47 research outputs found


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    Darmawan, Studi terhadap Metode Pendidikan Islam KH.Ahmad Dahlan dalam Novel Sang Pencerah. Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2008 Dalam mengajarkan ajaran Islam KH.Ahmad Dahlan mempunyai beberapa cara yang sangat unik, diantaranya; dengan memainkan biola, selalu mengajukan pertanyaan terlebih dahulu untuk membuka sebuah transfer ilmu, selalu menyisipkan nasehat di setiap pengajaran yang beliau sampaikan kepada murid-muridnya, dan masih banyak cara yang beliau terapkan untuk menyampaikan ajaran Islam, sehingga ajaran Islam dapat diterima murid-muridnya dengan baik. Hal tersebut diceritakan dalam sebuah novel Sang Pencerah karya Akmal Nasery Basral. Novel yang Menceritakan perjuangan KH.Ahmad Dahlan dalam mengajarkan ajaran Islam dan berdirinya organisasi Muhammadiyah. Dari novel Sang Pencerah itu peneliti tertarik untuk meneliti bagaimana sebenarnya metode pengajaran atau pendidikan Islam KH.Ahmad Dahlan yang terdapat dalam novel Sang Pencerah karya Akmal Nasery Basral tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan dan menganalisis secara lebih dalam tentang metode pendidikan Islam KH.Ahmad Dahlan dan materi pelajaran agama Islam yang disampaikan KH.Ahmad Dahlan dalam novel Sang Pencerah karya Akmal Nasery Basral. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan masukan atau kontribusi bagi para pendidik, baik di lingkungan formal, non formal maupun informal, dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas metode pendidikan Islam yang tepat guna. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan mengambil sumber data primer yaitu sebuah novel Sang Pencerah. Dalam pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara dokumentasi. Berdasarkan jenis penelitian kepustakaan (library reseach) dengan cara mencari, mengumpulkan, dan menganalisis, kemudian diolah sesuai kemampuan penulis. Dari analisis itulah ditarik kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) Metode pendidikan Islam KH.Ahmad Dahlan yang beliau gunakan untuk mengajarkan ajaran Islam kepada murid- muridnya dan masyarakat pada saat itu berdasarkan novel Sang Pencerah adalah; metode ceramah, metode diskusi, metode demonstrasi, metode pemberian contoh danteladan, metode tanya jawab. Dampak dari metode yang diterapkan KH.Ahmad Dahlan adalah materi dapat diterima dengan baik dan menjadi mudah untuk dipahami, menggembirakan, dan menjadikan pengalaman yang menyenangkan. (2) Dalam menggunakan metode tersebut KH.Ahmad Dahlan memberikan materi pelajaran agama Islam, di antaranya; Akhlak seorang muslim, makna agama, ibadah shalat dan arah kiblat, syukur kepada Allah SWT, menyantuni fakir miskin, anak yatim dan gelandangan, dan jihad fi sabilillah

    Implikasi Kebijakan One China Policy dalam Kegagalan Kerjasama Sister City antara Bogor dan Tainan di Taiwan

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    Hubungan bilateral antara Indonesia dengan Cina salah satunya didasarkan pada prinsip One China Policy atau Kebijakan Satu China, dimana Indonesia hanya mengakui satu negara Cina yaitu Republik Rakyat Cina dan tidak mengakui secara resmi negara Taiwan. Walaupun tidak ada pengakuan secara resmi, tetapi ada hubungan diantara Indonesia dengan Taiwan, yaitu dalam sektor ekonomi dan juga pendidikan dan juga people-to-people exchange. Kemudian pemerintah daerah juga berinisiatif untuk mengadakan kerjasama dengan pemerintah daerah di Taiwan dalam bentuk Sister City, salah satunya adalah Kota Bogor yang berupaya untuk mengadakan kerjasama dengan Kota Tainan. Penelitian ini akan menganalisa bagaimana implikasi penerapan kebijakan One China Policy dalam upaya mewujudkan kerjasama sister city antara Bogor di Indonesia dengan Tainan di Taiwan. Dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa implikasi kebijakan One China Policy juga sangat berpengaruh di level sub-state, sehingga kemudian kerjasama dalam bentuk sister city antara kedua kota tersebut tidak bisa terwujud, tetapi kemudian terjadi kerjasama informal antara masyarakat di kedua kota dalam bentuk kerjasama kebudayaan, people-to-people exchange dan juga business to business


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    PT X adalah perusahaan di bidang agroindustri khususnya pada komoditas jamur kancing. Jamur kancing memiliki umur simpan yang pendek sehingga harus segera dijual ke konsumen atau diproses menjadi produk olahan. Jumlah permintaan jamur tidak pasti, menyebabkan terjadinya kelebihan atau kekurangan produksi baik pada produk segar maupun olahan. Oleh karena itu, perlu untuk menghitung rencana kombinasi produk yang dapat memenuhi tujuan yang diinginkan dan mendapatkan solusi yang memuaskan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode goal programming dalam perencanaan produk kombinasi. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan permintaan produk dan ketersediaan bahan baku dari Januari 2017 hingga Desember 2019. Selain itu, data kebutuhan bahan baku, jam tenaga kerja, biaya produksi, dan harga setiap produk juga digunakan. Data historis terkait jumlah permintaan dan ketersediaan bahan baku digunakan untuk meramalkan jumlah permintaan dan ketersediaan bahan baku pada periode perencanaan menggunakan model ARIMA. Penentuan tingkat prioritas yang digunakan dalam pemodelan goal programming pada penelitian ini menggunakan pairwise comparison. Berdasarkan hasil perencanaan yang telah dibuat untuk bulan Januari 2020, total jumlah produksi fresh champignon yaitu 22.584 kg, produk 250 mL whole champignon sebanyak 4.499 unit, produk 900 mL whole champignon sebanyak 2.571 unit, produk 250 mL sliced champignon sebanyak 4.567 unit, produk 900 mL sliced champignon sebanyak 32.306 unit, dan produk canned champignon sebanyak 85 unit. Model peramalan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini representatif berdasarkan verifikasi yang telah dilakukan. Kata kunci: jamur kancing, goal programming, perencanaan produksi, ARIM

    Analysis of Indonesian Tourism Potentials Through the Sustainable Tourism Perspective in the New Normal Era

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    This article is part of an international relations study conducted by the authors. This study aims to illustrate the extent to which Indonesia can get out of the “entanglement” of the COVID-19 pandemic, especially in the tourism industry sector. Another purpose of writing this article is to analyze the Indonesian government’s role in using the term “new normal” and its relation to sustainable tourism during the COVID-19 pandemic has not ended. Tourism during the COVID-19 pandemic is the focus of the discussion of this article because it is one of the industries most harmed by this pandemic. Globally the loss of world tourism reaches US$22 billion. This figure will continue to increase as long as this pandemic cannot be controlled through vaccines and drugs. No exception for Indonesia, which lost the country’s original income from this sector, reaching tens of trillions of rupiah in just four months since WHO announced COVID-19 as a global pandemic. The new normal situation during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is an opportunity as well as a challenge for world tourism in general and Indonesian tourism in particular. The change in lifestyle and habits of the community in traveling directly or indirectly has “hit” this industry very hard. Undeniably, reactivating tourism industry activities do have considerable risk, but on the other hand, many sectors depend on this industry. Cleanliness, Health, Safety, Environment Sustainability (CHSE) strategy conducted by the Indonesian government is one of the efforts in re-mobilizing Indonesia’s tourism sector amid the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the opportunity to apply three main principles of sustainable tourism in the new normal era, namely involving the social sector in policy engagement, maintaining the sustainability of natural resources and making sustainable development a synonym of economic growth

    Climate Change and Rural Development in China: Adaptation, Strategies and their Effectiveness

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    Global warming and climate change are our world's most pressing issues today. These phenomena have profound implications for rural development in China, a country with a large rural population and significant agricultural production. This study utilized qualitative research methods to explore the impact of climate change on rural development in China, focusing on agriculture and water resources. The results showed that climate change has already begun to affect crop yields and water availability, which could significantly affect rural communities' livelihoods and food security. Furthermore, the study found that the Chinese government has been implementing various policies and programs to mitigate climate change's impact on rural development. These initiatives include investing in water conservation and irrigation infrastructure and promoting adopting climate-resilient agricultural practices. While these efforts are commendable, they face significant challenges, including insufficient funding and the need for more effective implementation. In conclusion, this study highlights the critical role of climate change in shaping rural development in China. It underscores the importance of continuing research and implementing effective policies to mitigate its impact and foster sustainable rural development


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    Food coloring and flavoring from pandan leaves (Pandanus amaryllifolius) are natural dyes that can be used as an alternate to synthetic dyes. Meanwhile there is a potential to establish factory to support it as well as raw material availability. The purpose of this study was to conduct a pre-feasibility study of establishing a natural pandan preparations industry. The scope of this study includes market and marketing analysis, technical and technological analysis, management and organizational analysis, and financial analysis. The target market is the cake and bread industry, hotels, restaurants, and cafes in West Java. This industry is planned to be established in Tasikmalaya City, West Java with a production capacity around 44 ton/year. The results of the pre-feasibility study are that the industry is feasible with a Net Present Value of Rp 3.358.666.480; an Internal Rate of Return of 27.408%, a Net Benefit Cost Ratio 2.652; and 4.05 years payback period. Furthermore, based in the sensitivity analysis indicated that the decrease in selling price is more sensitive compared to the increase in operating costs and decrease in production capacity, and the increase in operating costs is more sensitive when compared to a decrease in production capacity. A decrease in selling price of 15% or an increase in operating costs of 20% has made the pandan preparation industry not feasible. Keywords: coloring, flavoring, pandan leave, pre-feasibility stud

    Penggunaan Pencekam Tiga Aksis untuk Alat Bantu Pengelasan Rangka Furnitur

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    Distorsi logam terjadi akibat kontraksi logam yang terpapar suhu tinggi sehingga menimbulkan tarikan atau dorongan pada benda kerja. Alat bantu berupa pencekam banyak digunakan pada proses pengelasan untuk mencegah distorsi pada logam. Pencekam tiga aksis mampu melakukan proses pencekaman ketiga aksis sekaligus. Proses penggunaan pencekam jenis ini sangat bermanfaat untuk proses pengelasan rangka furnitur. Pencekam ini digunakan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi produksi rangka kursi. Penelitian ini untuk mengkaji pemanfaatan pencekam tiga sumbu untuk menahan fenomena distorsi akibat kenaikan suhu proses pengelasan, dan peningkatan produktifitas waktu proses penyambungan dengan variasi arus pengelasan 50 Ampere dan 60 Ampere. Kinerja pencekam mampu mempercepat waktu proses 19% dan menekan biaya pembuatan produk rangka sebesar 43,74%. Metal distortion occurs due to contractions of metal exposed to high temperatures that cause pulling or pushing on the work piece. Three-axis fixtures are widely used in welding process to minimize metal distortion. Three-axis fixture is capable of holding the three axis simultaneously, so it is very useful for the welding furniture frames, and can improve the efficiency of chair frame production. This study is to examine the use of three-axis fixture to withstand the phenomenon of distortion due to the increase in temperature of welding process at welding current of 50 Amperes and 60 Amperes, and decrease production time of the joining process. The fixture performance was able to speed up processing time by 19% and reduced the cost of frame production by 43.74%.

    Analysis of Biomass Waste Cofiring into Existing Coal-Fired Power Plant Using Computational Fluid Dynamics

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    Biomass utilization to generate electricity via combustion simply can be classified into firing and cofiring. Biomass cofiring into the pulverized coal boilers has some advantages compared to dedicated biomass firing in terms of capital cost and combustion efficiency. To understand the cofiring behavior of biomass and coal comprehensively, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method can be used to analyze and solve problems involving fluid flows inside a combustor. A CFD modeling is significantly more effective from the perspectives of time and cost and safety and ease of scaling up; hence, it is usually performed before conducting a physical investigation through experiment. Moreover, the current state-of-the-art CFD modeling-based study is capable of solving the complexity of the interdependent processes such as turbulence, heat transfer via radiation, produced gas, and reactions in both the particle and gas phases during combustion. This chapter focuses on the study of cofiring of biomass, which is palm mill wastes, into the existing coal-fired power plant. Two palm mill wastes are evaluated: palm kernel shell and hydrothermally treated empty fruit bunch. Distributions of temperature and the produced are simulated to find the most optimum and applicable cofiring conditions

    Investigating the Impact of Indonesia-Turkey CEPA and Factors influencing Indonesian Export Performance

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    The Indonesia-Turkey Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IT-CEPA) is not solely about a trade agreement between the two countries but is a partnership and collaboration so that the people of the two countries can benefit from bilateral cooperation. This study aims to investigate the impact of IT-CEPA, foreign direct investment (FDI), inflation, natural resource rents, and government effectiveness on Indonesian exports to Turkey. The approach in this study applies a linear regression model from 2000-2020 sourced from the World Bank and The Observatory of Economic Complexity (OEC). The findings of this study indicate that foreign direct investment and government effectiveness have a positive sign and have a significant effect on Indonesian exports to Turkey. Meanwhile, IT-CEPA has a negative and significant sign on Indonesian exports to Turkey. However, inflation and natural resource rents do not have a significant effect on Indonesia's exports to Turkey. The implication of this study is that policy makers must pay attention to governance related to the implementation of economic partnership agreements between Indonesia and trading partner countries, especially in increasing Indonesia's exports to trading partner countries