect for humanity not only established harmony among people of different religions but also illuminated subcontinent with the light of Islam

    Cryopreservation Sperm Epididymis of Iraqi Camels and Activation After thawing by Using Q10

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    This study is conducted at the laboratory of post-graduate studies / department of Animal Production / College of Agriculture / University of Al –Muthanna for the period from 17/2 to 14/9/ 2016 to investigate the ability of cryopreservation of epididymal sperms for Iraqi camels and the effect of adding of Q10 thawing solution. The testes are collected from the abattoir directly after slaughtering of animals and transferred to the laboratory in proper temperature. The sperms are collected from the cauda of epididymis and immerged in smart medium previously prepared. The experiment was divided in to third treatments the first (control) , the second thawing solution with 5µM Q10 concentration , the three thawing solution with 10µM Q10 concentration .The results of the study show significant superiority )P≤0.05( for the third treatment 10µM Q10 over the first and second treatments in the individual motility, mass motility and agglutination,. The individual motility types A,B,C are 15.4286 ± 0.53 ، 15.4286 ± 0.70 ، 17.0952 ± 0.52 respectively ، significant superiority )P≤0.05( for first treatment over the second and third treatments The individual motility types(D) and agglutination are 60.1190 ± 1.18 ، 20.4762 ± 0.33 respectively . 52.1429±1.34

    Febrile neutropenia: median door-to-needle time-results of an initial audit.

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    BACKGROUND: Recently, due to inadequacies during immediate management of patients with febrile neutropenia, a new gold standard \u27door-to-needle\u27 time of 1 hour for the administration of intravenous antibiotics was introduced. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this audit was to identify whether that target was being met in our emergency department (ED). This is phase 1 of the study which will be followed by identification of barriers to the achievement of the target and recommendations for improvement. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Data were collected from January 2013 to April 2013 of consecutive patients (adult and pediatric age group) who presented to the ED with febrile neutropenia for various underlying causes. Fever was defined as single oral temperature of \u3e38.3°C (101°F) or a temperature of \u3e38.0°C (100.4°F) sustained for more than 1 hour. Neutropenia was defined as absolute neutrophil count RESULTS: During the study period, there were n = 81 patients who presented with febrile neutropenia. There were n = 49 were males and n = 32 were females. There were n = 37 patients in the pediatric age group while rest were adults. Patients most commonly had an underlying hematological malignancy (n = 49). A combination of piperacillin/tazobactam (4.5 g × Q8hrly) and amikacin (750 mg × once daily) was most frequently administered (n = 57) to these patients. The median door-to-needle time was 45 minutes (range ± SD: 10 minutes to 6 hours ± 1 hour 10 minutes). Long delays of over 4 hours occurred in n = 4 patients (all were adults). There were minimal delays observed in pediatric patients due to \u27red alert\u27 policy implementation. Long delays occurred on weekdays and weekends, equally. CONCLUSION: The overall median door-to-needle time was 45 minutes, which was in the accepted range. However, delays that occurred demand improvements like introducing \u27red alert\u27 policy for adult patients, counseling of staff and residents, identifying potential barriers in achieving the target time along with solutions, and developing hospital-based guidelines on managing patients with neutropenic sepsis