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    This study “Impact of teaching experience of teachers on the accomplishment of their professional responsibilities” was conducted to know how teaching experience affects students' achievements and teachers' performance in high school and college. Objecties of the study were (1) to identify the impact of Teachers’ teaching experience on the accomplishment of their  professional responsibilities; and (2) to identify the impact of teachers' qualifications on their ability professional responsibilities. Research design was descriptive and survey method was used. Population was 1300 and sample was 518 teachers of 26 model Schools and Colleges of Islamabad. Rndom sampling technique was used for the purpose. Findings show that, there in no impact of teaching experience on the accomplishment of their professional responsibilities. Although there is no  significant role in determining a teacher's professionalism, even if a teacher has less experience, they can still be professionals regardless of their degree of education and experience. It was concluded that investing in teachers training and development can have a positive impact on their ability to fulfil their professional responsibilities, ultimately improving the quality of education for students

    الحقيقة حول المال والعملة: في ضوء الشريعة الإسلامية: THE REALITY OF MONEY AND CURRENCY: IN LIGHT OF ISLAMIC SHARIAH

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    The evolution of currency systems has been integral to human civilization, initially rooted in the exchange of goods and gradually transitioning to the introduction of currency for facilitating trade. This transition was driven by the necessity to fulfill basic needs efficiently. However, various challenges led to the emergence of metallic currencies, notably coins, as a preferred medium of exchange. Gold and silver coins gradually became prevalent, yet in some regions, certain commodities retained their status as quasi-currencies. Subsequently, the dominance of coins waned as paper currency emerged, initially coexisting with coins but eventually supplanting them due to various factors. Today, fiat currency reigns supreme globally, owing to its ease of exchange. The control and issuance of currency are crucial responsibilities, but the question arises: who holds the authority, the government or the broader society? This article examines this question from an Islamic perspective, incorporating insights from scholars to shed light on the matter. Overall, this research explores the historical trajectory of currency systems, from barter to fiat, and delves into the Islamic viewpoint regarding currency control and issuance, contributing to a deeper understanding of this critical aspect of economic systems


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    The date palm is a historic plant in the history of Islam that has been grown for ages in the Arab deserts for its consumable fruit. Fruits contain a lot of calories, dietary fiber, and several vital vitamins and minerals. Palm fruits are abundant in minerals, lipids, and protein and are a great source of dietary fiber. In this research paper, we will examine how dates are utilized in ancient medical practices to treat a variety of maladies in addition to their nutritional worth. According to a phytochemical study, Fruits contain substances with various health benefits, including anthocyanins, phenols, sterols, carotenoids, procyonids, and flavonoids. Studies in medicine have revealed results that palm fruits have no radical scavenging, antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, nephroprotective, anti-cancer, and immunostimulant properties are present in palm fruits. The pharmacological characteristics of palm fruits and seeds and their significance in the Quran, Hadith, and Islamic literature are confirmed by this study's thorough research of phytochemistry. According to temperament, experimental curative results are improved. Advance medicinal results are shown in which temperament palm fruit is curative and when it has side effects study case is improved in the view of Islamic literature Quran Hadith and medical science

    غنیۃ القاری شرح بخاری میں موجود ”کتاب الطب“ کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ: AN ANALYTICAL STUDY OF “KITAB UL TIBB” EXISTS IN GHUNYAT UL QARI SHARAH SAHIH UL BUKHARI

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    Prophetic medicine, also known as “Tibb al-Nabawi” in Arabic, refers to a traditional system of healing and healthcare that is based on the   teachings and practices of the islamic prophet Muhamamd( peace be upon him). It encompasses various remedies, dietary guidelines, and lifestyle recommendations derived from the Hadith (sayings and actions of the Prophet )and the Quraan. Proponents of prophetic medicine believe that these teachings provide valuable guidance for maintaining physical and spiritual well-being. Some common elements of prophetic medicine include the use of specific herbs, natural remedies, fasting practices, and the promotion of a balanced and healty life style. It is important to note that while prophetic medicine has been practiced for centuries in Islamic cultures, its effectiveness is a subject of debate, and its application may vary among individuals and regions. As with any form of traditional medicine, it is essential to consult with a healthcare proffessional for any medical concerns or conditions

    قرآن مجید میں مذکور"اصحاب" کا تعارفی جائزہ: INTRODUCTORY REVIEW OF "COMPANION" MENTIONED IN THE HOLY QURAN

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    The Quran is sacred scripture of Islam. According to conventional Islamic belief, the Holy Quran was revealed by the angel Gabriel to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the west Arabian towns Mecca and Medina beginning in 610 CE and ending with Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) death in 632 CE. In the Quran, the term "As-haab" (Companions) is mentioned in various Surahs and Verses, referring to individuals who were closely associated with Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Additionally, the Quran provides details about the lives, sacrifices, and experiences of the companions, highlighting specific events and their unwavering commitment to Islam. Some Surahs narrate stories of particular companions, illustrating their courage and steadfastness as examples for believers. Quranic narratives delve into their experiences, unwavering faith, and significant contributions to the emerging Muslim community. Beyond historical accounts, these stories serve as moral and ethical guideposts, urging believers to adopt virtues like resilience, compassion, and community-building


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     Tibian al-Furqan fi Tafsir al-Qur'an stands as a robust and all-encompassing commentary, originally penned in the Arabic language. This work incorporates hadiths and takes into account the actions and utterances of the Companions. Given its significance and practicality, there exists a necessity to delve into its methodology, style, and the life of its author, who is regarded as one of the foremost scholars in this region. Therefore, this research aims to scrutinize and analyze the hadiths within the aforementioned commentary. It emphasizes the contemporary need and significance of this commentary, introduces its distinctive features, explores the societal implications of the included hadiths, and examines the author's background and scholarly contributions. In this paper, hadiths of mentioned above commentary has been analyzed to present its legitimacy as a great contribution in the field of hadiths. &nbsp


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    Our daily life is full of disputes in various aspects. These cannot be avoided, but can be managed in befitting manner to overcome the issues amicably. A Quan-qual study on “Conflicts faced by teachers and their management styles during online teaching” with objectives of (i) To identify conflicts faced by teachers during online teaching. (ii) To investigate management strategies used by teachers during online teaching is carried out. Mixed methods are used and sequential explanatory design is used. Survey method is used for data collection for quantitative and interview technique has been used for qualitative data. 694 teaching staff from Private universities of Islamabad has been analyzed. Sample was 20% of the total population which was 139. For qualitative result purpose 10% of data is collected through interviews while Proportionate Accidental sampling technique has been used. For quantitative results, data is analyzed by using mean, mode and standard deviation and for qualitative results, data was analyzed by thematic method


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     Islam has a deep and gently expanding moral teaching to be given to distressed debtors that emphasizes patience and understanding. This principle, based on Qur'anic verses and hadith, encourages creditors to grant breaks, leading to spiritual rewards and social harmony Although it is questionable whether this break is legally obligatory or intelligent action though Islamic jurists recognize it as a moral obligation. Furthermore, if we emphasize the balance between compassion and responsibility in Islamic finance, alternative mechanisms such as imprisonment or continuous care are allowed to ensure debt recovery. Finally, Islam not only encourages the provision of relief but also encourages creditors to work diligently to achieve financial recovery, thereby fostering a culture of empathy and empowerment in the community. The text also discusses various types of financial activities and transactions in terms of Islamic principles, particularly focusing on the prohibition of loss and their exploitation This includes issues such as future sales, speculation, goods of collecting and smuggling. The principles mentioned in the text emphasize justice, honesty, and actions that help or harm others. Islamic teachings discourage hoarding, speculation and smuggling which exploit economic weakness and destroy social harmony. The text also emphasizes the importance of following government regulations, provided they are consistent with Islamic principles, and emphasizes the need to prioritize the public interest over private gain

    ڈاکٹر محمود احمد غازی کی شخصیت پر شاہ ولی اللہ کے اثرات:تحقیقی وتجزیاتی مطالعہ: AN ANALYTICAL STUDY OF SHAH WALIULLAH’S INFLUENCES ON THE PERSONALITY OF DR. MAHMOOD AHMAD GHAZI

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    Shah Waliullah's scholarship was not only focused on the the revival of religious sciences, he also focused the Islamic economic and social system to protect them from the injustices. His work is appreciated by the scholars. Famous Fuqha thinkers and researchers have done research on his life and thought. Since he is a largely accepted personality for all schools of thought, his teachings in the subcontinent are also wide and unlimited. Dr. Mahmood Ahmad Ghazi Sahib also belongs to the same region, he too was not only influenced by this prominent scholar, but he become da’i of his message where he spread the ideas of Shah Waliullah in his lectures, authored work and research articles at varous places. In this paper, an attempt has been made to highlight the services of Dr. Ghazi in promoting the intellectual and academic services of Shah Waliullah besides the influence of Hazrat Shah Waliullah on him. This paper explores the relationship between thoughts of Shah Waliullah and Dr. Ghazi to highlight the importance and usefulness of their work in the contemporary times for more intellectual development of the Muslim Society

    عربی کتب سیرت کےمنتخب اردو تراجم کا جائزہ (1947ء سے 1980ء تک): A LITERATURE REVIEW OF SELECTED URDU TRANSLATIONS OF ARABIC BOOKS OF SEERAH 1947 TO 1980

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    The research review delves into the translation of Urdu books from Arabic originals, focusing on works that narrate the life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The work of writing on the bibliography of Holy Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was initiated since the days of his time and the work is still being carried out by the scholars of different languages in general but Arabic in particular. They tried their best to preserve the life of Holy Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and different aspects his seerah. The article throws the light on Urdu writings on the life of Holy Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him translated from Arabic texts written between 1947 to 1980. The article provides brief literature review of the books of seerah written before the creation of Pakistan and have also enlisted some books of different languages being spoken in Pakistan include Sindhi, Urdu, Punjabi, Seraiki, Pakhtun and Baluchi. However, the Urdu books translated from Arabic during the period of 1947 -1980 have been brought under a detailed research review in this research. This research has summed up results that make us well aware of many things. This research work reveals that scholars of subcontinent produced many writings about the seerah of beloved prophet Muhammad peace be upon him based on modern principles


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