1,039 research outputs found

    The criteria and potential adaptive reuse of pre-war shophouses

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    Pre-war shophouses in some town areas of Malaysia are among national heritage buildings which require conservation efforts, among other through adaptive reuse. Adaptive reuse, in line with sustainability principles, is a process to revitalise or reinvent disused or ineffective existing buildings including old or historical buildings for new use, purpose or function. The aim of this study is to propose the decisionmaking in selecting the optimal reuse of pre-war shophouses by considering the importance criteria that are influenced the adaptive reuse process. A questionnaire survey among four (4) selective respondents consist of town planner from local authorities, valuer from valuation and property service department (JPPH), architects and building owners conducted to achieve the objectives. From the analysis, five (5) potential new uses which are new shophouses, pharmacy hotel, rental house anda restaurant were identified as a very suitable. Thirty-three (33) criteria were classified into six aspects which are economic, environment, social, architecture, technology, and legislative. Out of them, sixteen (16) criteria were identified as very important to be considered in deciding adaptive reuse for pre-war shophouses. The outcome of this study is a conceptual framework that can assist stakeholders, especially local authorities, Valuation and Property Service Department (JPPH), architects and building owners, in adaptive reuse decision-making process. This conceptual framework proposedly can be used by architects as the main actors in adaptive reuse process, building owners since they are the most entitle person to decide any conversion on their buildings, and government bodies since they are involved directly in preparing the guidelines for conservation of pre-war shophouse

    Monitoring of air ducting using mechanical robot for indoor air quality (IAQ) improvement

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    Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) has become public concern recently. Air ducting is used in Mechanical Ventilation and Air Conditioning (MVAC) system to deliver air to the building occupants. Without proper maintenance of the ducting system, it will affect the IAQ of overall building. Monitoring air ducting is the preliminary step to get real view inside the ducting. This study focused on the development of the Mechanical Ducting Robot (MerDuct) to monitor the ducting and data collection at real time (in�situ). The developments of the MerDuct have been performed in three phases. MerDuct were controlled wirelessly, and equipped with lamp and camera to get real visual inside the ducting. Case studies were visually performed suing MerDuct in three different scenarios namely full operation ducting, second is seldom operation ducting and third is abandoned ducting. Three case studies had been conducted in Block A4 Academic Office Building UTHM, Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) at Thermal Environmental Laboratory UTHM, and Building Services Laboratory Block E6, Faculty of Engineering Technology UTHM respectively. MerDuct was designed to be able travel to the various ranges along the ducting and using analog joystick to make it user friendly .The seldom operation of ducting was clearly shows clean ducting without any trapped dust and web since the LEV was only used once a week and it is only less than 1 year old. The other two scenarios clearly showed trapped dust and web from photo captured by MerDuct. From the experimental data, MerDuct was successfully performed as monitoring robot to detect Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) problem source. The image taken by MerDuct could help building owner to predict necessary time to perform the duct cleaning to improve the IAQ based on occupational safety and health for sustainable development

    Sar Officers Are Free Of All Legal Liability In Certain Circumstances

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    Accidents, disasters and human endangerment conditions cannot be predicted when and where they will occur, the consequences of their occurrence are so large and complex, of course, they will have physical and psychological impacts on victims, victims’ families and on rescuers who carry out search and rescue. Another impact of this condition can also deplete natural resources, human capital, and social capital, even institutional capital in an effort to provide protection for victims, victims’ families, and especially to rescuers. Moreover, handling victims of accidents, disasters and human conditions requires certain skills. In certain limitations, the actions taken by rescuers do not rule out an adverse effect on the victim and must be held accountable by the rescuer. Based on the background of various events and their impact, the rescuers realized the need for legal protection in the form of a more concrete (penal policy) in the form of immunity rights for rescuers in carrying out their duties

    Sistem Bantuan Pembinaan Kamus Berasaskan Pangkalan Data Teks Bebas

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    Sebuah kamus bukan sahaja berguna untuk memberikan maklumat tentang makna dan penggunaan perkataan, tetapi juga dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber rujukan utama ten tang perbendaharaan kata sesuatu bahasa. Bidang perkamusan amat luas kerana ianya meliputi pelbagai subdisiplin dalam bidang linguistik termasuklah semantik, sintaksis, morfologi dan sebagainya. Dalam proses pembangunan kamus, penyusunnya pedu menjalankan penyelidikan dan mempunyai kepakaran di dalam pelbagai subdisiplin tersebut. Tesis ini membincangkan hasil penyelidikan pengkomputeran yang berkaitan dengan bidang perkamusan. Kajian yang dijalankan melibatkan pengkomputeran sebahagian proses pembinaan kamus sebagai satu pendekatan untuk mempercepat dan memudahkan penyusunan kamus. Hasil yang diperolehi ialah algoritma bagi proses analisis morfologi perkataan bahasa Malaysia. Sebuah perisian komputer yang dinamakan Sistem Bantuan Pembinaan Kamus (SBPK) juga dibangunkan untuk membantu ahli leksikografi menjalankan tugas penyusunan kamus bahasa Malaysia. Sistem ini menggabungkan kemudahan untuk melaksanakan analisis morfologi, penentusahan perkataan, capaian teks daripada pangkalan data teks be bas dan penyuntingan teks. Dengan bantuan sistem ini, dijangka dapat mempercepat dan memudahkan kerja pembinaan sesebuah kamus berbanding dengan kaedah manual yang sedia ada

    Monolingual and Cross-language Information Retrieval Approaches for Malay and English Language Document

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    This thesis concerns a Malay-English monolingual and cross-language information retrieval system. It presents a pioneer work in the aspects that are important for the development of Malay-English information retrieval system. An improved Malay stemming algorithm has been developed to stem the various word forms into their common root for the purpose of indexing and retrieving of Malay documents. The new stemming approaches have been introduced for Malay language, namely Rules-Frequency-Order (RFO), Minimum-Rules-Frequency-Order (MRFO), Rules- Frequency-Application-Order (RFAO), and Rules-Application-Frequency-Order (RAFO). The performance of the new Malay stemming algorithm and approaches are tested using the first two chapters of the Malay translation of the Quranic documents. The results show that the new stemming algorithm and approaches are superior to the previous stemming algorithm and approach. The retrieval effectiveness of the stemming algorithm and approaches are then tested on the actual Quranic collection using vector space model and latent semantic indexing. The results show that there is an improvement in performance from non-stemmed Malay to stemmed Malay, and also from previous stemming algorithm to the new stemming algorithm. Since the employment of the new stemming algorithm and approaches achieved good performance results in Malay monolingual information retrieval, a Malay-English cross-language information retrieval experiment has been performed. The results again show that there is an improvement in performance from non-stemmed Malay to stemmed Malay, and from previous stemming algorithm to the new stemming algorithm. In addition, the results reveal that the new stemming in Malay has performed better than the English stemming in retrieving relevant document. The results can be a reference to forthcoming similar experiments and research for cross language testing of documents retrieval

    The Study of the English Teaching-Learning Process in Inclusive Class of the Fifth Grade of Al Firdaus Elementary School Surakarta in Academic Year 2015/2016

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    ABSTRACT Muhamad Abdullah Mubarok. K2211058, “THE STUDY OF THE ENGLISH TEACHING-LEARNING PROCESS IN INCLUSIVE CLASS OF THE FIFTH GRADE OF AL FIRDAUS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SURAKARTA IN ACADEMIC YEAR 2015/2016”. A Thesis.Teacher Training and Education Faculty, SebelasMaret University. Surakarta 2016. The aims of the research are (1) to describe the English teaching-learning process in the fifth grade of Al Firdaus Elementary School Surakarta including: planning, implementation, and evaluation; (2) to find out the problems that occurred in implementing inclusion program; and (3) to find out the solution of the problems in implementing inclusion program. This research is a descriptive qualitative study conducted in April 2016 in Al Firdaus Elementary School Surakarta. The subjects of the research are the English teacher, shadow teachers, and students. Classroom observation, interview, and document analysis are used to collect the data. The data in this research are field note, result of interview, and documents. The validity of the data is important to check the credibility of collected data. Therefore, the researcher used data triangulation that involved collecting data in different times and with different people. Then, the data in this research were analyzed by interactive model of analysis involving reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusion. The findings of the research show different teaching planning between regular and special needs students including curriculum, syllabi, and lesson plan. The modified curriculum is applied to special needs students based on their needs and category while KTSP curriculum is applied to regular students, but certain category of special needs students is included in regular student’ needs such as slow learners. Weekly coordination is conducted by shadow teachers and teachers to adapt the material of lesson and the evaluation in the previous and upcoming week. However, English teaching-learning process is still separated between regular and special needs students in the classroom activity. Some problems are faced in implementing inclusion program such as creating suitable method, handling various characters of special needs students, changing uncooperative parents, improving teachers and shadow teachers competence, having limited space of rooms, and providing current therapy media. Keywords: case study, English teaching-learning, inclusive class

    Engine Performance and Combustion Characteristics of Hydrogen in a Direct Injection Engine

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    Hydrogen's h1gh tlammabll1ty, low igmt1on energy, clean burnmg and h1gh flame speed are attractive advantages for use 111 internal combustion engines to attain high performance and efficiency_ To overcome volumetric efficiency loss, high NOx emissions and abnormal combustion, direct injection option is being studied_ Optimisation of the direct mjection strategies and understanding of the combustion processes are currently being studied in the automotive industry and research mstitutions In this study, the engine performance and combustwn charactenstics of hydrogen in a single cylinder direct injection engine was investigated. The engine was originally designed for CNG fuel with a compression ratio of 14: I_ To demonstrate practicality and ease of adoption, no modification was made to the engine_ Tests were carried out at full throttle for speeds from 1800 rpm to 4000 rpm. The effects of varying injection timing and air fuel ratio were studied for the purpose of finding optimised operations. Comparisons with CNG operation were made to demonstrate the potential of hydrogen direct injection to improve the engine performance_ The study has demonstrated that desp1te having to 'de-rate' the eng me tor pre-1gnit1on control at higher speeds, I 0% performance improvement can be achieved when operating on hydrogen at low engine speeds and WOT It was shown that full and late partial direct injection at stoichiometric operation would be desired for maximum performance_ At mtermediate speed, 3000 rpm, the operation at lambda 1.2 would be optimum for engine efficiency while maintaimng the performance. An indicated thermal efficiency of 46% would be possible at lower loads by runnmg the engine w1th unthrottled lean operation_ While the CO and THC emissiOnS were an order of magnitude lower than CNG, the NOx emission would be higher at low speed. Due to the degree of stratification, at close to stoichiometric, the NOx emission increased as SOl was advanced despite lower performance and peak cylinder pressure_ Operating at lambda higher than 1.3 y1eld low NOx emission, however the performance was much compromised


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    This study is focusing on the tensile strength of PYA (polyvinyl alcohol) fiber-reinforced concrete. By designing mix compositions, a high performance composite can be produced with a small amount of short fibers. Concrete is a material which has high compressive strength, but the tensile strength is only about I 0 per cent of the compressive strength. The project includes the study of PYA fiber by doing research through journals and books and laboratory experimental works. For each percentage of PYA fiber (0%, 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5% and 2.0%), 12 cylindrical specimens with dimension of200 x 100 are made for split tensile test. The specimens are fairly distributed for tests at 3'd day, 7'h day, 28th day and 60'h day. The specimens were subjected to wet curing for hydration process. The polyvinyl alcohol fibers form a strong bond with cementitious matrix due to their hydrophilic nature and geometric characteristics. The experimental results show that formulations containing PYA fibers presented higher tensile strength. The optimum PYA content in achieving the highest tensile strength of the concrete is found to be I% of the cement content. The addition of I% PYA fiber results to the tensile strength enhancement of 27% at 28th day. The workability of the concrete mix decreases with higher PYA fiber content based on research done

    Clinical diagnosis and non-verbal ability of primary-one school children with LD

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    Model Perilaku Pembelian Online Melalui Market Place Bukalapak Dilihat Dari Perspektif Persepsi Harga, Kualitas Pelayanan Dan Komunikasi Pemasaran

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas pengaruh keputusan pembelian secara online di marketplace. Objek penelitian adalah penjual yang mempunyai reputasi baik dan transaksi siginifikan dalam berjualan di e-commerce Bukalapak. Variabel independen yang didapatkan dari hasil survei pendahuluan kepada pembeli adalah persepsi harga, kualitas pelayanan, dan komunikasi pemasaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis data SEM dan pengolahan data menggunakan PLS.Populasinya adalah pelanggan e-commerce bukalapak yang berbelanja di toko Farqi Cellular, dengan sampel sekitar 162 responden. Hasil pengujian data dengan menggunakan software SmartPLS 3.0 didapatkan didapatkan persepsi harga mempunyai hubungan positif dan berpengaruh tidak signifikan,kualitas pelayanan dan komunikasi pemasaran mempunyai hubungan positif dan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian online. Dengan nilai R-square (R2) = 0.757 menunjukan bahwa kemampuan variabel independen (persepsi harga, kualitas pelayanan, komunikasi pemasaran) dalam menerangkan varians variabel dependen (keputusan pembelian online) sebesar 75,7%. Sedangkan 24.3% sisanya dijelaskan oleh faktor lain di luar model