816 research outputs found

    Impact of Seawall Development to the Sulawesi Fishermen Community in Pambusuang Village

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    A coastal protection structure mostly built to protect human from the detructive wind and wave energy. The various option of type and design has been invented in the development. This study investigates the impact of seawall development in Pambusuang Village, West Sulawesi. This study will examine the fishery activity change after the development of seawall. The benefit and disadvantages of the seawall structure to the community also as well as the community response to address the impact of seawall development will be explored in this study. A mix quantitave and qualitative approach is used in this study. A set of questionnare has been distributed and structured interview to selected infromant were also conducted. The study found that fishermen has changed their docking behavior due to the limited area to docking. Moreover, the respondent believes that seawall has properly function to halt erosion, protect their house and other infrastructure from the wave attack. The other issues is the disharmony between pro and contra seawall development, inundated river flow and damage of natural habitat. The response of the community to addressing some impact of the seawall development such as their adaptation to the sloping gate between the seawall, the use of traditional anti fouling painting and their suggestion to construct breakwater disattached from the shoreline. The findings above has been formed the basis of recommendations to have a participatory development approach and experience sharing between the parties in the community to adapt with the impact of seawall development

    Uji Efek Antifertilitas Ekstrak Etanol Biji Mimba (Azadirachta indica Juss) Terhadap Mencit (Mus musculus)

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    Test of Ethanol Extract Mimba seed (Azadirachta indica Juss) as antifertility on mice, which is a medicinal plant from the family Meliaceae which is also known as bead tree because it has hard seeds. Neem plants provide many benefits for human life, including the leaves are tonic, lethal, kill sperm, and remove toxins. The various benefits of neem seeds are closely related to the chemical components they contain. This study used 60 mice divided into six groups, each group consisted of five mice were female and five male, control group was given Na.CMC 1%, group II, III, IV, V and VI of each extract in a %, 2%, 4%, 8%, and 16% w / v, as the treatment group. after treatment, and then observed the number of fetuses.  The results showed that ethanolic seed extract with a concentration of 2%, 4%, 8% and 16% w / v showed a decreasing number of fetuses. At giving extract ethanol seed with a concentration of 16% showed that antifertility effect. Uji Efek Antifertilitas  Ekstrak Etanol Biji Mimba (Azadirachta indica Juss)  Terhadap Mencit (Mus musculus) salah satu tanaman obat dari familia meliaceae yang biasa disebut juga bead tree karena memiliki biji yang keras. Tanaman Mimba banyak memberikan manfaat bagi kehidupan manusia antara lain daunnya bersifat tonik, mematikan, mematikan sperma, dan mengeluarkan racun. Aneka manfaat dari biji mimba sangat erat kaitannya dengan komponen kimia yang dikandungnya

    Pengaruh Jarak Rudder dan Propeller terhadap Kemampuan Thrust Kapal Perikanan 30 GT

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    Kapal perikanan umumnya dirancang dengan misi untuk menemukan, menangkap dan melestarikan ikan. Hal ini menjadikan kapal perikanan memiliki parameter desain yang berbeda dibanding kapal niaga pada umumnya. Sebagaimana fungsi kapal perikanan dalam operasinya yaitu mengejar dan melingkari jaring (purse-seine) serta menangkap ikan menjadikan kemampuan manuver kapal perikanan sangat penting. Kapal perikanan harus memiliki konfigurasi sistem propulsi yang handal guna tercapainya dorongan dari propeller yang maksimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh jarak rudder dari propeller terhadap kemampuan thrust pada sistem propulsi kapal perikanan, serta menentukan peletakan rudder terhadap propeller yang paling optimal pada kapal menggunakan pendekatan CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamic). Variasi jarak rudder terhadap propeller yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini antara 5% diameter propeller (0.04 m) sampai 100% diameter propeller (0.80 m). Dari hasil simulasi diperoleh bahwa nilai thrust paling baik terjadi pada variasi 20% diameter propeller (0.16 m) yaitu sebesar 16,243 N atau 5% lebih besar dibanding rata-rata nilai thrust yang diperoleh pada variasi jarak yang lain

    Dropped Object Protection Modelling for Subsea Equipment

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    Subsea x-tree is located at the seabed and contain hydrocarbon. The water depth for subsea operation exceed 1000 m which make it impossible for mankind to do the maintenance tasks at the seabed. Usually, the maintenance operation is done by using Remotely-Operated-Vehicle (ROV) and the cost to operate using ROV is high. Thus, subsea x-tree need to be free from any malfunction or damage. Dropped object or trawling gear from fishing activities are the objects that can collide with the subsea x-tree. This type of collision can cause significant damage and may result in hydrocarbon release. Subsea x-tree need to be equipment with a protective structure so that it can withstand the impact of collision from the dropped object or trawling gear. In this project, a protective structure was design by following NORSORK U-001 and U-002 standards together with the improvement design from Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) protective cover from HighComp. The speed for commercial trawling activities is around 2 to 4 knots. The designed protective structure is able to withstand that amount of impact up to the safety factor of 3. The protective structure also equipped with the to resist trawling gear from fishing activities

    Factors that influence brand equity of sport shoes product among UiTM students / Muhammad Naim Zulkifli

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    Brand equity can be assumed as the feelings, thoughts and also images perceived by the consumers once they interact with the brand. Hence, it is important in having good brand equity as company tends to generate higher profit from good relations made with the consumers. This thesis is conducted to investigate the relationship between four factors which are brand association, brand loyalty, brand awareness and brand image with brand equity of sport shoes. This is because there was no latest research study conducted to analyse the brand equity of sport shoe. Researches from previous study on brand equity have stated that four independent variables that are related with brand equity were brand association, brand loyalty, brand awareness and also brand image. The objective of the research study was to investigate the relationship between four factors which are brand association, brand loyalty, brand awareness and brand image with brand equity of sport shoes. Besides that, this research also tends to investigate the most influential factors in influencing brand equity towards sports shoes. This research entitled ―Factors That Influence Brand Equity among Students from Faculty of Business Management in UiTM Kampus Bandaraya upon Sport Shoes’ Brand. Research study had been conducted to obtain results and findings. There was a list of 317 respondents that were involved in answering the questionnaires that had distributed to them. There were available sources data from previous research had been used as references to understand the issues or matters arise in the research study. This research concludes with discussion on the results, study limitation and recommendation for future research

    Pembentukan Karakter Gemar Membaca Alquran

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    Indonesia:Pendahuluan: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsi-kan tentang pembentukan karakter gemar membaca Alquran anak dan hal-hal yang memotivasi anak sehingga menumbuhkan karakter gemar membaca Alquran anak di SDI As-Salam kota Malang dan MI Sunan Gunung Jati Sukun. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus dengan rancangan multisitus. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Adapun informan penelitian adalah Kepala Sekolah, Kordinator Guru metode Ummi, Kordinator guru metode Tahfidz, guru metode Ummi, siswa dan orang tua. Hasil: Pembentukan karakter gemar membaca Alquran: pembelajaran membaca Alquran di dua sekolah menggunakan metode Ummi, dengan proses pembelajaran yang sama tetapi dengan teknik yang berbeda, dan dengan guru yang akrab dengan muridnya. Proses pembelajaran di dua sekolah tersebut tampak lebih bersifat mendidik, menyayangi, sabar dan menyenangkan. Adapun hal-hal yang dapat memotivasi siswa adalah: a) motivasi dari guru, b) motivasi dari siswa, dan c) motivasi dari orang tua.English:Introduction: : The purposes of this research are to describe the building system of delight character for reading Quran and the things that motivate the students to grow up them delight character for reading Quran at SDI As-Salam Malang dan MI Sunan Gunung Jati Sukun. Metode: Case study with multisite design was used in this research. Data were taken from in-depth interviews, observation, and documentations. The informans is the head master, teacher coordinator of Ummi method and tahfiz method, the teachers of Ummi method, the students, and parents. Result: the building system of delight character for reading Quran at two school used Ummi method in learning to read Alquran, with the same learning process, but with different method, and with teachers who close with their students. The learning process were more on educating, loving, patient, and fun. The things that motivate the students to grow up students delight character for reading Quran are teachers motivation, students motivation, and parents motivation


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    The major challenges related to water security today are efforts to reduce flood risk; and efforts to increase water supply for communities, industry and agriculture. The ecohydrological approach is present as a solution to these two challenges. On the other hand, the ecological problem with the issue of water security in it has developed over time and awaits real action by the government. In a political framework, ecological issues have been considered marginal and lacking in priority instead of being dominated by other fields, such as economy, law, and infrastructure. In fact, the government is to be committed to promoting eco-friendly development. In the current COVID-19 pandemic, leadership that cares about the environment as a manifestation of ecological politics is a necessity, and is expected to be present both substantially and factually. With the spirit of ecological leadership, strengthening the environmental sector will be on par with other sectors.  Keywords: water security, eco-friendly development, ecological politics, ecological leadership.   &nbsp

    Prefabricated vertical drain in marine clay soil using plaxis 2D

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    Due to the rapid development in Malaysia, area that can be considered as suitable soil which has high resistance to support the structure naturally has becoming increasingly rare. This phenomenon has force engineers to works in soft ground with high compressibility layer. The main risk for development on soft soil is settlement. There are many researches that have been conducted in order to overcome this problem. Prefabricated Vertical Drain (PVD) is one of the methods used to accelerate the settlement, hence made it more suitable for development. This study aims to presents a case study of field data associated to settlement of treated marine clay soil using PVD with different spacing with finite element analysis. Data obtained from site instrumentation will be analysed by Asoaka method and shall be compared with PLAXIS 2D simulation analysis. The result shows that PVD was able to accelerate the consolidation process and suitable to be used as soft ground improvement technique. The rate of settlement was inversely proportional with the drain spacing. Based on the series of modelling it was proved that the prefabricated vertical drain is an effective method for increasing ground stability by accelerate the consolidation process thus suitable to be used as soft ground improvement technique and different PVD spacing affect the soil settlements analysis in term of settlement rate and excess pore water pressure

    Automated Ticket Routing Helpdesk Portal

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    This report was commissioned to deliver the understanding of the chosen Final Year Project title "Automated Ticket Routing Helpdesk Portal". The report will be segregated into four chapters which are the introduction including problem statement and objectives; literature review; methodology and conclusion. Helpdesk is a very powerful tool to assist IT users. A good helpdesk system is very crucial to assist users and also improve service by the helpdesk team. At Universiti Teknologi Petronas, we already have an existing helpdesk system. However, I have identified a problem in the system; the current system still uses manual ticket routing and assignment. Automated ticket routing and assignment stop manually assigning tickets to the support personnel that you think is available and has the skill set to address the ticket. Automated ticket routing and assignment uses intelligent business logic to determine which support personnel is assigned to a new ticket using a combination of skill-set, work schedule and work load balancing criteria. In the introduction, problem statements that lead to the idea of developing the project title will be cleared up and the objectives are highlighted. Towards the development of this project, information gathering from the experts will be conducted. A comprehensive research also will determine the relevancy of this project. The literature reviews will explain in depth the understanding of the proposed project

    The efficiency between two wheel drive tractor and full track type tractor in ploughing operation for land preparation in paddy field / Muhammad Hafiz Zulkifli

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    This study was conducted to compare the efficiency between two wheel drive tractor and full track type tractor in ploughing operation for land preparation in paddy field. It is to find the most efficient tractor that can be used in land preparation. This study was done in paddy area in Kuala Nerang, Kedah. It was done by analysed the data of time taken to plough different soil condition, cost and hectare coverage. The data been collected by doing motion study primary data by recording the time of the two tractor types. The result showed that, the full track type tractor is more efficient due to less time needed to cover for ploughing operation and can cover more area than two wheel drive tractor