433 research outputs found

    Análisis numérico de la formación de inestabilidades plásticas en estructuras anulares metálicas sometidas a un proceso de expansión radial

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    En el presente trabajo se estudia el comportamiento mecánico de materiales metálicos en condiciones dinámicas. La condición dinámica consistirá en una expansión radial de un anillo a altas velocidades de deformación. Estas velocidades de deformación variarán desde valores cercanos a 200 s-1 hasta valores de 10.000 s-1. El objetivo de esta expansión es analizar la formación de las inestabilidades y fractura que se generan a lo largo del mismo. Al no tener la posibilidad de realizar estos ensayos de forma experimental, se realizarán estas simulaciones mediante elementos finitos.. Para ser capaces de realizarlas se utilizará el programa de elementos finitos, ABAQUS/Explicit. Con el fin de entender mejor todos los supuestos de este proyecto y tener una visión más global del mismo, lo primero que se mostrará será una breve explicación del ensayo experimental de la expansión de un anillo. Justo después de mostrar dicha explicación se expondrá un breve resumen sobre las investigaciones realizadas a lo largo de la historia así como de los avances conseguidos con el fin de poder tener una visión global de los estudios realizados y ver que es lo que podemos aportar con este trabajo. Para ser capaces de analizar los resultados obtenidos en las simulaciones llevadas a cabo se utilizará el desarrollo teórico expresado por Vadillo et al. (2012). De esta manera se podrá demostrar el dominio de los parámetros influyentes en la inercia y estabilidad del anillo.Ingeniería Mecánic

    La influencia de la posicion del banner y la experiencia del usuario sobre el recuerdo. El efecto mediador de la atencion visual

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    This work was partly supported by the Spanish National Research Programme (R1D1i Research Project ECO2017-88458-R), Andalusian R1D1I Research Programme (B-SEJ-209-UGR18, the project “Research in NeuroSOCOM”) and by Portuguese national funding through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (projects UID/BIM/04773/2019 CBMR; UIDB/04020/2020 CinTurs; UIDB/04470/2020 CiTUR). Finally, the authors also wish to thank prof. Carlos Flavian, SJM-ESIC editor and the anonymous reviewers for their invaluable comments and constructive reflections to enable the publication of this manuscript.Purpose: This study aims to analyse the effectiveness of a static promotional banner located on a hotel reservation website in terms of capturing the visitor’s visual attention by exploring how this impact depends on the user’s degree of internet experience. Design/methodology/approach: An experiment was conducted using the eye-tracking methodology, in addition to a self-administered questionnaire. Through eye-tracking technology, eye movements were recorded whilst participants explored a generic hotel website. The factors used in the analyses were the position of the banner on the website and participants’ experience as internet users. Findings: The findings showed that positioning a banner at certain locations on the webpage may lead to a better recall, which, in part, seems to result from the visual attention that such locations attract. The mediation analysis showed that the bottom-right and bottom-left positions have a negative effect on banner recall due, in part, to the shorter attention times and the smaller number of fixations those positions induce. Although the visitor’s level of internet experience affected his/her visual attention towards the banner, its impact on banner recall was non-significant. Results are discussed considering which variables produce greater effectiveness in capturing the user’s attention. Practical implications: The paper draws several implications for the marketing literature, hospitality management and society in general. Originality/value: The study is the first to analyse the impact of the position of a static ad on users’ visual attention and memory, considering the user’s degree of internet experience.Andalusian R+D+I Research Programme B-SEJ-209-UGR18Ciencia e a TecnologiaSpanish National Research Programme ECO2017-88458-RFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia UID/BIM/04773/2019 CBMR, UIDB/04470/2020 CiTU

    Simulation of a solar funnel cooker using MATLAB

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    A software for the calculation of the radiation heat transfer in solar funnel cookers by means of the radiosity method has been developed in Matlab. The software has been used to study a folding solar cooker. The cooker geometry is discretized using a triangular mesh where a piecewise constant approximation is assumed for the radiosity function. Form factors, including self-occlusions, are calculated by properly refining the triangular mesh. The concentration factor of the solar cooker is estimated as a function of its position and orientation with respect to that of the Sun.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The effects of human-game interaction, network externalities, and motivations on players’ use of mobile casual games.

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    Purpose - This paper empirically examines the factors that influence the acceptance and use of mobile casual games. Methodology - A theoretical model is proposed based on the theory of reasonable action, the uses and gratifications theory, the network externalities paradigm and the human-computer interaction literature. An empirical study was conducted through an online survey of mobile casual gamers in Spain, using a convenience sample. The proposed model was tested by an analysis of the collected data through a structural equation model using the partial least squares (PLS) method. Findings - The results indicate that human-mobile game interaction and network externalities have a significant indirect impact on intention to play, through utilitarian, hedonic and relational motivations. In addition, the full mediation effect of attitude was found between these constructs and intention to play, which is a very important determinant of actual use. Originality/value - This study is among the few that focuses on users’ acceptance of mobile games apps, the features of which differ significantly from personal computer and console games. It highlights the effects of human-game interaction and network externalities on the adoption of mobile casual games. Hence, the study contributes to the theoretical and practical understanding of the factors that lead users to adopt an entertainment mobile application.This work was supported by the Andalusia Regional Government [Excellence Research Project P12-SEJ-1980]; and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness [Project ECO2012-39576]

    The Tipping Point in the Status of Socially Responsible Consumer Behavior Research? A Bibliometric Analysis

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    Looking at the impact of society on the environment or, as we write this manuscript in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, the scenes of consumers hoarding products, we wonder if consumers really do exhibit socially responsible consumer behaviors (SRCB). An initial literature review showed that few studies have addressed this issue, which creates opportunities for the development of new research lines. Furthermore, no study had examined the conceptual evolution or whether SRCB is a developed or fragmented theme from an exhaustive compilation of all previous academic research. To address the proposed research questions, we conducted a bibliometric analysis applied to a corpus of manuscripts on SRCB indexed in the Web of Science (WoS) bibliographic database, from its inception in 1991 up to 2019. Co-word analysis provided a structure of conceptual sub-domains classified based on their density and centrality. In addition, thematic networks were extracted that showed the important associations between the main issues that the SRCB community has addressed, which enabled the authors to examine the subject’s intellectual structuring over almost three decades. The findings showed that the research, over time, has focused most on corporate social responsibility (CSR), this being a motor theme between 2013 and 2016. In general, SRCB has been a very fragmented field of study, however in the last three years, it has developed into a distinct entity; in the past, it was basically addressed through CSR. The most productive thematic areas during the last 30 years have been: (a) Research into consumer attitude, (b) research on CSR, and (c) research on social and sustainable consumption behavior. In response to calls for greater theoretical clarification of the SRCB discipline, the authors providing experts and novices with a better understanding of the current state of the art and suggest future research directions.The authors are grateful for the financial assistance provided via the ADEMAR research group (University of Granada) under the auspices of the Spanish National Research Programme (R+D+i Research Project ECO2017-88458-R)

    Examining Merchants’ Refusal to Adopt Mobile Payment Systems in Spain

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    Over the past years, traditional company management has been undergoing major changes regarding the adoption, implementation, and development of new technologies. Even if Internet commerce has the potential to revolutionize consumer behavior and the way merchants communicate with their customers, it is true that several activities related to the new technologies are still in the early stages of development or implementation. The main purpose of this study is to assess the determinants of m-payments from the point of view of merchants through an exploratory and qualitative analysis (literature review, focus groups, and in-depth interviews) in order to find the drivers and deterrents influencing the use of mobile payment systems in retail business. In order to properly approach the proposed research, a theoretical review of the actual situation of the different mobile payment systems across the different markets was carried through several personal interviews with merchants in the first place and, secondly, surveying over 151 retail companies in Spain. Conclusions and implications are discussed from the data and results drawn from this research, suggesting strategies to overcome some of the identified barriers and deterrents while also proposing some suggestions for future research opportunities

    Contraste de Métodos Estadísticos para Estimación de Caudales Pico en una Red de Drenaje Urbano

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    [ES] La determinación de los cuantiles de diseño para una red de drenaje urbano tiene pautas estandarizadas en la práctica, siendo de mucha importancia que represente con el mejor ajuste la realidad de lo que pasa en la cuenca urbana, para así, tener diseño dentro de la seguridad y calidad esperadas. En la siguiente tesina final de máster se establece una comparación entre métodos estadísticos para la obtención de cuantiles de diseño. La cuenca de estudio pertenece a la red de drenaje de la ciudad de Valencia (colector norte-cauce), la cual tiene un área total de 68.8 ha. y una longitud total de 13.39 kilómetros. Partiendo como base de la serie de datos (1990-2006) de precipitación con discretización temporal cinco-minutal facilitado por el Sistema Automático de Información Hidrológica (SAIH) de la Confederación Hidrográfica del Júcar (CHJ) se realizó la separación estadística de los eventos, por medio de la determinación del tiempo crítico mínimo de separación de periodos secos. Con ello se obtuvieron 725 eventos independientes en los 17 años, de los que 464 son significativos por tener un volumen superior a un milímetro (Andrés, 2010). La tesina se desarrolla con los 464 eventos, con los que se realizaron simulaciones en la herramienta Infoworks CS en la que se obtuvieron 464 caudales pico (Hidrogramas). Con esta serie de caudales se procedió al análisis estadístico de frecuencias de caudales pico por medio del método de series de máximos anuales AMS y el método de series de excedencias POT. Pará la obtención de parámetros de las funciones de distribución se utilizó el programa AFINS 2.0 que basa su determinación en el método de máxima verosimilitud ML. En el desarrollo de los métodos AMS y POT se han barajado ocho diferentes funciones de distribución de probabilidad (GEV, GDP, TCEV Log-Gumbel, Log-Normal II, Exponencial, Gumbel y SQRT-ETMAX). En el método POT se determinó un umbral (u= 2 m3/s) que aumentara la serie de máximos por encima de un periodo de retorno de 1 año, con la restricción de no aumentar valores en la cola izquierda de la distribución. En este método el periodo de retorno se ve afectado por un índice de cruce que representa el aumento de datos (por encima del umbral) entre los datos originales de la serie y que hace que en promedio haya más de un máximo por año. Para cada uno de los métodos estadístico se obtuvieron finalmente los resultados de cuantiles de caudal pico para los periodos de retorno de 1.1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20, 25 años respectivamente. De igual forma y en base a distintas referencias, se establecieron diferentes chaparrones de proyecto de diferentes periodos de retorno y duraciones. La Normativa del Ayuntamiento de Valencia establece la Aproximación A, las curvas IDF potenciales de tres parámetros según los resultados de Vaskova (2001) la Aproximación B y la aproximación C se basa en los resultados de Albentosa (2011) respecto de la estructura temporal de los chaparrones en torno al pico de los mismos. Con los métodos estadísticos y los chaparrones de proyecto antes expuestos se establece una comparación para comprobar y revisar si las pautas de diseño son realmente acordes a la frecuencia de ocurrencia de los caudales pico deducida de la serie simulada. Por último se obtienen las conclusiones acerca del contraste realizado basado en la valoración conjunta de todos los métodos utilizados.[EN] The determination of quantiles design for urban drainage network has standardized guidelines in practice, being of great importance that represents the best fit with the reality of what is happening in the urban watershed, thus, be within the safety design and quality expected. The following final master thesis was a comparison of statistical methods for obtaining design quantiles. The study basin belongs to the drainage system of the city of Valencia (north-channel manifold), which has a total area of 68.8 ha. and a total length of 13.39 km. From the basis of the data series (1990-2006) of precipitation minutal five-time discretization provided by the Automatic Hydrological Information System (AHIS) Confederate Júcar (CHJ) was performed statistical separation of events by determining the critical time periods minimum dry separation. This was obtained 725 separate events in the 17 years, of which 464 are significant for having an above-millimeter (Andrew, 2010). The thesis is developed with 464 events, which were performed with the tool simulations Infoworks CS were obtained in peak flow 464 (Hydrographs). With this flow series statistical analysis proceeded frequency peak flows through the series method and the annual maximum AMS series method POT exceedances. To obtain parameters of the distribution functions used Afins 2.0 program that bases its determination on the maximum likelihood method ML. In the development of AMS and POT methods have been considered eight different probability distribution functions (GEV, GDP, TCEV Log-Gumbel, Log-Normal II, Exponential, Gumbel and SQRT-ETMAX). In the method a threshold determined POT (u = 2 m3 / s) to increase the maximum number of over a return period of 1 year, with no increase restriction values on the left tail of the distribution. In this method the return period is affected by crossing an index representing the increase data (above the threshold) between the original data and the number average makes for more than one year maximum. For each statistical method were finally obtained results of peak flow quantile for recurrence intervals of 1.1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20, and 25 respectively. Similarly, and based on different references, different showers settled project different return periods and durations. The Rules of the City of Valencia provides an approximation to the IDF potential curves of three parameters as Vaskova results (2001) Approach B and approach C is based on the results of Albentosa (2011) for the term structure showers peak around thereof. With statistical methods and the showers of project set out above a comparison to check and revise if design patterns are really in line with the frequency of occurrence of peak flows deduced from the simulated series. Finally conclusions are obtained about the contrast based on the assessment made jointly by all the methods used.Muñoz Leiva, JH. (2012). Contraste de Métodos Estadísticos para Estimación de Caudales Pico en una Red de Drenaje Urbano. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/18047Archivo delegad

    What Do You Want to Eat? Influence of Menu Description and Design on Consumer's Mind: An fMRI Study

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    The main objective of this research was to analyse the active regions when processing dishes with a pleasant (vs. unpleasant) design and the effect of the previously read rational (vs. emotional) description when visualising the dish. The functional magnetic resonance image technique was used for the study. The results showed that participants who visualised pleasant vs. unpleasant dishes became active in several domains (e.g., attention, cognition and reward). On the other side, visualisation of unpleasant dishes activated stronger regions linked to inhibition, rejection, and related ambiguity. We found that subjects who read rational descriptions when visualising pleasant dishes activated regions related to congruence integration, while subjects who visualised emotional descriptions showed an increased neuronal response to pleasant dishes in the regions related to memory, emotion and congruence.This study was supported by the Andalusian R+D+I Research Programme (Grant No: B-SEJ209-UGR18, "Research in NeuroSOCOM"project). Project Programme of the University of Cadiz (Grant No: PR2017-039) and the Institute of Research and Development Social and Sustainability (INDESS)