33 research outputs found


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    This article examines the problem of the diversity of interpretations of the testimony of two women equal to the testimony of one man in surah Al-Baqarah, verse 282. A number of interpretations that have surfaced use the hujjah, naqliy or aqliy, to reinforce the view that the testimony of two women is equal to one man. Some even return it to the verse of ta'abbudiy (unthinkable), so it does not open alternative interpretations because the verse is understood as final. By using the concept of "Fiqh Maqashid al-Khithab" as an ethical concept to understand the definition and meaning of the verses in a more equal, this article examines the discussions about the interpretation of the verses of "two women and one man".The result show that based on summarized from various treasures the book of commentaries on the Qur'an, classic and contemporary the intrepetation has various meaning about the concept of ta'abbudiy (unthinkable)This article examines the problem of the diversity of interpretations of the testimony of two women equal to the testimony of one man in surah Al-Baqarah, verse 282. A number of interpretations that have surfaced use the hujjah, naqliy or aqliy, to reinforce the view that the testimony of two women is equal to one man. Some even return it to the verse of ta'abbudiy (unthinkable), so it does not open alternative interpretations because the verse is understood as final. By using the concept of "Fiqh Maqashid al-Khithab" as an ethical concept to understand the definition and meaning of the verses in a more equal, this article examines the discussions about the interpretation of the verses of "two women and one man".The result show that based on summarized from various treasures the book of commentaries on the Qur'an, classic and contemporary the intrepetation has various meaning about the concept of ta'abbudiy (unthinkable)

    In Search of Islamic View of Justice on Women Testimony

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    The most current challenges faced by Moslem in terms of Islamic religious discourse are religiousinterpretation on gender equality on position men and women. Among long crucial debate related tothe issue is position of men and women in testimony, when the place of two women witnesses whichare conceived equal to one man. It seems an ambivalent takes place regarding Islamic religious interpretationwhen many verses mentioned in the Quran and some hadiths have declared explicitly the sameshared opportunity and capacity as well as mutual relation between men and women as vicegerents(khalifah) of God on the earth, meanwhile in the practice which inherited over centuries demonstratedinequality of men and women. This contrast, however, ultimately indicates a tension between Islamthat ethically egalitarian and historically determined. This article tries to seek an Islamic view of justice onwomen testimony by arguing the importance of contextualizing interpretation by revitalizing appropriatemaxim of Quran exegetes and up grading maqasid studies in order to find a more equal and justreligious interpretation on women in Islam

    Retail Green Sukuk in Indonesia: Toward A Maqashid Approach

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    Recent global trends include an increase in demand for sustainable development goals (SDGs) and green sukuk programs. The initiative has gained prominence due to the severe effects of climate change, global warming, and other environmental issues. With its green bond and green sukuk framework, Indonesia has endeavored to mitigate this effect. In response, the Indonesian government has issued Sukuk Tabungan (ST), which is designed to finance green projects. This article will examine the structure and performance of the Sukuk al-Wakalah contract, as well as the Maqashid method used to determine the mashlahah and priority level of Sukuk Tabungan, using the library research method and descriptive analysis. The study's findings indicate that Sukuk Tabungan could contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) because it is designed in accordance with maqashid, which avoids Sharia-compliant practices in order to perform mashlahah. Even though it has a lower coupon rate and is of a smaller size than Sukuk Ritel, it has a high likelihood of being issued because its proceeds will be used exclusively to finance green projects in order to accelerate the Sustainable Development Goals. In addition, the objective of sukuk al Wakalah issuance appears to fall within the imperative level or dharuriyat of the Maqashid framework due to its five targeted projects, in accordance with the Islamic legal maxims "harm is to be eliminated" and "avoidance of harm takes precedence over the attainment of benefit," which should be the primary reason for the issuance of this Sukuk.========================================================================================================================================ABSTRAK – Sukuk Hijau Ritel di Indonesia: Sebuah Tinjauan Maqashid. Kebutuhan akan keberlangsungan tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan (SDGs) dan sukuk hijau kian menjadi tren dunia belakangan ini. Inisiasi tersebut muncul ke permukaan sebagai respon terhadap dampak buruk perubahan iklim, pemanasan global dan isu lingkungan lainnya. Indonesia dengan kerangka program obligasi dan sukuk hijau (green bond dan green sukuk) mencoba mengatasi dampak buruk akibat isu tersebut. Sebagai tindak lanjut, Pemerintah Indonesia meluncurkan green sukuk, atau Sukuk Tabungan (ST) yang ditujukan untuk membiayai proyek hijau (green project). Dengan menggunakan studi literatur kepustakaan sebagai metode secara deskriptif analisis, artikel ini berupaya mendiskusikan lebih jauh struktur dan performa dari sukuk al wakalah, serta pendekatan Maqashid yang digunakan untuk menentukan kemaslahatan dan tingkat prioritas dari pembiayaan Sukuk Tabungan. Temuan penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa, Sukuk Tabungan harus menghindari dari praktik yang tidak sesuai dengan prinsip Syariah. Meskipun memiliki kupon yang lebih kecil dan jumlah yang lebih sedikit dari Sukuk Ritel, Sukuk Tabungan punya potensi yang besar untuk dikembangkan karena dana sukuk tersebut ditujukan secara khusus untuk membiayai proyek hijau demi mempercepat SDGs. Tujuan peluncuran sukuk al wakalah dapat disimpulkan terdapat pada level yang sangat penting atau dharuriyat, berdasarkan kerangka Maqashid, dikarenakan tujuan pembiayaannya pada lima target area, sejalan dengan kaedah fiqh yaitu “kemudaratan harus dihilangkan” dan “mencegah kemudaratan lebih utama ketimbang mencapai kemaslahatan”

    Women in the Public Sphere and Religious Discourse Interpretation in the Post-Conflict Aceh

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    This article aims to discuss women and their access to the public sphere after a long term of the last three decades of armed conflict in Aceh. As many occurred in the other most conflict regions, women are mostly victims of any regime policies, either in political or economic access. This article would like to elaborate more on how women's position perceived within Acehnese society in the post-conflict Aceh since 2005? Furthermore, how are religious doctrines being interpreted regarding women’s issues in the post-conflict Aceh? By combining literature reviews and interviews as the primary source of data collection, this article argues that the long army conflict in Aceh and unfortunate Aceh's current political context are the leading cause of women's position degradation in Aceh and not because of the religious interpretation contestation. Thus, even though the formal sharia implementation has taken place in Aceh since 2002, male political domination and contestation have influenced women's position degradation in contemporary Aceh's public sphere.Keywords: Women, Post-Conflict Aceh, Sharia, Public Sphere, Religious Discourse

    Permasalahan Khilafah dan Persoalan Penafsiran Al-Quran

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    Artikel ini mendiskusikan beberapa permasalahan kontemporer terkait penafsiran Al-Qur'an, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan Ayat Al-Quran tentang berhukum dengan Hukum Allah (Al-Maidah 44, 45 dan 47). Artikel ini juga mengelaborasi lebih jauh persoalan khilafah yang belakangan ini marak dibicarakan sebagai solusi penerapan syariat Islam sebagai jalan keluar dari kebuntuan konsep negara-bangsa (nation-state) moder


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    ABSTRAK Diskriminasi adalah perlakuan yang tidak adil dan tidak seimbang yang dilakukanuntuk membedakan terhadap individu atau kelompok, berdasarkan sesuatu,biasanya bersifat kategorikal atau atribut-atribut khusus seperti, ras, suku,agama, dan kelas-kelas sosial. Mayoritas penduduk di Aceh merupakan pemelukagama Islam yang berjumlah 4.867.295 jiwa dari 4.905.887 jiwa total jumlahpenduduk masyarakat Aceh. Penelitian ini berfokus pada analisa gambarandiskriminasi pada masyarakat minoritas khususnya pada kelompok denganperbedaan keyakinan beragama. Data diperoleh melalui hasil wawancara semiterstruktur pada tiga orang subjek yang beragama Kristen Protestan yang beradadi Banda Aceh. Pemilihan subjek digunakan dengan cara teknik purposivesampling dengan metode typical sampling. Desain penelitian yang digunakanadalah studi kasus dan analisa deskriptif, hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwamasyarakat minoritas mendapatkan pembatasan atau hambatan dalammengekspresikan diri pada ruang publik. Hal yang menyebabkan munculnyadiskriminasi adalah adanya prasangka mengenai upaya kristenisasi yangdilakukan oleh kelompok agama minoritas dan adanya regulasi-regulasi (tertulismaupun tidak tertulis) yang dianggap membatasi kesempatan, ruang gerak, dankeberpihakan pada kelompok agama minoritas di ruang publik.Kata Kunci: Diskriminasi, Agama, Minorita

    Developing BMT as a loss-profit sharing-based microfinance: an Indonesian experience

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    This article would like to discuss an Indonesian experience in developing Baitul Mal wat Tamwil (BMT) since 1990’s as an alternative microfinance which based on loss and profit sharing schema that realized a more just economic system. This research is conducted by both bibliographical overviews and empirical investigations. This paper would like to elaborate more on how BMT developed and maintained its capacity and efforts, in providing a more just alternative model instead of interest system which had shown negative spread and pseudo economic growth. This, however, requires emphasizing the main differences between both systems (sharing and interest). It also discusses on how BMT upgraded competitively various attractive products which based on loss and profit sharing. The establishment of BMT in Indonesia could not be separated from the emergence of “creative minority” and “enlightened group” in some campuses in Indonesia to build BMT since 1984, which later followed and developed by Indonesian Muslim Intellectual Association (Ikatan Cendekiawan Muslim Indonesia/ ICMI) since 1991. The research findings showed that the schema which is used by BMT on loss and profit sharing is a real practical effort which then has successfully developed, massively contributed and largely triggered Indonesian economic in the real sector, especially for the small and medium economic scale enterprises (SMES) in order to poverty alleviation. It also reflected as an experiment of early steps in recognizing Islamic economy in Indonesia. BMT also still could survive, even when a huge economic crisis struck Indonesia particularly and South East Asia generally in 1997


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    Trust is crucial in a business like Seven Barbershop; the two sides work together as funders and managers. As a result, the Seven Barbershop business gained proportionally, 50:50. The purpose of this research is to identify the system for the outcomes in the Seven Barbershop business, which operates under the accreditation. The researchers used observation and interview methods to gather data; inductive data analysis techniques were used, and the researchers viewed the system for the outcome at Seven Barbersho as part of the overall scheme, so that researchers could draw conclusions as a whole. The results of the research show that the practice of bsgi results is already in line with the theory, as demonstrated by the fact that Taufik Agustia owns the business of Seven Barbershop, which is a shohibul mall. Where the owner of the capital gave the space and equipment to the researchers, Taufik Agustia. In a partnership at Seven Barbershop, capital owners and managers share profits proportionately. This means that the profits from monthly turnover are deducted from operating costs, such as the purchase of silets, strawberries, hair oil, electricity, and charges, then the net profit is divided between the capital owner and the managers