92 research outputs found

    Planes prediales para la adaptación frente a la variabilidad climática en Boyacá- Colombia

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    Este documento presenta el reporte de la implementación de la metodología de Planes Prediales de Adaptación (PPA) frente a la variabilidad climática en los municipios de Betéitiva, Busbanzá, Corrales y Tasco, en el departamento de Boyacá durante los años 2020 y 2021. Se incluye la sistematización del proceso, la metodología, los pasos y actividades realizadas, resultados y proceso de implementación. Se documenta la estructura de la intervención, la cual se basa en el documento “Manual para la formulación de planes prediales de adaptación a la variabilidad climática” (Ortega, L, & Paz-B, 2014) Adicionalmente, se presentan los resultados del proceso de implementación en campo de tres prácticas priorizadas en los PPA: Cosecha de agua lluvia, instalación de reservorios y tanques para el almacenamiento de agua lluvia, y las huertas caseras. De igual forma, se presenta el portafolio de medidas de adaptación que surgió de los PPA que está compuesto por cuatro grupos: Seguridad alimentaria, producción pecuaria, producción agrícola y sostenibilidad ambiental, y contiene las prácticas priorizadas: Reservorios y tanques, cosecha de agua lluvia, sistemas de riego, huertas caseras, abonos orgánicos, cercas vivas, reforestación, mantenimiento de reservorios, diversificación cultivos, producción forrajes, ensilaje, y diversificación pecuaria

    Implementación de un Territorio Sostenible y Adaptado al Clima (TeSAC) en Boyacá – Primeros pasos

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    Este documento presenta los primeros pasos para la implementación de un Territorio Sostenible y Adaptado al Clima, TeSAC, en en los municipios de Corrales, Betéitiva, Busbanzá y Tasco, en el departamento de Boyacá en Colombia durante los años 2019 a 2021. Como parte de la mplementación del TeSAC se llevaron a cabo las metodologías Servicios Integrados Participativos de Clima para la Agricultura (PICSA) ;Planes Prediales de Adaptación (PPA) y la implementación de prácticas para la adaptación al cambio climático. Se presentan en este reporte las metodologías, algunos pasos y actividades realizadas y los resultados. Adicionalmente, se presentan los resultados del proceso de implementación en campo de tres prácticas priorizadas en los PPA: Cosecha de agua lluvia, instalación de reservorios y tanques para el almacenamiento de agua lluvia, y las huertas caseras. De igual forma, se presenta el portafolio de medidas de adaptación que surgió de los PPA que está compuesto por cuatro grupos: Seguridad alimentaria, producción pecuaria, producción agrícola y sostenibilidad ambiental, y contiene las prácticas priorizadas: Reservorios y tanques, cosecha de agua lluvia, sistemas de riego, huertas caseras, abonos orgánicos, cercas vivas, reforestación, mantenimiento de reservorios, diversificación cultivos, producción forrajes, ensilaje, y diversificación pecuaria

    Monitoreo de los efectos de la COVID-19 en la seguridad alimentaria: Hallazgos preliminares de encuestas de monitoreo sobre las implicaciones de la pandemia de la COVID-19 sobre las actividades productivas, la seguridad alimentaria y el riesgo sanitario de familias agricultoras, en tres países de América Latina

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    Existen notables efectos inmediatos de la pandemia sobre las actividades productivas, los ingresos, el acceso a insumos agrícolas y la seguridad alimentaria de las familias productoras de Colombia, Honduras y Guatemala. Los agricultores evidencian un incremento considerable en los precios de los alimentos, reduciendo notablemente su ingesta de frutas, verduras y carne. Esto podría tener implicaciones en la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición, agravando el problema del hambre estacional de países centroamericanos. A pesar de las limitaciones que conlleva la pandemia de la COVID-19, los agricultores consideran seguir sembrando

    How does Problem Based Learning transform the educational senses in the program of Medicine at University of Antioquia?

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    ABSTRACT: Ever since curricular reforms were made at the Faculty of Medicine (University of Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia), Problem Based Learning has been implemented as one of the active didactic strategies that may help students to lead their process of learning. To assess the impact of this strategy on the curriculum, a qualitative research was carried out. All the results: interviews with experts, surveys with the participants in the strategy and documents written by professors of the medical school were triangulated. Findings show that participants are satisfied with the use of the strategy and acknowledge its importance in the integral formation of students. However, PBL is not the only teaching option to be used in our curriculum.RESUMEN: A partir de la reforma curricular en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Antioquia (Medellín, Colombia) se implementó el Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas como una de las estrategias didácticas activas para favorecer en los estudiantes el liderazgo en su proceso de aprendizaje. Para evaluar el impacto que ha tenido esta estrategia en el currículo, se hizo una investigación con enfoque explicativo y comprensivo. Se triangularon los resultados obtenidos de entrevistas a expertos, encuestas a actores de la estrategia y documentos producidos por profesores de la Facultad de Medicina. Los resultados muestran que hay satisfacción por parte de los actores con el uso de la estrategia para la formación integral del estudiante y que además se reconocen otras opciones didácticas para el desarrollo curricular

    The role of the tutor in the strategy Problem-Based Learning in medical education

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    ABSTRACT: In the context of the curricular renewal undertaken since 2000, the Faculty of Medicine (University of Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia) has implemented the teaching strategy ProblemBased Learning (PBL). This article discusses the role of PBL tutors, teacher training and the perception of students and teachers on the performance of tutors. The study is part of a larger qualitative study aimed at evaluating the impact of PBL on medical curriculum at this institution. A triangulation of sources was used. They were: data provided by PBL participants (students, tutors and coordinators), analysis of articles about the strategy written by teachers of this Faculty and information obtained from experts in the topic. It was found that PBL has stimulated the adoption of new roles amoung teachers, and that students are satisfied with this way of learning and interacting with teachers. However, there are still weaknesses in PBL training among teachers, which generate inconsistencies in the development of the strategy. It is recommended to broaden and deepen teacher training in order to strengthen the role of tutors in PBL, as well as to establish common spaces to share practices and discourses.RESUMEN: La Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Antioquia ha aplicado la estrategia didáctica de Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP) en el proceso de la renovación curricular que inició en el año 2000. Este artículo analiza la función de los tutores, la formación docente y la percepción de los estudiantes y los profesores sobre el desempeño de los tutores en el ABP. Se basa en un estudio cualitativo más amplio, tendiente a la evaluación del impacto de esa didáctica en el currículo de Medicina de la institución. Se hizo una triangulación de fuentes con datos suministrados por actores participantes en el ABP (estudiantes, tutores y coordinadores), los artículos de análisis sobre la estrategia producidos por profesores de la Facultad y la información obtenida de entrevistas con expertos en el tema. Se encontró que esa didáctica ha estimulado la adopción de nuevos roles entre los docentes y hay satisfacción entre los estudiantes con esta manera de aprender y de relacionarse con los profesores. Se hallaron debilidades en la formación de ABP entre los docentes, lo cual genera inconsistencias en el desarrollo de la estrategia. Se recomienda ampliar y profundizar la capacitación para fortalecer la función del tutor, así como establecer espacios comunes para compartir prácticas y discursos

    Latin America: Reduced S&T Investment Puts Sustainable Development at Risk

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    Latin America is home to more than 600 million people and has considerable natural and human resources. However, investment in science and technology (S&T) lags far behind that in developed countries. This gap represents a barrier to the development of economies based on knowledge and hampers the region's ability to tackle environmental and social problems. This lack of investment is evident in the extreme case of Venezuela, where much of the science workforce has fled economic chaos, but also in every Latin American country, including science powers such as Brazil and Argentina, where federal budgets in science, technology and education have been drastically reduced in recent years. Investments in S&T foster cooperation, commerce and good will and enhance resilience in the face of environmental and social turmoil. Therefore, scientists must start to actively engage governments and encourage long-term spending in S&T to support the development of Latin American societies.Universidad de Costa Rica/[]/UCR/Costa RicaSistema Nacional de Investigación/[]/SNI/SENACYT/PanamáUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Agroalimentarias::Estación Experimental Agrícola Fabio Baudrit Moreno (EEAFBM)UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Agroalimentarias::Jardín Botánico Lankester (JBL

    Contribution of TEX15 genetic variants to the risk of developing severe non-obstructive oligozoospermia

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    Background: Severe spermatogenic failure (SPGF) represents one of the most relevant causes of male infertility. This pathological condition can lead to extreme abnormalities in the seminal sperm count, such as severe oligozoospermia (SO) or non-obstructive azoospermia (NOA). Most cases of SPGF have an unknown aetiology, and it is known that this idiopathic form of male infertility represents a complex condition. In this study, we aimed to evaluate whether common genetic variation in TEX15, which encodes a key player in spermatogenesis, is involved in the susceptibility to idiopathic SPGF.Materials and Methods: We designed a genetic association study comprising a total of 727 SPGF cases (including 527 NOA and 200 SO) and 1,058 unaffected men from the Iberian Peninsula. Following a tagging strategy, three tag single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of TEX15 (rs1362912, rs323342, and rs323346) were selected for genotyping using TaqMan probes. Case-control association tests were then performed by logistic regression models. In silico analyses were also carried out to shed light into the putative functional implications of the studied variants.Results: A significant increase in TEX15-rs1362912 minor allele frequency (MAF) was observed in the group of SO patients (MAF = 0.0842) compared to either the control cohort (MAF = 0.0468, OR = 1.90, p = 7.47E-03) or the NOA group (MAF = 0.0472, OR = 1.83, p = 1.23E-02). The genotype distribution of the SO population was also different from those of both control (p = 1.14E-02) and NOA groups (p = 4.33-02). The analysis of functional annotations of the human genome suggested that the effect of the SO-associated TEX15 variants is likely exerted by alteration of the binding affinity of crucial transcription factors for spermatogenesis.Conclusion: Our results suggest that common variation in TEX15 is involved in the genetic predisposition to SO, thus supporting the notion of idiopathic SPGF as a complex trait

    Contribution of TEX15 genetic variants to the risk of developing severe non-obstructive oligozoospermia

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    Lisbon clinical group co-authors and IVIRMA group co-authors Ana Aguiar, (Unidade de Medicina da Reproducao, Hospital de Santa Maria, Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte, Lisboa, Portugal); Carlos Calhaz-Jorge, (Unidade de Medicina da Reproducao, Hospital de Santa Maria, Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte, Lisboa, Portugal); Joaquim Nunes, (Unidade de Medicina da Reproducao, Hospital de Santa Maria, Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte, Lisboa, Portugal); Sandra Sousa (Unidade de Medicina da Reproducao, Hospital de Santa Maria, Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte, Lisboa, Portugal), and Sónia Correia (Centro de Medicina Reprodutiva, Maternidade Alfredo da Costa, Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Central, Lisboa, Portugal); Maria Graça Pinto(Centro de Medicina Reprodutiva, Maternidade Alfredo da Costa, Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Central, Lisboa, Portugal). Alberto Pacheco, (IVIRMA Madrid, Spain); Cristina González, (IVIRMA Sevilla, Spain); Susana Gómez, (IVIRMA Lisboa, Portugal); David Amorós, (IVIRMA Barcelona, Spain); Jesús Aguilar, (IVIRMA Vigo, Spain); Fernando Quintana, (IVIRMA Bilbao, Spain).Background: Severe spermatogenic failure (SPGF) represents one of the most relevant causes of male infertility. This pathological condition can lead to extreme abnormalities in the seminal sperm count, such as severe oligozoospermia (SO) or non-obstructive azoospermia (NOA). Most cases of SPGF have an unknown aetiology, and it is known that this idiopathic form of male infertility represents a complex condition. In this study, we aimed to evaluate whether common genetic variation in TEX15, which encodes a key player in spermatogenesis, is involved in the susceptibility to idiopathic SPGF. Materials and Methods: We designed a genetic association study comprising a total of 727 SPGF cases (including 527 NOA and 200 SO) and 1,058 unaffected men from the Iberian Peninsula. Following a tagging strategy, three tag single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of TEX15 (rs1362912, rs323342, and rs323346) were selected for genotyping using TaqMan probes. Case-control association tests were then performed by logistic regression models. In silico analyses were also carried out to shed light into the putative functional implications of the studied variants. Results: A significant increase in TEX15-rs1362912 minor allele frequency (MAF) was observed in the group of SO patients (MAF = 0.0842) compared to either the control cohort (MAF = 0.0468, OR = 1.90, p = 7.47E-03) or the NOA group (MAF = 0.0472, OR = 1.83, p = 1.23E-02). The genotype distribution of the SO population was also different from those of both control (p = 1.14E-02) and NOA groups (p = 4.33–02). The analysis of functional annotations of the human genome suggested that the effect of the SO-associated TEX15 variants is likely exerted by alteration of the binding affinity of crucial transcription factors for spermatogenesis. Conclusion: Our results suggest that common variation in TEX15 is involved in the genetic predisposition to SO, thus supporting the notion of idiopathic SPGF as a complex trait.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the Spanish National Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation (PID 2020-120157RB-I00) and the Andalusian Government through the research projects of “Plan Andaluz de Investigacion, Desarrollo e Innovacion (PAIDI 2020)” (ref. PY20_00212) and “Programa Operativo FEDER 2020” (ref. B-CTS-584-UGR20). LB-C was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the “Juan de la Cierva Incorporacion” program (Grant ref. IJC 2018-038026- I, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033), which includes FEDER funds. AG-J was funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and FSE “El FSE invierte en tu futuro” (grant ref. FPU20/02926). IPATIMUP integrates the i3S Research Unit, which is partially supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), financed by the European Social Funds (COMPETE-FEDER) and National Funds (projects PEstC/SAU/LA0003/2013 and POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007274). PM is supported by the FCT post-doctoral fellowship (SFRH/BPD/120777/2016), financed from the Portuguese State Budget of the Ministry for Science, Technology and High Education and from the European Social Fund, available through the Programa Operacional do Capital Humano. ToxOmics—Centre for Toxicogenomics and Human Health, Genetics, Oncology and Human Toxicology, Nova Medical School, Lisbon, is also partially supported by FCT (UID/BIM/00009/2016 and UIDB/00009/2020). SL received support from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (grant: DTS18/00101], co-funded by FEDER funds/European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)-a way to build Europe-), and from “Generalitat de Catalunya” (grant 2017SGR191). SL is sponsored by the “Researchers Consolidation Program” from the SNS-Dpt. Salut Generalitat de Catalunya (Exp. CES09/020). This article is related to the Ph.D. Doctoral Thesis of AG-J.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mutational Landscape of CEBPA in Mexican Pediatric Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients: Prognostic Implications

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    BackgroundIn Mexico, the incidence of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) has increased in the last few years. Mortality is higher than in developed countries, even though the same chemotherapy protocols are used. CCAAT Enhancer Binding Protein Alpha (CEBPA) mutations are recurrent in AML, influence prognosis, and help to define treatment strategies. CEBPA mutational profiles and their clinical implications have not been evaluated in Mexican pediatric AML patients.Aim of the StudyTo identify the mutational landscape of the CEBPA gene in pediatric patients with de novo AML and assess its influence on clinical features and overall survival (OS).Materials and MethodsDNA was extracted from bone marrow aspirates at diagnosis. Targeted massive parallel sequencing of CEBPA was performed in 80 patients.ResultsCEBPA was mutated in 12.5% (10/80) of patients. Frameshifts at the N-terminal region were the most common mutations 57.14% (8/14). CEBPA biallelic (CEBPABI) mutations were identified in five patients. M2 subtype was the most common in CEBPA positive patients (CEBPAPOS) (p = 0.009); 50% of the CEBPAPOS patients had a WBC count > 100,000 at diagnosis (p = 0.004). OS > 1 year was significantly better in CEBPA negative (CEBPANEG) patients (p = 0.0001). CEBPAPOS patients (either bi- or monoallelic) had a significantly lower OS (p = 0.002). Concurrent mutations in FLT3, CSF3R, and WT1 genes were found in CEBPAPOS individuals. Their contribution to poor OS cannot be ruled out.ConclusionCEBPA mutational profiles in Mexican pediatric AML patients and their clinical implications were evaluated for the first time. The frequency of CEBPAPOS was in the range reported for pediatric AML (4.5–15%). CEBPA mutations showed a negative impact on OS as opposed to the results of other studies