100 research outputs found

    Studies on the biology of wheat aphids in the Gezira (D. R. Sudan) (Homoptera: Aphididae).

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    Wöchentliche Zählungen in einem Weizenfeld im mittleren Teil der D. R. Sudan haben beträchtliche Unterschiede im Ansiedlungsverhalten von Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch) und von Schizaphis graminum (Rondani) ergeben. R. maidis bevorzugt die Oberseite der jüngsten Blätter. S. graminum kommt im Gegensatz dazu vorwiegend an der Blattoberseite vor und lebt gehäuft an solchen Blättern, die in oder nahe der Mitte der Pflanze gelegen sind, aber die Aphiden sind außerdem über die ganze Pflanze verteilt. Die Befallsspitze von R. maidis erfolgt während der ersten Dezemberhälfte an den jungen Weizenpflanzen. Die Blattlaus verschwindet, wenn die Ähren erscheinen und weiteres Wachstum von jungen Blättern aufhört. S. graminum erreicht die maximale Populationsdichte an Weizen ungefähr einen Monat später. Nachdem die ersten Geflügelten von S. graminum in den Weizenfeldern erschienen waren, wurde in einem gut durchlüfteten Gewächshaus mit einem Zuchtversuch begonnen. Wenn jeweils die erstgeborenen Larven für die Weiterzucht verwendet wurden, konnten von S. graminum bis zum Zeitpunkt, zu dem die Weizenfelder abgeerntet wurden, zehn bis zwölf Generationen erhalten werden. In Verbindung mit diesen Zuchtversuchen wurden Beobachtungen über Entwicklungsdauer, Fruchtbarkeit und Lebensspanne durchgeführt.Weekly counts in a wheat field in the central part of the Democratic Republic of Sudan have shown considerable differences in the settling behaviour of Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch) and of Schizaphis graminum (Rondani). R. maidis prefers the upper surface of the youngest blades. S. graminum, however, mostly occurs on the upper blade surface, and it aggregates on the blades situated at or near the middle of the plant but is distributed also over the whole plant. The peak infestation of R. maidis takes place during the first half of December on the young wheat plants. The aphid disappears when the wheat ears emerge and the growth of young blades ceases. S. graminum attains its greatest abundance on the wheat about one month later. After the first alatae of the S. graminum had appeared in the wheat fields a rearing experiment was started in a well-ventilated greenhouse. The first born nymphs were used for the further propagation, and 10 t0 12 generations of S. graminum could be attained until the wheat crop was harvested in the field. In connection with these rearing experiments on the duration of the development, the fecundity and the life-span were made

    Morphological studies on the reproductive system of the male fowl, Gallus domesticus

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    The genital tract of the mule fowl was investigated by dissection, micro¬ injection, microradiography, and conventional histological methods. i'ho distribution in the tissues of lipids, glycogen, some oxidative enzymes and cholinesterases was investigated histochastically. fhe intrinsic cholinergic and adrenergic innervation was also examined. A fine structural study of the epithelial lining of the efferent ducts was made and the ductus deferens was ligated with the object of studying tho resorption of testicular fluids and the fate of unejaculated spermatozoa.The fowl testis has no mediastinum ortubuli recti. The seminiferous tubules therefore lead directly into the rete testis which is drained by the ductuli efferentes. The iatter are continued into the connecting ductules which open into the ductus epididymidis, The ductus epididymidis and ductus deferens are considered to be merely different segno.its of the snme duct which increases in diameter from its beginningt , at the cranial end of the epididyraal region, to its caudal end in the pelvis. Thus, the avian epididyraal region might be regarded &3 equivalent to the caput epididyraidis of scrotal mammals; tho main part of the ductus deferens and its dilated regions are considered analagous to the corpus and cauda respectively.Lipids in the form of neutral, phospholipids and free fatty acids were detected in the seminiferous tubules and epithelial cells and lumina of the excurrent ducts. Small amounts of mucopolysa hariden were also detected but glycogen was absent. All oxidative enzymes studied were present; their highest activity was in the ductuli efferentes, rue cholinesterase was confined to the neural structures and the basal part3 of the epithelial linin,_, of the large connecting ductules, ductus epididymidis and ductus deferens, Pseudocholinesterase was found throughout the cells of the same regions,A rich supply of cholinergic and adrenergic nerves was found particularly in tho lateral aspect of the epididyraal region and along the du ,tua deferens.A rich supply of cholinergic and adrenergic nerves was found particularly in tho lateral aspect of the epididyraal region and along the du ,tua deferens.Ultrastructurally, at least five different cell types were identified in the duct system, namely (1) low cuboidal cells lining the rete testis, (2) and (3) ciliated and non-ciliated, type I cells lining the ductuli efferentes and narrow connecting ductules, (4) non-ciliated, type II, ells lining the wide connecting ductules, ductus epididymidis and ductus deferens, and (5) basal cells found mainly with type II cells. The rete cells have an imbricated arrangement and their fine structure indicates a secretory function. The ciliated cells possess motile cilia and microvilli; they are nonsecretory but they may play a role in the resorption of fluids. Type I cells carry microvilli and have electron-dense worm-like structures in the apical cytoplasm; the structure and possible function of these structures were discussed, .'he main structural features of type II ceils were similar to those of a protein secreting cell, fhey possess an abundance of distended roU;,h aid transitional endoplasmic reticulum, a well developed Golgi complex and dense secretory granules souse of which were seen at the luminal margin. The basal cells have a large dense irregular nucleus and scanty cytoplasm containing a few organelles and fibrils; they are closely related to nerve endings in the subepithelial tissue.Spermatozoa are taken up by the surface lining cells of the male tract in normal maleo. fter ligation of the ductus deferens, its lumen contained many disintegrating spermatozoa and other cell debris; all the lining cells, except the basal, appear to phagocytose intact spermatozoa and cellular debris. Macrophages containing spermatozoa were found in the lumina of the ducts, in the subepithelial tissue and wedged between the basal lamina and the surface epithelia.The functional implications of these findings in relation to secretion into the seminal plasma, storage of semen, resorption of testicular fluids, movement of spermatozoa along the duct system, disposal of unejnculnted spermatozoa, and emission have been discussed

    Assessment of poverty among the employees of the University of Gezira: Empirical analysis, 2006

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    This study aimed at estimating an income poverty line based on calorie requirements along with the different poverty indices, by applying the estimated poverty line to income distribution data for people working at the University of Gezira.  To estimate the poverty line, Annand and Nur (1988) methodology was followed using three selected consumption baskets to represent different consumption habits in Sudan. Applying the prices of 2006 on the consumption items of the selected baskets, the average cost of these baskets was obtained representing a minimum cash requirement for food consumption. Multiplying the above minimum cash requirement for food consumption by a conversion factor of 2, we obtained the poverty line for the year 2006. To estimate the poverty indices, the traditional measures of poverty such as the headcount, depth of poverty, severity of poverty, Gini Coefficient and Sen’s measure were applied. Results showed that the household income poverty line for the year 2006 was equal to SD 74202.48 (approximately equivalent to 371)  per month with a household size of 6.6. The head count index using expenditure and income approaches was equal to 48% and 54%, respectively. Moreover, results showed that the depth and severity of poverty using expenditure approach were equal to 17% and 8%, respectively, however, the depth and severity of poverty using income approach were equal to 24% and 13%, respectively. Regarding Sen's measure and Gini coefficient, results indicated that income was unequally distributed among the employees of the University of Gezira. In addition, results showed that the poverty indices using expenditure approach were below the poverty indices using income approach. This result may be attributed to the fact that people usually underestimate their income levels, hence, expenditure reflects the standard of living better than income.  تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تقدير خط الفقر على أساس الاحتياجات من السعرات الحرارية وتقدير مختلف مؤشرات الفقر وذلك من خلال تطبيق خط الفقر المقدر على توزيع الدخل لبيانات العاملين في جامعة الجزيرة. لتقدير خط الفقر اتبعت الدراسة المنهجية التي استخدمها (1988) Annand and Nur وذلك باستخدام ثلاث سلات لتمثيل مختلف العادات الاستهلاكية في السودان. بتطبيق أسعار (2006) على سلات الغذاء التي تم اختيارها تحصلنا على التكلفة المتوسطة والتي تمثل الحد الأدنى للمتطلبات النقدية لاستهلاك الغذاء. تم تقدير خط الفقر بضرب الحد الأدنى للمتطلبات النقدية لاستهلاك الغذاء بمعامل التحويل 2 . بتطبيق خط الفقر على بيانات توزيع الدخل للعاملين بجامعة الجزيرة تحصلنا على تقديرات لمؤشرات الفقر التقليدية مثل مؤشر تعداد الرؤوس، مؤشر فجوة الفقر (عمق الفقر) ، مؤشر حدة الفقر ، معامل جيني ومؤشر سن . وضحت النتائج أن خط الفقر يساوي 74202.48 دينار شهرياً ويعادل (371) في الشهر عام 2006م للأسرة التي متوسط عدد أفرادها يساوي 6.6 . أوضحت النتائج ان مؤشر تعداد الرؤوس بالنسبة للعاملين بجامعة الجزيرة يساوي 48% و 54% باستخدام منهج الإنفاق والدخل على التوالي وأن مؤشر عمق الفقر وحدة الفقر باستخدام منهج الدخل يساويان 17% و 8% على التوالي. في حالة استخدام منهج الإنفاق وضح أن عمق وحدة الفقر يساويان 24% و 13% على التوالي. باستخدام مؤشر سن ومعامل جيني وضح أن توزيع الدخل في صفوف العاملين بجامعة الجزيرة غير عادل. كذلك أوضحت النتائج أن مؤشرات الفقر باستخدام منهج الإنفاق أقل من مؤشرات الفقر باستخدام منهج الدخل ويمكن أن تعزى هذه النتيجة إلى أن الإنفاق يعكس مستوى المعيشة بصورة أفضل من الدخل. &nbsp

    National Dialogue on Islam and Democracy in Malaysia: Good Governance

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    On the discovery of gold reserves in 14 states in Sudan, traditional gold mining suddenly started to flourish and hundreds of thousands of laymen became engaged in gold extraction. The use of mercury in gold extraction poses much threat to the environment and general health of miners and the surrounding areas. The investigation includes: The effects of extraction methods on the environment and general health, The level of education and its distribution within the miners and how it affected the awareness of the miners about the dangers of mining activities, The period of stay that miners spend in the mining area and its contribution on the awareness about the dangers and diseases inflicted on the miners, The effects of traditional gold mining activities on natural environmental and The effects of the meteorological and topographical factors, the distribution and concentration of mercury in the area and their effects on the environment and general health. The research adopted the techniques of using random sampling and quantitative qualitative in addition to the analytical techniques. The research finally concluded that the mercury has potential to distribution and transport from study area to neighboring places by two meteorological and topographical factors, the wind directions and speed, those two meteorological elements affect the transport of pollutants from the highest to the lowest boundary layers. The area is characterized by high temperatures during most of year for ten months (50c) and low temperatures during winter months to (5c). Mercury starts to evaporate at temperature exceeding (25c). hence areas of higher temperatures are subjected to higher mercury concentration than other area of low temperatures. The study area is located at a height of (372 meters) above sea level, and that the River Nile to the West is located at an altitude of (340 meters), Topographically contour lines retreat towards in the River Nile, the fact which means that the surface run-off water will flow towards in River Nile and carry mercury concentration because of the natural slope of the area. But a portion of the Western area slopes towards the residents within the surrounding communities. Artisanal and small-scale gold mining has positive effects on the economic side and negative effects on the environment and general health. Keywords: artisanal and small-scale gold mining, Workers occupationally exposed (WOE), Residents in surrounding communities (RSC), Distribution of mercury concentration in surface soil and surface water, Meteorological and topographical factors

    Evaluation of serological test in the diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori and risk factors associated with the infection

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    Background: Serological testing has been widely used for the diagnosis of H. pylori. This study aimed to evaluate the serological test and to determine the sensitivity and specificity of the test in the diagnosis of H. pylori. The study also aimed to address if there are risk factors like blood grouping, Smoking, Age, gender, and residence of the patients associated with H. pylori infection.Methods: A prospective cross‑sectional study was performed among 100 symptomatic patients attending Dr. Suliman dispensary, Elnehoud city in west Kordofan state-Sudan, from March to September 2016. H. pylori were detected on plasma by using Healgen immunochromatography test cards from Xiamen Boson Biotech Co., Ltd (China), and identified from a stool by using monoclonal antigen detection from the same trademarked company. Data for the risk factors associated with the infection were assessed in a participant interview.Results: The serological test showed significant differences when compared to the stool antigen test p-value = 0.000. The statistical analysis showed moderate sensitivity and high specificity of the serological test compared to the stool antigen detection test. The study also showed that smoking [odds ratio (OR): 1.20, 95% confidence interval (CI): (1.24-4.02) and blood grouping (OR: 1.10, 95% CI: (1.08-1.60) were risk factors for H. pylori infection.Conclusions: The serological test showed high specificity and moderate sensitivity in comparison to the stool antigen test. The increased risk of H. pylori infection associated with smoking and blood grouping

    Comparative analysis of chromogenic vs clot based CDC modified, Nijmegen-Bethesda assay for detection of factor viii inhibitor titre

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    Background:-Inhibitors to infused factor VIII are the most significant complication of hemophilia treatment. These inhibitors are usually IgG antibodies, that react with FVIII in a time and temperature dependent manner. Coagulation factor VIII inhibitors can be detected by Chromogenic, clot based and immunological assays. However, there is lack of consensus as to what constitutes a positive inhibitor, including the appropriate cut-off for inhibitor measurement The main objective of this study is to compare the sensitivity and specificity of chromogenic Nijmegen Bethesda assay (CNBA) with Centre for disease control modified Nijmegen Bethesda (CDC-NBA) assay against the Reference control method (RCM).Materials and Methods: The Coagulometer used for inhibitor titre  quantification is Sysmex CS-5100. APTT reagent used isPathromtin SL supplied by seimensSeimens. All data were expressed as Mean ± SD. Statistical formulae were used for sensitivity and specificity calculations. Unpaired students t test was used whereever necessary and a P value of <0.05 is considered as statistical significanceResults: A total of 150 cases were tested for inhibitor titre using CNBA vs CDC-NBA. For low titre Inhibitor (<2 NBU), CNBA has 92% and 86% and CDC-NBA has 80 and 60% sensitivity and specificity respectively. These results show that CDC-NBA shows false positive results at low inhibitor titre. For High titre Inhibitor ( >2 NBU) CNBA has 88% and 80% and CDC-NBA has 85 and 70 % sensitivity and specificity respectively.Conclusion :- These results shows that CNBA is more sensitive and specific than CDC-NBA at both low and high inhibitor titre. Moreover chromogenic assays can differentiate factor specific inhibitor from nonspecific inhibitors like lupus anticoagulant and unfractionated heparin therapy.Keywords: Hemophilia, Bethesda assay, ELISA, Factor VIII, Inhibitor, Mixing studyAbbrevations: APLA- Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, CDC:NBA- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Nijmegen-BethesdaAssay, CNBA:- chromogenic Nijmegen Bethesda assa

    Anacardium plants: Chemical,nutritional composition and biotechnological applications

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    Anacardium plants are native to the American tropical regions, and Anacardium occidentale L. (cashew tree) is the most recognized species of the genus. These species contain rich secondary metabolites in their leaf and shoot powder, fruits and other parts that have shown diverse applications. This review describes the habitat and cultivation of Anacardium species, phytochemical and nutritional composition, and their industrial food applications. Besides, we also discuss the secondary metabolites present in Anacardium plants which display great antioxidant and antimicrobial effects. These make the use of Anacardium species in the food industry an interesting approach to the development of green foods.AK. Jugran acknowledges the partial funding from Uttarakhand council for Biotechnology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, India (File No. UCB/R&D Project/2018-311) for this work. M. Martorell would like to thank the support offered by CONICYT PIA/APOYO CCTE AFB170007. N. Martins would like to thank the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT-Portugal) for the Strategic project ref. UID/BIM/04293/2013 and ?NORTE2020 - Northern Regional Operational Program? (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER- 000012)