133 research outputs found

    Cuaderno de prácticas de dibujo para la presentación de diseños de producto

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    Departament d'Enginyeria de Sistemes Industrials i Disseny. Codi assignatura: DI 100

    Preventive practices to promote digital disconnection in higher education

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    Estos son los resultados de un Proyecto de Innovación Docente y buenas prácticas docentes de la UGR (2022-2023): “Buenas prácticas para un uso adecuado de los dispositivos móviles del alumnado en la UGR". Unidad de Calidad, Innovación Docente y Prospectiva.El uso de los dispositivos móviles y en particular el teléfono se ha generalizado en toda la sociedad y lógicamente también entre el alumnado universitario. Las universidades son conscientes de la necesidad de información y formación para garantizar un buen uso de los mismos. Esta es la razón que nos ha llevado a elaborar una guía de buenas prácticas sencilla, corta, atractiva, y de fácil lectura, que contiene en un único documento recomendaciones para un buen uso de las redes sociales y de la mensajería instantánea. La finalidad perseguida es concienciar de la importancia de aplicar medidas preventivas para preservar la salud digital y garantizar el derecho a la desconexión digital entre la comunidad universitaria. Esta guía contiene también información sobre cómo actuar y dónde dirigirse ante algún problema derivado de un mal uso de tales dispositivosThe use of mobile devices and in particular the mobile phones has become widespread throughout society. Its use is increasing in the young population and logically also among university students. Universities are aware of the need for information and training to ensure a good use of them. This is the reason that has led us to develop a simple, short, attractive and easy to read guide of good practices, which contains in a single document, recommendations for a good use of social networks and instant messaging. The aim is to raise awareness of the importance of applying preventive measures to preserve digital health and guarantee the right to digital disconnection among the university community. This guide also contains information on how to act and where to turn to in the event of a problem arising from the misuse of such devices

    PAI1 is a Marker of Bad Prognosis in Rectal Cancer but Predicts a Better Response to Treatment with PIM Inhibitor AZD1208

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common cancer worldwide. The standard treatment in locally advanced rectal cancer is preoperative radiation alone or in combination with chemotherapy, followed by adjuvant chemotherapy. Rectal cancer is highly lethal, with only 20% of patients showing a complete remission (by RECIST) after standard treatment, although they commonly show local or systemic relapse likely due to its late detection and high chemotherapy resistance, among other reasons. Here, we explored the role of PAI1 (Serpin E1) in rectal cancer through the analyses of public patient databases, our own cohort of locally advanced rectal cancer patients and a panel of CRC cell lines. We showed that PAI1 expression is upregulated in rectal tumors, which is associated with decreased overall survival and increased metastasis and invasion in advanced rectal tumors. Accordingly, PAI1 expression is correlated with the expression of (Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition) EMT-associated genes and genes encoding drug targets, including the tyrosine kinases PDGFRb, PDGFRa and FYN, the serine/threonine kinase PIM1 and BRAF. In addition, we demonstrate that cells expressing PAI1 protein are more sensitive to the PIM inhibitor AZD1208, suggesting that PAI1 could be used to predict response to treatment with PIM inhibitors and to complement radiotherapy in rectal tumors.España Consejería de Salud of the Junta de Andalucía (PI-0397-2017)España , Consejeria of Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad of the Junta de Andalucia (P18-RT-2501

    Application of topical interferon alpha 2b in corneal-conjunctival intraepithelial neoplasia: monitoring of four cases

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    Introducción: El tratamiento convencional del carcinoma in situ conjuntival es la escisión quirúrgica. Sin embargo esta forma de tratamiento presenta una tasa de recurrencia del 30% y conlleva un alto riesgo de insuficiencia límbica. Esto ha motivado a distintos autores a la utilización de antimetabolitos como terapia adyuvante e incluso como tratamiento primario, tales como la mitomicina C o el interferón alfa 2b. Material y métodos: Presentamos cuatro pacientes, que consultan en nuestra unidad por lesión en conjuntiva. La evaluación clínica fue llevada a cabo mediante biomicroscopía y el análisis microscópico fue desarrollado por anatomía patológica y citología de impresión. De esta formalos cuatro casos fueron diagnosticados de Neoplasia intraepitelial (NI) “carcinoma in situ". Los pacientes fueron tratados con interferón alfa 2b a una concentración de un millón de unidades repartidos 4 veces al día. Resultados, discusión y conclusiones: Se resolvieron con éxito los cuatro casos. El tiempo medio de curación de las lesiones fue de un mes, solo un paciente presento efectos adversos (una queratitis punctata) y no requirió suspender el tratamiento. En nuestra muestra, por tanto, se demuestra la eficacia y seguridad del tratamiento en la NI con interferón alfa 2b. Por último, planteamos si el interferón alfa 2b podría ser goldstandard en el tratamiento de la NI en nuestra área.Introduction: The conventional treatment of conjunctival carcinoma in situ is surgical excision. Nevertheless this form of treatment has a recurrence rate of 30% and carries a high risk of limbic insufficiency. This has motivated several authors to use antimetabolites as adjunctive therapy and even as primary treatment, as with mitomycin C or interferon alpha 2b. Materials and methods: We present four patients, who consulting in our unit for conjunctival lesion. Clinical evaluation was performed using biomcroscopy and the microscopic analysis was obtained by pathology and impression cytology. In this way the four cases were diagnosed ofintraepithelial neoplasia (IN) “carcinoma in situ”. The patients are treated with interferon alpha 2b at a concentration of one million units scheduled four times a day. Results, discussion and conclusions: We successfully resolved four cases. The average healing time of the lesions was one month, with only one patient presenting adverse effects (one punctate keratitis), but did not require discontinuation of therapy. In our sample, we demonstrate the effectiveness and safety of this therapy in IN. We wonder whether interferon should be the gold standard for the treatment of intraepithelial neoplasia in this area

    Identification of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer germline variants in Granada (Spain): NGS perspective

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    Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada/CBUA. Maria Molina-Zayas has been a recipient of the 2018 AEFA Post-residency Grant (Spanish Association of Clinical Laboratory) and Dr. Carmen Garrido-Navas holds a postdoctoral fellowship from the Ministry of Economy, Competitiveness, Enterprises and Universities (DOC_01682).The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of germline variants in cancer-predisposing genes by either targeted (BRCA1/2) or multigene NGS panel in a high-risk Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer (HBOC) cohort. Samples from 824 Caucasian probands were retrospectively collected and the impact of genetic diagnosis and genetic variants epidemiology in this cohort was evaluated. Performance of risk-reducing prophylactic measures, such as prophylactic mastectomy and/or prophylactic oophorectomy, was assessed through clinical follow-up of patients with a positive genetic result. Pathogenic variants predisposing to HBOC were identified in 11.9% (98/824) individuals at BRCA2 (47/98), BRCA1 (24/98), PALB2 (8/51), ATM (7/51), CHEK2 (6/51) MSH6, (2/51), RAD51C (2/51) and TP53 (2/386). Of them, 11 novel pathogenic variants and 12 VUS were identified, characterized, and submitted to ClinVar. Regarding clinical impact, the risk of developing basal or Her2 breast cancer was increased 15.7 times or 37.5 times for BRCA1 and MSH6 pathogenic variants respectively. On the contrary, the risk of developing basal or luminal A breast cancer was reduced to 81% or 77% for BRCA2 and BRCA1 pathogenic variants, respectively. Finally, 53.2% of individuals testing positive for class IV/V variants underwent prophylactic surgery (mastectomy, oophorectomy or both) being significantly younger at the cancer diagnosis than those undertaking prophylactic measures (p = 0.008). Of them, 8 carried a pathogenic/likely pathogenic variant in other genes different from BRCA1 and BRCA2, and the remaining (46.7%) decided to continue with clinical follow-up. No differences in pathogenicity or risk of developing cancer were found for BRCA1/2 between targeted and multigene sequencing strategies; however, NGS was able to resolve a greater proportion of high-risk patients.Universidad de Granada/CBUA2018 AEFA Post-residency Grant (Spanish Association of Clinical Laboratory)Ministry of Economy, Competitiveness, Enterprises and Universities DOC_0168

    Induction of Lysosome Membrane Permeabilization as a Therapeutic Strategy to Target Pancreatic Cancer Stem Cells

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    Despite significant efforts to improve pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) clinical outcomes, overall survival remains dismal. The poor response to current therapies is partly due to the existence of pancreatic cancer stem cells (PaCSCs), which are efficient drivers of PDAC tumorigenesis, metastasis and relapse. To find new therapeutic agents that could efficiently kill PaCSCs, we screened a chemical library of 680 compounds for candidate small molecules with anti-CSC activity, and identified two compounds of a specific chemical series with potent activity in vitro and in vivo against patient-derived xenograft (PDX) cultures. The anti-CSC mechanism of action of this specific chemical series was found to rely on induction of lysosomal membrane permeabilization (LMP), which is likely associated with the increased lysosomal mass observed in PaCSCs. Using the well characterized LMP-inducer siramesine as a tool molecule, we show elimination of the PaCSC population in mice implanted with tumors from two PDX models. Collectively, our approach identified lysosomal disruption as a promising anti-CSC therapeutic strategy for PDAC

    Nutrição enteral domiciliaria: descrição das características clínicas dos pacientes atendidos na consulta telefônica de enfermagem

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    Home enteral nutrition (HEN) is an alternative for patients who are unable to feed orally because of their clinical situation and who do not need to be hospitalized.La nutrición enteral domiciliaria (NED) es una alternativa para aquellos pacientes que presentan incapacidad de alimentarse naturalmente a causa de su situación clínica y que no necesitan estar en un medio hospitalario.A nutrição enteral domiciliaria (NED) é uma alternativa para os pacientes que não conseguem se alimentar naturalmente, devido à sua situação clínica e que não precisam de estar em ambiente hospitalar

    Substitute therapy of the sclera. Identification of the patologies and methodologies in the University Hospital of Granada (2014-2019)

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    Introducción: La esclera es un tejido avascular compuesto por tejido conectivo denso cuya función principal es proteger las estructuras intraoculares. Existen diversas patologías que ponen en riesgo la integridad de dicho tejido y, en consecuencia, pueden provocar terribles secuelas con un pronóstico nefasto. El tratamiento sustitutivo forma parte de la terapia de dicha patología, siendo el injerto de esclerótica cadáver una opción biocompatible y biomimética a valorar. El injerto de esclerótica de cadáver es un tejido de fácil acceso y con buenos resultados post-quirúrgicos por lo que no solo es usado en el ámbito de la patología escleral, sino que también es utilizado para cirugía de oculoplástica, glaucoma o de retina. No obstante, el peligro de transmisión de priones o el déficit de suministro en algunos países hacen que este tejido sea suplantado por otros tejidos o técnicas quirúrgicas. Métodos: Los objetivos de este estudio son identificar la patología esclerótica susceptible de terapia sustitutiva en los últimos 5 años en el complejo hospitalario universitario de Granada, identificar los métodos empleados como terapéutica sustitutiva en dicha patología y evaluar la práctica de dicha terapia en el contexto de la bibliografía existente al respecto. Para ello, se aplicó un diseño retrospectivo en el que se realizó una búsqueda en los archivos de la unidad de documentación clínica del Hospital Clínico San Cecilio y Hospital Virgen de las Nieves, de los cuales se obtuvieron 9 casos clínicos. Resultados: Entre los 9 casos clínicos, solo 4 fueron sometidos a tratamiento quirúrgico, y de estos, 3 de ellos a terapia sustitutiva por membrana amniótica o injerto escleral. En los 5 casos restantes no se llevó a cabo ninguna técnica quirúrgica, no obstante, podría ser de gran valor el uso del refuerzo con injerto de esclerótica en los casos con escleromalacia para evitar complicaciones futuras. La esclerótica procedente de cadáver se postula como una opción con unos resultados prometedores; sin embargo, las líneas de investigación actuales apuestan por el desarrollo de un sustituto basado en las ventajas de la fibrina agarosa que supla los puntos negativos del tejido donante.Introduction: The sclera is an avascular tissue composed of dense connective tissue whose main function is to protect intraocular structures. There are several pathologies that jeopardize the integrity of this tissue and, consequently, can cause terrible consequences with a dire prognosis. Substitute treatment is part of the therapy of this pathology, with the donor sclera graft being a biocompatible and biomimetic option to be evaluated. The donor sclera graft is an easily accessible tissue with good post-surgical results, so it is not only used in the field of scleral pathology, but also used for oculoplastic, glaucoma or retinal surgery. However, the danger of prion transmission or the supply deficit in some countries causes that, other tissues or surgical techniques supplant this tissue. Methods: The objectives of this study are to identify the sclerotic pathology susceptible of replacement therapy in the last 5 years in the university hospital of Granada, identify the methods used as a replacement therapy in this pathology and evaluate the practice of such therapy. A retrospective design was applied and a search was made in the archives of the clinical documentation unit of the San Cecilio Clinical Hospital and Virgen de las Nieves Hospital. There were 9 clinical cases found. Results: Among the nine clinical cases, only 4 were subjected to surgical treatment, and of these, three of them for replacement therapy of donor sclera or amniotic membrane. In the remaining 5 cases did not carry out any surgical technique, however, it could be of great value using reinforcement sclera graft in cases with scleromalacia to avoid further complications. Sclera from cadaver is postulated as an option with promising results; however, current research committed to the development of a substitute based on the advantages of fibrin agarose that mitigates the negative points of the donor tissue

    Material docente con un enfoque práctico dirigido a la caracterización de compuestos inorgánicos

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    Se han elaborado una coleccón de ejercicios utilizando las técnicas de caracterizacion de materiales inorgánicos Además se incluyen un tutorial en el que se dirige al estudiante como es la manera de identificar las bandas caracteristicas de los compuestos, y tambien hay conocimientos generales de EDS. Los ejercicios propuestos tambien se presentan resueltos paso a paso para que se puedan seguir de manera sencilla su desarrollo

    Patients’ Opinions about Knowing Their Risk for Depression and What to Do about It. The PredictD-Qualitative Study

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    [Background] The predictD study developed and validated a risk algorithm for predicting the onset of major depression in primary care. We aimed to explore the opinion of patients about knowing their risk for depression and the values and criteria upon which these opinions are based. [Methods] A maximum variation sample of patients was taken, stratified by city, age, gender, immigrant status, socio-economic status and lifetime depression. The study participants were 52 patients belonging to 13 urban health centres in seven different cities around Spain. Seven Focus Groups (FGs) were given held with primary care patients, one for each of the seven participating cities. [Results] The results showed that patients generally welcomed knowing their risk for depression. Furthermore, in light of available evidence several patients proposed potential changes in their lifestyles to prevent depression. Patients generally preferred to ask their General Practitioners (GPs) for advice, though mental health specialists were also mentioned. They suggested that GPs undertake interventions tailored to each patient, from a “patient-centred” approach, with certain communication skills, and giving advice to help patients cope with the knowledge that they are at risk of becoming depressed. [Conclusions] Patients are pleased to be informed about their risk for depression. We detected certain beliefs, attitudes, values, expectations and behaviour among the patients that were potentially useful for future primary prevention programmes on depression.This work was supported by grants from the Andalusian Council of Health [grant reference: 2008/0195][www.juntadeandalucia.es/fundacionprogres​oysalud]; the Department of Health of the Basque Government [grant reference: 2008/111021][www.osakidetza.euskadi.net]; the Spanish Network of Primary Care Research “redIAPP” (RD06/0018), the “Aragón group” (RD06/0018/0020), the “Sant Joan de Deu group” (RD07/0018/0017), “Bizkaya group” (RD07/0018/0018), “Castilla-León group” (RD07/0018/0027) and the “SAMSERAP group” (RD06/0018/0039 and CTS-587) [www.rediapp.org]